Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Dec 1965, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TiMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBEItL l6th, 19635 PRE-CHRISTM AS Table Rit- eCn a da 's 9 :WTAf Z l a pk49 Finest -Quality Jted v î~a ,l a a 9 or Blue Brand BeefROA GUEST RINDLESS SIE LB.O~CSIDE BACON tb'fat 89C FORPP BEST SELECTIONORDER VOUE CHIUSTMIAS TURlý,KEY NOW IOnly at IGA can you buy Tale ie Turkeys, the Aristocrat of the Turkey Family! MIDI -Looptoe Size 9-11 Nylo s 2 Pr 99C Receive a S2.00,nonius Tape with 2 par DINNERS* pkg 49c Cani. E*tra Fancy GieBC e DELICIQUS APPLES. Proce of U.S.A. Can. Fancy Grade D'ANJOU PEARS Produce of U.S.A. Cau. No. 1 Grade Emperor Grapesd 15- 39c 5 -49c 2lb 25C Produce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Grade California Size ?à CELERY bunch 29c SAVE TIIESE EXTRA TAPES FOR, FREE GIFTS OR EATON MERCHANDISE CER TIFICATES' RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 TAPE WITH KADANA TEA BAGS Pkg. of 10 AUST. SEEDLESS RA.ISINS 2 lb., plsg. SCOT TOWELS - white, pink, yellow, turq. pkg. of 2 roils RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4.*O0 TAPE WITH Bon Amii JET SPRAY CLEANER 14 oz. cont, RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00 TAPE WITH MIDI NYLONS - Loop Toe ie 9-11 Frozen VENTURA FARMS LI-MA BEANS 12 oz. pkg. * Fresitly Ground IMINCED BEEF lb. P.E.I. POTALTOES 10 lb). bag MCQUAIDES HYGýRADE 'STEA K 'P L E S IPrices effective December 15, 16, 1 We reserve the right to limit quan 2 good sizle dozen, 2piece per pkg., 1pkg 25c [,18, 16 tities. TOc Early Sunday morning we a- wakened ta a 'WiÎnter Wonder- land'. The trees were hanging in icicles. We maàde Our way to the toad while thinking of the Bible verse, 'The wicked standeth iii slippery places.' One ýcar had travelled the road with chains on. About nine o'clock the sander went down but it was soon raia- ing and freezing agaîn. During the day we saw another car go east a short distance and returni. The church service had to be i withdirawýýn. Guess the weathermrani got bis 1monrths mixed and sent a January tbaw last Monday. We are havýing a Sunday School concert on ,Tuesday night, Dec-. emnber 21 in the 1<endal church, Mr. James Young of Oshawa je _showing bis pictures. So get thit recitation or song ready to give. On December 8th the Womenj In1stitute met in the home of M~ Wm. _Mercer with eigcht memberF .present. The meeting openeti witI the Institute Ode. The minutes and - other carrespondence were read, It wvas decideti ta send Christ. mias boxes ta the shut in peophý. in the vilIage. FEach memnber of the W.I. and u.C.W. ta ý-ive s:0 ta caver the expenses, also,, th ladies would inake candesand4 coakies to put iito thie boxes. Twa gaines were played and a social haur enjoyed. Hoste_,,,s were 'Mrs. M. Luxan andi Mrs. W. Mercer. The January meeting is ta be at the home of Mrs. W. il. Foster Qin the third We dpe.sday. fanuary 19. 1 read a helpful hit by a Mi-s. Bernard Shiapfro that other math- ers mnighit like ta try. She say-s, and Iquate: 'When Preparîng eggs for my chilîdren 1 first use an an. imal-shaped cutter andi cut out the, cenitre o f e.ach sluce of breadl. I fry the egg in the empty space i the bread turnine" the breati anti egg over at thie same time with a spatula tao ,wn bath sides o f the bread. 1 also fry thel cut out part. The, children haveý the toasted animial ta cat wih thle rest, of the egg and bread. Th-e9eg may be beaten up, andrd int0o the breati. Chi~asShow (Continueti fvo-mpage '1) Aslett, Clais 5 - Glift Bax-Charmaine Newnr Evelene Brown, Donna Chafllice. Novice-Yvonne Schoenmaker, Sue Aslett, Laurie Schmid. Class 6 - Christmas Corsage fior Mother-Julie Schmid,' Chris As- lett. Charina-ine Newman. Novice-Laurie Sehmjd, Sue Aslett. Cas 7 - A Christias Fivor- Doretta Challilcé, Iennis Cabhle- dick. Charmaine Newman. Novce-Sue Aslett, Laurie Schrinid, îYvQnne Schoe-qmake. Best -rraný!eqi-ent Il n1 natur- aai ih1l-Chrtdlnsenl. N9vice-sue Aslçjjt. $Vongest Exhihitor ---YVOII% SchIoenmnake. (10 y&ars). Best kept andi colaureti year Book--Gay Quintan, Julie Schmnid, Chris Aslett. Mrs. E. Brown et the piano coa- ducted Carol singing and acconp~- anied ber daughter Evelene anti Donna Challice who sang in duet severel lavely Christmias sangs. At the close af the pragrami Mrs. E. Couvier andi her committee serveti tea and dçoughnuts. Mrs. L. Guy anti Mrs. C. Smith of Oshawa judged the Hlojrticultur- al Societies exhibts as follows: Class .1 - An Arrangemient de- picting, a "Christmas Carl- Mrs. C. Miller, Mrs. T. Fairbroth- er, Mrs. K. Sçhoenmaker. IClas;s 2 - "Peace an Earth", a white ant i slver arrangement- Mrs. O. Chalfice, Mlrs. K. Jargen- sen, Mrs. C. Miller. Class 3 - "Merry CIâristmas". modern arrang-ement-Mrs. Plain, Mrs. K. Schoenmaker, Mrs. K. t »Iospitalit'y C Save 15c) Family Size MINCEMEAT PIE --------------------- --- -- 44e Hospitality PLUM PUDDING - Reg. Size -- ----------- - 67e MGA POTATO CHIPS - 6 oz. Pkg. ------------- 29c Black Diamond Old Colaured CHlEESE - 12 oz. wedge 63e Kraft 8 oz. Pkgs. CHIP DIP, pickle, blué, herb spice, onion 2 ----------69e Walkers SALTINES - 1 ýb. pkg - -------- ------------- 29e Stainless Blades GILLETTE - pkg. of 5 49e Jaffa (Save 10c) ORANGE JUICE- 48 'oz. Tin -----43e 1 . MOI MW1.,

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