oRiONO WEEKLV TIMES, TRURSDAY, DECEMBER, l6th,'1965 Behind TheOrange Culrtain Lcal News Or.!,y 8 more shopping days until1 issu is on file at the Ib,ýrary. Marie and Freddy ýAndrews Christmas! Thus, goes the old fam-i Wander throughi somne book- j spent the weekend of December iliar 'commercial chant. Are you [stores with your Christmas gif t 10-12 with their cousins, Donna Stijl pondering over some of Ilist in hand, and be inspired by and Jim Hutton. those "hard-to-buy for peoplej the choice displays of beautiful Mrs. C. A. Cumming, Torento who have evcrything?" Why not books. spent the weekend with Mr. and consider books as gifts? Mrs. Carl Billings. suggstin éncens oliay our attheLibary Mýss Saiiy Staples and Mrsà My first sugsin cnen oiayHusaIh irr one Forrester spent the weèkend the best-selling book of ail times, Tuesday, Dec. 21 - 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. with Mr% and ?M~rs. R. MaIuske, - thc Bible; a modcstly simple 6,30 - 8:30 p.mn. and Miss Ethel Bouck, 'Toronto. copy for a youth's very own, or a Friday, Dec. 24 - Ciosed Mr. and Airs Grant Moffat and splendid family Bible for young Tuesday, Dec. 28 - 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. famiiy, Oaký7i1le spent Sunday mnari3eds - a gif t they wiil treas- 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moffat. tire in' the years to corneas they'Friday, Dec. 31 - Ciosed. Mr. 'Fraser Wallace is a patient record in it the milestones of New Books at thse Library in 'the Oshawa GenerailiHospital their lf together.I following a knee operation. 1 Remember to bring your White Maybe a ncw bride needs aFiction Gift money to Sunday Schooi this' cook-book, and for the young hus- iensBde-JJ.Mri uayThswlb sdtomk band just coping with the prob- GiensBde-JJ.Mri SnayThsilbeudto ak lesofkepn hm i e Late Cali - Angus Wilson some, unfortunate childrcn have a lemsof ecpng ahom inre-happier New Ycar. pair, the Better Homes and Gar- Mrs. Jenny Norton was badly dens Handman's Book is excellent. Non-Fiction brto h adadamo A new mnother would be pleascd Yes, I Can - Sammy Davis Jr. Tuesday evening at her home. Mrs to receive a chiid care book by Through the Magnifying Glass Norton was- burnt while removing Dr. Benjamin Spock. The Rowboat War -'1Fred a flaming pan of grease from her Swayze. stove to the outdoors. The grease Consider the interests of thei Games and Stunts - For Schoois, broke Into flames while unattend- recipient. Is he a sports enthusi- Camps and Playgrounds. ed and upon. discovery flames ast, golfer, curler, hunter or fish- were Yeaching the ceiling. The erman? There are books on sports Children interior of the house was covcred in a},undance, both the how-to with black grease. Mrs. Norton's type or,.-biographies of sports Simba of the White Mane action averted what could have Lyet.Jocelyn, Arundel -. - been a serious fire. The Runaway Robot Lester rs'he a hobbyist - coin coilect- del Rey. or,hrs trane, rock-hound or11 Dorothy Robinson. antiquie addict. There are scores _________________ ýof hobby books.BAKN HOR Beatie fans might be thrilledj to find under the Christmas tree, Christmas & New Vears John Lennon's latest book on Bank will be open Thursday,1 zan.y poetry, "A Spaniard in the December 23, 4M3-6:00. Works". Wip ot be open Friday 4:306:00 Bank will be closed Monday, Children's books are the easiest December 27th. choice: picture books for tots, Bank will be open Thursday, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, an- January 6th 4.30-6:00 imal' stories, adventure tales or Will not be open Friday 4:30-6:00 pictorial books of an educational1 Bank' will be closed Monday, nature. The 8 best-selling child- January 3rd. ren's classics were printed inthis Other hours remain the same. column on November 18. A back a-c Announc-ement Commencing Dec. l8th SHAMPOO & SET $1.75 ""AIR CUI $1.25 > ANN'S DEAUTY SHQOP LOLA'# IEAUTY SRO rZ GAU. STAPLETON DEAUTY 99 OPPE 04.Are J(iq/i&/zoo/ PRESENTS ITS Music By Charlie Cochrane and Es Orchestra Fri*day, December ll7th IDAN ý-CING FROM 9 TO 1 A.M. REFRESHMENTS STUDENTS: $1.50 each Others: $2.50 EVERYBODY WELCOME Stores Staying Open 1Stores in the Village, of Orono will be open every day and even- ing from now until Christmas. Evening hours will continue un- tii fine p.m. SUNITED CHURCH Oromo Pastoral Charge Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1965 CHIURCH SERV ICES Orono- 11:15 a.m. Leskad - 2p.m. K-irby- 9:45 a.m. SUNDAY SCUQOL Orono - 10 a.m. Leskard, - 0 a.m. Kirby - il a.m. Boardi Asks (Continued from page 1) school north of Or ono. It is, how- ever, to corne up again for consid- eration in 1966. Some delay in the construction of the Newtonviile addition is ex- pected due to delay in recciving the proper heating equipment. It is now possible that the move toi use the Newtonville addition wiii not take Place until the Easter recess. Upon recommendation 1Of the Ontario Fire Marshall proper f ire proofing around the furnace at the Enterprise School is to be ROYAL undertaken as soon as possible. The Board is not to provide Christmas trees or treats for stu- dents as carried out by some Boards in the past. A meeting was attended by members of the Board along with area High Schaoo Board members which was called by Clarke Coun- cil to discuss bus routes and snow- plough routes throughout the Township. Accounts totaliing $2,602.79 were passed for payment. The Board wîll bold their iii- augurai meeting at the Orono School on-Jandary 3rd, 1966. B owmanville 623-5589 T HURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY DECEMBER 16, 17, 18 THtinE GLORY GUYS <COLOR> Tom Tryon, Senta Berger SUN. - MON.- TUES. - WED. - DECEMBER 19, 20, 21, 22 ZULU (COLOR) Stanley Baker, Adventure NOTICE THE NEW WINTER TERM AT THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, JANUAItY 3, 1966 NINE-CAREER DESIGNED COURSES FROM WHICH TO CHIOOSE. SPECIAL CLASSES ALSO FOR HOUSEWIVES, SEIrT- WORKER S ANIJ REGUL AR EVENING CLASSES JUNIOR TYPING CLASSES SATURDAY MýORNING; FOR YOUNG PEOPLE FROM GRADES 6. 7, & 8 GET FREE LITERATURE - TIIEN ACT REGISTRATION IS LIMI1TED OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE A COLLEGE WHTERE CAREERS ARE BORN 10 SIMCOE ST. N., Oshawa DIAL 725-3375 I Cjjvt~tma~ ~ugge~ttun~ F or Her For Him DUSTERS ......$9.95.1 $16.50 SHORTIE GOWN $2.49 -$55 PYJAMAS$29 - $4.95 SLIPS.....$2.95 - 49' Kitten SWEATER ,$7.95 419fl.98 LIANl)BAGS* .... $5.00 - $12.95 '14QYES ........ $1.25 -$75 $CARVES ......$1.00 -$3.95 BLOUSES....$3.25 - $7.50 SLIMS........-$8.95 - $13.95 BLANKETS ...$4.50., $10.95 SHEET SE~TS ... $6.95 - $11.25 PILLOW ýCASES $2.95 - $3.95 BATH TOWELS ..79e - $1.95 TABLECLOTUS. $2.25 - $'7.50 BATH MAT Sets $4.25 - $10.25 "Tooke-Van Heusen" SHIRTS........ $5.00 - ý$7.95 SP>ORT SHIRTS . $5.00 - $6.95 "Hluntleigh" S"tçrs $10.95u T'R01US E RS .. $4.95 - $15 AÇKETS .....~ - $2250 PYJAMAS.......$3.95 - $5.0 GLPVES...... $3.50 - $5,.0 TIES .' ...... .$1.50 - $2.0 BELTS ........ .$2.00 - $2.50 BRACES ..........$1.00 HANDKERCHIEFS 59e - $1.50 SLIPPERS....... $3.00 - $4.95 SOCKS......... $1.50,- $2.0O CAPS ........... $1.50 -. $2.50 AR M-,STRONGS .', e 11,00 . . 1 Mms wl wwoïweiîîwî