ORONO, WEEKLY TIMES, THIURSDAY, NVMBR25 1965 Report Frorn Queeny'Park Alexs aruhr, . DPfurham rrmust be the concern of all think- Sir Winston huchl was once ing Canadians. asked what quaiilifications lie For too long the emphasis in thought tie rmost essential for a Canada lias been on those things politician. Witbout besitation he that tend to divide us. The Can- answered, "It's the ability to fore, adian people are entitled to lead- tell what will happen to-morrow,lership, leadership whichi will em- next nionth and next year, - and phiasize those things which we a te expla in afterward wliy it did Canadians have in common. mot bappen." I The above quotation is perhaps appropriate in reflecting on the resuits of the Federal election, resuits which roved not only the politicians, but the newspaper col- umnists, andth Gallup poil ex- perts as well, wrong in guaging public opinion. Now, after many weeks of stren- uious cmagig the expendi- ture of many mnillions of dollars, the nation finds itself almost ex- actiy in the saine position that it was on Septemrber 9th, the date -on which the election writ was issued. Wbatever course is followed, whatever diree4ion is taken in the davs abea'l. the road' will be strewn witb mnany difficulties. and 'indeed rnany dangersý. Tf this na- tion is to rwai a-~itirty untoý itself. and if Confederation, asi ý,our forefathers envisioned it some 1 one hundred years ago, is to re- main a reality, then cool he-ads -and sound minds must prevail. 'Too long we have allowed the de- ýs!re for political power to over-: sbadow what should be the afinm of ail, a strong united nation. John Bright, a great Statesman,; a 9reat, Patriot and humnijtarian1 ,of the nlIneteenth century-,, in a -,peechi ta the British House of Commons. at Westmiinster, is! -quoted as say-ing, "There is no permanent greatnes ta a nation iinless it be based uponmoaty These wordis are as true todjay ms they were in the iast century, ýand it wouild app)ear that a large fizeton of the Canadian jpubli)jc -share this opinion by tjhe decision, lianded dow,ýn on MVIOndIay last. I is now aimostacetit thjat fliose in high office, o)n womthe rinust go. Aýnother seriou-san unique re- Suit of the ele-ction was the resig- Ilation of' the Mnister of Finance, the Ilonourable- Walter Gordon. Startling, in thatit dL rastîcally 1af- fects the most resp-gonsibie Cabin- ~et post, and unique, in that one Member of the Cabinet has as- sýumed full responsibIlity for cali- ing9 the election. The election bas also pointed Up the great divisions existing in the nation, not only from a racial1 point of view, but from a sectional point of view as well. Wemt ern Canada is now almost isolated as far as representation ou the Gov- ernment benches is concerned, and'the rural areas have demon- strated a completely different viewpoint from that of the large urban centres. The effect on Canada's image in the United Nations as a medi- .ating force between the various ccnflicting groups is also a seri- cous matter for consideration. If this nation cannot project an image of: unity and solidarity t'hrough awareness of a gréat and ýcommon destiny, what riglit have we, wiith a long history based, on the two greatest cultures of West- ern civilization; to advise other .countries whose differences are o-f a more recent ,nature. There may be, and there should te, however, some positive resuits te this election and to the situa- tion in which wé find ourselves. Not least among these should be an awareness on the part of al Canadians that great and serious problemns face us; problems which Neted A La? If so, first, contact the Orono-Distr-Ict Cîredit Union and learni of the many ad- vantages of obtaining Mon- ey from the local organiza- CREDIT UiNION,ý Treas.-Man., Angus Loucks à ine ai ' ntaiig of aiy one Party in power, regardless of what Party is may be, should net be the only: thing Canadians can do together. The uncertain Position of the Federal Government as a strong central force is now brouglit sharply into focus by the conse-' quences of this election. Frenchi Canada lias been, stirred up by I the quiet revolution taking place' - - - -w -> s I. * ' i I. * i BEST BUY! Sav. 17c! îFaiicy Kernel 141-oz. Tins BEST BUY! Save 29c! Skim Milk Powder 3-1b. Pkg. Inotit MIL-KO $ SAVE 2:e! 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