ORONQ WEEKLY TIMES, 010r FAB (20 cents OFF) ï DELY ONTE ANCi2y (SAVE 10 cents) AnE "Pi amiiysiz giant size 9 ozc each 39c i I FRESHPORK~PLE i 1LOIN O' PORK nIa n.,,fo,,00.o.oeOeo.0.,,.,eoe,.. RIB PORTION 3 -LB. AVERAGE TENDERLOIN PORTION 3 LB. AVERAGE lb 57c lb67 lb 87c SMARTIES, Rowntrees, 59e packages -------- 2 for 89e BISCUITS, Lido Family Mix, 26 ounce package ----59c. MýARGARINE, Bine Bonnet Coloured, 3 pound pkg. 89e White, Pink, Yellow, Aque TOILET TISSUE, Purex -------------- 2 twin packs 55c. Befrd Fancy , (SAVE 4c.) ASPARAGUS CUTS, 12 ounce tins --------- 2 for- 39e Simoiz Vista Wood ('SAVE 20e) FLOOR WAX ------------------- - 32 ounce tins. 99e TAME, 4 oz. Riase ---53c. 4 oz. Conditioner -- 67c. FLORIDA 'SEEDLESS, RubY Red o)r UWite 959c CANADA CEE GRADE SyAppl es CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Carrots IGA 6 qt 79C Fancy Peas, B. L. Green and CutWa en AYLJMER 10Ooztfins 8 fcr 99c 2 bag 29C FROZEN NIBLETS qf CORN, PEAS, 2 bgs 9cGREEN' GIANT GAND BIN PRIZE BEANS in Butter Sauce 3 pkgs 89c. A. WATSON K.e'dal The ladies of Kendal Women~s Institute were guests of the Se- lina WLI on Wednesday evening November 1Oth. Ncwtonville W. were also present. After an inter- esting programme the ladies play- ed Court Whist Numerous prizes were given and a fancy lunch ser- ved. Our president, Mrs. A. Low, moved a vote of thanks to Solina for a most enjoyable evening. On Saturday evening there was a gathering of friends and neigh- bours in the Kendal Church te honour Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gay who have lived on the Sixth line for over txventy years and have taken an active part in ail church and community activities. They have now sold their faim and moved to o ,ni!!e. Miss Ann, Poster pla ' t eopenilng lwnins. Then Mfr. ei Carveth showed slides, sme of thern taken local- ly eighteen years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Gay were presented with a floor 1anv). Air. and Mrs. Ronald Gay who were married in August anh now teach in Trenton were presented with a paintin.g of a bridge by Tom Roberts. Mr. Chas. Gay and his son, Ronald. replied [fittin lIy and invited the. Kendal Ifriends to their homes. Several from here attended the funeral 'of, David bof thouse at the Mlntosh Funeral Home ini Oshawa on Saturday, November l3th. lie was a student at Trinity College. Ourý deepest sympathy is extended to the family and to his aunt, Miss C. W.,Stewart.' Mrs. Roy Mercer is visiing her sister in New York At the Sunday morning, service Rev. R. C. White dedicated th~e piano donated by Mrs. S. Caldwell of Port Hope to the 'Glory of GoGd'. and the service of Kendal United Church. Sorry to have to report that Garry Patteson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patterson pas- sed away early Tuesday mornfing in the Bomanville Hospital. The, sympathy of this neighbourhood gosotto the parents. KiÇ.rby News. Our sincere sympathy goes eut to Mr. and Mrs. George Lofthouse and family of Oshawa on the pass- Iing of their beloved son, David. A family gathering was held at the homne of Air, and Mrs. James Rutherford Friday evening whe.n their famnilv and relatives celebra- ted with themn the, event of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Many beautiful gifts were, receiv- ed and responded to by the bride and groom of. twenty-five years. A delicious lunch concluded a haapy familv get-together. Conw-,ratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goode of Newcastle on their recent marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Wannan and Ross visited with Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee of Cadmus on Friday evening They havîng sold their f arma are moving to Black- stock. Mr. and Mrs. Merrili Graham and f amily visited with Mrn and Mrs. Honnie Taylor in their new home on Cob Hill, Orono, Sunday ev- ening Makes Mosport 0f fer Jerry Polivka, Toronto, pub- lisher and racing driver, said re- cently he will submit an offer te purchase the Mosport Park car racing course and, its facilities. Mosport has been in voluntary receivership since 1962 and is due to be sold Iby National Trust Co.,, its trustee, affer December lst. Polivka's bld is the second te, be reported in a week. Joe Peters, of Toronto, president of Toronto Italia of the Eastern Canada Pro- fessionial Soccer League, offered 35 per cent ownership, of Mos- port's physical assets to the de- benture-holding group. Sub-Division Controt 'Continued from page 5) of the- Township of Clarke. CENTRE CUT PORK RNoasts or Chops IGA SWIFTS 'SALE YOUNG CAPONS, SwiWs' predressed, 5 to 6 lb. average lb. 55e ISIDE BACON, Sw7ilt Prem-ium, Rindless, -Sliced --------lb. 89c. WIENERS, Swift Preiuim, 1 Pound Vac Pak ----------- b. 49C. PREM, Lwncheon Meaiet, 12 ounce tins --- - ---- --- 2 tins 85e, ISTEM, Swifts eef or Irish, 24 ounice tins---------- 2 tins 79e LARD, SiIver Leaf,, 1 lb. p,,ackages ---------------- 2 for 49e> SHORTENING, Je ,wel, (3c. Off), pound packages ---- 2 for 65c.j