ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, ORONO, THURSDAV,. NOVEMBER 18, 1965 So promises tOr bring up his chuldicRi knowledge and love "Chisian Batis oGodhihreans thathle wj Scrîpture Lso Ephesians mal1 service in man-,y, many ways. Crsin1fe H ilbigta Taken fromn a sermion preached 111E PROMISES ýchild up iu a Christian hom-îe; he by Rev. Basil E. Long. People who have chidren bap- wiUI have that child peetwhere Chisin aptized or who are churcli members Chistiani education is giin The A discussion of CrsinBp have said, "I belelve in Jesus'childJ will be la Suuday Sehool tism often brings forth the cyni- c n ewl ei hrhhiSýf calwodsof thCogeain hrist as Saviour, and Lord'. dhe ilbeuchchhmef calYo poebr thergcild: There is a true story of a flippant You cannot tell your child, "This reYongintoplehurci fo btism but -oung man who was being mar- is geoodfor you and not good for youneyr se tem gai!" hisried and when the minîster asked, me." Forý a few years they will ,yo neer ec hemagan!"Thi ,Do you take this woman to be honour your authority and go to does happen sometimes but us- yu ie"lesi,"fcus. udvte iapa ually. they are in earnest. Their yu ie"h ad 0 ore. udvShote iapa chilrenare tared t SudayThe minister replied, "You do fromn the fellowship of the church Schlten arensate to Shunday 1,,t answer ln that manner when They haven't known what Christ- Sehol he arets ometo hu 1liy ou are in earnest." Wheu we an- îanîty is or they. would not with- and take Christian responsibility swer the question, "Do yube- da rmi r îeofo h in thecommunity. 1 am an optis- ilieelu Jesus Christ as Saviour side uines. mist about baptism and about, and Lord?" it is more than "0f WA APN TBPIM thepaent wo bin thirchid-c ourse." t menus that in ourDont letus tbiink'that something ren. When they come to the Bap- hearts we confess Jesus Christ as tismal Ceremony they are not saviour and Lord andi intend to ma iaba been couveyed noil is making their promises to me, b i olwr o e o eitlke taing your child up to the but through me to God - I am bconsbl acier ou sect swhren clllnic to cet a needie so it won't God's messenger or agen. h we enter into things that are get whooping cough or scarlet fe .v- parents are vitaaly involved: theyCrsin er. That is to sec Christianity in stand in God's House and. make Ch!ta.the wrong sense. t is a dedication their promises to Hlm. Then there is a further promise, Of that young life to Goci. Usually Christian Baptism is not a cas- 'Will you briug up your child lu it is hoped, some places required. ual thing. The parents, the min- the knowledge andi love of Goci, that the parents be members of ister and congregation are ail in- to the end that in ail thiags lie- the Cburch. volved and respousible. You may she may grow up in Christ into' Bapt,*m is a symbol 'of spiritual ask, "Have we not a right to live spiritual maturity?" That is a big thinigs.' The parents bring their Our owu lives and do what we promise, but these words help, chilciren into a spiritual environ- waut?" No, not after you have ' As Goci shahl give you grace." mert and promise to keep them confessed Jesus Christ as your No parent is wise euough, strong inu their lives ln a way that is not Saviour and Lord. No one who is en ough or completely able to possible for people. who are truly Christian eau say their life briug up a child ih the right way. brough u-, ln other circumstauces. is their own - it is Jesus Christ's; We piedge at Baptism to bring up If some a-'e troubleci because thek it, is part of the "body of Christ" our children lu the kuowledge childrer' ca-iot speak for them- -and through his spirit we are kuit and love of God as God gives u selet' eebrta h together. How can the parentsigrace. This means that we are go-parents a ' peaking for te raise their children according to!lng to give themn the benefit of ja d V a' thy are beiug brought'i their promises uuless there is a!Christian influence. So mauy mbt the flosi of the chur-ch Christian community and envir-1people think they can tell theïiof Christ. Thle church is, not ai onnment lu which to do so? We ichildren one tbing and live a- building, it is people, people who have pledged ourselves to Jesus uotlier. They are, like the- little hv eetdChit e h Christ so we can no longer 'say boy arguiug with bis father a- '.ay the spiýit of Christ dwells in our will is our own. We are lu bout going to Sunday Sehool. The us,' are the enviromet into Christ and we are responsible to- father said, "Go to Sunday Sehool an ltwich the v will re rgo be - gether. it is good for you; you need it thndy leave cth builngobcus Furthermore, the Session of the The boy said. "Did you go when te ev hsbidn eas church with minister are respon- Yeu were young Daddy? " He said, this is supprosed to be a Christian sible for the spiritual welfare of 'Yes, 1 went." The boy replied, community. a nautt i the congregation old or young. j"el it didn't do you much blapti7ed. 'P' us he humble about If we have confessed our faith in good.' ii anirak that it is onlJv by Christ a member of session' has Arnyone mature enough to be the grace of' God th at we will do a right, to call at our home and maried is mature, enough to bringi the things thiat HIe calîs us to do inquire about us and our ehildren up hblîdren iu the best way pos- innc be whalt le calîs us to be. -and we ought to bc happy to re- sible. If hie says that he cannot T'he Biîble tehs thiroughout how; ceive hlm. There ought' to be a accept the responsibility then he ' oci hd a', 'nr<vided for mn l relationship beyond this Baptis- had*no business getting marrieci. his neeci, long« before manraie w-hat his need \vas. We cani get ev realizeod ,we needed salvation- our littie ])roof textÊs'and preach We may tu itor bc on Gd an ,hr gospel, btt hroughout, but 'Me does noüt turui-l'is bhack oq the~~~~~~~~~ Bil ssyn htGdlvdus. We are conitinllysuroa us hfore wve Io\ed 1Hlm. God pro- ed by Bis love, even wmhen we- vid!ed for our salvati11on efr w C -t1u pae5) C s ha v ing a "Wh1at is lapnes"Coftest (Doug Crysdaie- 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. each day (Ross Gibson - 6 p.m. News each day Here is our definîtion! is knowing that your Money is safe-and working for you! 'ù'« folks at Central Ontario Trust know ail about HAPPNESSand they are proud to be able to spread h thoughthe briglit and modern atmosphere of their offce acLties in Oshawa and Bowmanville. 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