Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 11 Nov 1965, p. 4

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oRoNo WEEKLY TEME8P THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Ilth, 1965 "T\X i k ~ ~ "~ Sor a thrilling ride. They show' look at the roller coaster, show in- Seripture, Lesson - St. Luke 6: with an "'in-bctween experience". terest and walk on by, while an- 19-34. Most of us have seen a bird bal- o4hcxt group stand and watch. A disciple is a "leamner" and a Jancing ou a loose wire. The bird 1 When the roller coaster goes "follower". In the Christian sensei is continually teetering to keep swishing around a sharp curve, ire think first of Jesus' disciples,1 his perch and is oun either one then goes hurtling down the grade the men who gathered round Hlm side nor the other. People are like with breathtaking speed. They during Ris earthly ministry, who that. They try to stay perched lu would like to bc there but they lcarned of Hlm and who walked that half-way zone whlch is neith- did hot buy a ticket because they with Hlm. er warm nom cool; neither light dis not have the nerve. They nor dark; neither for nor against. are afraid to go on* it and When we talk about "Twilight Many people are in'a kind of haîf- after a while they leave. They Disciples" it is an attitude which way place. would like to have the enjoyuieut includes even young persons. Twi- themsclves but they go away light is llght fromn the sky when Where there is a rouler coaster without satisfaction; they have the sun is below the horizon; it's1 you may bc able to sec something the desire but not the nerve and that time when it 15 not rcally day1 that would be truc of every oc- this is truc of man's association nor yet night; it is an in-betwcen casion. Some people go immedi- with Christ. lima wiliht eiçi-nloqnro hoRp1 ol, at, ,ficketf and,4are *,akgen 1 THE CORPORATION of the TOWNSHIP of CLARKE Notice to Ratepayers, Electors, Residents and 1 Other Interested Persons You are extended a cordial invitation to attend the OFFICIAL OPENING AN») DEDICATION of the* NEW MUNICIPAL GARAGE and other Federai - Provincial - Municipal Road Projects ou FrIday, Nov. 12*h 1965, 2 Px.m. to be held at the New Garage located north of Orono on Counties Road No. 1 The new building will be open to public inspection fro1ný 2 to 5 i the~ afternoon, and 7 to 9 lu the eveningu. <Coff ce antd donuts). Reeve and Council of the .Township of Clarke. C K L B is hving a "What is Hlaippinies?" Contest <Doug Crysda$e - 6:30 a.m. - 9ý30 a.m. each day ('Ross Gibson. 6 p.m.i News each day H1ere is our fi4on is nowngthat your rnney1iS safe anld The folks at Centîral 9utar!o Trust kuow ail about HAPNESami they, are proud to be able to spread ittrog the blh and modern atmosphere of their ofifa iLà ïitilu Ohawa ad'manvile.And they do so it assurance bec-ause evey deposit with Central Bondmes mandquality Flirst Mortigages . .. andGUA1RAN- TfEEJD! HîAPPINFý,SSis tefiebnfits your saviags prouce to .. nterest at ½ paid quarterly. Longer ibours -icuigF iday its and ail day Saturdahy. Aud a draw for fr-ee oshuaa enerals, Hockey Ticet evryMonayfor new dpoitos.HAPPINESS is eain wthpeople you kno lmw and trust, . . anld put- tig your saviugs toa oklcly And its kn--owiug that temonth cof Nô,îvember Ls the ideýal time to sw-itchl withl- out loin ny interest. Wihea you stop to think about it, is't HPINS eally CNRLONTARIO T-RUST? Cental narioTrus & SaingsCorprtio HEAD OFFICE i9 SL S.N. 7352 23 Ku St, W. 6322 There werýe disciples of Jesus who were eady to leave all and folloir Hlm, to put their trust lu Hlm and share in the excitement of Ris ife. Christianity is au ex- citing experience - uot a cbeap excitement, but a thrilling yen- turc. It takes away the boredom, the. frustration and the dulluess of 1f e. Theme were men who wore ready lmmediately to folloir Je- sus and to share in the fullness and excitement of Ris life. Then there were others like the Pharisees aud Sadducees irbo bad their owu iutercsts in life. They saw Jesus associatiug with people, belpiug the sick to be well again, brlngiug llght and encouragement to people who mere defeated. They saw it ahl but passed it by because tbey were notinterested ia Jesus. Then there were people like the ricb young man, 1He sair Jesus associatiug witb Ris disciples and mas aware that sometbiug wonder- fui mas happening. There was al certain purpose and victory about their lives and lie wauted it too. So, be came to Jesuis and saicl, "Lord, what must 1 do to bave etemual 1f e?" Jesus told hlmn but he did not have the nerve so he ment away sorrowin.1He bad seen. something most desirable, worthy and good but he would not take it. Jtoseph had flot consented to th~e Council, nom had he cast a vote agjaixst Jesus, but all who met had, therefore Joseph rmust have been absent. 1 am~ sure Joseph did not want Jesus to die but may- be he did not have sufficient ln- terest to kcep Hlm alive. That is what i killing the witness of Christ throughout the ,oId. There are people today who are secret disciples, who want the in- fluence of Jesus ln the w omld and lu our communities, but who do not have sufficient intcmest to keep Jesus Christ alive lu a mean- ingful way. Joseph may have been afmaid to be there and cast bis vote for Jesus. Jesus promnised Ris dis- ciples really wonderful things and among tbemn trouble. He who looks for the smootb road wlth n conflicts need pot tbink of follow- ing Jesus. Joseph iras absent when it counted, as thousands are iloday, allowing people on the other side to vote and work agaiust the things that are right and meaningful. -Josepb may have been afraid, or it may be that he didu't feel like getting out that night. Maybe he had other busi- ness and thougbt that he could do somietbing for Jesus later on, but he did not get the chance be- cause Jesus was coudemned that nlgbt and soon put to death. Josepb ought to be a lesson for us, that being- a twiligbt disciple is not a healtby position to hold. It is a "neither, nor" kind of life and it is iii sharp conflict With what Jesus said, "You cannot serve God and mammon". There, 'j All of these speak of people in general, the people wbo bave ac- cepted Jesus Christ as the way of life, have been fllled with 'Ris power and have kuowu the ex- citement of Cbristiaulty. Thr 1here is the -reat borde of people irbo do not seem to care al al They dIo not sec anythfing they waut and pas by. Also, there isi that great number of people who 10ok 0o1, desiring somnething good, I yet tbey dIo have the ne1nVe to become out-and-out Christians and tbey go away dissatisied. Today 1 maut to think about ,joseph of Ari)mathea who was a' member of the Sanliedrin, ftic highest couincil of the Jeis. 1e w as a weailby nan, a goo mïan l and a disciple of jeý,us, but l secret. The trtgedy of hîýs liffe Iwas that, ho wate o ho]d on to I tw'o worlds at the' one tîme(. lu orScripture LessonJeusad "You cno sreGo- aind a- mo. fi material thinîgs meaný more o youthan anythýýinges, thnyucanniot have Go,ye od ansto givehieftoyu So, JsephcamewhenJesusha bee crcifed ndlook Rs od fto isow to bbut ome Ester mornig an Jospli-as lefct with his epty tmb. ie dos flt seem to b numeredarnog tose who are asoeited ith he !Rigen, iLord.- Josepb mas a twilighi ci-ple, niterlunor ont, neitheri warm nor cold7 neither herenoriïýi there. Yîe, b Li is a tragedy, as it is, for every person Whbo tries to bang on'to tiro worlds at one. If we thold on to God), and lt God hold on to us, then we can- take, our rightful place lu the world. But iýf we try to bang on to 'thewol by rejectiig God ous i lie fiur.We may pile i up for orevsth nstha jcnrust, -orr-ode and bectke awaiy, but me wi ot be setting [aside thýe tbng-s tha-t couiitnt ost evntafy.Those tin corne from Cod and 'to,0theIethts dedicated t 'o God. Peo)ple today who hpve position influence and prestige may dedi- cate this to Christ but not becom!-e too involved. Neither id Josepbl1 of Arîmathea who foid ave spoken for Jesusiý,. St. Mark - ss concerning th1e Snern stheyf decided the ýlot of Jeus,"Tey ail condemnied iBm ïto be guilty ofdet"Jseh asamme of th1e ahdiWsleati- I or No St Lu etous us that imustbe decision in life as fa - Jesus is concerned.. We cether choose for Hlm of ire have al- ready chosen against Hlm. Twl- llýght discipleship is not good en- ough. The Bible tells us that Joseph of Arimathea was ant honourable counsellor irbo waited flor the Kingdom of God. Kîngdoms do flot comne by people waiting for tbemr. Kingdoms come by people seekiug them and doing the things which belp to bring them lu. Yes, Joseph was a twilight disciple, sitting back, waiting for the King- dom of God te corne and he miss- ed it. !le was onue of those lovable people irbo night have donc so much but irbo did selilttlc4 Twilight is not a "time" in life when we apply it to discifflesbip, if is an "attitude". It is that at- titude whlch is not ou cither side of tbefence.. It causes one to try to bang on'to two worlds at the same time. The rreal satisfaction cames lu the words of Dr. Cliff, Wbeu ire "Let go and let God". flold ou to God and Hc will hold onu to you. He will make us proper citizens for this world and it is the only way to f111 our proper, place. Many are not iuterested in, Christ. Many are, and they associ- ate tbemselvcs with Hlm and know the joyand excitement of living life te the, fullest. Then, there are mnauy others wbo look on. Tbey, admire what they se but they will not choose it for themselves. Tbcy go away wlth- out satisfaction. Wheme me stand is our choice, but one tbing la certain - me cannot serve Cod and manunon. In Appreciation I would likè to congratulate Mr. Honey on bis clection lu Durbani Coianty. I wouild aiso like te congrtu.late 31r. Ketchum and Mm. Crandail on their fine campaign. I arn deeply grateful for the tremn4nous ef- forts of so mny people mie gave freely of their time and ability and to ail those mixe supported me, I say "Thank You." With good mishes te ail the people in Durham., GaretB , Rckar Ap c. 'to SD--TUITT'S Ph---armacy Li1i1. À wiJJiALn. aiscpie ar ins Oshawa Bowmanville a-MW aiely Io ouy a LIUKCL ULIU arc tamm 1 2,93 -5 2 2 1 623-2527

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