Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1965, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1965_ Sharp 'Speaks At Liberal1 Nomi-nation Meeting '4The greatest probiem facing -the people of Canada today is to obtain a mai ority government in "Ottawa," Honourabie Mitchell Sharp; Minister of Trade and Commerce, told a nomination meeting of the Durham County Liberal Association last night at -the Bowrnanv'lle High School. The meeting unanimously nom- inated-Russell C. Honey, former Durham M.P. in the last two Par- Iiimet- ta againhcoet he r,- Sharp,declared. If a iberl govrnmet wa returned with a majority toOt- tawa, Mr. Sharp said there' would be promised efforts to achieve very effectively as an M.P. and is aIso doing a great job for Can- In caliing for the re-election of Mi-., Honey, Mr. Sharp said "Lib- erals are in a nough and tough camnpaign." "Eveny se at must be fought for if we are to have a majority goy- 'erument at Ottawa." "Takè this election seriously," 'Mr. Sharp admonished, as hie called for hard work in the part of pa-rtv supporters. The speaker said the Diefen- baker govennment had created a liuestion mark in the minds of peoples around the world. "Many of themn asked. what has happened to Canada, have, they f0orgotten how to govern them- eis"Mr. Sharp said. He said the Libenai govennment nad~ removed this confusion and bad re-cneated a food image of Canada abroad aat -'o ime. "Businessmen now have confid- ence lu Canada adaewiigtD invecst hundneds of thoîusands off do-llars lu our -economy hbecausef they believe the countny, is goinI forward," the speakerdeard "Around the world, CaUfada is now recognized again as a great tr ading nation with a gový.eriment interested iu the welf are of its people. Mn. Sharp said the Liberal gov- enument had given Canada a greaten sense of national unity. He said Canadians had always -,vanted a distinctivesmblof -thein own and the newmae leaf fiag had satisfied that desire. "The fiag says wve're Canadians 'whether we are Lîberais or Con- servatives." "We need symbois to remind -u that we have common elements hesides common pnohiems," Mr. Sharp said 'ohn acopih Describing te copih mnents in the field of national un- ity achieved by' the Liberai gov- ,ernment, Mr. Sharp neferred to the Canada Pension Plan, "which is portable anywhere in Canada and reminds us we are danadfi-F He saîd the automobil e agree- mnent with the United States would ' jc,,ate more jobs in Canada, par- ticulariy in aneas where car man- ufactuning plants are locatcd. "This agreement bas been at- tacked by other parties which seem to think it is more impont- ant to embarrass the government than to finid jobs for Canadians," Mr. Sharp stated. I'Their opposition wili be ne- greted at a later date." M.Sharp said the Peanson gov- ernment had recognized the prob- lems connected with national un-, ity. There bas been no appease- nient of Quebec. There bas been an endeavour, and I support it, to give ahl of our peoples a part to play lun the country, and apr they can be proud of." "That -we have understood the problem of national unity, will in time become one of the great- ,est glories of the Libenal party," Mr. Sharp said. In the field of education, the speaker said, the talents of manyf young Canadians had been lost! because thev were not able to get sufficient education. "A great task of the future is Ita sec that every Canadian gets the kind of education requined for the future." "Equal opportunity bas always been considered as an ideal. NoW a serious eff ort must be made to tur the ideal into a reality. Thisi is one of our gneatest tasks," Mn. Sa(ety Inspect« . Required by the United Counties of Nothumberland and Durham- Duties - To carry out safety in- spections on construction pro- jeets as required by the Depart- M~ent of Labour according to The Construction Safety Act. Qualifications - A person is quai- ified under the act if he - for every(n) (h)as had experiençe for a per- iod of at least four years - VILLAGE COMPLETES (i),in making safety inspections ROAD PROGRAM for workmen engaged in the con- With the paving of Cobbiedick struction or aiteration of build- and a portion of Church Street; ings and structures. îngforth Liera prtyon o-I south on Tuesday the road pro- (ii) in rnaking inspections of vember 8. gram in the Village of Orono is bnui7dlngý; or other structures dur- now completed for the year. The infý their constructi .on or altera- "No man could have served any paving was donc by Bennett Pav- tion, or constituency in Canada better ing of Oshawa. ,F"i) il' suPervising construction than Russell Honey bas servd Alsre nOoorcived or alteration of buildngs or other the ndlr g of Durham," Mn. Sharp gravel lift this year with a coat- structures. said. i ng of oul. Other projects inciuded or any combination thereof; "He bas been a splendid nep- new guard rails and some signing.' pîcnssoi pî nwi 166 KING STREET EAST t ing stating; quaIificaýton5 --ex-- CANVASSERS PREPARING !penience, etc., along with p'erson- FOR BLITZ ON OCTOIBEIR 2 * al information1 and anticip'a4ed Plans are now complete for the saflary to the undersigned before Blitz campaign to be held 'on Sat-, Monday, October 25th, 1965 urday, Octoben 23nd for a sum Of $15,000O.0' The money is being naised to install artificial ice in the present Orono rink. Campaiga headquanters will be set up in the basement of the Township Hall in Orono. Robert A. Edmunds, P. Eng. Counties' Engineer, United Counties of Norbkum-f beriand and Durhamn, Counties Building, William Street, Cobourg, Ontario C.G.TT GIRLS ELECT NEW OFFICERS On Monday, October 4th in the upper Christian Education build- ing fifteen girls and their two lea- ders met for the purpose of eiec- ting new officers and discussing plans for the year of 1965-66. The new officers are as follows Honourary President, Geke De- J'ong. President, Marilyn Tamblyn. Vice-president, Pamela Hardy. Seeretary, Linda McLaren Treasurer, Ellen Milîson Press Secretary, Elaine Schmid Pianist, Elien Miiison, Elaine Schmid. Games Committee, Linda Bara- PHONE MA. 3-3396 bail, Caroline Adams Julie Schmid. Food, Committee, Anne Arnatt, Sharon Bairstow, Julie Jones., The girls discussed Halloween plans and decided that they would collect pennies for UNICEF on Halloween night and the preceed- ing Friday night they would go on a bowling party. After a Thanksgiving Devotion period by Mrs. Milison the meet- ing was closed and Mrs. Barra. bail served lunch to the girls. Our next meeting will be held on Monday. October l8th, at' 7:00 and ail girls between the ages 12 to 18 are cordially invited. Please 'orne and bring a friend Hall, Perkin & Co. ARE PI EASF.D TO ANNOUNCE THE ADMISSION TO PARTNERSHIP OF J., Graham MacMillan C.!A. EFFECTIVE OCTOBER l5th, 1965 Tro-I i lE k~ Dasoli- E I sI GMC Handi-Van NEW TORO-FLC---' 4-CYCLE DIESEL ENGIN ES Now diesel operational savings and long life are available for medium-duty applications. Toro-Flowvs give up ta double the fuel mileage of similar gas-powered equipment, without the high initial cost usually associated with diesels. NEW GASOLINE ENGINES For i 966,'a.new in-une 6, a new V8 and 4 new V6 gasaline engines join the G MC line-up. Compact V6 block with short-stroke oversquare design cuts friction and heat loss ta a minimum. hand.srnely styled, GMC's new 92" BBC conventional cab features lap joints for great strength, reduction of maisture-holding naoks and crannies. Separate fender, hood, grille and side panels allow single-panel replacement or repair. I~E ODELS GMC ange af new engines, t-ansnisons and differentIals, andthenew92" canvenional cab Lb ing the total ta 397 GMC models aaiIlehfor '66. GMC '135 Lean setting iruck standards în Canada for close ta îhirty cears. Wîh t is wideî model line-up, GMC is an even better'buy in '66. C- 66bO BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO G MCs ail new 92"conventiona a A GENEISAL MOTORS VALUE sur .5 Enuir rnuIaorbpworklng op or YDbBO Be sretuwa 'hlelescope'. "hefugitive" and "The Red Skelton'Hour" now showing on television. Check local listings for lime and channeiî AUTHORIZED GMC TRUCK DEALER IN BOWMANVJLLE ROB3SON MOTOlORSLMIE

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