Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1965, p. 1

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eakleyTio VOUE2l, NUMBER 36 ORONO WEEKLV 1'MES, THIURSDAY, OCTOBER l4th, 1965- Main Issue Clai m-s R. Hioney 1 Is Majori"ty, Government "'ýihe issue of, this campaigu is IOE OIAE the neocessity to elect a majority UE:LCADDT go~ernet that will have the re-RuelCHo M..frD- 1 snsibilty of o-r la Ottawaarith latp-imnws fo h etfour or 1five years.-,, ing f altiligrea e Caad, 1 ehnerfrt îea for Durham cýq1hont, tlruad r inof[ me 8 h o eueof 500fn) owani e ig ,- iUlcam-'W nsyni to Se co las Wedesdaynigh. 1at week at amein edin Mr. lon. sad "hisis te fur- widlyas Mr.Hne accepted the th tir-1(Ive ben hooured wivt h a.nomination, The nominaition was rnoved 1byr Dr. Ewr Ewart of B(wavl~ "In -1958 we uil baftledi the and seconded b,,1 Mrs. Lloyd Ket - ~ tide created by M~r. D)iefenbakýer's log, of H-ope Towýýnship. '~gi uhmby a small majoriy 0 Mr. Honey;, a Port Hlope lawyer -hch was increased in 1963. mn id~ oo-e h ls was firsf elected to the H-ouse ofl f \ "WVith .your fielp we can return " ftePrtHpCuom o- ous1g192ad asre-- Minister Pearson and a majority Jf .iht!he 1-'p of the Port Ilope1 During the last pariamnent hie goverriment in Ottawa."i Town Council and the Board of 1 served as clhairmnan ol the con-rmit "The only real election issue is Trade this ecsi was cneldtee On agrcultufre, and he was aý tm a n ste maothen govrermet hnMr. Pearson's governmnetf delegate to the Interparhaiaent- it -tht anstentbe ad reere ook office," Mr, Honey said. ary Union Conference in Copen-h th~e unity and proigress of Canada." lHe said a new post office was hagen, flenmar-k, in 1964, and to Mr. Honey said. ,)Ieneïl in New<astle in June, and this year's session of the confer-e 'f cetig hsoiain, onted ouf thaf w-ork, had now ence which was he]ld lu Ottawa. Mr.Iloeysail h dd s "wfhStarted toeosrc a new federal In 1963 lie vwas elected to the huit, mnd o terepns ,bidigin Port IHope. off'ice of secretary of the Liberal blty placed,~ the shouilders of Mr. oney said hie had long caucus and was the caucus repre. Orke NVho rep)resets the historie been conceruedM wifh the "danger- etaieOn the execufive comn- y fhgof Duýrbaxan." Glus hoîe-in-the-waîîi subway" a' t miffee- of the National Liberal Referring to his e.hairmanshlp Newýýcastle and as a resuit liehac, Federafien. 1he 60-neniber llouse of Con~- been able e obtain an undertak- JWIr. Honey is a past president -rs tadig conimîfttee on agri- ing by 'the federai government to of the Port Hope Board of Trade, ' ;t ' 1r onysad riespeud iii)te -$250,00 tewar-çl e- a past presidentof the Northu-- - ~ t1e opr~ e asconstruction of the subw». 1b ndix-Driia m Law 'ïtL brîng the inco1ne of' the fat-filY~ "This is the record both nlationl aud he~ was farni Up to the national average al1y and locally. 1 am proud of of fthe Port Hdope Rlw-ais club, ùf industrial w7orkers of $4,800 per them and arn quife prepared f0 IMr. Pfoney is miarrîed to the yearý. , b-e judged on these rcrs"Mr. former Annk 1Romai and theyi !ýi speaking of bis dulies as au Houey said- have two daughfers.a M~ the speaker said, "There ilsn ne experience comparable te that ,ofbeig bletoasssta coustitu-c euit with problems involving peu- enteni.niai rlanning ionîc ~nveterans' affairs, unenWploy-s ment insuirance, incomie fax prob- "No one bas received Iess tijan r~Lr n ~ C am e V e tn lemsl-hend so for ou."ý my he-herte efortte sst Mr. Ilerb D~gil a ,nirnber of JOnp listing projects being under- audI nyerhav-, or illI eer heToast Masters' Cl'ub -of ,0gii- t aken, the speaker referred te .ele'ûrern nyself about a person's awa, and guest speaker at "he iseries of painfings of particular pp1llUes -whcn 1 amr asked f0 assist. regular Chamber of Couxerce areas, the constuetiou. and furu- Reviewing a number of the as- meeting, presentedl an oLfline of ýis1ing- of cent ennal museums, peefs of the govervment of Prime lactiv-iies whicb are- being plaun- handshells, community centres, MiUnister Pearson, 'Mr. Honey sai-1 ngd throughottt Canada for the libraries and rinks. Other projeets Canada in theW past two and a2 1ýcocuntry's Cenfennial lu 1967. include parks such as being de- years lias rnoveà frein a Poýsit,l 1I',lTe meeting was attended not veloped by Clarke Township, pho, cffive s aigit $udgefaýry deficits only by mei-inhers of the Chamber tos and compiing of early history ta balanend bud-et. biut alsse members ef Other local eentennial gates, art and essay "La fth¶s iperiod ýftim we have orgauizatious such as the Her'oiti- confesfs etc. prompth-buefts. ehaeularen- icuIt ural Society, Agicu r S- Somne of the larger projeets proptbugd. e hae no - Ieîety, IHi-C's, Amnateur Athletie As- are being sponisored by the Fed- p-eieuced, as we did Wheu Mlr. s;ociation n ebes o h eral Government and the Provin- ?Difeuakr ws Pim Miiser,1 Township Couincil. The purpose of cial Goveramients which should th mucertainfy and confusion cre-the meeting was te acquaint as create a cultural upsurge through- atby Io budget being presentdmanyi as Possible wijth planning ouf the country. These projeefs te Parlianmeutand the nationfo for cenfennial celebrations and fo! will include Science and Teclinol- two years." stimuflate interest ln activifies for ogy mriuseum, Military Tatoos, Na- Mr.Ifue sidth ueiply-1967. tional Lihrary, restoration of -iîs- metrate was ove2r seven percentl Mr. Duvaîl in bis speech ouf- torical sites and a Confederation duin te im o te ie- linedl how Canadians are prepar- Telescope. There is also a yeuth akrgoverumnent, "hehighest sine fxe eprssin dys f te ng for the Centeninial througb travel program for students 15 te muncipl, usiess inustial17 years >of age and wilI encompýass 1930's." and group organizatonpojes some 8000. Luhepast tw n ahi is address pointed eout that1 An appeal was made to all or- erswe have not suffered this the Federal Goverament has been1 ganizations 'te take an active part effet f sagnnt conmy.In-the prime force lu the program. in planning and providing e- deed e have experienced a vi- Mr. John Fisher, who heads the fennial celebrations during197I bTatlîalty xpndig c eYseheme has been asking for feu 'Emphasîs were pîaced on com- wihunemployniferi below three years what was being dloue te mn-unity beautifilafion whicb should ierLeut ïof our labour force. )celebrate Canada's iOOth birthday. reach into every backyard. - ýWeare now eujeying th e best1 Both the Federal and Provincial: Mr. Duvaîl pointed ouf that the years o! a naion's hisfOrY," Mr. ! goverumients have initiated plans Province had set up a planning H"Aff dereo ndhifyer of ~ their ewn and are giving finan- comnmit tee which was esfablishied il assistance te m unicipalite assist la. plans for any activi-lj LieraNl overumenItrwe have an scbemes. ifies for 1967. The centennial plan, eco~oxy tat s otstippny -The speakeK's address stated it was sfated, should nof enly be ieib ortlh oubb'~prau important feature of the cele- of Federal, Provincial and Muni- cen-t. bration wvould be to, bujid a soc- cipal sehemnes but aise of individ- ',rh is; is a re c o rd w h ic h mna k, e y t 3 n s l v o e h r f e a c e e u o e h r 1 n i ma Liberal, feel pretty 900(d," eyta osl oehrfe a eee u oehr'ymi of prejudlice. If, would be ideal if viduals for individuals te enioy. hespeaker said. Mr.Heny eumeate a um-every Canadian couîd spend at The speaker was introduced by acts cf fixe Dieeagvr-jn.(ntuepae6 Chamber Disagrees WihTus-t ees A p ryale The Oronio Chamber ofGo-Tste said that he did not nerce at their regular metngo grewîhte statements being MoTfndayý evening at the Northway made. The Trustees in approvIng Restaurn passed a motion in the Pf toffice site were aware which was stated that they disa- lof .tiv narrowm street conditions pprov,\ed of the arrangement nd wr nevuigt eoi made1 andth site approved for ate for off street ý1pa-rking i an mhe s fie by the Orýono ýarea south of the Masonic Hall. PoieTruistees. The,( site is on the CIis ar-ea, if available for park- eas sieofCurhsreet oppo- c, ould bc serviced by a circu- sie he Oddfellowý's Hall. la, drive from iChýurch street on A op o te oio i t b re Street. Hle also said that ~~~~~eM,- %tt h eea 'meM iepos Officeý site an d out to, f~e.The moion ave authority ~- t~e ol be widened with- Co he Chmer post Offi1ce Com- i,)iit the eniru, purchase of prop- Unit ,,ssrs.. Carmian and ",rty on thie ?ast sile of the street. Chas Armtron, t ag-in meef !Forrester feit tis plan was less sihthe Vililge Trustees to voice expensive to thec Village and the Chambexr's dsapoa of the !could, ifagennt are obtain- sc1heme. bl resuit in the same end. Mr, Carman in speaking on the nroposal said that if did Drotcon Members of the Chamber saiîd Eor wth heoriinl panwhee hi was not cleaning up the area 1)y the Village was to buy il the nd somre feif the Post Office property on, the ea-st side of 0"oul<,o on the corner lot. t Church street. The Village then, w1as also pointed out that parking he( said was to seli a site for the wasî, going< to grow as a biggecr PotOfielaiti a portion nroblem for the Village. for municipal parking and sell thle The motion was moved by _Lorne remainder for conùinercial de-Praifad Jh Son tl velopmient. To this Mr. Armstrong1 support from the Chamber mier,- areed. bers. "lt is poor business on ouli part," said Mr. Carman, "to let Messrs. George Carson and Don- this go unapproved." Church St. aid Staples of the Durham Cen- is too narrow under its present frai Agricultural Society outlined condition and the area would not the conditions under which the necessarily be cleaned up, he fair must operate ,wheniifhoy sell ai.Mr. Carmansadha one the amusement concession te ýa governimenf tried to push the single operator. The ÇChaniber Post Office a few years ago and felt af their last meeting tlrnt was again being tried at this el- uinder the proposed conditions ection. 1they could not profitably operate R. Forrester, a member of the a game in the midway. TRET POFESORThe Chaniber are to be contaLt- TREONTEPROFESSRAD 3 ed when agreements are made for GEERL INCT ÎAE 1 the amusement concessions at th-e Professor Stewart A. Brown, Th Caibe ofConier d on- AFýsociaf e Professor of Biochem- mtdasi of $50.00 to t1he -Ag- isfry af Trent University, has been ricultural Society. appoint ed by the Ontario Depart- ment of Education to a comml- ittee" gramme in Ontario at the Grade ~ ~.aorT pa 13 level and f0 prepare broad suggestive ouflines coneernin1g JP u î Grade 13 science at bofli the gen 8I portUHop eral and advanced levels. Other ))oiinLae oi members of the various commit- OpitnLedrJh Dee- tees advising the Department n baer wîll be in Port Hope Oict. the new Grade 13 programme ini- 122 to address a Durham Riding clude teachers, heads of depart- ýrally. The meeting will be hlid ments, university professors, I Durham District High School. school inspectors and represent- Hle will be speaking in suport atives fromn the staffs of teachers' of Conservative candidate Qarne colleges and Ont ario colleges of 1 ., Riekard. Mr. Rickard was 4c- educat ion. f eated ln 1963 by Port Hope 1aw- Dr. Brown, who joined the fac- yer Russell C. Honey, a Liberal, ulity of Trent University in JulY, I Mr. Honey is the Liberal cer.n- 1964, was formerly a Senior Re- peltfion ag-a.;. The NDP i3 rep- searcli Officer at the Saskatoon resented by John Anthony IKet Laboratories of the National Re- chum who lives in Port Hope? aIA search Council, and is th~e author teaches ln Peterborough. of many research papers and re- social Credif is nrnning Wil- views lii the field of plant mret a-- bur Crandail, a Port Hope shu olism. teacher. On ýFriday evening, October 8th were also received by the happTY around fhirty friends and rela- ýi coupfle, among them a pair oif tives of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graham silver salad tongs rom Mrs. Gral- igathered fo honour fhem on the amn's sister in Georgia. occasion of their 25fh wedding, Rd'and Rosie wvere most appre- anniversary. ciafive and fhanked their friends The party was held af the home warly. of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and A delicious buffet lunch waxs the surprised couple were ulsher- served, consisîing of sandwiches, ed info the spaclous living roomn relishes, cookies, farts and the whý,iere a corsage was presented f0 tradifional wedding, cake ehich Rosie and a boufonniere to Ed*. was eut by the bride and a Social Mr. Ed Milîson was the very time was enjoyed. capable master of ceremonies and Those attending from a distance affer speaking a f ew well chosen were Mr. and Mrs. Bud BiUrnett, words the couple were presented (their daughter Marlene), King- wifh a large silver trýay and silver 1sf on; their son Mr. Terry Graham relish dish on behaîf of their ,wvho is attendîng Queen's Uies friends present. lify, Kîugsf ton, Miss Sharon Tam- .. . .... ..... .. .. .. .........

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