pro .,retoryDIED W . FR NK iCIATTERTON-Suddenly at, his 0 LYCE Tdy September 5, 1965 Marshal il ILAL Eobi' "f Wright Chatterton, beloved hus- HALLEAE i PEKN C.Pumig&-ai g band of Elsie Mae Inwood and z-i mul g ii atig0 dear father of Orville, Orono and a ghree LIMITED il ghne 3RI Gwendolyn (Mrs. Keith Taylor), 177Phone 33St. Brampton. Age 73 years. Charere Accuntnts~ î7 Chrch t. J ~Rested at the Barlow Funeral Kig t. NwcsteOrono, Ontario 0 Home, Orono Ontario for service 987st, Ne4 stej240nvle 2-39 on Tuesdav, September 7th at 987424 <I~ ~2:00 p.m. Interment Orono Cern-m 361/ King St. E., Oshawa etry 725-6539 0: o _ -D0= 0 William C. Hall, B.Comm-, C.A. ' DOUG MMDIflkIE David G. Perkin, C.A. rviiie hut 0ovnmer fa gdear miotheýr andl grandmother El- Electrical Cüntractingi 0SI' len Allun, Who passed away Sep- Phone0 Orono P9 l ember 10, 1958. Electic Hating-,grIn a qu1iet country graveyard, E~etri leatngPAINTII'-«i M . '1I~ Where the gentie brieezes blow, and SeviceG Lies the elne we lovedJ so dlearly, W .APER LIETTNGB.AG That we lost seven ears ago. PHONE 245 BUIDINlr'e eUFBOAPDS &f You left behbindi somle -aching -arse oiio r hearts, rrstr SlCior~ rno, Ontario UNEMOD, EpliNG That loved YOU most sincere, ln the Offices of O "N0I We neyer have or neyer will, [!I Forget you Mother dear. R.R Wdel I. c AND ALL ODD JOBS 0 God gave us strenigth to take itE ST. OON io=-Do==oc>o=>Oz=,0cvAn courage to face the blow, n MAIN ST.,u ORONO V" But what it meant to lose you, e nh roorectla. No one will ever know. PHON Te1ph9l »~OOl j on ~ e L Lovingly remembered by C. PONE 29 B ~ fldaughter Ellen and grandson Lar- ~~~~ ~~~CONTRACTORS FOR l Da ryapi FARM ai HOUS IR I nG USEPLUMBING and IIEATINGpd 0 co=coc IIGSales and ýService IN- MEMORIAMp Free Estimates GogMoetMotnwopse 0MRRL DK R OWN g APL2NE4ALS BOUR BURNER SR CcMORTON-In loving mernory ofC Repairs Interest RatAES OhGharp hobrswertoncýpe en B.S.A. B.A:Sc* O:L:S:u Prompt and GGuaragd epad g0 B.A FINANCING away September 7th, 1964. 0 0.N0' LNGINEER to ailtesih haopyElectricale'oojcyed, PROFESSIOALE g Equt a ipmn an et ppiacs P0ne: jow seettemmoysii (Civil) u h at Metors - Water Heaters o Hampton CO. 3-228 Bu eahha e a tlls Ontario Iand Surveyor T.V. - Radios - 3-2650rn 1 Bfdat a ef oelns U toes. rosTyrone CO. 3-65 The world can'neyer fil 121590 e St. 0 nglyý remembered ,by his, iziQucn t. oxwife and family. a-p ~q Bowmnanville, Ontario g0 0 Te ephg e 623-7251CARD OF THANKS fi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W TO ' TMehfC6321 VlUIUIanne iwish to express m snBr t nml*ng ycethanks to neighbours, reda ~A«IIILI gAHeather Rebekah Lodge, u.c.w.; anu yl for acts Of kindness and expires-fi Iu i f ff ~Orono Phone 146 sins Of smp)atlhv receied dr- o iiSiaî~ ging the bereavement of mnyS Service IFMcCULLOCH BOATS brothl-er. Chartered Accountant 0.HI SW - 375WaerStret 0 Rpag s o ilmakes of Lw PEEBRUHouo Mowers and 2 andi 4 cycle ENGAGEME NT Enine Mr. and( Mrs. Ernest L. Bowen, PheE 742-5482 0 FigerOron,0Ot, wish to annonce phoe 2582 PreOTACO PLOW POINTS the engagement of their daughter _______________V Package Policles 1 AND MACHINERY Lynda Jeanl to George William t Fîdelit BondCarnegie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fideity ondNelson Carnegieý of Bobcaygeon. BUYIG ORSELLNG tmber 24th in St. George's Ang- INS RAN E ~Fî~ ~otga. L= ~lican Church, Newcastle. a-c SE - REAL ESIAIL NURSING HOME , I inE0 Orono Nursing Home has ac-K "RDa %n commodation for bed -or up pa- FRD YCTI badîe; HamiItonu A. J. McGILL tiens esonable7[rates. g.1- OFFICE - MAIN ST-, QEONO 03 REAL ESTATE BROKERt PoeOoo31 -1pn Phone. 12516 Re. 20616 ý9E 0 Phoine 1-R-16 Orono Phones: Orono 1407 AM JACK REID Oshawa 728-4285 01 o - - - - - nsed O E H E A ___________I !kSERVCF ~re Auctioneer and Valuatol8 t1b Spcaie in FarlU and Box 133 MO. 8-3552 f i'* Furniture Sales o Consuit me for ternis Staffor«d Brothers Building a Hbuse? PART-TIME RADIO aun1d dates Limited v EPi Poe5 r'18 OrolIt 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. or reniodelling your present - HI-FI -.,Stereo Ehone -Rec9rd Players ------- Manufacturers of one, then contact- Antennas - Towers TED ACKS !!ý CemeeryMemoia- PA'Systemn for rent TED ACK ON Cmetry MmoralsAh parts and labour guaranteed Auctioneer and Valuatoî Domestic &,alere inaiteFloyd icholSOn ,Phone 17V Orono Conducts Auction Sales ofal adM gls-Incitin u sizes and at reasonable rates adMibe ncitosCtR anti Cemetery Repair W -HY 11ORI,0K Commuffîcate with him at WoaPONb11 RN Port Ferry, Ontario Ça tE I a ______________________ -When Buzying oýr sellig cil Nofou PUMPING OUT, Family 'I", oriaJsAccouogtiog and. lr1 Orotiog SEPTICTANKS othiegto benesiret Co MING EVENT Orono United ('Iurgh School opens next Sunday- September l12th. Children are, îsked to re- port to their former classrooms at 10:00 a.m. a-c HELP WANTED Waitress and Short Order Cook wanted. Experienc e nçot necessary Steady job. Apply Horne's Restaurant, Highway.115, South of, Oron'o. a-c HELP WANTED Full time waitress. Phone New- castle 987-4215, Royal Lunch, 115, Fiighwày. a-p, WANTED Old Stationary Rit and, Miss Engines. Phone Orono 1529. ap DISPERSAL SA LE Registered -Herefords, Spring- er Hloîsteins and Stockers. Satur- day, SeptIemr l 8th,. 1965, 12:30 p.m. at the farmi of Melville Ed- wards and Son,, Warsaw, Ontario. Cornish uto Servýice, Sales FOR SAL Bartlett Pears for sale. Six Qt. basket 90e., bush,-el $5.10. Please bring containers Phone 4r1, Or- ono. Clarénc Martin, Leskard. 6Oth ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. John Davey Brown, Orono, will celebrate their sixtieth wedd(ing,, annivers- ary on Sunday, Septemiber l2th and will be happy to receive their friends at the homie of Mr. and Virs. . Mifison, Çobblcdick Street, Orono, from 2 to 4 and '7 to 9 p.m. b-28-C CARETAKER WANTED Wanted a caretaker for I.O.O.F 2ommunty Hall. Apply -to E. R. Rainey stating salary expected. Applications to be in before Sep- tember, l5th. b-c 'Notice T o Crediloi s NOTICE TO CREDI TORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Colombe Blanche Keon, Deceased Ail persons having dlaims a- gainst the Estate 'of the above- named, late of 2214 Queen St. East, Toronto, and Twin Oaks Mlotel, Orono, Ontario, are to file their dlaims with the undersigned on or before the l6th day of Aug- ust, 1965, after which date 'the Estate will be distributed. having regard only to dlaims received by that date, Dated at Toronto this l4th day nf July, 1965. Norman Douglas Johnston By lis Solicitors Dashwood & Dashwood, 930 Kingston Road, Toronto 13, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ail persons hiaving dcaims a- gainst thie estate of' John Milton Robinson, late of the Village of Kendal, na. who died on or ibout the l2th May, 1965 are iereby nofified, to send particu- irs to thie undersigned within Ïirty1 dy« ,s of the.2nd September, 165 affer -whicli cl4e fthe est ate viii be distributed having regard rfly fo the dlaims of which the ýxecutrix shall then have notice td the undersigned Execufrix viii not be hiable f0 any persan )f whose claim it shaîl not then sve notice. )ATED at Newcastle this 2nd ly of September, 1965, Lovekin and Stubington, Bar- isterm, Solicitors, Newcastle, On- nro, Solocitors for the Executnix, Jary Sundberg.