Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Sep 1965, p. 1

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- ~ ~ ~m~mwmm~ Orono- Softball"Gi*rls Win League Cuhanxpionship The Orono Junior Girlsi Soft-.of last year. las well as pitchhing the winnîing Nac Fres lead thle c- býaII team have maine érienednrti defeated Pî "e ) theparade iththree rUiis off L n e wc held ini 1964 by defeýating theç day avening in the Orono ar by throughout th game. mn al ne ;t NncNen aR Nevwtonville entry intw str-aightasoef14o8.ona nnt The sýco)nd and final game oï and ýCaroline , Johnson followedIu gaies n he inl sris. The f in- stewinrnng pitcher for the the flinal series was played luwtto ruas each. A single O w r i aI gme ws plyed onday ev- Orono crew., Darlene Wes, rv Newtonville on Monday eejgcutwn oDaeNcosn enin luNewonvlle hic vit- d th mot cnsitntbiter with whien the oca girls again rang, During the season of play the N rs [ ory~~~~ ~ foarn av h oa gils ean record of thiree for threelIthe vcorhell to the tuneoflcal girlshae ot ny neAm and scored three runs. Nancyi12-3. game, tfhat being to the NewcastleJ theCampinshi. fo thesecond Nixon followed with three for Carol Mefrcer was the winningleclub. The club is coached and Ms eaR ew yer he tea-ým of 1965 iS relatii- fu and Julie Neal was cýredited pice taking nine strike outs inmnae by Mrs. John Forrester War 1 army nurse a e- tlie sanie in person,-nel as ta ia home run. Ronda enan tiefienng.an Ms.Dn ennt. of Red lands for 35 ________________________________________Monday, August lOth was 84. VOLUME Z7, NUMBIER M1 Co00ntro v :ar sv Aboute Spe -i Folowing ire reading of tire 'mninute's of thre last regular and~ aloa special meeting of tire Or- ono EPolice, Trustees a discussion developedi over the legality of the suecial meeting. D . LSim-pson stated tiraIirea had! not been informied .of then special mneeting and that- this be-ý ing tbe case, was not present. He -feIL tirat since h-e had not been t jnfoýrmred that any action takeni wvas illegal. Ftirer, ire said, tirat aft.er' reading a newsPaPer re -port of the special mreeting ire ian àsked the Chairmafl, H, Mercer,l about tire meetinpgWThe chairmrial lies Lck, a Werld and resident years, died h19D65. She A gaut of St. John's Hfos- pital nurising school la Yonkers, Np, York,-Miss Renwick volun- teered for service with the U.S. AryNurse Corps lu 1917. Sire lierved luFrance and Germany. Although a 'native of Canadca, ()""Nt) WE EKNLY, TIMLXES, MT ;PSDAY, SEPT E ER 2nd, 1965 hf e lu the United States. After lier eieets mýiA o l rss 'any Pass Red, Cross,-5 Swim- 9W Clark Street theim minfl Tests t Otheo AmericanLegion Post 106 of ~TI Redlands, of which shewa third Ibis yea r for the exmbis year: vice,( commander. She helid a c[- Swirn ClassesintOhed in 'Beégtiers: t, !ation for 40 Years continueaus 0ronojumpd 4gýi-1 ýý a-)pïýxî_embýeoersbip in the Legion. , aa ;JogeMonca erbegg, Bnni membership ocf 241 years luinRed- Th casaswrehed aiyLowery, Susý,an Asiett, Shelley I Shewa also a mremnber cyf the' durngthemoth f ulyunerHooey, Bounieý Dunlop, MarilynjGreso Womien's Club, thre F o ~I6th tstucioi f rs SireySuelders, Robearta Manv., Kaiye A)uduboî-isocieýty and a fo)rmer Renls, HaiTmpton, asssted by Pre-sco3tt, CatbyHoeo, Pam member of tr Contemporary Mosport Park th ,eutrnation- Mr. o Snt, .Ni nl ewlBtenda Caswell, Linda club. îli fmos otr rcig irui ar, is Dbbe eynAoldMissCýoppin'g, Wý,ayne Hazelden, Steve Family sujrvivors i~ld sever- riort~ of*rn a enpt-u yn aleindMslCrl Ni-cer, Ron Den FHllander, aI cousins in Canada. for sale by its owners, the _Natii-on Ralph Barnett, Allan Martinell, Funieral services were held on iTrsCmau.John Coathamn, Ken Chapman, Thursday at Il a,m. atit he E- The ompuy as ~e De. . as Tir Tapol~ ad BginersWilma De Groot, B tain Moffat, mersýon Redlauds Mortuary chap- the deadlue for bids 'to purchase. ended tiher issso July 27tihire-Dnop 3rian fGarden, eL. Rev. Wenel .Wllam, of The 2.5mil crclt, hic wtb ame, *d wars wreJune1t Scboemnmaker, Diane Bo-ydl, the First Presbyterian church, British iraeing driving Stirli-ng1gJîýivenout to aIl. 1ch-eryl Williams, Bcy Lee, officiated, Interment ianl 111- Moss once included amoujrg bis j.rý Hv ailAd ra j top five circuits lu the wo,,rld to- IOn Friday, July ire3Ob TheLryHy aid Ad ra ieMeoi Pr eer y. çlay, fias been. in continual fnn-RdCro)ss Exam was ireld forGenod imHriCais rvmd evce eecnut mi~i tobe sic itoee luthe candjidats b o had passed- WlýoD, Ruth Chater, Cheryl Coru- ed by tire Ameri,ýc aLgion Perst î ît (Contsincnued oepageI". 8)- - 1-0,71 no books bad been opened at ail 161their pre-týýst, 'Thce xain erwa bu-no 1 in, sïdMr.SiMr, B. V. Parker of Hmlo but ~ ~ ~ I 11WIfnsi M.Smsn uits five years as one of who aS very plased with the that' the books were opened oand Notb Aineica's top crc it i candidlatesv and P remarked tirat nrutes of týie meeting recorded. bas attractedî many oif theý world'sti a naoeaeaepo Sueyie said, tire chairmas o ain rvr. rme-wich -made ali fee thel -mus knw wat s gingStirlinig Moss, before bis retire- ad wr a raluorhhl Lernt, Jim -1i,.Tnhn Sin'tpe ibotb for tireelîrlen and ilu- M.Mercer sai I 'Cat lthe.mt- in, was aranged lu mccl witir tire Ciramber of1 Commerce. This faýct was lu tire paper and 1 think * ouknew of thre. meeting. Mr. 'Simp'sou1 said tirat was beside tire point, ire sîill iradu't been infomm- ed-of tire meetinýg. R. Forrester moved tire passingI of tire minutes Witir H. Mercer secondiug tire motion. Forresteýr recommeuded tint tire secretary send out notices ta ail members 'wben a meeting is called by the chaimmail. Tire special meeting lu question ,deall witir parking in tire business section of the Village. At tire meetiug wich was attcnded bY Mercer, Forreser and tire Secre- Iary, a motion was passed askiug tire County Council -to pass neces- sary by-Iaws to establisir 450 dia- gonal parking ou the easl sie of Main Street andý parallel parking on tire west side. Tire.motion asa requested a lime limit for park- ing of lwo boums. D. M. Simpson said tint ire disapproved of Ibis arrangement and fecl htiremoval of tire curbs en bath sides and lire mainltin- ance of diagonal parking wonld give ire same esuts. He asked m. Mercer wirat ciauged iis mind ou this issue. Mr. Mercer stated tint tire plans as received from tire Deprîmeul cf Transport were drawn up by mien eîperienced lu tis field and tiraI these plans were also tire -cireapest ta brting, juta effect. Tire County hias rcceived tire Tequeslf frointire Police Village and, it is possible tint tire neces- sary ,by-iaws could ire passed wlthiu tire next week. If it is ual passed aI Ibis next metine 1no 2ction wonld tien ire taken by tire County until tireir November ineeting. Brue hraha'm 171411and rnany otirer toýp drivershav grappled with tireý cirecuit's twists and turnus. stfuctura-.- aminer for le Royal Lifo Sa-1 ýiugScileaid the Bronze1 PAlUL JONES' NOff HITTER' Oironô Midgets Win Eýast O)nt; Chrampions Mosport bas also been the prcv- cas r.Sedrworked ar PauaJoespitchiuig a no bitter bre its lu five tý rips te the inggrond or auyhoue4~ed iththis class asse by Ron g ave th de to tbe Orono Mi plte. Btir players scored two drves ke Luwi II iiîrtbSmtbnn Ms.Renods gt bil clb over the ýT-re-unu. Paul 1Joues rcrddtwo Thefo]oigaetec ir onteam ta s-jecUre forftireipalbisand ùtwo ')runswie a ro (Continued ýpage 6),who assedtei Rej Cross Swimr boys tire Eastern Ontario (Cbamr- Permaizît ecorded anc bit ad ___________________________________________piausbip, Class 4D'. The final un Tedî Stark one bit aud Brian îcry framon in the thre-e Foster two mus for walks. (i S a f n f five se-ries wmas gaiued at Tu the ,ýfirst inn ete-t N m e N w ieacnersNewoin SthefOrono Park Saturday ee-soe.Botir scored single nmus lu SIugý by a score oif 9-3. PanI IJoues)tD e second to stiil maintalu a tic r'q Jn u'he, mo-uud was a3 decidiug lu the game. Orono then wen-at on 9 'f C lake H IgýSrh oo factor lu the -vlctory as he pit,tovictory with twous lu tire ed a no-bit gae aong wititkig rd nto utire fourth, tbree iu Thre Clarke Higbý, Scbool this year Sud f_,ro-m PrtHoe t teiegiteen strikýe-outs lu ite ninýe the fiftb and one lu the eightir. will bave n Ils staff of seve--Muisie; Mm. L. Voisin from2 Kiteir- innings of play. The Orono entry will 'now teen. teachers a nd a principal, 1enlerLüto tacir Freucnh and Engli'sir Seven wlsgv thc e ruton move ýon to furtber play lu tire nine new teachers, Trhe new tea.IMm, Norman Stirling fromn Tom- entry their tre crs Pro)vincial playdowns. It is niot chers are listed below aloug, witir auto to be týecirnical Director and John MIathers and Enri Coýbhîp_-e yet known where the next thé subi ects tirey will teacir teacir Englisir dick eaid ire Ornobatters wi-vth jopp0,5ition will corne. Enrolment lu grade nine is. ex- _________________________________________________ pected to be 115. Enrolment inu tire entire school lu 196 4 was 277.%& 1MissJoan Bennett fromt New., a e ,W a e v r w h r casîle to teach Euglisb and Hist- ory; Miss Caroiyn Motel fromn Ot-'t o tawa to teacir Commercial; Miss e B u N 0trie Caroiyn Pascoe from Oshawa to teaci r G. 9 Science and PHE; Mm. Ail signais have yet to- read tire O.W.R.C. a week ago Monday. bie-c-,tret for the purpose c f George Berrigan fron West Hill "go" for the Orono Municipal It is reported that a few correct- an sprinkler systcm. 10 teacb Geography; Mr. JohnIjWaîer Systern and it is presently ions have yet to' be made ta the Sletrih fotWbitby to impossible to f [nd ont wiren . cust- installation wbich include aligu- Tielte frte sttd ht Syleseric fomwbe tbIus suim - was re(celved tire teach Pbysics andý Cheémistry; orner Service wili ire allowed to ing the pump, some painting ou id .,,ý nt oer Miss Gail Lam of Midland to ,start lu the Village. 1 j1 tire tank and other lucideutals. wtrsse o om Pr teacir Home Economics; Miss Tire Police Trustees could pro-j Those attending tire inspection aîu Patricia McCaig, Sirncoe ta teachIr vide no light on tire matter on from tire Police Trustees were Forestr sated tirat ire felt Frenchr. Mouday eveniug at their regular gîven no îindication wiren tire sys- tinss not, at tis time'holding Bowmnnville Higir Scirool, meeting. The watermain syslem temi conid go int operation. npteapnn of tire system. D. Miss Joan Amos frorn Kingston Ibraugiraut tire Village is tilled D. M. Simpson stated ire couid M. -Slrnypsor asIked if the rnoney to teacb English; Mr. Herbert along witb tire tankbeing partial- see no reason wiry tire systern iad beenoband to wiricb R. DeWaal frorn Aldersirat ta teach iy filled, Yet service to resideurs couid not be lu operation as tirej Forrester sai o". It was fur- Englisir; Mr. Michael J. Kelly bas not ireen given tire, green conditions wici bave yet to be tirer learmed tiat no writteu a- from Manitoba ta teacir Englisir; ligirt. It is irowever understood met irefore clearance is given, greemreut had been oitained fromt Mr. Earl W. Wolff from G ý7aIt ta that Il-e systemn wilii ua go into would not binder tire supply of Crpyfrsucb payrnt. R. be Vice-Principal and tai Math- j operatian until sncb time as clear- wae r. ForresteIIýr stËated tiraIlire and Mm. ematics. lance iras ireen givea by tir on .C. Farrester sîated tirat ire Mercer irad met with Curvply Courtice High Siio:jstructiani departmeut af U.WV.R. Ihad, rcivda copy of a le-trro desîmed ta pay for tire in- M. Donald Adair, from Oshrawa C. At tire lime tris clearance is sent ta tire, Towuisirip Cierk from cn re,-asing ln. size over a periad of ta teacir Matirematics; Mrs. James given tire systemn wilibe turned 'tire OWRC -lu,-wiicir the OWRC yers. At Ibis time tire OWRC .Bell fmam nortir Oshrawa ta ecroe atr prtniiiino was requestiung tirat a sum o;f wascontactcd ànd Forrester said Art a-%'d Boys Hcalth (% lime);Itire O.W.R.C wiro eau tiren or- $6600.00 ire provided'by Curvply ire uuderstoad thit Il was possible M. Darrell Devolin fom Brighrt- garize lire opeatcu cf tire sys- Wood Products to caver tire cost ta make sncb au -arrangem-_ent and on ta teach Matirematics, Busin- 1cmn cf iucreasing tic. size af the wat- tirat il co-uld ire settled fallowiug es,,s Practce: Miss GîîîJoryfm Tire conistruiction ceparîmnent ermain -from 6"' ta 8" "hrougir a ' i nlthe fcf the construe owsiwta teacir PHE and 's-bvpprityno ePienprinof tire Village. Tr l-tior cf tire -systemn. R. Forrester tory; Miss Heather Munra frorn tieir clearance. crease lu sire was necesryt was anîhorized ta contact the Toronto ta teach PHE, Englisir1 An "on-tire-site" iuspectiôu was provide svufýiiet water- supply jOWRC la gel Ibis matter cieared and Healtir Girls; Mrs. Elizabeth Igiven iry eigirt or ten officiais Of and pressure aItirhe plant on Cob-! up as soon as possible.

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