Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jul 1965, p. 7

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~rn~E~* - -~ HALL, PERKIN & CO. <Charted Accountarits King St.', ewcastlC j 987-4240 36% King St. E., Oshawa William C. Hall, B.Comnn., C.A. D avid G. Perkin, C.A. IW. KAY LYCETT, B.A.~ .Barrîster - S li or In the Offices:of . .WaddeflQC MAIN ST., ORONO f Telephoile 138 Orono SMERRILI D. BROWN B.S.A- BA:SC : 'L:S, OP.ROFESSIONAL ENGINEE 0 (Civil) Ontario Land SurveYOr I 121i Queen St. Box 16590 B9wmanville, OÔulariO 0 Telephofle 623-725 Li.SKAIFE Chartered Accounitant 375 Water Street PETERBOROUGH Phone 742-548Z Ceneral1 INSURANCE FRED LYIrT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO phone 12516 Reè$. 20616 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatuî Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms .and dates ]phone 5 r Ï 18 Oroule TED JACKSON Auctioneer and'-Valuator Conduets Auction Sales of al sizes and at reasonable rates Communicate with him at Port Perry, Ontario PUMPING OUT. SEPTIC TANKS WHITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tompk-tns" Phione 786-2552 W. FRANK 19LAL ESTATE LIMITED g CI 177 Church St. f O Bowmanville 623-33»3 Ji Orv-ille Chatterton Electrical ,Contracting Electrie Heating and Service PHONE 245 Orono, Ontario il Orono Electrié PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and 110115E WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and GùaranteedRepaîre to aIl kinds of Electrical Equipment and Appliances Such at Metors- Water Heaters T.V. - Radios Ë toves - Irons Service Atop C) Fire Iu Fidelity Bond, Liability f Life O Phoine 1-R-16 Oroiio 0o Box 133 MO. 84u552 IStafford Brothers 318 Limited 38Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturera of Cemetery Memorials Dealers ini liomestie & Foreign Granites and Marbles -,,inscriptions Cut and Cemetery Repalr Work Monwnmnts and Family M ~moriaIs Our quality and service leaves nothing to be dlesired Ask the person who bought fruni as, a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTI1ER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontafio Street PORT HOPE I'Largest Display in Southern Ontario" bouse or ground floor ment. Wyrite1 Box i5ý, Orono. FOR SALE Rted Raspberrîcs and Columbia bçrnes for sale. Mrs.-Ivan' Farrow, Phone 289 Oroeio. a-p NOTICE, Stutfs Drug Store 'will beo closed the wýeek of :Auiguat 1 to th.c- BARN DANCE Allen Foster's, Kendal, July 24, featuning Bob, Adams and the, Blue River Boys. Admission $1,00., 9 to 12 o'clock. Everyone wel- co1ie. b-ci NOTICE Rainey's Store and Rlay's Bar- ber Shop will 'be closed Auguist lst to Autgust 8th. C-28-P HELP WANTED Wâitress and Kitchen 1-1elp, Apply New Dutch Oven Restaur- ant, phone. 290 Orono, b-27-(,, NURSING HOMIE Licensed anom~aii t Lyntonhurst Manor Nursing Io.me for Senior Citizeips. 1eason- abie rates., Phone Orono 371. n:28~p WATSON'S Marine and Cycle McCULLOCH BOATS &MOTORS CHIN SAWS Repairs to all makes of Lawn Mowvers and~ 2 and 4 cycle v'iglnes 9TACQ 'O LOW IPOINTS ANDMACUI".FItY, BUVING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE A. J.McGILL REAL ESTATE BROKER Poe:Orono 1407 Osha~wa 728-4285 Building a b.use? or reinodelling y4ur present one, then contact Floyd Nicholson PHONE 2191 ORONO Accoontin g and Bookeeping Sérviçe Incorne Tax Returus Prepared JACK FERREN ORONO 3M * IN MEMORIAM( apr- In loving mnemory of Mrs. Fr! Partner,. Tyrone, who passed A wndefuîmother, womnai a aid; one who was better, God iieve made, A wonderful worker, loyal an fair, Tenderly fie1pfuil, O) mother yo were. Just in your judgement, alway rigtxt, Honest and liberal, ever ilprigli Loved b)y ail, our pride they sha: Pride in the wonderfui c-ne ye Ever rememnbered by and granic lildren Pat, Harvy, hipar'iBonnie. brson Bernice' Wend3y, a-c JIIRTH KNOX-To Robert and ýGayle, a son, born July 19th in Nipawi.n Union Hfospital, Saskatchewan. a-c RECEPTION MVr. anid Mrs. Oscar J. Luxton, Cobbledick St., Orono, will1 be "At Hlome' to 'their relatives, friends and neighbours on Mon- day, July 21th from 3 t0 5 in the afternoon and 7 to 9 in the even- ýing on the occasion of 'their Golden Wedding Anniversary. HOMEa-c Dl OUG SIMPSON &SON0 Q Phone Orono 208 PAINTING - INTERIOR 0 1EXT ERIO U 1% PAPE I HANGING 0 BUIILDING CUPBOARDS fi REM~ODLMNG 0FUIINITUBN REPAIR AND ALL ODD J OBS PAUT-TIME RADIO TV REPAIRS - HI-FI - Stereo -Record IPlayers -Antennas - Towers -PA System for rent All parts and labour guaranteed HARRY WIERSMA phone 1737 Orono Real Estate When Buying or Sellng cal W112f Hawkime 1r12 Orono Representing ~Jack Ricard REALTOR, 71 King St. E., Bowmanvlle 6232503 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Jack Arnott Representative EXCELSIOR LIFE Insurance Company Phone Bus.: 72f5.4758 Res. Orono: 15211 212 West Block, Oghawa Shopping Centre Osh*wa, Ontario p: 25 CAR» 0F THANKS T w mish to express my thanks4 a- for the miaiy cards and gifts 1 received darintg and. after jny sýtay in Bowmanville Meingrial ndHospital. a-c Dorothy Dunlop. 'OU Lt; Xe au COMING EVENT An Afternoon Tea and Bk Sale under the auspices of the Kendal' U.C.W., will be held at the home of Miss Catherine Stew- art, 6th line, on Wednesday, Aug. 4 from 2 In 5 pan. There will also be a display~ of antiques. Admis- sion 35 cents. b-27-ç, GARAGE FOR RENT Garage for vent at rear of O1r- ono 5c to $1.00 Store. $4.00 mon- thly. Apply withïn. a-c Home, Hlovsehold effects and fa'rm impleineiits to be sold by IPublic Auction, Satuirday, July 31, commniing at 1 p.m, Lot ý2, IConcession 8, Darlington Town- ship. The Propedty of Fredl Part- ner. Watch for, sale bis. a-p NOTICE TO CUEDITORS AND OTHERS "In the Estate of Colom be Blanche Keon, Dec'd. i A l persons hiaing dlaims a- gainst the Estaf e of the above. namned, late of 214 Qucen St., East, Toronto, and Twin dOaks Motel, Orono, Ontario, are to file their claims with the undersigned on or before the l6th day of Aug- ust, 1965, after which date the Estate will'be distribtited, having regard only to.-eaimrs reteived by that dat e. Dated at Toronto this l4th day of July, 1965. Norman Dougla s Johnston By His Solicitors Dashwood & Dashwood, 930 Kingston Road, Toronto 13, Ontario. cv28c B0oy-rScout PAPER DR.IlVE Satturdaoy, 'J -u-ly ,2 4 1th ' For Better Use The Cla ssified Section, -- l'

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