ORONO WEEKLV TIIEMES, TIIUR8IDAY, JULV 22d, 1%5 Cnristianity And, Lif The Three Rs, Scxjpture Lesson: Mathey 6: 19-34. Taken fromn a sermon preached by Rev. Basil E. Logyý-: Let us cons ider Cbristianity and Mife in termns of three R'S. That is- Christianity as relevant, reverent and responsible. Christiauity is relevant, pertin-b ent, concerned with the mtter li hand. Often we either express our Chrlstiauity or think of it in terms that are not pert ine nt. Let Up keep in the background of ourt minds the illustration of P. parkt as we talk of Christianity and life In a certain park there were signs saying, no bull playing, no 4,icycle rdiug, rio pets, no walk- ing onu the grass. Such a park is ýa muaseurm piece. Tt is not rele-1 vant to the need of man in this age. If a park is relevant to the situation' of our time it would likely have flowers, grass, hedges ponds, lanles, tennis courts, bull diamonds, a swimiming pool and beuiches. There are those who feel that Christiauity is againist life, ai- ways opposed to somieting. This is a misuuderstandingc. Chrisian- ity is doiugý rather than not do- iny. So mnuch of the expression of Christianity takes the form of the negative. We can get this from the Ten Comman dments. Eighit of them ýare negative, only two are positive. Now' unless we are con- scious of how ineffective and er- relevant the negative is, to the real abundaut life iu Christ, then: v~e could subserible to something ln which we believe, but fail to do those thiugs whichmake life better. Someone said, "Christian- lty is not just something you be- lieve, b ut 'something you do." We ,May subscrible tQ the com- maudment "No other gods" be- fore the Great Spirit biehind the .nuiverse, but f ail to do anything positive lu relatiouship to living a life harmonious with that God. We.may hot tuke the Lord 's 'name iu vain literally, but wel'May curse our fel lowmen. We May re- frain from kilIling1 or committing adultery, but we May destroy iu other ways, the people with whom we associate. We may think we do not covet, yet it m3ay be thie root of ail our actions unless we are very conscious of the nature Local 3-Year 01 Its Fjrst Race Fo i. can be used wrongly. Even the Royal DewJ, a, three-year-old Bible can be, pervexted by mani colt owned by Mr. Fred Lycett, to such an extent that people Orono, made a successful debut have, lost their lives, lived iu at the Peterborough raceýway on- ýmisery and hiardship) because of Suturdlay night. The horse, 'in its 1what man has done to God's Hloly first race, won golng awuy /n. a iWord. Jesiîs suid to the fanatic -1 peedy time of 2.13.3 o Ver the ally relîi'Idu' of His day that they Peterborough track. Mr. Cllff Hie perverted religion and instead ofl is handling the horse for Mr, relig ion mninistering to man and Lycett. The colt was raised b-y bringing hlmin»ito fulness and Mr. Reid Harness of Orono later, muturity, had used it to lay a being sold to Mr. Lycett who is load on «man that he- couldn't now in comrsrtition at the local bear, causing hlmi to become dis- 1 tracks. couraged., Jesus also, told them they were using the Sabbath in the w-rong way aud -that "The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath." Too ofteu rigon is negutive and not rel- evant. Those whio observe a Sub- bath are puting themiselves lu hune for better hiealth physically, mentally and spiritually. A park is meant to bring, enjoyment aud refreshment aud God put us intû this life to eujoy life. Everythiing is good until we pervert it. But see it lu the light of Christ and live it in the Spirit of Christ and it becornes blessed. Christiauity reflects a rever- ence for life because it is God's creaion. So often man hias, not hud reverence for the beauty of nature. Man has ruined so miuch of the ýface of' the earth because he is blind and thinks offly of himself. Christianity would cre- ate in us a spirit of reverence for the things which God hias created We see these things not as ours to be plundered but ours to use and make better. Whiere moan lives 'for himself he creates a wasteiand. Where he cooperates withi God hie changes the wuste- land into the land of plenty. Christianity would teach us « revereuce for every other life, ~God créated us with unique per- sonalities, each one differeut. Certaiuly our children needgud ance but too often we force them into a mold not of God's maki 1ng. Quite often marriage becomnes un implemient of distortion of other lives and this lack of reverence mutilates them. Now certainly we cun, inspire euch other alid a lfe of beauty draws another life into a more complete life of beauty. God iuteuds that we shiould so be associated with Jes- us Chrislt that Ris, Spirit dwelling in us wouid cause others to be firawn into thé 5rni,4it of iq. of the Christian life. Jesus sumi- Chirist, also. Changing a pero med up the Ten Commauriiidments ýbecause they see somethiiinlg in a very p)ositive way when he which draws themr is not utLilat- I said, "Love God and love your ing a hife. Christiauity brings a1 neighour."revereuce into our lives for not How useless a park is if you only human lives but ail the rest caunot enter and enjoy' it; 110w of God's creation. A park eau useiess a religion is,*-if it is some- have the poteutial of a beautiful thing that we ascribe- to in our place, but it can pe littered 'vith miuds, but we fail to love and refuse, the swinuing pond pol- react lu a positive way 'in every luted and bicycles disturbing peo- experience, of life. There ought pie. A park' is meunt to be en- to be a joy lun îiarn for Christian joyed, flot destroyed. people hecause it is relevant. Many people think Christianîty The third thing abouit Christ-1 is doing tlie difficuit,' disagree- lanity is that it mukes us respon- able task and if something is sible lu life. We cannot live to really enjoyable it is either ques- ourselves because Christiauity is tionable or plot good. 1 cannot feliowship. God didn't place us lu agree. 1 arn sure that everythîng this beautiful laud with ail its is, good and God intended us to, abundance for our own satisfac- enter with joy into living, to live tion ouly. We are to become re- With victo)ry. Man does seem to spousible stewards-of that w!iieh have the tendency to pervert and 's given us s0 that it may minist- to corrupt aud anything is_ sus- er to the needs of othe-- men. ceptible to mans pervertion. When man fails hîs responsibil- Man's mind makes possible the ity and thinks only of himself, he discovery of, marveilous new strangles it'until he loses it. We things, 'communion and compan- know life by giviug it away. So ionship with one another, ye we corne to the park whicb says, man's mmnd becomes perverted "This is your park. Help us to su his -relation slip with people keep it dlean, ucat and - njoy- becomes a wrong one. He fash- able." The sign is to inspire us ions things that hurt and destroy to use it in the right way so that yet there is the poteutial for it is a thing of beauty, i,,sefu1 to great good as it is used iu the humanity - flot just ourselves but' service of mankind. to ail others who' would go that How often people say. that Way. money. is the root of ail evil. The Christ makes life relevant in Bible doesn't say that. t says, every situation, because Christian- "The love of money is the root iÎty is doing those things w)liich of al evil." Money lu itself is not1 are pertinent. Christ fis us with bad, yet covetousness , au cor- a reverence for life so where we rupt, the use of money untî! ît are truly Christian we have this hurts, harms and destroys. The deepest reverence for ail of God's beautiful relationship that God creation. Christ makes, us respon- created between 'man and womau sible lu our stewardship. We eau- isofe perverted. t is good but not live by ourselves or to our- While Fred Lycett enters the1 ring Ronnie West temporarily bows out as his horse Tommy Direct was claimed at St. Cath- ainéus recently for a sum of $2500.00. This has left Ronnie horse-less for the time being. Other action, ut Peterboroi,-,h on Saturday saw Jack Williamns with Happy Mdac being sîdelined when another horse rau into Jack's cart, breaking one side of the spokes in the wheeL. Jack was forced to pull out of the, race. Keith West with Lightniug Dures and Junior- West with Speedway Putfinished weli back lu their respective races. At the Mouday race meet in Oshawa, Gerald' Robinson drove bis brother's horse' Nancy Joe, selves. He hus ýplaced certa in things in our hauds to be cared for and to be used to R is glory. We cari sum Lt ail ulutlxn words of Jesus speakiug of His own coinig and the reason for it when He said, "I come that they might have life uud have-it more abujndantly." As wei jolu togeth- er lu) the fello»hip of the Lord's Supper wve share lun another way the Yfellowship of the Living la W-insINCREASE THE VALUE 0F VOUR WOODLOT, 0 Lindsay will have a new wood-~ r .w1ner ýusiug irildustry by October 1965., This îndustry will uise smualt but finiished out of tbe md7ney. log-s called bolts. Jack Williams driving Fris k-0 Learu how 'yeur woodflot' eau Gratton flnished first and fourth benefit fromn this new boit mr in a two heat feature the samelket. Contact the Departmeutmof, night. ýLands and Forests, inu Liudsuy for our FREE mar&keting servie Lawrence Hooey's horse, Sançly Ths industry will1 provide aun Ilemon, was a recent winuer with opportunity for privaàte land ow- ýa time a littie over,2.04. Jack nfers to improve the quaiity of Reid uow hbas his horses at. the Jtheir young hard wood woodioýts. Greenwood~ where forty-tivo 4ays IA youug stand of trees is like lof raciug will be held. Our Pat- ýa patch'of carrots, it must be ricia placed fourth for Jack ut ithiuned, to produce vuality for ýthe Greenwood this week while lumnber and veneer production. Griffith Huiâover hit the third In time, natute will do this by hole ou crossing the wire. Continued page 5 The Council of the Mutnicipcility ,of the Township of Clarke NOTIE» ThCouncil' of the Municipality of the Townishlp of'Clarke hereby gives notice that it intends to pass a By-law to dlose or stop-up the Road Allowances in the Towns;hip of Clarke, in the County of Durham, followlng that is to -say: 1. The Road Allowance between Lots 8 & 9 in the Eighth Concession of the Tiownship of, Clarke, îCôunty of Dur- ham, being, the north 1412 feet, southerly1 of the said northerly boundary. 2. The Road, Allowance between Lots 24 & 25 in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Clarke. Couunty of Durham, extending froni the soujtherIy lirnit, of tïue, said Fourth ýConcession to the northerly inuit thereof. 3. The Road Allow"ance between Lots 34 &' 35 in the Tenth Concession of the Township of ClarkeÎ, County of Durham, extending from the southerly limit or the said Tenith Concession to the northerly limit therêof. 4. 'the Road Allowane between Lots 6 & 7 iu the First Concession, of the Township of Clarke, Comnty of Dur- hagm, extending from the southerly imit of the said Ffrst Concession te the southerly limit of King's Iligh- way No. 401. 5. TheRoad Allowance between Concession 8 & 9 abut- ting on Lots 7 & 8 of the Township of Clarke; County of Durham. 6. Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 2 & 3 ia the south haif of the Eighth Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from, the souitherly limit of the said Elghth Concession northerly to a point where the said Road Allowance between Lots 2 & 3 intersects with the southerly.boundary of the Forced Road, which point is 436 feet more' or less southerly from the Centre Line of said Eighth Con-. cession. AND TAKE NOTICE that any interested party desiring te make dlaim or to oppose the said By-law will be heard in personI or by proxy at the meeting, of the said Council to ho held in the Township Hall at Orono, Ontario, on the 3rd. day of. August,' 1965, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Daylight Saving Time. Dated this 8th day of July, 1965. H. E. MILLSON Clerk of the Municipality OO5MFLETE ATO SERVICE 24 1-#R. N.A.. OWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWMANVIIJLE PESO NS TO BL DMTE USTREPRT Y 3 P. -Effective Il July, 1965, persons, other than emergencies and those admitted early i the morning and dischargçd the same day, must check iu not later than 3 p.m. This decision has been made lai the interests of impî'oved service and better patient care. BOARD OF DIlIECTORS Mr, "lM M. it B t( b n v p r u