-~ -~ I ~ ~ - -. -~ - ORONO WEEKLY TIýMES, TKURMSDAXY, JLLY 22n,XU6 Regional Government (Continued from. page 1) regional government. These are poor and unequal assessment ipvîctices, lack of co-operation be- fvween the levers of municipal go-vernment, and a changing so- Honourable J, W. Spooner, On- tario, Minister of Mwunicipal Af-' faîrs, in an address to the Asso- ciation of Ontario Mayors and -Reeves at a meeting held recently Ïn Kftchener, said, "The prob- lems facing the munîcipalities of ,Ontario are complex and diffi- -cult to solve. Perhaps one of our I.:ggest problemn areas today lies îs the field of assessment." In a study undertaken by the :assessment branch of the Munic- ipal Affairs Department in 1963, it wre f ound that "64.2 per cent oPf the municipalities have neither :revised nor adjus.ted assessed vaussince 1956, 43.1 per~ cent do not use an integratedf asjss- mnt system ior mnaniial, 17.5 per cent have no appraisal records ýof any kind, 14.2, per cent did not -prepare their assessment rolîs in accordance with the act, 19.1 per ,cent did not include population on the assessment roll, 17.3 per cent did not bother to assess or collect business tax, 65.8 per cent did not send ,assessment noticesý to tenants, and in every county TJhere is an unacceptable devia- tion in the ratio of assessed value. -for the varlous municipalities." The survey produced other startling evidence of poor assess- -ment practices such as "assess- ,able properties missing from the roll1; summer cottages assessed forï business asses9ment, and what inust be termed deliberate over and under assessment of proper- ty. Tt is safe to say that if the tax base were as inadequately ad- rninistered, by the senior levels of government,' the nation would' probably be bankrupt." The miinister ,suggested that there were thre 1e basic reasons 'why the assessment .function is poorly applied. These include poorly trained and part-time as- lessors, the use of out-dated and inadeqùuate assessment systems, and the reluctance by municipal- ities to appropriate sufficient funds to institute and maintain îassessment efficiency. "Lack of co-operation and com- mnunication" between town, town- :sbip and county governments wa$ another reason suggested by May- or Heenan. If there had been co-operation between the town councils of Port Hope and Cobourg a hospital curling rink, and 18-hole golf course could have been built haîf way between the two towns,11 Mayor Heenan stated. The prc ent councîls are stili futictjoliung urder. the Municipal Act designed in- 1849 when the countryside was dominated by the family farm with scattered towns and villagW. Then the dif- ferent types of councils were nec-, essary to govern. Today Mayor Heenan estimates that less than 20 per cent of the rural pço)ple ZCensd lyubr lcane lulyou X Mehanical Contractor who selis, instalis and guarantees j CARMAN PLUMBINO - HEATING Phonte 143, Orono stili operate the family farms and there is no definite boundary between the rural- urban areas. With this changed society the Municipal Act bas not kept pace. The members of the regional councils would be elected direct- ly by the pe ople on the basis of wards which should be, as near- ly as possible, equal in popula- tion. Qualifications necessary for Chamber (OnflnedfrinPaz- 1) agreement with the design. Ac- cordingly the contract plans are being prepared for this type o1 construction. Yours very truly, - W. Bidell, Dîrector of Planning election to the regional councu ,terim. would be the samne as those at, The need for change ts a $0pres-j present necessary, for municipal sn hogotte poic conîl.that Mayor Heenan 'estimaates, The select committee recom- the first provincial legislation mended that the termi of office necessary to, implemnent regional by, the other* members of the igovernment wîll occur next yea r council as its head and hie would even though it is still in report hold his position through his1 form at'present. 49e price tags mean Special Savingls this week! BEST BUY! - SAVE 12c! - Aylmer .or Wagstaffe New Pack - With Pectin 24-oz jar BEST BUY! - SAVE 13c! - Fully Cooked 15-oz. tins 'HEDDA HEESE 12-oz, wedge ~BRrnes and Byam t ' PLUMBING and HEAING sales and Serviee X24 HOUR, BU-ENE SERVICE OR-A FINANCING Low Interest Rates O Phones: Hampton CO. 3-228 O Tyroine CO. 3-2r.50 Frozen Foods! 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