Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jul 1965, p. 1

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k f f Oron VOLUME 271, NUl N ear 700 A Dairy Night, PM~E1t 26 Uten d Newc' Last Thursday evening between ~sand, seven hundred aduifs 1 and children attended Dairy 1 'oi aing Ngt'65, held in the Newcastle > a Areýna. It was on this nighf that U -frejudges chose Dairy Princ- essto represent Durham Coun- fy and also Northumberland A new feature fi Couaty at the Ontario Dairy Prini- Fi h ben annc eress confest being, held in con-i should prove most inaction with the Canadian Na- for spectators. The fluiExhibition later fhiis year. bepony races À,itii As a result of the judging Miss ifirst for thIý area, Ir,na McLaughlin of the Bow- f air manager, stateý m.i.anville district~ wil represent steeds must qualify ýIurhani Counity in fte Ontarioolandj that ail driver .metesf white Miss Maria B3attag- sls un1i of Warkworth wlli represent Pn acn a Norhu~ibnlndCounty. popular in other se, Four comipefed for Durhmi Province and if is f, Cqounty beirig Margaret Coomnbes, :ae t h rn BF-arbara Lee, Margaret ShackIe- rcsa h rr ton and Donna MLulln The no exceptioni. four competing- from Northuyl-l- The races will be, eradwere Margaret Stewart , urday, Audrey Moore, Maria Battgi adBrenda Martin. Each contestant was judged on their public, speaking- abiitfy, ýtheir g-enerai kniowiedlge of the d'aIry industry and their abiiity te milik foilowing proper proced-1 ures. Contestants npoke for a few minutes on the dairy ind'jistry ndtheir home farm. This was foillowedl by the contestants acf- alymilkiag, cows which were stalled lu the arena for the, oc,,a- sion. Here the, girls displayed their technique and the cleanli- niess that had to he followed,-'lu the dairy industry. Other features of the evenling * were the appearance of Elizabethl Chawford, Ontanlo Dainy Pria-! c-ess, whootLlneýd the îikingI techniques whilh was beiag foýl-1 owdby the contesta nts. She al- so ave - niany highiights of her.v f ravels as Dalny ,Princess 1964. STb e Orono Band was la at- fehdaPce and Wae well received ,7y the large laudience.3 Some forty lucky draws werk, wide t fh- close of the eveaing xith pri7es ranging fromn butter,, cheese to fokens for mii.k. Priz'Im wore don- ated by firms associaled with the dalry. iadustry. Free milk was distributed at the close of the eveaiug by Glen In a few years the governmeiif mahe and Brighton. The -f willhe chanedlïi 1trnshio o~ f the Woo9kl TUrnes OBONO) WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 922nd, 1965 star[ Work On Th îrtsep) towaïrds estab- lishng he lanke Township Cen- tennial proýj-ct along the Orono Cr-eek - was takeon last Friday when membenrs of the commnittee along wjih Mn. William Wyett, ,arParkNtualst )f the Depart- met of Landrs and Forests, four-, Fr the, Orono ledethe ntr exWtn of the pro- loun-edwhieh 1ject. ýt intkresting featuire will il sulkies, a Mlr. Carson, es that these for the race rs must Wear become Most etions of the felt that these, Fair wiil be held on Saf- Stili Iiwestigating The Depant ment ofi Agr-icul- ture is sf111 invcsfigaUigdare believed caused by spray residJue, to flic Watson orchard west of Rowmanviiie. Thie damage has, proved considenable te this on- clard as flic season li advanced and thene aow appears7-ý no hope of fliose trees damaged f0t pull fînougli. Mr. Wyett laid out the nature trail in the south section of the project, the portion south o f the Orono park whlch includes a glood portion oi, the creek and the northiexn section of the iiil pond. The commiittee are now to ifollow up his layout by clearing the trails Dana. building two bridges whîch wt;ilI be placd at intervals aiong the creeli. Further work is expected to be cairried outinl Septeinber by nmak- ing a further sttidy of the land and need i te northern section of the pro ject which reaches to the holîowv at Cob 11i11 on the Main Street of Orono. ýTO INSTALL WASHnOQQlS AT OROINO FAR GROUNDS On Wedlnesday evening the Directors of fthe Durham Centixal Agricultural Society atwthorized the installation of mnodIem wash- rooms in the agcricultural build- ing at the Oýrono Fair Grounds. The, cotract was award ed to Carman Plumibing and lleating at a prnce of $1500.00. The Depant ment does lhowever expeet to make a, repo)rt soime- Thwahom arf0 ein ime la the future he mreI tale wen4e neet wash- definite îanformation is availabie. n octdi tebid Spray residue is thoughatete have n.Teob>4buometl settlee on the Watson onchard la new and( od' 1964 with the damaging resul si shnowing up this year. SECOND GM WARDEI T *The lHeyland orchard whlch ESTABLISavNeORON Durham County isf0hv w is also being watched by the De- partment. Rae, Maple Grove and Crystal Dainies of Bowmaavilie. Mn. Francis Jose acted as,, 'as- fer oif Cenemonies for the even- ing. Game Wardens. Mr. Jack Stewart from Port Arthur has been post- ed - *to Durham County to ass ist Mn. Doug Po--well enfonce fhe reg- ulatio-%s throughout the Çounty. Mr. Stewarts dut les wvill com- mence somefime during August. Both 'Game Wardens wili work ont of the Orono office at fhe Pnoviacial Tree Nursery. Escaping Gas Awaken Local Citi.zens Junio r Girls Win Lasi Two The Onono Junior Girls 'have successfuiiy comipetéd la their pasf two games with victorîes ;0v. er Welcomc aad Nwovl Last Tliunsday la Welcone tfli local girls took a 13-8 vicfony. The girls held fhelclad througiiout fthc gane starting wltli four ruas lan flie first and oeein the second.L Ia flic third Orono scored five While Welcomce came up witli two rus. Onono added two and onie la flic foui-th and fiffli wie Wei- comne sconed flince and flire ia flic saine two innings. Carol Mencr was fle in îniag, pif cher for Orono taking a total of seveni stnike outs ianflie five ianiags of play. Nancy -Nixoi! was flic Orono powenhouse at bat. She was np to bat four timces and scored on aIl occasions, one being a homie run., Car'oli Mercer was al- so credited with a homee'ruan. ORONO ý'16 NE WTON VILLE 15 The second gaine was playcýd, la Orono onrMndy iglifwitli a fiffli inniag hft by Caroline Cald- well Sendlng l ic we ýinning rua of thelie gae for VinoTe game wNhcn Ca roline camne f0 bat, stoodt at fiff.ecalal wfh Orono Iaving1 a ninncn la scoring position., Car-1 The Orono-Clanke Fine Depart- ment neceived an- early mornînýg caîl Monday to the Trans-Canada Pipe Linedepot on the wesf side of Highway 115 just sonth of Or- ono, The alarm wvas fumned in by the O.P.P., anouo.d five aým. to whlch six mnembers of the De- The cause of the alarm was a leak at the depot caused by a faulty gaskef. Thec escapiag gau made a screaîIng noise whir-h could be heard for at least a mile f1romn the depo3t. The gas is under pressure to som ewhe ear-ound 1500 pounds. Thé, fire dep'araent did not enter the conapou1id but didý as- sist the O.PP. with ti'affic andf stoodt by la case of mishap. Officiais of the pipe Une, which cannIes natural gas fd Eastern Onitarlo and Marawere caîl- ed from Toronto to -make repairs. The early m-orning fire alarw wakened mnany. citizens in the Village as did the escaping gas la the area south of Orono. ollne's hit drove la the winning rua. The pitching duties for Orono weneý' handled by the sister teami of Ronda and Beverly Tennant. The, game fhroughout was a close one wvîth Onono 'and New- fonville trading the. lead a 'num- ber' of times dinring the five lu- nings of play- I 1nmates Granted Request Sent To Kingston Magistrate R. B. Baxtei- sent- I enced' five pnîsoners from Mill-1 brook Reformatory la court Fn- ( day to fwo years in Kingstoa Pen-i iteatiary for aron. This sentence1 is f0 rua consecufively f0 their preseaf sentences, but the ýentire fime will be served la' Kinàston.1 Thréeeilamates,, David Allan White, Donald William~ Whit e and Paul Emnile LaLonde, wene snecdfor thie fine set in the jo.om uy5 and fwo others George Beriiand Sf. John aad Raymond Savage were seatenced for fthc fine set la the braille room Jnly, 6. The lamates -claimed fthc fines wenc set la an effont fo focus t- tention upon what they consider their pliglit., The inmates feel that for a long senten~ce, sucli as theins, tliey should have been sent to a federal institution .sueli as Kingston instead of a provin- cial institution. At a federal in- stitution there are more facilities for lamafes to leara a trade than there are lat a provincial one.. The White brothers and La-j londe ail took part in an escape from Burwash, which nesulfed in tlîeir being sent f0 Millbnook. They did this, accordiag f0 White because they waafed f0 get f0 Kingston and leara a frade. "0f l- ens escaping from Bnrwash werc being given six monflis and sent f0 Kingston. We gof four and a hall years but nof la Kingsfton." said that if is strange how, wýheu la an institution, prisonens sudl- dealy become veny conce',raed lth thein future but neyer sýeem, tg gîve if a thought while on fhi. outside. Magîstrate Baxter feit that thene waý5 a situaon la Mill- brook f0 be remaedied but' If he sent the men to the pealfeatiary if woulld be an laducement f0. other lamates to get before the magist rate and gef their sentenc- es changed alsol Inspecton R. J. Simmoas of the Fire Maishal's Office, Toronto, said he *was called to, investigate a fie which had occured la the job room af, 10:27 a.m. July 5. This room confains machiaery, benclies and several volatile mia- teniais. Some, of flic machinery eectrnical transformers, work lihad been necenfly installed but [neyer nsed. lus investigaton revealcd fliat on July 5, cigltif jmates under the control of a guard wene cm- ployed lanflic noom. After flicir break pcniod ail continued wonk until one of the iamates asked for an aspinin, then the three ac- 'cused flirew cleaning solvent and rags unden the tool cnib. The guard just gof 'onf of lis office, which, is elevated above flic main floor of the job room, in fime f0 escape injuny. There was an estîiated dam- age f0 flic building of $10,000 and $6,000 for loss of contents, Cnown Afomney G.' Boanycastie Magistrat e Baxter. la scntenc- said that lie dîd flot recommend [ing Sf. John and Savage for fthe flic maximum penalty be"ause it fiî,e Tuîx 6, said t hat li" was acf- was nof a delibenate act witli flic ualîy sitfing as a court of appeal soie latent of damaging properfy.fo ote masfres nd hs Therefore if could not be termed frohrmgsrtsadti a tre at o aron.w as tlie first fime fhls unusuai a tr cfifn asn. cn t e . situation lad arise a snce Mill- Baxtr, a sntecîn tlcm. (Cenflaued page 8) nemnain- flic counnf la whole or la part or Ulnited iwith additions f heret o could be of uepite iIiLDeI1cIpd11u.e ilig LuW1 .111 ,,- ut---- -- drasticaliy, according te Mayor J. Counties wouid probably be f ak- adopted as fhe basic unit of re- A. Ilpenan of Cobourg. en la by tlie Pceeborough, Osh- gionai govenament. Cifies and Instead of flic fwo levels of awa on Belleville negionai coun- sepanated fowns would be la- municipal goverament as tliey are cils. But since this is a tentative cluded in fhe regional govern- kaown foday, town, township and area sf111 te be 'approved by cx- ments. village couacils a s well as couify, isting councils fliere may be del- councils, will eventually be re- etions from or additions f0 this The negional councils would be placcd by one regional council, region. Advice of experts such as iven, whcn thcy are formed, the mayor predicted. Dr. Lorne Cummings, special as- sudh powcrs as asscssmcnt, fax- ,1 sistant to fhe Ministen of Muai- ation, planning. arteriai roads, The size of fhe area f0 be under cpal Affaiis, will be sought. ulehathsias efr oee regiQnai ouni is sf111 anMao en siitw lo and policing. Town township and cpnqet oac In MyoaHeaesidifovrtasocounty councils Wouid sf111 be la oe a qnsfithnpron lan efrt- quit e possible fliat the entire Un- existence but wouid gradually f0 ssit fic rovncil gvenl-itcd Counties wouid be includeddiapaaste degaemr ment in designîng a future Co- .inione of tas Petyrborough, msr bourg-Port Hope economie area" awaoneofBowmPvterborgOnal and more of *fIeir powcrs otei Mayor Heenan said fliat a comn-awaounciavlreinl regional councils. Regional coun- mittee' lad been set up f0 study cuel cils w ould be given fthc abiiity- flic probiem ýn this area. It'~ The report of a-ma.ýj-ýn select to assume any storm and sanitary membershipi cde C. Hewsoa, committee set up b,-fice provin-- trunk sewer, sewage treat ment Port Hope. (C D. Johnson, ciai goverament wifîh members plant, frunk watermain, water llaldimaud Townshiu Cp ouaili and from a"l parties is flic oniy guide purification plant, negionai type R. G. Parker, Cobourg ladustnial flI o,,al,_ committee hbas concern- park and fine services and equip- Commission, ing flic size of fthc negion. ment for ail or part of the langer At flic lasf meeting of g the -area. Wtî the regional conacil committee June 17 fhey suggcst- ,If stiggests fIat larger unifs or faking over al l tese services ed fIat fhe region should exfend local governmntf e establislied f there w ould be no reason' for the from fli c,3tserlylimits of Bow- witli suitablè boundaric5, giviaf continued existence of to wn, mafivill-'-,te ecasterna imits of consid-,at ion teo population, as- 1 towniship, village or county' coun- the Township of Brighiton and sessmcnf, logical' planning areas, !cils. nortlienly f0 include flic town- wateslcds and economie and se 1Tîrce main reasons are cited ships of Clarke, Hope, Hamilton, ciaI conditions. As, n practicail for flic neccssify 'of intnoducing Raldimaad, Alnwick, Percy, _Cra- start foeflic size of cach region!1 (Contiaued on page 3) Regional, Government Foreseen For Dsrc States Cobourg Mayor

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