.4.4. 4 ~y vwrv~r~r .tcr ~," <a - ~ '¾ +~,. t k> k O1RONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUBJSD>AY, JULY .1tIi, 1985 STEWIN,-G BEEF extra le PIZZA PIE Elrod pepperc CHOICE CUT WAX BEANS -'Garden Patch SAICO ORANGE JUICE AVLMER TOMATO SOUP STRAINED BABY FOOD - Gerbers, CEDERVALE IIORSERADISH IGA INSTANT COFFEE STAFFORDS SUNIDAE SAUCE - 4 Flavours ~an lb 59c 1opiait(SWE ET TOOTII SPECIALS" 0 ~ni9 i 59 nLEMON MERINGUE PIE Each 55e Hospitality o ENGLISH MUFFINS - 2 pkgs. of 6 49c 4 15 oz. Tins 49eCemser0 418 oz. Tins 39e SicDSCNELOF27e0 0 Chocolate Chip, 4,10) oz. Tins 49e g WALKERS COOKIES 1 lb. pkg. 39e 6 4 3/ oz. Tins 69eC o Itanched,- 4c offg 8 oz. JIar' Zie YORK PEANUTS- 13 oz. Pkg. 41c O Vanilla 6 oz. Jar 79e q MONARCH WHIP -9¼V oz. Pkg. , 37e 2 9 oz. Jars 55e AYLMER FANCY 48 oz. Tins HIEINZ Tomato Juice 2 for .59c Ketchup Beef or ris York Stew' il oz. Botties 2for 45c- 15 oz. Tins New Pack Strawberry, with added Peetin 24 oz. Jars 4 f or 99c Aylmer Jam 2 for 89c Solo coloured. Sunkdst Frozen - White or Pink Margarine, 2 lb pkgs 59c Lemonade 6 oz. Tins 10 for"$ 1 ' Produce of U.S.A. - Can. No. 1 Grade Tender Golden Kerneîs "EVERyBODY'S FAVOUR C>ORN o h 9 aFIERY RED Canada No. 1 Grade - Garden Fresh IaE TrhIrnL oCR1SP LiTTUCE 2 for 29c WY A TMI 1L laYiEL 0 3 Delicious Fiavour SNECTARINES qt box 39c go dJ & J FIRST AID CUT-KIT each 69c 10 9 c_ J & J BANDAIDS - Package of 100 Doubles 99c, 0 silzew LARGE ALKA SELTZER 63e 0NOXEMA SKIN CREAM - 4 oz. Size 73e Q:c= Cc:o=>c>c:>c>c=o=Oo=:O-O-O=<ý REST TOOTI-PASTE - Family Size 99e -.- ~ Kenidal Miss C. W.* Stewar t andi Miss Marion McKelvey have returned fromn a two weeks tour of the Maritime Provinces. We are glati to know that Mrs. Richard Morton . is home agaîn after several weeks spent in thue Oshawa Gefieral Hospital. Eleven ladies from Kendal mo- Itored to Collingwood last Tues- day, July 6th. After lunch at the beach tbey went to see the mak- ing of Blue Mountain Pottery. This is an industry that makes the native dlay into many heauti- fui articles. Not only are they useful but quite artistic anti reas- onable in price. Fromn here we motoredti t the Blue Mountain Park. We c'imbed the mountain to tour the scenic caves. We found them most interesting. Then xve motored on to the Chairlift. The braver ones of the partv wcnt for a haîf hour ride. Finally we. motored to Wasago. 1-ere we coulti have enjoyed the 'rTater but only one of our party hati hrought a bathîng suit. So we bad dinner before starting for home. Visitors with Mr. Arthur Thompson 'and bis mother Mrs. C. Tbompson are Mr. Fred Tbompson anti daughter Susan of. Vancouver and Mrs. Earl Smith of Northb Hollywood, California. The village chiltiren are cnjoy-' ing a recreation programme each morning in Kential 'Park led by Miss Anne Foster and Miss-Dor- othy Mercer assisted by sorne of the mothers and others. The United Churcli Women mnet at the home of Mrs. T. Stev- e ns on Wednesday cvening, Ju1y 7th, witb the President Mrs. -Reg. Elliott in charge. She openeti the meeting with the singing of, "Wbat a Frienti we have in Je- sus". Then ou r guest speaker Mrs. Wright of Toronto read the 37th Psâlm, her favourite seripture. She gave a fine ad- dress on "Our Guide Book". She stresseti the importance of being friendly particularly to new neighbours. 1It was move.d and secondeti that we senti $5.00 to Quin-Mô- Lac Camp. Carried. There were sixteen seateti at the large kitchen table for a luncih provitied by our hostess Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. H. Foster. Our August meeting will be helti at the home of Miss C. W. Stewart. There will be a bake sale. Mr. S. Gordon had the misfor- tune on Saturday to fail from a loft, hurting his neck andi should- ers. The sixth line f rom number 115 highway to Mr. Robt. Mor- gan's is being tomn up. This is quite an inconvenience at pres- ent. (Continned from Page 1) length coat with shawl collar. Uer accessories were white andi ler corsage was pink Sweetheart rGs- with matching three ocuarter es. On their return Mr. aàd Mrs. Lewis will live at Kirig St., New- castle. Before lier marriage, Sandra attentiet the Newcastle Publie Sehool, Bowmanville High School anti Bowmanville Business school She was employeti as a reception- îst-bookkeeper at Lombank Fin- ance Ltd., Bowmanville. Sandra was Lieutenant of the lst Com- pany of the Newcastle Girl Guid- es anti secretary of St. George's Evening Brandh of the Women's Auxiliary. The groom, before lis marriage attendeti the Orono Public andi Orono Higli 'School anti is em- ployeti as a clerk in Armstrong's I.G.A. Store in Orono.