Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jul 1965, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMErS, THUURSDAY, JULY 15th, 1965 "God 0f Vengence, God 0f Love" Taken from n sermon prcached1 and his wlf e Sapima sold their by Rcv. Basil E. Long.:- - property toio and pretendcd to Sc:ipture Lesson - Matt. 25: 31-46 give cverytinïg, 4ut hcld bac1k a nnrtionn As a reslt Aninias.then Qite of ten people' are tomn be- twean the concept of God as a God- of vengeance and as a God of love. Ia thé United Church, Obser- ver, under the headiag "No Love Staff", somneone wrote, "It wa's encouraging to read letters from a McGill graduate and an ordain- cd minister advocatiag the deatb penalty. They have't succumb- ed to this -aamby-pamby New Testament love religion. We Must remember ahl God's laws - the deatb penalty is, mandatory for adultery - at least 'one of -the marriage partaers la a Canadian divorce action should be hanged atter the dccrec is gated. Why not 'extend the death penalty to, rcckless driving - it would surely make the bighways safer! There would be a great, deal less theftt if we :just cbopped off the thiev- es' hands. It is good to know that some people still believe in good old-fasbioned Old Testament jus- tice." There are rnany people for whom the Old Testament super- cedes the New: tbey- talk about the justice and the wrath of- God, giving it priority over God's love. For this God is harsh, unpredict- able, visiting Ris nager on peo- pie wbo do wrong, evea to'the thîrd and tourth génerations., "An eye for an eye"-is the comrnd- ment on wbich the death penalty seem n tobehbased bis wife, were struck down dcad because they had sinned. This iîs something other than the love ia the New Testament. The Old Testament is, not ahl just cruel justice. Wbea Isaiah speaks of the Suffering Servant pouring out his lite for the peo- ple, this is God's suffcrîag love Pa the Old Testament, la the teaching of Hosea we are, con- fronted with a man and bis un- faitbful wife. She bas degraded herself and brougbt shame to ber husband's name. H1e seeks ber out brings ber back and lavishes love upon ber, but it is a redceming love which -, ifts, rather than - a sentimental tbing wbicb wcakens. So the Old Testament bhas the Gospel of love and the New Test- ament bas la it some of the carry over of blind justice. >The Old Testament speaks of "An eye for an eye." Then Jesus speaks "Love your enemy," It la bard to reconcile the two unless we can sec tbat tbese are not equ- ally in spired. Unless we realize that the Old Testament, iplac- es, is the -product of the thinking of man birnself as he goes throug'h various primitive stages, then we are going to be attribut- ing to -God many of thé. thIngs that Jesus revealed as unlike the ,Nature of God. ziucim 1tu u uaa;u.The New Testament cornes out People who talk about namby- ofthe Old Testament. Christian- pamby New Testament love ideà ity cornes out of Judaisrn, the re- of God are thinkintg of love in ligion of the "Law". Christianit.y, the wrong senise. For them God's according to Jesus Christ, is a love is a sentimental, wishy- surpassing of the law, not going washy, slushy thing. That is not away with it, but rising 'above it, God's love at ail. The very nature so that man lives -in the Grace of of God's love is justice, but not God, rather than by the hardlet- thie hard, vengeful type of thing. ter of the law. The whole nature These two points of view- present of Scripture is that God so loved an extreme contrast, but it is a His creation man, that even when' very fictitious difference. You man turns his baj2k on God, Godj cannot separate or segregate the seeks to draw him back. The He- Old Testament from 'the New. brew people, did not kecp their You cannot say that the Old Tes- part of the Covenant. Thcy turn- tament'is a religion of justice and ed away from God to idols, yet the New Testament is' a religion God was, faithful to tbem when of love, because there is evidence they were unfaithful to lmff. Un- -f both in each. lIess we can lose this image of The ew estmentboo ofGod as a God of vengeance we The ew Tstamnt, ook f cannot see into the truth revcaled Acts tells us that 'the followers in Jesus Christ. of Christ dccided to have every- ting in common. The rich sold How are we related to ail this? their property and shared their Well, in a sense we âre aIl undér wealth with the poor. Ananias the death penalty. We are judgcd TMI5 SILLUSTRAMON O F FABRIC, AS -SEEN MNER A POW EFUL - MICROScopE>- HWS TRATAFTER c15 'ASIIINGS IN HAIRD WATE9,JTHE ~ ~ <~FIE S ARE PILLED W1T14SOAP SAND DEIfERGENT DEMOSTS W 1h'C1 AS LvITTLE AS 1 or-CII 0E CAUSE CLOTING TO WEAPK OUI- wAT EK SCAd.E IN A Wg ER 1HUA- OP' TO 33% FASTER. TER C .AN BOOSY EATING BILLS - A5S MUC À.tIN EUC- WATEK IIEAING EEE ICIEWI4C ..V..< B'<As N¶UCI1AS 20,0/o. IN4 OUF, MODERN UVIriG, ECIIEK-1 SI>5tGINE4oG4 MNi USES OIJER 3 TIMES I-S WEIGHT AMAZO L.VÇ.0 T4 9 ~ O M1 WATEK E¶JERY 1)AY, KAX AMEAGE PICS ASO V 14BE- OF aO CILCS FOR AU. HOUSEýi6LD yyôlý$TWflR LL 98~ rF041 oWl? er S6g PW&T6V -à iâtà iic0% by the justce of God's love now out for the good of others. it is a Himiself to be liftcd up in agony and in thc future. Jesus said, ','If hard lesson to learn and t here is on the cross, that people might you hate a person you have- com- only one way it can be donc and sec the Nature of God, the nature mitted murder, in~ your, heart." that is as we open up our owa of God's Love. In, so doing >Re The seed of murder is there and lives and allow the Spirit of Je- did sorncthing for us that we can you a rc coadcrnntd because of sus Chrisýt to dwell in us. not do for ourselves. We can on- it. If you look at the opposite Love is, thc grcatest power A ly be successful -as we allow that sex with lust in your hcart or the worki. You don't accomplish Love to flow thrôugh us. mind you have committed. aduit- much by taking the 1f e of a mur- utofepolera wog ery already, or the seed of aduit- derer for that commits another Qyue ofe paope rea cron-, cry is in. the heart., There is a murder. There certainly nceds to l eas ehv e pCa scase if "If Gàod is love," that bc control but do wc have the ditions la which thcy could not "where God is not, sin 1." Wbere right to take any man't life? Isconitoherpprmauty we have failcdto love, thea wc this not an illustration of bow Our article says, "No love have sianed. No one bas a chance easily we are contradictory ia our staff. Thank goodncss there are cxcept by the grace of God, as concept of God? We think we people wbo believe in the Old H1e is revealcd in Jesus Christ. worship the God of love and re- Testament justice." 1 can only If the Nature of God is a God of act to a God of vengeance.' say, "Thank God for Jesus Christ vengeance thea we are goiag to The greatcst power is love, the and the nature of His love ex- corne into severe condemnation kind of love Jesus revcaled wben prcsscd in Christ." I pray that or destruction. But the nature of H1e walked tbis carth rinistering wc alrMay be drawn into the na- God, according to the finer parts to the aeeds of people. Being re- turc of that love, to become the of Scriptur,A s that God is a Cre- jccted on every side, H1e allowed truc and faitbful servants of God. ator, God, a Redecrning God and______________________________ H1e wants to take these lives of ours and change thern into some- thing beautiful. It rnay be donc h o nclo h over a life time as little by little we grasp the Light la Christ, wc are filledl with IlisSpirit and our M unicipality of the lives are transformed. In our Scripturc Lesson this morning wc regd of Jesus' teach- ow s i ofC a k ing 'of the sheep and the goats., Why was it that some could en- ter into the joy of the Lord? rhcy rnay have been righteous inE law, but they bad centcrcd the, power of their lives upon thpm- The Council ot the Municipality of the Township of Clarke selves and forgotten others. hereby gives notice that it'intends te pass a By-Iaw te close or Whcre we fail to love we cannot stop-up the Rond Allowainces ln the Township of Clarke, lu the enter into t he joy of the. Lord. County ef Durham, following that is te say: Jcsus didn't tell people to 'be good, H1e told thern to love 1- not 1. The Road Allowance between Lotsî & fi lu the Eighth& la -a wishy-wasby, namby-pamnby Concession ot the Township of Clarke, Coirnty of Din- sentamretal way, but with this ham, being the north 1412 teet southerly et the saW, pure, uplifting love of God whichnoUrybonr. puts God and our fellow mea be- fore urseves.2. The Rond Allowance between Lots 24 & 25 lu the fore oulveos. y i r Fourth Concession of the Townshilp of Clarke, Ceunty. Dîd aul ot sy tis l CoroetDurham, extending front the southertyly imit et the inthians, "The greatcst of ail sald Fourth Concession te the northerly limit thereef. gifts is love. If 1 give m y body. te be burned as a martyr and 1 3. The Read' Allowance between Lots 34 & 35, ini the don't have love, what does it Tenth Concession et the Township et Clarke, County et- profit me?" Love is the testing Durham, extending trom the southcrly limit: ef the joint a s to wbethcr wc. are ina, said Tenth. Concession te the northerly limit therêof. right relationship with God or not. God is a 'God of love and 4. The Rond Allowance between Lots 6, & 7 in the First the only way we can rcally serve Concession ot the Township ef Clarke, Counity of Dur. God is la the expression of His ham,, extending trom the southerl<y Iintit et the said love. It takes. us out of ourselves First'Coucession to the southerly limit of lKing's, Higli- jand calîs us, to pour ourselves way No. 401. OMPLTE UTOSýERVICEI I249-M-N.A-.L. ToWUNG 5. The Road Allowance between Concession 8 & 9 ahut.. ting on Lets7 & 8 of the Township of Clarke, County et Durham. 6. Part eftbte Rond Allowance between Lots 2 & 3 i the seuth hait et the Eiglith Concession et the Township et Clarke, County et Durham, extending trom the southerly lirnit et the said Eighth Concession northerly te a peint where the said Road Allowance between Lot-- 2 & 3 intersects with the southerly boundary et the Ferced Rond, which -peint is 436 teet more or less southerly trom the Centre Line et said Eighth Con- cession. AND TAKE NOTICE that any interested party desiring te make dlaim or te oppose the said By.law will be heard inu person or by proxy at the meeting ot the said Concil te lie held iu the Township Hall at Orono, Ontario, en thé Srd. day et Augutst, 1965, at the heur et 10 oelock ia the terenoon Daylight Saving Tirne. Dated this 8tb da3' et July, 1965. H. E. MILLSON Clerk et the Munlcipality MEMORIAL 3HOSPITAL BOWMANVIIJLE PERSONS TO BE ADMJTTED MUST REPORT BY3 P.M. Effectiveil1 uly, 1965, persons , other than emergencies and those admltted early in, the, merning and discharged the same day, must check lunet later than 3 P.m. -This decision, liasebeeni made lu the înteregts ef lmproved service and btter Patienttceue. BOARtD 0F DIBECTOVIS 7"ýMPWIffl' , - , , ý M* , ý ý- .. - a a Mes n vp, Ire auvrrr.Tr i îwAV Al ai lý à m

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