Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jul 1965, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY l5th, 1965 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, Iffablished iu 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester- Editorand Manager (Autliorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every Thursday at the officeofa publicatim Main Street, 1P:none 109, urono, oniarlo Subscription, payable ilandvance U .-Canadia $1.0lInU.S.A. $2.50 Mem'ber of tle Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoc. Meinebr of the Ontario Weekly NewspaperAssoc, A Logical Approach The Chamber of Commerce in seeking an underpass from lighway 115 mbt the Village of Orono is now about to retrace its steps and institute a logical procedure te obtain this end. In the first instance the Ohainber plunged head-long into te proposal with a letter to tle Minister of tle De- partment of Highways. It was quite evident that this would fail due to a number of reasons and one especiallybeing tle fact that the Police Trustees and thc Department,lad, last year, agrecd upon a plan to make some changes te botI th1e north and south entrances. The letter from the Clamber and tle agreement with thc Police Trustees were ia conflict with one another. This in itself would deter thte Dcpartment te establi sh an under- pass especially wben it appears that they are not as yei too entluscd witl such a projeet for Orono. To gain an underpass for'Orono is going 10, take a concentrated effort by not only the CharnIer but also by tle elected representatives both of the Village and Town. slip and even tle people tlemselves. The firsi step prior to prescnting tle proposai b lite Departmeni is bo gain compîcte- agreement among the local organizations as btIcth plan dcsircd. Upon reaching Ibis plateau aI île local level an assanît can tIen be made upon lte Department., Aithougl the Department las alrcady been locally criticized in tle landling of Ibis affair they bave pre- sented some logical points. Ia cstablishing an underpass m tIcth Village witb tle purpose of safe-guarding travellers entering and exil- ing from Orono tley point out laI il would be ýdesirable to close tle cxisting - entrances .onto Uiglway 115. This seems a logical proposal for tle Department would be rcmiss if tley establisbed wlat is bo be a safe entrance but left open entrances into *Orono wlicl are claimcd tb le.unsafe and a menace te îhe travelling public'. This point, a sound one on thle part of the Depirt ment, could raise a problern locally la gainingfuli support from bhc inlabitants. The old adage ,womid bold truc. . . . "«You can't bave your cake and cal it 10." But how many would want 10 try? The nature of man is oflen 10 follow lte course of least resistance -and, with the f ive exils out of Orono being reduced bo two, could stant a considerable cry. 0f course there are engineering problems la estab- lishing an undcrpass mbt Orono but these can be resolved. Stili, lowever, another point arises whicl must be giveni consideration by the local organizations, and Ibis, is the route tîrougl the Village if only one entranice is to remain. Wbat streel is tle logical one bo carry all e traffic con- versing, intoOrono? TIc proposai' cannot, be -resolved overîigî-t and above nîl il needs a good majority in support. What 'hiers Say; It's about time we lad some plain lalk from hîgl level on tle subjectL ie. Canada's appalling traffie ac- cident tbu. That anonymous Toronto magistrale who sounded off witl sudh candor and common sense on tle subject while wriling la the Ontario Magistrale's Quaterly -- de- serves a bouquet. There is an urgent need for such vcfreshing plain ialk, whicl does not spare the high-and-:nighty. For instance, tle irate magistrale turaed lis bcaviest guns on members of lis own profession, judges and magis- trales.- But le did not spare tle legisîntors, the mcn wlo have it la Iheir power bo amcnd the Ontarlo Higlway Traf- fic act, which le said was ". ,.- 25 or perhaps 50 years be- hind tle limes." 1He said these people, most of whomn drive automobiles, were "pussyfooting" around 'on tle subjcct' and that tleir gentie trealment of traffic laws and offend- crs stems from a "Ibere but for tle grace of God go Il' at- titude. - OSHAWA TIMES Biest Game 0f Season One of the better bail games of the season was played at the Or- ono Park on Wednesday evening wlen Orono and Cobourg Midgets met. Cobourg took the game by a score or 3-0. Cobourg's runs came one in the fourtl and two in the fifîl. Eri Cobbledick in pitchîng his first game of basebail, turned in a remarkable performance ai- lowing only two bits and two walks. He also'came up with five strike outs. Eight Orono batters went down swinging with only Brian Foster- registering a hit for the local boys. l'a a previous game played with Cobourg _the, Orono boys were defeatcd 11-3. Paul Joncs pitched igît innings witl Brian P'oster pitéhing the final franile. Orono was unable to overcome tle five run burst by Cobourg in the first inning. The five lits for Orono were registered by Ted Stark, John Mathers, Brian Foster, Doug Mof- f at and Paul Jones, Stark, Moffat and Jones scored the three Or- ono runs. PORTABLE TV WON BY NEWTONVILLE MAN Mr. Alvin Souch of R.R. 1, Newtonville was the winner' ofj. the Portable Television whicl was the major prize. at the Ken. day Street Fair held on Wednes,- day night. Three ten dollar prîzes es were also drawn for with win- ners beîng Allan Foster, Kendal;1 William Weatherup,' Port' Hope1 and a Bowmanville man.1 With a good crowd in attend- ance the sponsoring organization expects bo clear around $850.00. M@intoà th ell some forty feet and Keportrrorn Uttaw ',(of)c our'sew was out of view. The problem arose of how tu Russell C. Honey, M.P., Durham get the shaft which was covered Attempting to follow the cast area of. approval for land 'nm- by some thirty feet of water. of the Dorion inquiry was con- provements, lîvestock, and so on. fusing. There were several, Elec- The maximum loan for bouse To the rescue came Mr._'E. utive Assistants and lesser lights construction under the amend- Dent who improvised a self-, Who were featured from time te, ments has been increased frbni elamping hook out of wire and time. There were three elected $12,000 to $18,000. was able to lower the hook at the Members of Parliament involved. ________________ end of forty feet of wire to the It is with respect to these three area where the shaft was located, men that the public has the cause SHOULD TAKE UP FISHING Wthnftenmueseha f or greatest concern because we lcaethe saftnd inth aitwist have a right to expect not only, On Tuesday workmen while as- ocaethe hokhad lockddit ntis that Members of Parliament are semblîng the drive shaft of the h hft th beng ae t onte- scruubosly honest, but that pump at the Municipal well, mv toto h ei they have the appearance of be- dropped a ten foot section of the mv toto h el ing scrupulously honest. shaft in the five inch space be- Many doubters were only re- With respect to Guy Rouleau, tween the outer and muner well assured that the shaft could be M.P. (L-Montreal-Dollard>, Chef casing. The section of shaft, 3/4 rescued when it appeared at the Justice Dorion said "These facts of an inch in diameter, dropped top of the well. clearly indicate that Mr. Guy Rouleau tried to use lis influence as Parliamentary Assistant to the Prime Minister to secure the re- T e C r o a i n o h lease of Lucien Rivard on bail. -Lh Co p r t n of he (This) certainly constitutes a re- F ý prehlensible act."1 TOUWWNeSHIP 0F CLARKAE Insofar as the Minister of Jus- tice, Mr. Guy Favreau was con- cerned the Chief Justice found5f* no wrongdoing. H1e did, however, Favreau should have "before reaching a decision, submitted MEMORANDUM TO ALL COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP the case to the legal advisers ln CLERKS: lis Department, "said the Chief Justice." Due to the serious drioughlt conditions which exist An example of how charges over most of the province particularly iu the Ottawa Valley, and insinuations made withîn and parts of Eastern Ontario, 1 have today directed that the privileged atmosphere of farmers be given permission to harvest hay on ail Kîng's Parliament can affect the per- Highway rights-of-way, with te exception of multi-lane sons referred to is illustrated in controlled access highways. the case of Postmaster-General I arn addressiug you to suggest that you briug b bthe Rene Trembley. 'Chief Justice attention of your Council my wish that your muuicipaliby Dorion said "Evidence shows give serions consideration to implementiug similar action that the conduct of Mr. Tremblay immediabely due to the extreme seriousuess of the situ- is absolutely beyond reproach"l. ation. What are the consequences? It may very well be that we will ail be calledl upon to Most surely Guy Rouleau's employ whatever measures we possîbly can to provide re- career is at an end.. . and on lief iu those areas of" bhe province that require assistance the basis of the evidence adduced aud te salvaging of ail fodder material that can possibly this will be a good thing for pub be saved appears to be of cousiderably more than ordinary lic life in Canada. importance at thîs lime., The resignation of Mr. Favreau The assistance of yourself and, your Council 'Will be indicates that one cannot make greatly appreciated by myseif and the Goverumeut-of bhc mistakes of judgemcnt no ýmat-, Province, and I urge upon you whalever co-operation you terý how innocently, wbile occu-_ can provide. pying a responsîble post such as C. MacNaughtou, Minister of Justice. A highly Miitrofgwy sucss l awyer in private prac- Mnse fHgwy tice, Mr., Favreau entered public life in 963 because hie felt le Auth orizeci B3y The, Counýcil 0f c o u l c o t ri u t e t o u n i t y o f C a n - 1I' ada. lie beleies passionately , The Township, 0f Clarke that Quebec'sfure lies with the rest of Canada within Con- federation. , is is a strong,' re- t JU Y 1 6 sponsible voice from , Quebec.6h JU Y 1 5 Time will tell whether or not bis- error in judgment will put an end to his usefulness as a -public servant. in e w n fl 171r LAST WEEK Postmaster-General Rene 'Trem- ImU 11fhII L LL ASTWEÎ blay is a, quiet, shy professor of ANWE Economics who ýholds dlegrees from Lavai, McGill, Louvain ACPIOSS »OWN, 20. God. GO (Belgium( and Cambridge (Eg .edy 1. Gemceut den FRS LOA land.) This competent and nice money in relief o Ii fe.Mou s taier2. Famous vol-_ Pol N ~Z felo s eyrgoing to be a dfl fort, canoca: E)ocR>E" Laurier or a St. Laurent. Krow- V. Gczis or Texas Haw. REE OERAA ing Mr. Tremblay as well as 1 do, Illy 3. Sbore 22. Chest PSTG 1 arn sure that hie spent many 10m An birdfo sleepless nigîts -vondering juist. Alcutian 4. Chilef sacred ELIOE IN why hie offered to serve bis 11Island 5. Good Instru.. ý Bochefriend incnts country. It was pretty reassurii g 2 ir' 6. Consumied 23. A sunlc therefore to hare --hie£ Justice Daille 7. Portico: f ence Doron say "it,, k hoped 'bat the U4.con. Gr. 24. Ruthenlumi: 33. Stand up persons responsible will now structed S. A glass- sym. 34. Whpped. recognize 'ds hon(,-stxy an integ- again enclosedl 25. Rope with a, rt.16. Part of porchi with stick Although overshadowed by the Dorion Report, there was, some sed tbis week. Four separate bills dealing with Veterans Af- 'fairs were enacted-. One amended the Children of War Dead (Education Assistance Act by increasing the amount of the montbly allowance which can be paîd to a student. The Waýr Veteran's Allowances Act was aînended to ratify the increases in allowanccs and other changes whicl were previously announced as being effective on September lst, 1964. .The Army Benevolent Fund Act was amended to increase tle interest rate payabe by the gov- ernment on monies. bcbonging to the Fund whicl are invested in the Consolidlated Revenue Fund. Ameudments to the Vetcran's Land Act broadened considerably the base on which lbans can be made to veterans. It now pro- vides for more discretion in tte administrative staff of tle De- partment to permit a, broaderi *LU ve7l 17. Also- 18. Fold over 21. Hawaiiàn bird 22. A young girl's companion 25. Water.. wiieel 28. Aluminum sulphates 29. Away froni shore 31. F2oni 32. L:rg-ht 33.e A hbi scard 36. Cl-l4LUD 38. noething out of tr ' 45.s,.ýna 48. A gardon Invader il. sRi 13. Long periods of time 15. Guido's hilghest note 19. Armnadilo running knot' 26. Affronts 27. Radio Frecmcncy: abbr. 30. Single unit aperture 37. Tit 39. Merganser 40. Story 42> Wecp 43. An impost PUZZLE NO. 825 oui îmulmili

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