Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jun 1965, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 17th, 1965 Repart From Ottawa- ýLi.3sell C. Iioney, M.P. - Durhxam JUNIOR FARMER paia ment ixas devoted alit NEWS ROUNDUP tîme, this weeFk te a continuance &f ýtie debate regarding ries> by Wm. R. Tomnlinson changes resî'gned to speed up fixeI The first meeting «fifixe Rural business of Parliament and pre.- Leanninig Asso'ciatien was heki on; vent interminable and repetitious Joune Ot in Vhe King Edward Ho- debate. tel. The mnembers drew up the Early optimisnx that thxe chang- assoceiations constitution and ouV- es would be approved by alpar- inda general ,programm e ,for ies was dispelled early tixs week the directers. when the ConiservaVive Party de-ý The programme was oulined veloped wlxaV was aiunting to ai under the follcwlng ixeadings i use filibuster as 12 memubers of that of Radio and Televisien; pilot pro- Party rose one after the other Vo ject re use of night ichoolsQ, 'le'ad- prolong the dabate. Thie role of ersixip 'training; infornmation and fixe Opposition is ta scrutinize le'g. referencýe service; relationships istation introduced by the Govetn- and liaison roie; youth travel pro- ment, to recomanend changes in ject anid Indian Rural Learning the legisiation and to act ns a ýpilject. check on actions of the Govern- 1 Tixe night schools will be held mentwnin ae n ffvisýa r i - n tati ûcauaLUIJa' 4siUsb OIlarlo resronsible. The C.B.C. radio is going to Cc- There was igeneral support for operate as much as possible and the rules changes by the smaIler local radio in the area would be opposition parties and th-e situa- asked to co-ýoperate also. Thie tion became acute when the Gov- Courses wiil be in the area of ec- erilment indicated that continued onomaies and sociology on an ad. repetitious debate ýmiglht resuit in uit levelg However thie course will an ellectÂon being ealled on the be on economnics mostly, with - issue to let the peouple decide the phasis on cconomic pressures on question of more effective opera- urban living. ion of Canada's Parliament. Duilham covnty would be an On Tuesday of this week there ideal location for a sehool but we was an improvement in the crisis mrust show a littie more interest. situation when Mr. Diefenbaker a- Thie membershiîp fee is only greed with a suggestion of Prim~e $2.00 for individuals and faxihes. Minister Pearson that the wfxole Durhiam county is essentially an mnatter should be resolved and unhan area, therefore an area that broug¶ht to a vote by 5 o'ciwon~ will feel and witness growth. For FridaYý7 The, whùle matter willl seinbersixipt wrIte RFural Learning therefore be settled by the end df Association, 409 UIuron St., Tor- thiis week an-d'I ma~y have an (,,p, oente 5, Ontario. portunity to give you dîeals of An olkl wise man once said, thxe changes in a subset4uent lIe-"Ilhere is noc grèater pressure port. than frcmn we know not where w Leafing througlh ihe 1961 Cen- kn0ew not WhY sus reports fihis week I tir.ndu saine interestiing facts on Durhani RNPR OR County.. APPe!ÏOVËS COMMUTER BUS In 1961 tihere were 9,353 fain- TÔ -OSHAWA ilies in lunhaffi.The pplton 'ieOntario higixway transpert was39,16 n nàrase< bohard has approved an applieatIen during the ten year -period fiOlyy aPtroogxia e on 1951, or an increase of 32.5%.- muter bus service betwqeen Peter- This was noV quite as fa'st an in boroug and thxe Genéral Motbrs crease as that experienced in On-1 )g tarie a a â1ie ncreae plant in Oshawa. as 5 6 i, te i ptiÂVod VU,, -- James Leesoni, 637 Union St. by 3.6%tiithe saie- erid. aid he hoped V eî ix evc Duram? peula~onunceas witlx one bus witixin 30, days. cdf 9,801 in fixe perind 1951-61 was Within two mnonths he plans Vo- Rnade up of a net gain of 5,628 on have Vwo buses xaking the trip. thxe birth-deaths Iedger and 4,173 When he appealed Vo couneil inigfh e an rmiliga May 17 for suppcrt, Mr. Leeson tien. stated about 250 Peterboroughx There were 39,049 people whoresidents were commnuting daily Vo, 1Wpoke Englisi only. 37 Duriam CieGeea oor iit 715 iedetsspoeFrin bh ontans.Counicil agreed Vo support his 715 were fluet n bth e nes. e application xhen Mr. Leeson said 115 urlamies soke neihersome of thxe GM. workers were English or Fiene.h considering moving to Oshawa to M9ies outnumhbered femaies by live-. 964. There were' 105 malies Mr. eso said Stock Brothers Durhm fo eac 100!efla1e ! and Coloial Coaeh Lines opposed Rural-urban pýuieh -ývàs àd1,his .application on thxe -groids ~ popii~t$ 1W lilat he would apply for charter sudiidd n o ,90làfta'n !service at a later date. dents an-d 13,39it ni4armrfÇ ri- dents. or by writung te "Data Processing Claim .ferras uidelr the newj Services, Catnada Departinelit- of Daif4y Poicýy are to bc mailed thîs'Agricul.ture, Ottawa". IV is- plan- week teail1 shippers of mxamduac- ned tihat chepues for supplement- turing mîxltk'ai-id ereai. Any prod- ary paymients will be malled this ucer- Who has ne>t receîved hissnmer sa it is important to have ferm by June iSti, 1965 should daaim forms filed as soon as pos- get one frexin his precessinl plant Isible. T-ownship of Clairke «) Applications for the Establish- , mlrent ofal UWnî DfmnII1MIr% in the Township o'f Clarke a Applications, clearly marked, for te establishment of a dog n \pound in. tho Township of Clarqe wfll be received up toU 5 p.m. on lune 21, 1965, by tixe undersigned: For furtixer details please contact Messrs, Robt. Chater g a <Qi-oýràý 36 r 1), Orme Falls '(Orono 16 r 1) or thxe ulider- P ine.H. E. MILLSON, Clerk, Box 37, Orono, Ont. LOCAL NEWS ANIU1UT AL Many features have been ar- AT ORONO PARK ranged for thxe day and a host of Mr."nd Mrs; Roy ForresterI The Orono Park will be tixe trophies are 1béin, g offered Vo vi:ted on Thursday last with Mr. 'scene of an antique auto rallW dxose competing. It is expected and Mrs.,Don Duncan, Ottawa. tiuis Sunday afternoon. The day that at least one hundred antique Mr Lyall Lowery is a patient is beinghilled "Henry Ford Mo- autos will be on display. in Memorial Hospital, Bownxan- del A Day. ville.____________________________________ Mrs. W. H. Rowe is a patient In thxe Bowmanville Hospital having j suffereil a fa]î1 one day lasV week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and1 Soechoôns Fr Mrs. Thomas Fairbrothier, are at- tending th-e Ontsa4ôiq 6rtieultural Conventioni held at Guelphi this ,week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moffat and sons--of Gananoque visited on thxe weekend with relatives in' Orono and district. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson this week were Mrs. Ross Mns. Jean Barr and Mrs. Bahbot from Erie, Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey, cele- brated their twenty4'ifth Wedding Anniversary last weeken*d, with a quiet family dinner party lai êNorth Oshawa attended by lis mother, Mrs. C. Wallçey, daughter Joan, son John and friend, Miss Dolores Morris of Bawmanville. The couple were the recîpients of a silvc tea service. Mrs- E, AIr. and Mrs. Har of Toronto were dini; -- guotà -th Mr. and Mrs. Ben, ite on Monday. ý Thxe Orono Fire department was called unto action Wednesday af- ternoon when apparently a spark, froin the welding machine at thxe1 new water sta-1A pipe ignited the. grass in. the souix west ener 'of the cemetery. Thxe fire was soon breught undier control. UNITED CHURCH! Orono Pastoral Charge Rev B. E4 Long SUNDAY, lUNE 2Mt, 1965 Orono - 11:15 a.m. Kirby - 9.45 àa. 1Lesu-rd - 2 p.m.ý SUNDAY SCROOL Orono - 10:00 a.m, irby - il a.m. Leskard - 10 a.m. Father's Day SUNDAYJUNE 20 Men's White Shirts, short sleev- - cd 142' - 17............. $2.88 ........ Men's Whitec Shirts, long steeve 15-17 .... $2.98 Men's White "T" Shirts - S, M, L........ 79e Men's Golf Shirts, S, M, and L .......... $1.98 Windproof Ash Trays ................. 79c Airline Ash Trays, priced at........... 39C Cribbage Boards, each......... 98e and $1.89 Automatie Bar Jigger, ea.,c............. 65ë Zephyr Windproof Lighters, each. ....... 69e Men's Dress iSocks, ,10%/, 11, 111,, pair,..- $1.25 Screwdrivcr Knifc, each for............ 85è Gillette Adjustable 'Razor with dispenser $1.95' Gillette Tech Razor with dispenser....69e Polka, Dot Stacking Côffee Mugs, red or green, 4 priced for'............. 85C Family Allowance Cheques Cheerýfuily Cashed Lay-A-Way Plan Always- Available OronJo 5c te "lVhere VaA~ety Is King". Phone 122, Orono, Ontarlo 1 p n JACKETS SWEATERS HATS SWIM TRUNKS BELTS HANDKER-' <CHIEFS AIl For Dad on Father's Day WHITE~ SHIRTS- Excellent quallty Dress Shirts tailored by Tooke , Van Ileusen. Short point fused collag., buittoni or French cuff. Sizes 14Y2/ to 17/, Priced from ....... $5,00; to $'7.95- SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS - Cool, summer busi- nes s $hirts ~of white Wash 'N Wear combed cotton 'as well as a variety of Sport ShÏrts for leisicre. Sizes to fit 141/2 to 171/2 .. $3,00 - $6,00, TIES - A new stock of Tics, skillfully tailored in rich Rayons and, washable TeÈ-ylencs. Choose from strips and neat designs in a g,,ood range of new summer shades Price $1,50 - $2.00 SOCKS - A good assortnient of Socks of textured Nylon or Wool refinforced with Nylon, guarap- teed not to shrink. Included are Kroylan Socks with cushion sole. Sizes to fit 10 to 12 Priced frontm................ $1,00 to $2.00 CASUAL SLACKS - The finest Dress Pýa»t. Tail- oring is featured ini these durable casual Slacks. Regular and continental1 style. Fine checks and plain shades of black, beige and blue. Waist àizes 30 týo 40 Priced lat ...... $5,00 a;nd $5.95 PYJAMAS - Well tailored Cotton Broadcloth, Pyjamas. PIain blue as well as stripes with brown, maroon or blue predominating. Sizes B to E Prieed front........$3,95 to $5.0{) ARMSTRONG,ý.'S, 1

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