Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jun 1965, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUURSDAY, JUNE l7th, 1965ý Public Sehools, Compete In T irack And Fi*eld, Last Friday the one and tw,ýo- 1. Bruce Alldred, Lakesliore;,2. room Publie Schools of Clarke Don White, Antioch;- 3. Eddie Cor- Townsip held their annual field oling, Clarke Union, day at the Kenday Parkc. As usuaj.lJnder 14, Girls- comspeaition w-ý,as keen and tise I. Ruth Soot, Cîarke Union;2. young at1letes were mnost enthus- Jeanne, Oulette, Kiri¶by; 3. Don- iastic. na Coclirane, Enterprise. The. Leslkard sehool was thetpUdr17 'ýBoys- sehool for two-r,,o'm adiools -while 1. Peter Sutlierland, Kirby;- 2. Antiocl i toped' the one-roomi Gary Black, Anticoh; 3. Wiliy comnpetition.. Veslbrugghe, Clarke Union. Following are the liltatf events Under 17 Grs and winners: 1. Ave Lycett, Enterprise; 2 and 3none. ONE ROOM SCIIOOLS - RURAL BROAX) JUMbP Races: jUnier, 8 Boy- u e ntOys-', - 1. Gregry Tomlinson, Clarke' 1. None; 2, Kennetis Coathani Union; 2. éAllan Stewart, Oak; 3. Antioch; 3. Grego-ry Tomilinso, Gene Golder, Cowanville. Clarke Union. Unider 8 Girls- l Upider 8 Girls- 1. Linda Coýpping, Kirby; 2. Jan- et Phoenix, Clarke Union; 3. Can- dra Dolny, Oak. Under 10 Boys- 1. Peter Nikiaus, Lake Shore; 2. Carl Coatham,, Antiooh; 3. Bill Ransberry, Enterprise. lJnder 10 Girls-' 1. Bonifie Green, Port Granby; 2. Nancy Duvali, Antiocli; 3. Wen- dy Harness, Clarke Union. Under 1Z Boys- 1. Jamie Southerland, Kirby; 2. Mike Verbrugghe, Clarke Uniion; 3. Wilfî-ed Gifford, Antioc'h. Under 12 Girls-- 1. Irene KiAball, Port Granby; 2. Debbie Waddington, Crookcd Creek; 3. Karen Cox, Oak. tiMder 14 Boys- 19Y"IRS When you turin 19 you're no longer cov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. Te keep insured, you must take out indi. vidual membershp within 30 days. Get your application formn at a bank, a hospital, or fromn the Commis- sion. NEWLY9 WED? r) The 'fa mily' Hospital Insu rance premiumi must now be paid to cover husband and wlfe.,Ntify your 'group' without dé- lay ORO- if yo u bôtti pay premîums dfi rect, noti- fy the Commission. NEW JOB? To keep insu red follow the.instructions on the Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment Form 104' that your present employer isý required to give you on 1-eaving. Yo ur OUNTARIO HOSPITAL INS""U RANCE Plan ~ Ontario Hospital Services Commission Toronto 7, Ontario 1Linda Cocpping, Kirby; 2. Mar- ie Andrews, Cowanville; 3. Can- dra Dolny. Oak- Under 10 Boys- 1. Craig Cochrane, Enterprise; 2. Ricky Siven, Clarkle Union; 3. Robi Panry, Oak. Under 10 Girls- 1. Nancy Duvali, Antioch; 2. Elaine Phoenix, Clarke Union; 3. Peggy de Witt, Cowanville. Under 12 Boys- 1. Wilfred Gifford, Antioch; 2. Jamie Sutherland, Kirby; 3. Don- nie RIlîs, Clarke Union. Under 12 Girls- 1. Irene Kiaubail, Port Granby; U 2. Karen Cox, Oak; 3. Doreen Pet- letier, Clarke Union. M< Unider 14 Boys- aL 1. Miohacil l4Gregor, Lake U SIiore; 2. D'on 'Whïte, Antioch; 3U Ed-die ColnClark'e Union. 2 Undet' 14 Girla.-2 1. Janet Dtivaill, Antioeh; 2. - Ruth Scott, Clarke Uniioný; 3. Jeah- naine Oullette, Iiby. Under 17 Boys- 1, Gary Blaék, Antiocis; 2. Pet- er Sutherland. Kirby; 3. Willy Verbiiggh-je, Clarke Union. Uiider 17 Girls,- 1. Ave Lycett, Enterprise; 2. Sandra Gibson, Clarke Union; 3. none. BEAN BAG THROW Under 8 Boys- 1. Carl Lowery, Kirby; 2. Tracy Adaiüs, Lake Shore; 3. Jim Mof- fat, Antioch. Under 8 Girls- 1. ýCandra Dolny, Oak; 2. Cindy Lou Dickerson, Port Granby; 3. Janet Phoenix, Clarke Union. under 10 Boys- 1. Daryl Dolny, Oak; 2. Bob Clark, Crooked Creek; 3. Peter Nikliau$, Lake Shore. Under 10 Girls- 1. Lorna Lowery, Kirby: 2. Brenda Caswell, Crookc '- k 3. Wendy Harness, Clarke Under 12 Boys- l. David Ard, Oak; 2. Wilfred; L ifford, Antioch; 3. Donnie Hills, 13. Paul Parry. Oak. la4rke Union. ý,Under 14 Girls- rnuder 12 Girls- 1. Kay A1iIdred,ý,Enterprisýe; 2. 1. Karen Coathatn nlc;2 SnMio, Antioeh; 3 . 1 Ka ren Cor, Oakf 3. Mâatlart Ad- ica Verbiugghe, Clarke Union., ais C'ar~ UIOn I1. Gary Black, Antioch; .2. Wil- Under 14 Boys--ly erbrugnhe, rlarkt- Union; 3. 1. Bruce Alldred, Lae hore; jCar aik Ok Eddîe Cowliný,-, Clarkoe Umofr;I (Continued page 6), EAS"TERN BREEDERS A.L1 SE,RVIC E -Thé best thing that can happen to your herd" *Successfnl Farmers use A.1. * Juin tihe trend to higiser Profits *Cali aur nearest -Branch Office at our expense for servite or information. We are listed in your phone book under EASTERN BREEDERS INCORPORATED CÀ.NADA'S NIV LABtOUR CODE/Nom. Allan MacEachen, Minister ai Labour, answers some questions: "Our new Canada Labour Code -t has been cafled a first, Mr, MacEachen. Would you agree'l" "Briclv, , who does this new Code Wha, eacty, ee itproisetathoso ernployes who ae Ueted by itT'." "You sadi te new Cod)e appliez, "Ves , and it is onc of the most all-embracing. Canada lbas a right to be proud of it. It sets blniher standards than have been set f'or anjy othter country 1 know. Other countries are taking note of the wüy Canadian Parliament is ensuring that more workers share ini this countiry's growthY It applies ta industries wihich fali uinder Federal jurisdictio8.- and inay AelI prove ta be a guide for other industries, The Government itself, wvhich is a large employer 511 its own right, will take thee Iead by aj*pIying the Code's standards ta its own federal emuployees."* ".As we saiti, k sets eminimum instanidards-anti I stress that these are minimrum, hecauise, of course, a lot of rkr nlready enjoy higher standards thian the Code siets. ;First, it sets a standard 8 hour day and a 40 hour week, 'with overtunte limited fo 8 hoters a week, andi paid for atý Secondi, it sets the mliinium wage rate for ail men and women ?over 17 years of age at $1.25 aio houir. Ncxt, it provides for two wýeeks aniiai vacation with payy nff e n year'.s service, or 4% of wages as vacation payý for those wýithi fromi 30 tinys to a year 's serv'ice. Finally' , it stipulates that each employee shai get,À eight statutory holidays with pay a year-- or get a fuîll day ot in lieu of thehoia" "The Code covers, interprovuniclal or înternationai rail and hîghway transport, primary fishing whiere the fislîer*ieu work for wages, ntjr transport, radio a4d TV, shippung, banks- Uranium miniùg, grain eeVatorsý fiotr andi feed muills id Arehmisitg, setd cleaning miils, inttrprovinicial ,or international pipelines andi ferries, iterçWo4ýiniial 'or international telegraphs and telephiones, mnostCrw corporatii#ati u~ne -or tw<o other suialier industries."j ada I4abotwr (Standards) Code, write ta Department ofLTabour, 'Ottawa.' DEPARTMENT 0F LABOUR bc - k S.M 1

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