Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1965, p. 1

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OIIONO WEEKL y TIMES, 'TilUISD, JN Oth, 1965 n.e Establish Newtonville Under Centres~ Act, At the recent meeting, of the Towvnship of 'Clarke Council two readings wî,ere given a bylaw to' establish the Newtobville, Hall as a Community Hall under the Com- m. t nity Centres Act. Council also s te oMessrs. A. Wadle, Wm. Waeand H-. Stapleton thLlat the 'h,ýwnship would hold in trust cer- tain sums of monies realized out of the sale of a playground area ir Newtonville until such time as aplan for 'Its use is presented to -Cucland approved. Council also passed a supple- rnentary road ýbudget of $120(Y.0 fcr the Police Village of, Orono. Tý7is money is fo be used to re +«op the village,( roads and lay! dutcaused bly the water instal- ;,ton. Trustees Mercer and For- rester mnade the reqLtt-,t pointhvng mut that il the work is carriedl out under the general ro-id -pro- gram that the expenditure woulî be entitled'to the sixty percent 'Provincial subsidy. Councilior Chater of the Prop- trty and Finance Committee stat- ed-that the use of the Bowrnan- ville Dog Pound ecould be lad fer e* retainer f ee of $500.06- At the pres-ent-time the Township has no, pound. Council feit it would be unsatîsfactory to establish such a system. Counillor Chater 'also recoin- qnended the appointing of a Town- ship IYog Catcher and so moved.î The motion did flot receive a sec-1 onder' and, the question was re- fered h ack ý,te the Property and FnneCoGrimttee. No action was taken by Council onI a request by Hop'e T<)-,nshlp q'he sstemr of distributinig tube oost-s of thbe High School Area !*fwoughout the district. Couincil was requested to pre- pare and pass a by-law for the ddbenturing of $20,000.00 for the, Orcoe-Hydro System. In bis re- spect autliority was given for in- "you're startiflg a slumu areat along the Marsh Road. There will I be a lot of children to send to a school and where are you going to find the money? Somcthingi should be done immediately to institute zoning andý building re-c gulaflons."1 These were statemenits1 made Friday afterncon to a meeting, of the Hope Townshiip council bY Mnrray Burgess, a landowner and resident of an area near Marsh "lioad. mr. Burgess is a member of aa bld Barquet1lu Itouor OflE. Yowii ChiIdrin, Stili TopReaders Children were again the top non-fiction books were circulated readers at the Orono Public Lib- along with 214 fiction. rary during the month of May. The circulation of 'books dîd how- mTe circulation report was sub- ever, drop four hupdred froin the mitted to the Lib'ary Board on monthl of April. Iuring May 725 Midyeeigb h irrai books were circulated of' which Monda-y efeigb teLrra number 432 werýe on boan to children. In the 'adult section 79 a-th mpi ha1~,1 A banquet ,and pr-eýsentatîon hby Mr. E. F. Jolinston, District was held la-st- Wednesday in1lion- Tme uevsr Mrs. Young- our of Mr. Ed. Youngma-n who on1 man 'wuas presenii1,(ý1 wi th a cup Marclh 14, 1965 completedI eighbt- andî sauicer bea-rin£g the Ontarlo0 een and hall years of serviceFowltiLllLr. with the Department of Lands!Foetetilui ,nd Forests. The bani('ict wa-s Mr. and Mrs. VouLng-man are[ held at the New Dutch Oven Res- now living in Bowliianville ani Ed taurant wýituh sevý,enty-'ive fellow cia-ins 'le neyer h as anidieý mom- censer-vàtionists and Departitient ent keeping bu.sy with odWd jobs personnel present. and spea'king engagements, Mr,.-Youngmian, who retired this year- from tîhe position of Re- forstation Superintendent at the Dur'ham Forest Headquarters, e e r 5V I was, presented with a travelling ha-g. The preseitation wa-s made terim borrowing fo the C$1 fOoo we dia-n Imperial Bank of Commerce Records foal, on Saturday north of a amount ntt excead o irn we 8,312 (48,800 900.00. paicfl, customers flocked to Mcs- Port to witness John Surtess' of ýA requcst by Ca-los Smith, Engîa-nd reap the spoils of vict- Nawtonvilie, for a sidcwalk ex- o-ry at the Pla-yer's 200. The at- tension wa-s tabled until next year tendance at the meet sets a niew as no allotment of f ands was pro' record for sports crowds in Can- vided for 6uch wo.k this yav.. ada. Surtess drove to' vicltory in a As the Township wishes to est- Lola T 70 dispiaying driving abil- absh a road from their nawv gar- ity and supported hy a diligent age location into Orono they are pit creJw. Ha wa-s the last o-n tube requesting from, the Departmcent track, comling out of the pits just of Highways a portion of propar 'lty as thbe race wv.as startig oot-ws f -the present in-,er-1 Not only did SLirtess win the secton nto-Oroo. ace, he also set a ne-wntimere- 2A4 by-law vwa-s given thrae read. ied tfivor 'te 00iiiiseonds iff 1ings te achlformer portions ef te rfieordset £y Btc MacLarff Un;inScheoo Sectiions in Cia-ite ast year. Townsbhip te the Township Scol ,01e' o-ther r- 1 ,feu durnng Area. Darlhngton is te pass aý the event that being tube la-p tinie siiarby-iaw thus elinijnating record. Tih ne-w speed was set hy Unio Scool ectons etuee-nJim Hall in a Chaparrel being o-ne the twvo municipalities. minute 27.2 secOrds for the 2.5 A by4aw was aise passed a-uth- miles. orizing the borrowing of $26 7,530. Hall won tuba first heat of the - race but finished in second atu the end of the race. Toronto's, Lud- T o wig Heimiwratuh pla-ced third with h ~ il I is yellow McLaren Ford. Jim Clark, the India-na-polis winnar, feo-l by tha waysida as did ~r Plonninla-st year's winner, Bruce MacLa-r- Dîsappr#ntment faced Hugli Di- the iowefing ùof real estate val- bîay of Engiand when a, la-p and uas," Reava William Lighlte de- a haîf frm the final' finish and clarad. in second place, ha spun out of Mr. Banisten began tuba w ord- control on the straight-away a-nd ing of a motion which would bvecrashed. He walkad awa-y from set tube council on an immnediata tube wrecitage. course of reactivating planning A tant ýcity sprung up a-t M.gs- legisiatuion. port on Fridaynigît when 20' to Township Cleýk Willard Lord 30 tbous'and are astimatad to have said, "If I was a counilior I camped overnight at the track. Itu would no-t want te go tuat far." 'wns a nigît of camp fires, sing- Port Hope Reeve R. C. Everson, ing, drinking with some boodlum who was attending tube meeting on éement. Tihe biggest beladache 'anothen niatter, was asked if hoe was however tube tremendous a-- omld suggest a sul-ta-ble plan of mount of traffic wbich was bumip- action. er to bumper well into Satunday, ro-alostatue firin in Port Hope and Ha suggestad a ca-lb to tube De- alise, a mo-mbar 0f tuba PontHope partmeiit cf Municipal Aff airs at Watanwonks Commission. Queens Park. In bis addness te tubae ceuncil mhis wa-s doue a-ad wben tube Mnr. 13urgess calied for negulations telephone -conversation wa-s cou- requiring tuat new homes in Hlope ciuded Mr. Ligîtule said plans lad Township ba compiatued wzthm, been ma-de for a meeting cf1 de- tuw ya-n; tbene-nsttuioncfpartmant and Hope Township of- ,planning; tuba installation, cf a- sec- ficials. tien of stonni sewen; and tube zou Pu ing of lots 5 te 36 la Concession Puposa-of tube'meeting wilil be II as residantial. tue la-y groundwork for. a course Mn. Burgass said ha lad wnritten cf action tue, institute planning lui te ceuneil, la-t Ja-ua-ry 4, sattiug thbe township again. forth bis naoommandatioas but I' 1959tube ceuncil ana-cted a býad not reeei;ved au answan. - ,by,law institutiag subdivision "Wby did yenu movaeout tuere? control- In 1960 a uew couacil asited Mn. Finnie. naýpaalad it 'alter winniag an ai- "I wanted te take adva-taga cf ectieonmia- pla-tfonm cf opposiion tuba provisions cf tuba Veto-n-s' teo it. Laud Act.-" Mn. Burgess replied. Under this, lagislation proparty "Murra-y is rigît," Councillon owneèrs ma-y net sail parcels cf XVston Banistuar said, "W've got land iess tuba-n tan acnes la area- to do soe planning." witheut first- filing a- plan cf sui- ~'We fhave ýte do soetbing, a-ad division. They ara aliowed, bow-j il can't wait for tuwe yaars. W" a ven,, te sali larger - portions, on mutu taka action te praevant tubir antire properî.y. evenlng, Tbrao- Toronto youthis -wena treato-d laBowma-nvilla bospitual for burnis recaived wben a- prant-1 star tubnaw gasoline on a camp fine. ofically appointed Mrs. Gardon Simipson as assistant librarian. Mrs. 'Simpson will 'keep the Lib- rary open on Tuesdaý,y evenings. The 'Board does not intend to meet againi until September. lt wasý repoited bv the Secreitarv- MR. MALCOLM'McKENZIE ,Mr. Malcolm McKenzie, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKendýe, re- cently graduated from Waterloo University College in general arts& Bride - To-Be treasurer, Mis. Norton, that fuuds ware now depieted and furtuha:eir J 'E punchases wouid have, to wait un- tii the' Provincial Granti was ne- On Friday eveniug of la-st we-e~k ceived sometinie ln August. Mrs. Ed. Gnabamn and Mm Carl Billings Wene coýhostesses a-tua presantation for,,Miss Caroi Littl oKendal whose marriageto r Wayne Bail-y takes place lu jiy. >0f A t ten d 'Approxima-tely thirty ladies were presaut teexktend bestu wisbas te D ri Mrs. Biliings home was lovely, p rt e Swith bouquets of tullips a-nd ila-cs ____________witb the table baing centred with Lily of the vallay and pansie!s. The bride to be was pnosented with a tcf ion liiûad ectric frying pan a-nd two place settings of ber china, along with a corsage of For Nsportpink carnations and lilY of the The Orono fire departumant an- those present for the lovaly giftus. swered two firecails to Mospont The remainder of thae evaning last week-end with one ca-Il on wa-s spant in ceatests, gamas a-ad Saturday and the othar on Sun- an enjoyable si-ng Song a-fter day. 'Bath firas were in the bush 'whicb a delicieuis buff et luinch an dbad started fnem camp fires. was senved. Cuty A gcA IinConsid- ers R e ionciIJo1 The United Counetes Council ,voted at a special meeting rac- ently to jein Peterberough City and County and Victoria and Val-- iburton Counties in building new, regional j ail, pnovidad th:at $30,- 0W0 be 'adýded to tube-total cost ef the project, in order to reimburse tuhe United Counties lu part for expan-diture made recentiy on tha axisting County jail, in Cobourg. Total cost of the projact, not in- cluding the $30,000, would he an amýount of $1,200,000 on which tub" Ontario, Goverumneat would pay a 50 par cent subsidy. The United Countiasl' sharce would lia 31.6 paer cent ,ba-sado the ratio of pnisoner days a-t the United Counties -jail to pnisonar da-ys a-t all three of the- present jails. The C-ountuies hope tuhey would bea a-hie teo selI the present jail building for ýa-t na-st $35,000. The estimatad cost to United Counie:s na-t payers, if thii- shane wera, ralsed by sellinig 20-'yar debentures wrluld haeuone sixth cf Tbde council's action camýe after a report was neceived f rom a spec- 1lai area jail project commitutea bhadêd )by Reeve Flex Macmillan of Aln-wick Township. The Coun- cil's action followed tube, recoin- mndations of -the committe-o- which ha-s beeh studyin-g the m-tf- ter fo-r some tima. Tha area j-ail pnoject ha-s he en a- controvansial eue-. Local nalws- pa-pars bave expressed tube opin- ion adituorially that tube Unitua-d Countias sho-uld not participa-te- lu the plan baca-usa thay would lie building a jail for tuba Cituy ef Peterborough, whosa prasant jail is outda-ted. Supporters of tuba, proposa-I point to tuba trend towa-rd regien- ai administratuion in ail areas of goývarament a-nd to tube fa-ct that imuch latter neaabilitation of of-- fandaers ca-n lia affacted if tuera is a- langer group of prisoners. Mn. Macmillan said tuba-tbis comititea was in faveur cf the- new ja-il baca-use othen counties a-ne discussing doing tube sa-me thing and if tub- United Countiasg did notu join'in now they woüld be fa-ced with tube pnoblam '0f building a- naw juil on tubio-iwn cventualy. When tuba idea of tube new jail wa-s finstu intnoduced, somne meni- bers cof tube Cobourg tawn council said tubat thay mightu le interies- ed lu buying the building that e'Ow bouses tuba Counties ja-il. Tibey said tuba-t t wouùld liean ideal spot for tuba Cobourg town offices as wail as a- new lire hall. Diem onstate Elm Disease Control.,Method The Provincial Forestu station- atu Orono wa-s tuba sceana racantly of a- damonstration of a new dhemi- cal poison designad by Shah 011l Compa-ny tue pravant Dutucb Ehu diseu-se. The naW Colpudi is kuowln by tuba tra-da na-ma 'Bidrna', a-ad is da;senibad as a systamic iu- secticide. Instuad of liing applied te tuba outid ~ufacecf fi-cas, Bidnini is lai actaid into tuba wood by means1 )f a -Ëà ub ldivea tbrough tuebaia-i Once tube chemicai has-s aa -b-1 soriaed into tube systeni of tube tnee a-ny beaties tubatu bore thrnugb tube ha-rit are ietuhaiiy poisened. The chemnical prave'ntus tube con- taminaion of -laaltuhy trees. Ilt is neot usad'on trees airendy infectued, with Dutucl Elm disea-se. L. J. Ha-as, Management Fores- tan, a-tu Orono, sa-id Dr-tfel Eim di- selase is ca-used by a fungus whieb is ca-niad from infeced treas to healthy onas by bark baatlas. Hal said Sheil Oîl had licf es firms ai individuals'lu n tal te a-pply tuba new chemical.-1tu cannot ba purcba-sed by tuba gan-; anal public. Beca-usa o-f bighbly tuoxie quai- tias great cana must ba exanciseci durîng tuea injections. Tests hava beau couducted in tuba United Statuas fer semae six yarars. -Mn. Ha-as sa-ys tubaebamical, and its application,' is axpected tu eli reafatvely axpansJve. An astimiat- ecd costu is $15 Par treeana-d the- work mustu liarepeatuacica-ch saa-- son, Tbus, Mn. IHa-as sa-ys, protection of large woodlots wo-uld net lie eeonomica.lly feasible. 'q 1 gM311!

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