ORONO WEEKLY TIMNES, THiURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1965 rrtesIna ilrciry Wl RANK 'REAL ETT H4ALL, ?ERKIN & Co. LMgE Chartered Accountants 177 Church St. King St., Newcastle g Bowmanvile- 623-3393 987-4240 36Y2 King St. E, Oshawa IWilliam C. Hall, B.Comm., C.A., David G. Perkin, C.A. ~W.KAYLYCETT, B.A.g ~Barrister -Solicitoro in the Offices of G R. R. Waddell Q.C., MAI N ST., ORONO Telephone 138 Orono ~ tERRLLD. BROWN 9 BS.A. B.A:Sc: :L:S: fPROFESSIONAL ENGINEE 5 (Civil) 0 Ontario Land Surveyor 0121 Queen St. Box 1659[ Bowman ville, Ontario Telephonle 623-7251" LJ . SKAIFE Ch&rtered Accountani 375 Water Street PETERBOROUGU Phone 742-5482 General INSURANCE FRED LYCETT OFFICEr, - MAIN ST., OR-ONO Phone 12516 H 01 JACK REID(' Qrono's Licensed OrvlleChatterton IElectrical C ontracting Ejectric Ileating and Service i PHONE 245 Orono, Ontario, Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and 11013E WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guùaranteed -Repairs to ail kinds of Electrical *EqUipment and Appilances Such 'at Metors -Water Heaters T.V. Radios vs - Irons lusurance Serviceý Fire package Policies Fidelity Bond, Liability Lie First Mortgage Loans Phoine -R-16 Orono Specialize in Farm and Box, 133 MO. 8-3552 ,Furniture Sales ,ýe Consult me for terms Stafford Brothers and dates Limitd n'one 5 r 18 0roa4t 318 flundas St. E. Whitby, Ont Manufacturers of TED JACKSON Cemietery Memorials Auctioneer and Valuatot Dealers In Conduets Auction Sales -of al Domestic & Foreign Granites sizes and at reasonable rates and Marbies - Ingcripgtons Cul Commnicae ivth hm a and Cemetery Repar Work Port Perry, Ontario____________ Ail kinds of Airnual Flower. or remodelllng your, present and Vegetable Plants. Williamu J. Leamen, one, thon contact Phone 1406 Station St., Orono) Floyd Nicholson, ah orFaean Celr WdwUnits made to order. PHONE 2191 ORONO Phone 987-4612, Newcastle. F. H. Grahami. c-20 Ôpco=o=ýo:o=co= Ç oId' Spot Freezer, 22 cu. ft. 0 $2000 or best offer. Phone 2R21- GOrono. b-19-e ~ LY ETT-ARDE ~ NRSING HOME 0 lm ig etn Licensed acc ommodation at Plutbîn & eatngo Lyntonhuist Manor Nursing GHome for Senior Citizens. Reason, O Phne 14M1able rates. Pron, Ontarlo a Phone Orono 371. n:28:p Ig COMING EVENT ~ Coming! A Talent Show, Friday, 2June 4th at 8 p.m., Newcastle Comnî inty Hall. UnJicle Jerry of fW B E N, T.V. will bepresent. ¶ ' Accountigad Youn1sters fr0111Bewmanville- t okeing a HtVt~ amissio adu cseo t. wil perform. b1: children 25c. b49: JACK FERREN J ctck Arnott ORONO 3f2 ifepresentative - PUMPIG OUTMonurnýpnis and FamlyM~oraI ~ Bare"and Byam G PUMBNG nd EATNT" Our quality and service leaves oLMIGan ETN SEPTIC TANKS nothing to be desired G Sales and Service [ Ask the person who bought from 2ý24 HOUE BURNER SERVICE o WMTEWASINGSTALESus, a neîghbour, fiend or relative WRIE WSHNG TABESThe RLJ¶ÎIER GRANITE OB-A FINANCING ~ f Bert Tonupkins, COMP-ANY o Interest Rates 0 73 Ontario Street [ Phonos: Phone 786-2552 PORT HOPE, Ô Hampton CO. 3-2288 I"Largest Display lu Southern yoeC.325 Ontario" Insurancýe Compýany Phone Bais.: 725.4751 Res. O rono: 15211 212 West BIo-ek, Osrhawa Shopping Cenl Oshiawa, Ontiario p: 25 PART-TIME RPWO TV RFPAIPI - HU-I - Stereo - Re-cord Players - Antennas - Towers - PA Systein for rent Ail parts and labour guaranteed HARRY WIERSMAU Phonle 1737 ý Orono Representing Jack Riïcard REA LTOR 71 King, St. E., Bowmanvili 623-2503 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board I lU I Iii I.ELJ1~F.U HOME HEAT LSERVICE WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 146 McCUTLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS, AND MACHINERY 00, ý - .. - Fm NOTICE 11BIRTH OUEFOR SALE Senior Citizens Meeting in the ;On Mill Street, directly OPpiO- MADILL-1Bill and Madelonar Oddfellows -Hall, Thursday, June'site Dickson Street, Orono. happy to announe the birth o 3rd at 7:30 o'clock.a- Contact owner at premises Sat- their daugliter Tammy. Louis, urday June 5th andSaturday June 6 lbs. 6 ozs., May lSth, 1965, at l2th only. a-c Memorial Hlospital, Bowmanville. WANTED ____________a-e Persan for larwn maintenance. RECEPTION, Phone 365 weekends.. a-c Mr. and Mrs. F. B. White, Or- BIRTH ____________________ono, will bec'"At Home"-to their SAMýUEL--Mr. ànd Mrs. E. H. DEW WORMS FOR SALE friends and acquaint ances ini the Samuel no.c hebrho Od'dfellows Hal1ý Orono on Sun- oonTedJuest16,a Apply Raye West Jr. after 5 day, June 13t'h froni two to four snw o untSian Hosptal,65To- p.m., Church St. South, Orono. o'clock in the afternoon and from onto - a-c Phone 135J. seven to nine o'clock in the even- mng on the, occasion of their DE Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary. DE DeJONGHE, Charles-At Meni BUYING OR SELLINGRÉETO orial Hospital, Bowmanville on * RCEPIONSunday, May 30th, 1965, Charles Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn DeJonghe, R.R. 1,, Kendal, dear CA r TA E wilI be "At Home" to their friend of Mr" and Mrs. RaYqmond REA~L E IMILAT friends, relatives and neighbours Paret. 'Rested at the Northcut- on Saturday, June lZth from 3 Smith Funera! l fomie. Requiem T to 5 in the afernoon and 7 to 10 Mass was lheldl at 10 o'clock en A.Ji. VcG1LL 'in the evening, at their home Tuesday morning, St. Joseph's Cedar Dale Farmi, Oronio, on the Church. Intermenêit Bowmaniville REAL'ESTATE BROKER occasion of their silver weddng,-Cemnete-ry. a-c arnnversary. b-20:c Phones: Orono 1407 ____________________NT_ Oshawa 7284285 FOR SALE Kendalý. Sunday Sýli-ol ~tiva j One Building Lot in the Village sary will be held Su-ndcly, AiÈ e 13 - -. ~of Orono, close to the Main street a :0pm Phone No. 1425J Orono. a-p a S3pea pakr'm.4b r f>o__________________________ Allan Beech M.A,,B.D., Phyctol- 0 0 -ogist at Mimico Cliic for Alco- 0 yl holes and Drug Addicts. Special SDOUG SIMPSON CRIPPLED TEEN-AGE GIRL g&SON WgT 0 Phone Orono 208 G Antique WANTrSolcarag, G a baby carniage, cradle, prints,vr P Y gPAINTING - INTERIOR & g ~hsecuae 0 ~EXTERIOR 0Ti nnethsecuae [j AFER HANGINO G -and given ber an interest. O BUILDING CUPBOARDS &W opywl G REMDELLIG & 0 Apply Box 300, Orono Week- T FURNITURE REPAIR G ly Times, Orono, Ont. g AND ALL ODD JO]S gv, I j co--O=o=o=o=>coý FOR SALE ____________________ 0 ________________ Strawberry Plants for sale pi ______________ Red Coat, Cavalier and Sparýkleý- 0$2.50 per 100 plants. DtI Klaas Retma hone 1177 Or- Revali sae Do :I:.,. -~ono-b-c Rnmdw a1i *I DUIWlIIh d llUUnL FOorSALE: BOX PLANT