ORONO WEÊKLY TINSTURSDAY, JUNE Srd, 1965 -- God leacis us into the rest, if wely T h 1 M ean ng O fseourI livos in the light Of total c orrimit 'ent 1How it pains mie when peQple Com mimentsay that ail the ohurch wants i5 Thee, ar may wysof bumb- corne hetween hirnse]f and the money. This is terrible. God Ther a isre and ways tl ate t ae is i i lf.wants youi! As God's servant, 1 lingd a ndoisrAndeenaittmie-Mate it amefrti hslf.want you and YoU will kno*w the ehid cn d tis.A crtan in attew admoney but Jesus best in living when you give your- ister. toldi a true story of his lit- dd fot tell hlm to give it away. self. We want a happy farnîly. of tlc daughiter who said o hlm,ý He said, "Follow me." Sometimies people wiio can enjoy redeeming "Daddy, when you go up to the God entrusts us with môney. He fellowship. 0f course, God can- pulpit, wby is it that you always wants us to use that money for flot get us without getting soine put your head in your hands?" Hlým, flot just go and give it away. of our money. It was His in the He said, 'ýBecause. I ain praying But if it como 1s f irst, it ought to ýfirst place anyway. We are just to God and asking Hlm to help) go.1 giving Hlm back what was His mie with the Sermnon." Sho looked Th rich young a a i-on tipelpaiiaig atbrfathor and thon said, Th.g anhd inOfl the 15 pieolCprticiiat ng "addt lidos'tHervr otion, prestige, the vitality of youthinthrelLfofCistats it?" I have prayed that C;ol and sincerity but hoe lackod that oram would help me with rny sermonss ehing tbat would give hlm and I need your prayers this purpose la lifo, real direction, a Let us think more completely, rnonin- 1wan total toyousense of accomlishinont. How- more sin'cerely about the true abortingheImant tof o talkto YoUlever, ho would not pay the price meaninrg 0f commitnment - this 1 use as background th~e story of iso he lost the greatost thîng that following of Christ, this living the oun ma. wo cme o Jsusman can have. Ho lost the coin. the life of Love, this gîving our- and asked what hoe must do to panionship with Christ, the jor of selves in sacrifice, living for oth- haveeteral lfe.being His disciple. He nover did ors, losing oursolxres and then hav etrna li~.exporience the fulness and abtin- finding the real moaning of lire. When we tbi.nk about the moan dance that Christ can bring in ing of commitmoent, lot us realize afly hie.Yeyucnbquerlios that ityis possibleqtotbe religions tht i osibetoberliios Too esl etikta ebut flot alivo. Yo'u can substiýt1o but not alivel Let us admit that inca ecesiwetink thlat w e activity for the savng grace of many instances the churcli basacancome Cnstipacrns hecaus eGod whichweal need..I p-ayi substitutod "activity penance'R cetad pa etantlg.that we may ail know -the ricbn.ess li-Christian moans to follow Christ. for "God's saving grace". We m If wear on flw hi fHssvngGce ply actlvity ponanco when waegel ofolwCrs fRi aigGae tbink that wo have beon careîess we have to be ready to move for- ____ about the part the church has ward. So often we bold back, like playod in our lives and thereforo the people, of Israol, because it ,- we had btter get more actvt seoins the Red Sea is before us 1 4't rik e 'Juts ia our rolations'bip to tho cburcb. and the Egyptions. behind us. This can come from a good urge Moes were crying, complaining to Not Enough but wècanotsubstitute activ tY Mse, cualling for help. The Lord for. God's saving grace. A man si to thein, "Cet going, move Fourteen strike-outs were not can be busy in ail the cburch ac- forward. When they wero ready enough 10 warrant a win for the tivities and his heart still be emp bt move forward, a way was Pro. Orono Midgets on Wednesday ty and unforgiving. vided for thein which led thein niglit whon they faced Oshawa at through into safety. - the Orono park. Oshawa took the In the book, "The Significance of the Church" the autihor tolls Later on the Hebrew people gaine by ascr of 4-1. of a man inactive in the chuýc1h movod out tb Mount Sinai. They Camneron Perrault pitc'hed the lid n .rnye ai IIi clu 51'i.ti.U 111 and the community. Ho said '"Wben I joined the church in the last town in Wbich wo lîved, they put me on a bowling teain and mn wife in the. kitcheni. Now Iamn going to settie down and be a coinfortablo pagan frorn hereon." Activity does not mean commnit- ment - sometimes it is mnereiy entertaininofit. The Reverend Bob Richards, the Olympic polo vaulter, madea startling stateinent in Colorado to W1..j. *rr. .A nfi "Bont, Promised' land as God intended' that they shofuld but wheneveri tbey tried there was a hostilei soib sthey turned back and p i ot e s h e y t u r n e d b ac d k é p a n d i kept going around inthe moun- country. Finally God told Moses to get golùig -, they hadl circled, the Mount long enougb. They were travelling in irclos because the way seemed bard and God wanted thein to follow His direc- tibns. college stuUe11Ls. lie sacu, '"J'Y'lCbrstianity is following. The inany of you are just adout eight 1 church in our generation is weýak eon inches frorn Heaven." This bcuew r fadt olw was roughly the distance from bec aseof we arearati st olow their heads to their hearts. Tbey Soulm ayofen gr neat thinsea had beard all thbe facts of te theul ppen g no ne bectase Good News of the Gospel but the pelo wbo migthe t attempth many had nover thrown theirthm ooataterasnwb lves' bebind it. Commitnient they are going to fail. Certainly mneans putting our lives behinid that is true but God is as powor- the cause of Jesus Christ and bo- fui as He evor was and He stili inglostin tat cuse.says if we get going the way will ing ost n tht case.be provided. The ricb lyoug man, sharp of Many people who,-would like to eye but lonely of, soul, sard to reacb out, take the band of Christ Jesus, "What must 1 do to have and walk with Hlm are afràid to eternal 1f e?' Surprisingly Jesus do so because they tbink they The youngemanthe àa respiet for may go f arand thoen f ail. The The oun manhadresieotforanswer is stîll the saine - gel the'law and the Law Givor and. repode uik,"Master, ail going; movo forward; follow respodedqýuiýklyChrist; forget ab out youirself and my lifo I have kept the comnmand- your weaknesses and He wllpro.. moents."1 Jesus, looking. at hlm, vide the way. Wbenever people loved hlm. Thon Ho probod deep-ral try it, have the faitb to be- er, "Thore is one thing youiilack; loeve that this eau bappen, it go, selU what you bave, and give happoens. This is the glorlous part to the poor and you will have of bbherinistry to s00 this happen- tre.asure in lheaven; and corne, ngipe-l'lvs.Oeoth follow me." The young man went m npoi' ie.Oec h away sorrowing. Ho rejected Je- tragedies of the ministry is that sus in ordér to rMain bis poss you can sec wbat could hoe but is sions. Ho bad the opportunity of nover claimed. Tbis is just likel associating bis life with Jesus and the young man who came tu Je- to find the, abundance that b-e had sus and asked wbat ho must do been seoking. Ris action was to have eternal life and thon tura as thougb somoono had received around 'and walk away f rom it the gift of a beautiful diamond beca-use ho wasn't ready to pay ring in a boautifully decorated the price. ;Wo as -Christians' are .t calloýd toulbe foio wers. We are in- box, thon, having receivod cindtobelketh o-oeo throw away the jewel While treas- cirel to go aroundtla pirle.be- tiring the box. sal oo rudicrleb- ceause we don't bave 'the faith to What would you say if someone ýbelieve tbat God is quit-o capable agked you what tbey must do tel of leading us through difficulty bave eternal life? A groat portion into victory. Jesus nover promisod of the Christian society -wouIl neasy way but Ho, did promise say . tu go to churcb; go to Sunda>' that Ho would go with us in Ris Sebool; be good. Jesus would say. power throug the difficult way that there is more than that- and Ris promise is just as good yen must put God first. You can as it ever was. be religîous and not f md, Life. If it is Lifo youi want, then put ffwo are prepared to commit (led first. oui- lives into the keeping of 1 Christ and to go forward in Ris 1 arn not suggesting that it is mnie, man>'cf, the tbings that wrcknig te have moiney and that l'b ar~e distressing society will be rap- muist be givea away but thse ldly cjbanged. Don't say,, "What truleïth the youing mati was cani a handful of pecopIe la Orie thet he 'as, letting his I ýià0X&y do?" We start wbiere we are andi gaine for Orono taking 14 strike- out but allowing 7 bits and 4 walks. Witb Orono's five errors Oshawa were able to pick off th eir four runs. Ricky Neal scored Oronols rua with Brian Foster tallying the only other Oron' o bit. Tho team will not play for two weeks due to exams. ANNOUNCEM ENT Mr. M. Lycett wishes to announce that he is now op- erating bis own Plumbing and' Ueating business under the name of L Y cEIrT PLUBIN &HEATJNG Contact Max Lycett, Phone Orono 33R11 for your plumbing and heating installations and repairs. 0 EASTERN, BREEDERS Ai. ' SERVICE -The best thing.that can happen to your-herd" Successful Farmers use A.I. Join the trend to bîgher Profits *Cail our nearest Brainch Office at our expense for service or information. We are. listed in your phone book under EASTERN BItEEDERS INCORPOJRATED EM P.LOY E RS DO YOU NEED PERMANENT or PART, TIME HELP? PORT HOPE HIGH SCHOOL has grade 10, il and 12 Students with trait-* ing as- Auto Mechanics, Mach inists, Electricians, Draftsmen, Cvrpenters, Painit- ers, Sheet Metal Workers, Welders, Waitresses, Mas"m's flelpers, fHair- dressers, Short Order Cooks, Seamstressess, Sales Clerks, Typists anld Office Clerks For Techniccil Help Contact - Mr. H. W. ARNOLD, 885-6346, Port Hope Higli School For CommrercialHelp Contact - Mr. W. N. CRANDALL, 885-6346 Port Hope High School Or apply at IN aional Empoyment Office, Cobourg, Port'IHope and Oshawa, Help keep our talent at hoire and assist yourself în obtaýing per- manent enmpioyees for the future. P..,BlcEl,principal