ORONO WEEgLY TIMES, THIUR,$DAY, lUNE 3rd, 1965) Operetta (continued from page1 Prince's castie where Snow1 was united with her Prince. White The following is the cast 01 ueharacters for the Operetta: Snow White - Suzanne Bunting. Prince: MIvchael Carmnan. King: Donnie McKenÈzie, Queen Wistaria: Beverley Ten- -riant. Queen Tiger Lily: Mag Taggart. NIbbIes: Elaine Schmid Nutty: Caroline Johnson Dwarïfs: Bonnie Barlow,'lHarvey Partner, Paul Todd, Julie Jones, Larry 'Lunn, Dennis Cobbledick, Jim Partner. Frosty Fate: Doretta Challice. Court l)octor: Donna Glbank. White Wings: Dennis Cobbledick. Aurora, Godess ofDawýn: Patsy Mather. Flowers and Sunbeams: Staples, Evelene Brown, Milison, Donna Challice, Newman, Cathy Middleton. Sally Ellen Molly Woodsman. Chris Aslett. Guard: Harvey Partuier. Mirror Voîce: Beverley Tennant Mirroir Pages: John Gilbart, Bonnie Dunlop. Townspeople and Ballroom Crowd: Bonnie Barlow, Chris As- lett, Denn'is Cobbledi!ck, Jkm Part- ner, Julie Jones, Cathy Middletou, Sally Staples, Eveleiie Brown, Donna Challice, Glenda Tennant, Michael Carmau, Harvey Partner, Moly Newman, Nancy Forrester, Carol Caldwell; Catherine Parkin- son, Dortta Challilce, Linida Bar- rabail, ileather Hughes, Donna Gilbank, Larry Lun, Geraldine VandenBrink, - Bonnie Partuer, HeatFher McGill, Paul Todd, Betty deJonge,, Patsy Mather, Aune Ar- nott, Ellen Mlison, Margaret Mid- dieton,. Ballroom Dancers: Stephen Cox Jaqueline Snelders, Paul Staples, Catherine Bunting, David Gilbank Terry West. 1Flower Girls: Catherine Mlison, Elaine Vagg, Susan West, Donna Knapp, Years doepicted by Donna Knapp ipeborah Gordon, Linda deJonge, Nancçy Mercer, Roy Terry, Debra ifeard, Steven Mercer. Co COMPLFET! AUTO SERVICE 24R.-A-. .TW Callyour licensed Plumbing &. Mecchanical Contracter who selis, instalis, and guarantees (ARMAN PLUMBIN'G - HEATINC Phûne 143, Orono The show was directed by Miss Barbara Ann Afdred, niusie tea- ctier and Mr. John Paxto'n, prîn- ipal. In thanking the audience ýfor their attendance Mr. Paxton pointed out that three months pre- parations hadgone iuto the pro- duction with ail Urne being after sehool hours. Lighting was by Ernie Dent and boys; Scene painting by Mrs. Jin Rickaby; Costumes: Joyce Ten- inant, Mderle Gilbart, Alice Cobble- djck, Donna Forrester, Jo Barlow, Jeanne Staples, Gladysý Brown, Neil Suelders, Gladys MeKenzie,' Ruth Taggart, Barbara, Carman, Gladys Aslett and Olive Millson. Glaidys Brown entertained with catchy piano numbers at inter- missions., Swine Club The second meeting of the Dur- "VuSave Twée With Trim and Price" - Tender Ê'c - -,j5 Junior Farmer's News Wednesday evening, May 26, at by Wm. J. Tomlinson soitnasolos the f arm of 'Mr. Glen Larmer, 1. To promote developinent and Blackstock.ý The rolll eau shomed Here is soque more information improvement of a comprehensive 9 of the 14 members present. Mr. o h ua erigAoiýrrlaui dcto rgam Larmer, club leader, pointed out nteRrlLann so in Onturaadit. ctinpgam desrale haaceritis oswnetion. In an earîier column 1 wrote inOtao bdiable oaraTemic eof se to you abeout the formation of the 2. To cooperate with aduit were then given practice in judg- new aduit education programme education organizations ard their ing and giving reasons on a class in Ontario and how it came to be efforts in the Province of Ontario, of YrsieBas as a result of the merger Of On' to encourage aduit edueatiOn and Therksiress B o. .'e tario Farm Radio Forum, Ontario to serve as a élearing house for The usiessperod as eldFolk SchoolCounceil and Ontario informîation. in the house during which they Rural, Leadership Porum. The discussed the answers on the programme will be aimed to reach 3. To keep its members inform- question sheets and were en.- rural 'peopfle generally, whether îed concerning its experiments and lightened ou many points, or not they live on the f arm or in1 achievements lu aduit educition. Keith Allun thanked Mrs. Larul-> the surrounding towns and vil- IfieIýd in. Ontario and co-operate er for the very enjoyable lunch lages. They have set out the ob- with similar associations inu other sheserved after which the meet- jective of the Rural Learning As- ing adjourned. (Continued page 6) Discount Priees7 Reg. 49c! Med. 9k. 1 IPlastie Vk Miss Curity Contest -À CURAD Bandages g. 69e Gt.b. CREST, Tooth 7Paste Birds Eye Frozen Foods! Save 6c! 6-oz. Tins Save 5c! lo-oz. Pkgs. French Style Green SaveC 9OzmPkgs. BAK ERY FEATURE! 24-9Z. LOAVES EBAKERY FEATURE! SAVE 10e! APPLEý OR RAISIN FULL Z4-OZ. SIýZE Reg. 33c! Supreme 3 Varieties Reg. 39c! Weston or Sunbeam Rasp. nults d oz. cisI BET B1 Save Ac-! Ca I Ynur Sc Coupon 12-oz. Pkgs. Monareli 37-oz, Pkg. 17~ BEST BUY! Save 30e! 15-oz. Tins - - J S R 9~ FEATURE! Save 6e M LUR -lb. Bag BEST UY! Save l8c! 8c Off Pc 1-lbWagM NRCD Ïesq,~ 9 'SAVE 9e! flunean inezs- Assorbed raor CAKE MXES 2pkgs c "VQiUIO ï v c -97u. X. wm L WhTl e "r V I d OS AK Toilt Tissu 8 oilsS9cSAVE lOc! Burns' BES BU! Sve 6c!15 Of Pak..Chaer Sorn68 9 Dinner 15-oz. Tins 2e Tasby OtroHtos Ib Juiey California 6for 133C FehCris p CuCUM LEiS2 for 33c Delicious - No. 1 Head 37c 99c A ave lOc! 100 to Bag ýj (OFF.TAR 9 CTEA BAGrS Palm Garden, 69ý,c 1ES BIý- uY Save 7ce Canadian 8-0z. 'Pkgs. SAVE 10e! Cash Vour 8c Coupon pkg. U'u t ee Sîces 2 63c GIANT Su TIDE 8c "The.King of Roast" Specially Selected Value Chec k'd Short Cut Chef Style- Brande-d- StanidingI M'APLE LEAF - Mild Cured - Sweeb Pickled> i;- cc IL, - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m'Tl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-11,11, W 4 - 10 ,ýi , , -ý% ýý ,,ý Re ir . (A UÛ..âI,67%LO7 ùIl