Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jun 1965, p. 1

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Oronoý VOLUME 27, NU1NIBER 19 Wek ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES, Tmmim*s ýAY, JUNE 3rd, 1965 l FIow.r $bhw Atten- 1 ire Destroys Ssnow White, Suzanne Bunting an d the Prince, Michael Carman. .Public Sc o0 l Plye rs Capi'vcte Audience Students 'of the Oroino Public Shol with hei presentation of, "Snow Wieproviided eop ý,tJù,nal ententainent t, sc-11outU audiences both on Thursday andi Fridey evening of last week. The the slay waof weeaTOand eP- yuupg acme rs ayallfnse sçs.atte- oporett ea h cnfidene- and ds ,stayedi n r adri eaxtin an ýla attibtewitchcht andenx- ctonaintain. rsinia lanc-th ying aer ari .fatresef The operoranwtcoasiwee thedcodou- fui costumes that adorned the dispilaYed pientY Of lif e and eýnie Otinalfelgs Th'le U4hcl awl final scene wasi held i Ithe b lroLpni in thel (Oo'.ntlnued page 2) dance fltsappointing Jutiges wito wero judging thel Oýrono Junior Gardeners Spring ýFiower show last Saturday after-, Ineon remnarked, ou the excellent qualiity anti arrangements of the exhbibits in aid the classes. The Showaws jtigeti by-Mr. anti M'rs. R. VanIHorme of Whit- by'. 11u ail there woere 68 entriesi in thýe show W>c was beiti l'ast iauda ft,-innon ln the audi- torium cf the cburch. the com- pet"itors rang-ed from 6 -te 14 years (,f a ge andi preseniteti a fine show- i ng.- At'o Chicken Barn A, toaarm) fire late Wednes- day afterneon dlestroyeti a cbick- en barn west cf Newcastle in the TowuLip ,f Ciarke owned by Ronaldt anti Maurice Clemnence. Total iess is exepecteti te býe over $20,000.00 of wbicb ameunt 1$8,000.00 would ho macbinery anti $10,00.00 for the bara. The ICCemenice Bros. were in the busi- ness (,,, raisinga breiler chickens., At least two thousand were lest in theý fire. One thousanýd were ai- ready,, for shiprnment haivîng been killed nti dressed. Folloýwn1g11e , judging the sho-w Thýe fire is though.t to, have star-1 was pene tethe ubli. OIted IIiYi the slaughter house where a few tlook adhantagIe of the o-p- 1 he chiienis were kiiled and dres- portUnity *0 vNiew the colourful sd.Tis, building was connected and fragranit arrangements.2 oth ,cicken barn which was The folowirng were the prize guickly veiied -t the ground1 winners: Senior section. by thefie Dining table centre piece - Confusin iii making le ire Julie Sch'mid, Eveleen Brow n and calilae the Township lire DonnaChli; Dish arranýge-,departmenýýýt in answering the eall. ment, Julie Schmiid, Eveleen On ar.riving at the lire the fire Brown and Donona Challice. department could do nothing to Cup and Saucer Arrangement,1 save thie barn. Wayne Cuir Sally Staples andl EveleenBr'. Sparksý from the barn had star- Bottie GardenSaIl Staples, ted a garage attached toL the Evelee Dnn' ay i ousýe on fire and it was lhere that Etheleen Brorigadonna Challice. Junior Section,: Dining table teOoobiaecnetae their efforts. A cail was also madeM centre piece. Yvonine Sc(hoenmak- ta the Newcastle department who er, Laurie Schid, Sue A5lett. sitHavnthhoe Dish arrangement, Yvonne assister i sying ted hom e r Schoemnaker, IHeather McGill, Wtrwssple yanab farmner with-the use of a.tractor and Laurie Sehmxid. ndtn Cup and Saucer Arrangemient: i Yvonine Schoenmnaker, Heather McGill, Laurie .Schnaic. The JuioGr Gardfeners will ho Bottle Garden: Kathy Grady, holdinIg teir annual Flower show Yvonnie Schoeni-naker, L. Schniid, 'ini August. Clrk igh SchooxI Qu lib Presents by Eliza:beith Kozub Junie is apon us onecei anti wjtx à the dradJod, bu evitable, firial examinat-ons; dent caluncil elections, andj byes te all our hriends wýjo be laig Last Thursday evening, ouw nual "Breath of Spring"l coi was held. t was puýt on PY catof sixty. IGleo Club, under the ves-y ille ûpening, scenewas heid iin labe direc-tion of Mrs.. West] the courtyard outside the King'si er. The'y entertaineti us castie . Here the'audience became many musical selectious; e aware of the birth of Snow, White, one ocf which we enjoyeti. P the death of ber ulother andi theý Haucock and Jo-Aune Cam appoarance, of ber. venomous step- did adelightfui dance to mother. muIc of 'Spriug, Spring, Spi The second, scene depicteti the' Sue and, Nadia Quinton dwelliig of the ambitieus Seven Sharon A lin, a uiew and tai( Dwarf S, whe took- the deserted1 Clarke ti charmed us witl Snow White te their hearts. This [sang. "I'min!r Love with -a scene with, the industrious idwarfs1derful Gay". Apple Orchards Damagec Officiais of the Departmont oft Agriculture are pondering thea cause or causes whicb have ap- peare t t have wrougbht -damage te two' individual orchards in th~e Bowmauvile area. Areunti 3001 trocs in the orcharti of Mr. Haroldtc Watson, west cf Bo wmanville 'on Ne. .2 ighway, bave just uow be- gun te leaf eut. Aise eue thirti cf1 the orchard of Mr. Forbes, Hey-î lanti bas been affecteti anti ap-g pears to ho damagoti te a titgree- The tiâmage te the orchards ist suspocteti to be'due te the use cfè weod spray in neigbbouring areas- i Evidence, peints te spray damage on the orcharti of Mr. Harold 1 WýVatson' although the .typie of sp:ray orc, thei origîn of the spray,, hias neti been tieterm'ineti. The ý trocs are net deati but theý butisc whicb were formed iast year for1 this yoar's blossom are in mestè cases deati. The trocs are expectetié te puLll through and survive butc Most Interestî-ng Musical Evenig Tina Kozub played a inedley of We'd like to thank all those IVore, her own compositioqis, on the ac-wo came out to support aur con- L icordion. They includeti, 'The Bob- c-ert. st;u' by HIll Polka', 'White flôve Tan. Our- student ecoUneil elections ,go- g',4izi Lizzie Polka' and one wvere heid last Friday, after a will ýthat she has't Inmetiîyet. hectic week ofý campaigeaig. Our -uests for the evening was Those runnîng for the office of Lr anl- the Orono Brass Band, mider. the President were Sharmha Ferguson. >nCert direction of Mr. M. Tamnblyn., Katby 'Turansky, Karen Lee and v 0mur Our renowned Drama Club un- Ray Konkel. Marilyn Hamm, Tcvo cap- Ider the direction of Mr. Amosbur 1y Jorgensen, Bey. Rickard andTi Tna hous- Ipresented a short one-act play en- Kozuib. were comnpeting -for the with titieti "The Queens of France". office of Secrotary. Treasurer - very-, Those taking' part iu the' p lay'l{ugb Aluin, Neil Allin, Wondy PCeggY were: Leslie Stephenson, Anne Cox, andi Shirley Mercer. For the eron, Soreuson, Betty Couch, Candy office of Publicity Director - Bni the Storks and Grant Wade. You, ail an Haick, Ruthe Hendorson, El- ring'. diti a marvelous job! canor Mc'Cracken and Jane With- and_______________ lenteti Won- '-MISS JANE FQSTER Miss Jane Foster, daughter of 15r. and Mrs. Allen Foster of Ken- dal, graduated recently from the 'ellevi1le Gencral Hospitali sehool .fNursing in Belleville. Miss Fo)ster is a graduate of the Bow- mý-anvitile High School. MR. LAIty m.ILLERL Mr. Larry Miller, -a sonou f~ fn andf Mrs. Chas. MIeOroc N reter tofdurte.risheW intends t uthrhseducation by specializing in physical eduta- tiG.n with the view of teaching and a-pec'ializing in tis subject. erapocon. F'riday night at our "Final Fling" 1dance, the new exeutive Nas announced. They are as fol- lows: President Kathy !Turan- sky; Secretary- Bey. Iokard; freasurer - WendyCox an 'd Pub-, licity Director - Jane Wither- spo-on. That's right, an ail girl ex- ecutive! It shouid be a very suc- cessful year, Clarkeatulations to the new ex- ecutive, and we wish you every (ConLinued page 4) By Spray ' . .......... .a ay * r.na the fruit c!rop will be drasialyî affecteti this year anti pessibiy te an extent for selme years to comne. ~t~ The damage is neot a biauket W.' a coverage cf the orchard but is a biit and mniss patteru, which hasM caused officiais te state that nover before in Otario bas such dam- age been notedi. Macntesbh or Doudicous trocs have not been affected. No knowu spray pro- . gram bas' been carrioti eut this ~ ~ ~ "~' year in the area cf the orcharil but spary was, useti last year, un- . a,;a' a. der close supervision, in neigh- "~.. ~ ' a' bouring fieldis. ~~~~,>a,~. a#s~ . a ' ',M About .oee third of the trocs a-' Z. ' <. in the orchard cf Mr. Forbes Hey- land on thec Training Scbool reati, ba%,e been ,affecteti by spray. This damagi s iiiked te the recont use a of 2-4D spray in ueighbouring " Training Sehool fieltis. The full, damage to the orchard canoct bco Sbown Pave is a smali portion Margaret Mdd1,eton, Ann Arnott, naînt. Dea-na Glbank anti Suzanne determined as-this is a very re- cf, the cast of the Snow White Margaret Taggar t, Beveri!7ey Ton- 'unting. cent event. production. Top row (i. Ite r.) ant. Bottom row: Glenda Ten-1 Graduatfes ... .... . .. ... Mlloi . ,

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