-~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1965 Wr1fp~TO GIVE AWAY HOUSE FOR SALE BIRTH W.FAN Seven Police Pups to, give away. West side af Mill Street, direct- PARRY-Rici< and Chelryl LJ ~John Perdue. East of Enterprise ly opposite Dickson Street, Orona. proud ta- aninounce the arrivai fl nr i~1&1 fer 5:00 'clock. a-c Contact Owner at the premises a baby girl wYeigb 1ng1 7 lbs. 9 cozs~ pie A L ES AIL I _________________Saturday, May 22 ami Saturday, at Bowmanville Memnorial H t ai adAa 0 May 29th a-nly. b18pai on May 10, 1965.ap HALL, PERKIN & CO, IIE FOR SALE _________ ÛMTE G.E. Hair dryer, practically new O SL AD FTAK C-hartered Accountants17 Church St. $1.0u ue30,Ooo - tab.er lnsf.CR FTAK g '1 ap StaweryPlnt frsale. s u icr fl ________________________Red Coat, Cavalier and Sparl:Wâiht xrs u i r King St, Newcastle 0 Bowmanville 623-3393 $2.50 per 100 plants. thanks and appreciation toi, ur 9874240 0~ DEW WORMS> FOR SALE Klaas Reitsma, phone 1177 Or- relatives and frlends for theat SApply Raye West Jr. after 5 ono. ba-.eof kindness shown our dear broth- 36 z Kng St.E., Osawa ~p.m., Churcli St. South, Orono- ______________eNrman, during his stay iz 725-6539 Poe15.hsia.Aseiltak o eý- FOR ALEBO PLNTS R. C, White, Six±h Lino Nei WiMlimC. Hall, BComm., C.A. hn-3J.FRSL: bXPAT ousitD. A speci thars aes - David G. Pçrkin, C.A. Ov1e nAil kinds' of Annual Flower btffofrsDr.maKnzile nurse ud flrville ~~~and VegtaiePlants. d-0pBanac gBUYING OR SELLING William, J. Leamen, Hospital -Electrical Contractrng Phono 1406 Station St., Orono Florence Greenwoa-d andEtl Electric lleatingDF I~ T T and, Ser vice R A - S A ECARPENTRY IED W.KAY LYCETT, B.A. PHONE 245 i AI Sash, Door Frames and Cellar TENNZANT-At Memnorial Hospit- Tarse rA M G L Window Units made to, order. ai, Bowmanville on Saturday, 1May- SoIflt*J*Phono 9874612, Newcastle. 22nd, 1965 Mabel Tonnant, ho- In the Offices of grnOnai REAL ESTATE BROKER F. H. Graham. c-20 loio wife of Carl Tonnant, Orono> and doar mo her, of Gwon, (Mrs. R.R. fl el .C L. Darch) Toronto, Murièl (Mrs- Phono.FOrooSA40 Jack Hateiy) Bowmanvilie, and MAIphoNe ST.,8 ORONO gOsa178-28 Cold Spot Freezer, 22 ceu. ft. Michigan. Restd at the ro w Telphne13 Oole O on Eectr*ic $20000 -or best offor.,Phono 2R21. Funoral Home, Park Street, Or- POE19Orono. b-19-c ana until Monday May 24th, thon ~ PIIOE 129ta Orona United Church for sot- IONTRACTORS FOR f;o=c>c>c=>c>CDco vice at 2 put. Intorment Orona FA.M n ]OSE0 OPPORTUNITIES Cemetery. WAIRINd OUE 0 DOUG SIMPSON g0 MEN-Pleaant outdoor work. Av- nre gtmae erage $3 per hour. Na experionce Fre Estim.tBRUN & SON o necessary. Write Rawieigh, Dept. 0 APPLIANCE SALES [ Phono rn 0 E-306-VV, 4005'Richelieu St., St. y BA0BAS: ::S rompt and Guarantood Repafrs oHov, otra.IT 9PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER to ail kinds of Electrical g PAINTING - INTERIOR&g (Civil)0 Equipment and Ap pliantes EXTERIOR0 NURSING HOME g Suh at Metors- Water ileatersd PArER HANG11; &NO g sd acomdain a Ontario Land Surveoa -.-Rais0tve rn BUILDING CUPBOARDS & Ton comoaio t[ 121__________t._Box_______0,g REMODELLING 0Lnthurst . Manor Nursing 0QuUNeTUrSt.PAI Home for Senior Ctizens. Reason Bowmianville, Ontario g FINISH , able rates. AD g0N L ODJB Phono Orona 371. ADV R IS 'ripoe623-7251 0n:9., o Hmitos COMING EVENT ___________ 9Coming! A Talent Show, friday, 1. June 4th at 18 p.m., Newcastle !jSuan1 Comnmunfity Hall. Uncle Jerry f. Real E state L* J. ~~~SKAtFE; _MT~~ -? B E N, T V. wilbefree t. Wen Bauig or SelIing eau Seric o uuiuii aijlie. Youngsters Ira-mBowm-anvI.ile, ~~,hrterd Acounant g o re~odelingyoii preeutHampton, Orno and New.cast leW l a k n0Mpûet Admission: Aduits 50c; Sch*ool 1r12 Orono 375 Waterf Street gone, chD ontact- chiidron 25c. b1: Representing PheERB2-548H Fire COMING EVENT Jack Rxicard Phono ackaý,ge PoUicies 0 Floyd il so Kirby Church, Spring Annivers- REALTOR Fidlit Bod,,ary will be observed Sunday May 71 King St. E,> BowmanvElIe * Fieliy Bnd,3th at 7:30 p.m. 623-2503 ALiability PHONE 2191 ORONO Speciai speaker will bo Rev. URex NormanB.A. B.D, af Ajax. Mombor Oshawa and District Lif nOrono choir will assist with spec- Real Estate Board U jal music. First Mertgage Loans OEerooelae. b1- SEE [0( ORONO PUBLIC SCHOOL TO U JVPLTT~PAD VII O PRESENT OPERETTA 5VL Lf&.U 9 LIUeIH-Ut1Itoiiu 0 This Thursday and Friday ev- bYE AL WAYS TRY lO OFRED YE -M TTSaieHa iIon RO Hatng eningMay 27 and 28, the Orono B IAOSRY Y OFIC -MAN T. ROO -R16Orn version of "Snow White,' an apor- NO / OfSPD 1f0 PhoeO14M etta in three acts, at the Orono AND EFFICIENC>, ON. JACK REI 9M Town Hall at 8:15 p.m. The prico HC FOL YfS R& Y % ~Orono, Ontario O of admis5ion is 75e for aduits and Orono's Licensed ______________gg35e for chiidren. Auctioneer and Valuatoi Specialize in Farm and Box 133 MO. -8-35É2 NOTICE Furniture Sales D L Junior Gardener's Spring Flower Consuit rme for termns Stafford 'Brothersan Show, Saturday, May .29th, 1965 DroWers ndi in theOrono United ChurchAudi- and dates Limited torium. EnriosmIstbenl_-y, Phone 5 r 18 OrýoUlo 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. ~Boepn p.m. Visitors welcome after 3:301I TEL) JAC SONof Icorne Tax RetuÉns Prepareda- Aucioneer and Valuatot Deaslaii lHOMErnn iuHEAT Conduets Auction Sales of .all Demnestie L& Foreign Granites JACK . FRREUI JO.ck £3XfOLL >ERVICE sizes sudat reasouable rates, sud Marbies - agrons Cii ORONO 3R2 Representativo e sumnctewt, i t ad Cemetery Repair Wox-k EXCELSIOR LIFE Commnicte ith lm t ~____________________InsurlancelCompany Pot enyOnaroPhono Bus.: 725.4758 'W TO ' Marine Mftnuumnh~ i es.Orono: 15211I Monumnts nd 0212 West Block,1 l PUMPING OUT. aly rdIUIIIiW audByam g Ohawa, O1.ntarad yce F1m1l- 1 --iaI - ) eý 1gp: 25 Oroilo Phono 146 SEPTIC TANKS nothiug te be desired U( Sales and Service ( Ask the persen who bought frein > 4 HOUR BURNER SERVICE WRITE WASHING STABLES us, a nelghbour,, friend or relatlyf DertTo3lpkilS ,The RUTTER<IGRAN1TE[PhesRasS 73 Ontarlo Street Phone 7*2552 PORT HOPE H Iampton CO. 3-2288 «Largest Dwpay in Southema( Tyirefe CO. 3.2350 ________________________Oâtali0» __________________ idcCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS' PART-TIME RADIO CANSW TV BEPAIRS CANS - H-FI1 - Stereo Repairs to 1ail maies of Lawn necord Players Mwr n n yl -Antenuas - Towers Mowers sd 2s4 71 P A Systein for rentEnue A1U parts sud labour guarant«.e OTACO PLOW POINTS HABRY WIRSMAAND MACHINEEY pJhoue 1731 Orono _____________