Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1965, p. 6

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ORONOMb WKLV 'DRS. TIUDAY, MAY 6th, 1965 Rtussell C. Toneiy, M.P., Durham 30 April'1965 Parliament resuimed on Monday attier a 10 day Easter Recess. Coigback tothe office MOP. day after tlie break was ike get. tlng -up on New . Years if -Yeu0 h~ ave' waslied the dislies anda eipidthe ashtrays before goings to bed. The acumulatienof cor.' iepndence, phoene messages and i2ltrviews takes time to clear' a. iay. If 1 have been a bit tardy in repiying te letters from a fewE constituents 1 knew tliey will un.f derstand. S The lieuse met on Monday af. temneon and ia a perfunctoryt manner> went tlirougli the motions1 until 8 o'cleck wlien Finance nister Walter Gordon present.2 ed the budget.9 The budget lias, been analiyzed antd dissected: by every news media frein every conceivable4 angle and I need not rep eat. these eocmments liere. Mr. Gordon 'called it a 'grewtli' budget and it seems.te me that it was a prctty ge.od attempt at re. sponsible action on 'tliePart of the Finance Minister. He gave the taxpayers reasonable tax cuts wliicl i xiilielp to sustaïm the higli rate of economk growth now 1 being experienced in Canada-. This action will increase consum. er purcliasing power which will1 In turn requirePmore production, o meet stin11ulated demnd. on Tuesday eveniing 'I accoin. panled the Hlonollraible Maurice Sauve to Bowr.aniite wliere lie addressed the Caniadin Club of Wést Durham. TËhe Forestry Min. irster is one of thle Most able .,mbers ot the cabinet and Ser tainly one of the ostcapable gpokesman for Quebec- la addi- by TORO As your grass grows, it ]ieà flat. It's hard to eut. But Toro's Whîiwind" with "Wind-Tuzrnel"O action has so much pull- îng force ... it actually pulls the grass up. for a more even cut. Then it discliarges clippings *swftly, smoothly. Bags beautifuly. L-eaves your Iawn spotlmss Corne in ... sSe both 1'and 21" Whirlwinds * by Toro. Resuirection o (Continued from page, 4) e( we do now for "f lesh and blofd E cannot enter into the Kingdom Pl of heaven." It is a spiritual 11f e al a dé we 'will be .dentified by a. sPýiritua1 body. We shail retain ,our personalities. but not the f Iesh and blo-od. Hýow it shall be 1 dio not know but 1 do. know that CInrist has beýcome very real to mýe andi ît is my prayer that my peGoie, shouici know lm in the same way. tie te is dut.ies, as Minister ofI Forestry Mvý. Sauve is aise the Minister respeonsible for ARDA and for the administration of the gevernment's feed grains pehicy. Mr. Sauve's Bowmanville' ad. dress has been fully reported elsewhere., The crux of lits, re. marks was his firmn belief that Quebec's future lies witli the rest ol Canada in Confederation. As lie stateýd, "We, cannot contem. pla-te a Canada witliout a Quebec; ,ner can we contemplate Quebec without Canada." On Wednesday morning about 1,800 members of tlie Ontario Farmers' Union arrived in Ot. tawa for a meeting with Agricul. ture Minister Harry Hlays and other members of the government reponsibýe for agricuX~ure. *A. bout 40 of the meiers we're froen Durhiam. In a very well de. vele4ped. brietf tlie delegation a*k. ed for a comprehensive farm poil icy that would enable tlie famil& f aria to survive. The visit of the farmers was well arranged and 1 think'it liad tlie de-sîred effeetbf bringing the increasingly difficuit economic pliglit of the Ontario fariner to tlie attention of the government, and to the public generally. Tlie Farm Union meeting last. ccl about two and one liaItliours and after the meeting 1 liad a chance for a good discussion with about 15 Durliam menibers, but unfortunaitely did not meetail Who' were fin Ottawa froin the Ri111ding because my schedule me. quired1m to leave Ottawa at 3:30 that aternoon for Saskatoon' to attend an ARDA meeting with the Mfinister, TMr.- Sauve. Tlireýe and one halt hours af cer leaving Ottawa.by jet star we ar. rived in Saskatoon. The meetting was coMposed of ARDA officiais from the four Western Provinces who met witli the 3finister to dis. cuss details of the operatioa of the ARDA program. ln Western Canada. Returning to Ottawa oaf. ter the meeting xe liad a,,few liours sleep hetore returning, te tlie office for Thursday's duties. On Thursday tlie budget debate continued, and on Tliursday even. ,ing tlie men'bers of the agricul. tux e group of thie gover'iment caucus met with officers ý>f :,he Ontario Farm Union wlio re. mained in Ottawa for further dis. cussion. Tlie meeting 'was inter. rupted for a vote of confidence in wliicli tlie.goverrnment .was sustained with tlie help of, the Tliorpson Social Credit Party, against the combiued opposition of tlie Coenservative, N.D.P., and Creditiste Parties. On Friday, as this Report is written, tlie budget, debate is continuing. Tliere will be at least two more votes of confidence be., fore the budget debate terminates on Wednesday., A -busy week?. . well I sup. pose so, but then, in this job most weeks are busy. That is why the job is sucli an interesting une,' and at times, at least, a produtc. tive one. RUBBEnR- FOR SALE, ROLPIH ardwareOoo ie ORONO0, ONT. PHONE 143 rn Ti e Western >ing course must, have a minimum KENDAL of English, Algebra, Geometry, hope she may make a speedy r... (Continued page 6) Trigon-ometry, Phsysics, Cheistry coey plus o'ne other subjeet. The lads of KÇirby and the )ne credit. sixth line decided to chivaree Mr. A student applying for an arts The University of Waterloo wll and Mrs, Raipli Greenwood on 2orse must have a minimum of continue to review admission re.,Monday night, May 3. They wMl English and another language quirements as the new Grade 13 hobxld a dance in their bonour on lus four other credits. A student curriculum is developed, said Mr. Saturday night May 8 in the Ken- applying for-a science or engineer Gordon. [dal Orange Hall. THiS.SUMME FR ch-,oose your for these Iow cost, do-it-yourself projects.l HIDE-AWAY CABIN PORTABLE KiTrCHEN BARBECUE SHEL TER,,FOLDING CHAIR, PEG TABLE CAR-TOP CARRIER, CAMP TABLE CAR-TOP CAMPER MOORING FLOATS PLYWOOD AND ROPE FUN PROJ ECTS PADDLEBOARD AND PLAYBUOY One or more of these idecswilI add so much enjoyment to your picnic or camping trip. And many caon be built quickly at Iow cost. Cat ini today to'our showroom anti pick up your FREE PLANS CAN11ADA OTOR Your Sylva ply Dealer Orono Fuel &Lumber Limited ORONO, ONTARIO Phone 14816 'WEDDING STATIONERY More and more brides are finding they can have the luxury looik they love and stili keep on tihe sunny side uf their bridal budget wlth exquisite Raînbo'w stationery. It features Tliermo-Engraving - an amazing rich, raised lettering with ail thue good taste 'and distinction tlie finest'craftsmanship - yet costs so little. Do sec a'ur exciting selection of contemporary and traditional type faces . . . onc perfect for you. 'ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS and for the Reception PLACE CARDS, NAPKINS, MATCHES etc. Oron o, Weekly Times, MAIN ST7REET, ORONO PHONE 109 Report From Ottawa %PJNXF£lP vvir4rdmuwjL AAMýwàli?,

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