Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1965, p. 5

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..... . .. ..... ..... ORON WEELY TMESTHUIRSDAY, MAY Gth,/ 1965 Co srvtiesSe Co ncmie lOCAL NW Minnie Stuitt eturned 13 orn (io tin ino Int I 7O home Iast Friday after ashr stay in Bowmanville Memoral Alex 'i ~erMP.. aOur own area. The trend of Hospital. She-,is convalescing at With the exception of the in- ,!,.e population from the rural the home of Mr. and Mrs. George troduction ýof legisiation creating areas te urban centres is also Dunlop. a new Child Welf are Act, activitY quite apparent in Durham county. Master Bobby Bunting had h In he ntajo egiiatiredurng In 1q61. for example, the labour misfortune to f ail last weekcnd the past week has largely centred force in Durham county was 3,5 and break his arm. aroiand the programn of the De- and although there were three '.. 1 partmnent of Economics and De* tirnes as many people engaged in Mr. and Mrs. Win. Moffat and velopment. agriculture in Durham as there sons, Gananoque spent the week. It has been said that if y0u were in Ontario county the trend end with their parents, Mrs. S. wïsh ito climb a laddcr, don'- stili continues towards the large Moffat and Mr. and Mrs. Evan keep your hanils in your pockets. urban centÉes. Quantrili. in presenting the estimates of The number in the labour MatrJmyMfasno his DeparItment, the Hon. Stan- force earning less than $1000. per Mandrs.Alec Moffat sen at ley Randaîl made it apparent that year ln Durham county was 14% M.adMs lcMfa ela Ontario is ascending the ecofiomic 'ftewres n nal onyschool last week andi broke his ladder with hands on the ruirgs, it was 11.4%. It is significant, arm. anid supported by a five-year pro-ý however, that ln Ontario county, Interesteti persons in the Vil. gramn &f continueti expansion, the where the number of work'ers en- lage of Newcastle have formed to. province's economy appears to he aged in agriculture is only aboui gether to organize the Newcastle on the way upi to new ecýonomic,,Oe tir that of Durharthe er- Aïlificial Ice Association. This goals. centage of those earning more group recently circuîated a peti. Among those goals being sought than $6000. per year is almosttinccrngan rtfcal- aretwice that of Durham county. stallation in their rink. Receiving (1) An average of at least 751- This samne f act- is reflected considerable support for the pro. 000 new jobs per year. throughout the province. In those ject the group is now laying plans (2) An unemployment rate of ýcounties where agriculture is the for money raisinug projects. no more than 2% by the year '70 main industry the average in- (3) An average productivity lu comle of the labour force is well Thle first of- these projects is crease of, at lcast 2.5% by the, helow that of the more industrial- to be held on Monday, August 2 same year. ized areas. The two extremes are when a Caruival and draw will (4) A sharp increase lu the ex- Haiton county and GleugarrY be stageti. The draw will feature port of mnanufactured products. county. In Halton col4nty which a 50-50 proposition with a guar. 5)An overal growth rteinis largely industrialized 20.1% of autee of $1,000.00 for the winner. theproincal rodct f a îestthe population earn over $600(). The seller of the lucky ticket will 5he5princonan rt ofars. stper year; in Glengarry county receive $100.00. 5,15/c'in onstnt ollrs.where agriculture is the main ln- Hodustoyttheeporjentages, 2o8% Plans have not as yet been fin. pare with the present economie Durhamh owpeer, coms .8%,are hlzeti for the Carnival. position of the province, During Deurhinecoomicr ompahrest It is expected that the installa. the past year did we ascend the ______in______________________ ecenmieladdr o didwe ropother areas in the province. Some other iuterestîng facts hat might bakbe noted wt respect to this ý In the year. 1964 the following growth are as follows. - dev.elopments in growth took 11.7 uftepulioof - UNITED CHURCII place. OooPsoa (1) The dollar value of produe- Durham is, made upý of new Can- Orn asoa tion ln Ontario increased by 9% adians.thpo-Cag lu comariso with8.9% u the (2) The perceutage ofthPO -Cag in omarso wth8.% n heulation with a university educa- "' res ofCanda.tion is 3.4. Carleton county has V~ (2) Manufactured shipments the largest percentage of univer- Rev B. E. Long from Ontario factories were 2%siytand okes1.% tha lutheres ofthena- (3) The total population of Dur- SUNDAY, MAY 9th, 1965 emoyretraeo 33 ham county ain 1961 was 39,900 Orono 11:15 a.m. 1(3) Ontaro in 1964 had anun and showsa percentage, change Kirby 9.45 a.m. emlaor forate - of thie sînce 1951 of 32.6%. It is int er, larince the vera eras55%e sting to compare this figure lwith Leskard - 2 p.m. prvncste vrgeil5.% alton co-unty Where the percent- UDYSHO (4) Emiployment in the pro- age change was 143.1% and Glen. OrNo - 1000 a.m vince during the year rose b-y irby - il:0 a.m. 89,000 . The target increase s<t grr county with 8.6%J iI 1am for the period of 1963-1970 wa (4) 46.6%/o of the population of Leskard- 10 a.m. 75,000- Durham is now urban- In llaltoii (5) In 1964 housing coutractis it is 92.1% and in Glengarry on in Ontario increased at a rate the other end of the scale 13.5% tice that of the rest of Canada; (5). The average f amily incoine somne 32% compareti to 15.2%. in Durhiam county in 1961 was (6) Exports of maunfactured $4,995. In Halton county it was gootis fromn Ontario factories in $7,015. and in Glengarry $3,814. 1964 iuecased by 42% although (6) The percentage change in the target increase was set at 10 mtor vehicle registrations be- per cent. teen 1951 and 1961 in the countY On what basis then can Mr. was ý58.1%. linilalton county 1t Ran daîl project frtrher expan- was 22.8% andi in GlengarrY sion What f actors are there to 34 I%ý (7) Homes in Durham county in jusifybisoptmisic ut]ok? need of major repairs (19f1) 4.7 There are several: %-; in Halton county 1.9%/ and lu The ~ post-war baby boom is bc- ginniug to stimulate the rate of Gegry1.%o oa oe famiy frmaîdu Thse ostwarwere in need of major repairs.. abiesar forming h o (8) Selling value of factOrY famnily units of toclay.shp ntluDra lu16wa . At the present time there arei$1,0 00luorngburg' about 533,000 youug people inu the county of Ontario the value was 1 15-19 age grollp in Ontario. By $...700e_0 197 itis stiate thre illbe Many interesting conclusions 660,000. This increase will remsul an be drawn from the above f ig- lu 'a greater demnd for educa- uires, but arf important and vital tional f acilities as well as other one ita fte eooi ~ervèesgrowth is to benefit ail the people In te 2024 ge goupthe in- of Ontario, then some way must 4 ' creae wll e ten reaer.Thebe found to establish parity of crease wll he ilen lucote for Agriculture. populationin tIis t*uvbiu increase fromn 413,000 to 580,00 by 1970. These young mavýried people will form a major market for durable consumer goods, also lrousehocld essentials, lothijrig ciildren's Wear and housing. it is also important to note that this increase lu demand for consumer goods will coincide with a record demand for replacement of plant machinery and equip- mient. Furtirer assurance cau he found lun the f act that it eau bc reason- ably taken f o'- grauted that the United States goverument will con-tinue its prograi of expansion '1s prorar'lli îiil maire a major im rtorthe rate of ecuOnrmic gro-.th7uIIt oulinluOntario but th-, u I'ntthe nation, The rogessve crcase lu populaton, prouCtivity at m plcycotir Ot"n -4 reflcte FILM SHOWING Orono Library 8:30 p.. Filmis on the 13artimes and Newfoundland Everyone Welcome tion of artificial1 ice lu their riuk Betweeu 75 nd 100 member will cost somewhat over $30 ,000. o h rn dflo' ol Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Armstrong and neigbbouring lodges attended.ý are bolidaying in Puerto Rico. devine service ut the OronoU- Mr. Wm. Buntiug is attendingited church 1ou Sunday last. Prior a couference lu thé UInited States to the cburch service the Odd- at wblclh thre main topic of coun- fello:ws marched to thre OronO', sideration is the effcct of radia- Cennotaph wbere a brief service tion on trees. Dr. Clarke, Who a codte hnurgtos bas lectured at thre Clarke school was coýductled inouourng The r is givîng a paper at the confer- wobdfle ubtl.Tepr ence. ade was leýd by * the Orono band- Sec our Mother' Day C ounter f or assoriýment of Gifis specially miade up for the occasion priced from 25e and up. Lady Iris Ail purpose flair Spray ......98e Wedge Cushion, each only .............. 95e Sait Water Taffy, per pound ............ 39e Sweet Marie Bars, 3 for, ....... ....... 28c Kneeknockers en Denim, 10 - 18 . ....... $198 "Coffee Time" Muegs, each for ........... 29e "1Y.ck Whittington" China Mugs for' -Wee'uns, prieed at .... ..19e 6 Gillette Stainless Steel Bladc- ihof "fleads Up" flair Dressing, zj1 for'....89C GARDEN VARIETY-SELECTIONS' Just arrived - Evergreen Bushes, Juniper, vailious kinds, Yew Bushes, each ....... $3.79 Double FloweringBegonia Bulbs 4 for only 53c SGladioli Bulbs .... 6c eacli and Da%Ilia Bulbs priced 2 per poly bag for........ ý.. ... 58e Fuill selection Vegetable, Flower, Grass'Seed at our Steele B4iggs Seed Stand. gt the Orono 5cto $1 tore "Your Local Va#iety Shoppe" Phone 122, Orono, Ontario LADIES' DRESSES.......... $14.95 té $27.50 We have a good selection of Ladies' Dresîes lu plain or flowered material, Slubs, Crepe, Silks, Jersey and Aruels. BLOUSES.... ................$325 tb $5.95 In white orcoloured Cotton or Terylene SLIPS from .............. $295 to $4.95 ln Ai-nel, Tricot or Cotton, embroidered or lace trim. Sizes from 32 to44. -- LADIES SHORTIE GOWNS $3.95 to $4.95 In Cotton or Tricot, embroidered trim, size S, M, L. Colours of vanilla, pink and bine. BRIEFS ' at ................... pair $1.00 Harvey Woods Viscose Rayon Briefs with cuff or elastic leg BRIEFS ....pair 69c. Oversize 89e Jax Panty Deluxe Tricot Briefs, elastic leg. GLENAYR CARDIGANS ...... $9.98 to $13.98 In plain or fancy knit, uew sshades. CAPRI or SHORTIE PYJAMAS . $2.95 - $3,95 lu fine Cotton. HANDBAGS-A1 good styles, color black, brown, blue, bone $5,00- $11-95 f INYLONSý-SeamIess mesh, j Prýiced per pair $1.00 - $1.19 J <j Gloves, Scarfs, H-anker- ehief s etc. BUTTERFÏ.Y NYLONS-with seams, good sum- mer shiades, reg $1.19, this week 2 pair for $1.09 ML

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