Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1965, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 6th, 1965 f l i ~touched Jesus. One was told, "DO n not touch me becauso I have not "ie ixesurreenion 'Body' ascended to rny Fathor." Anether t Seripture Lesson 1 Cor. 15: 1-58 of, and prior to, the event of was told, "Thrust your hand' into fil Taken from *a sermon preached Jesus' own Resurrection. During mny side and feiel the wound there W] by Rev. Basil Long. ithe years of' lis preaching Jesus and then you will know."Jesus' gc Reently the nowspapcrs have,! said concerning the resurrection, bodIY was reeorded te have gone ge capitalized upon anothor religions 'Goad is fot the Gad ef the dead through the walls of the house li controvorsy arîsing frorn tho but ùf the living,"! Surely it was not physical, yet it ar statemont eft our Moderator,_ Dr. Paul,ý as a Pharisco, alreadybe-was recorde'i tbat He ate with wý llowse, who said, "I do nkot be- ]ioxed in the resurroýction before l is disciples. Thore is a great er ieve in the physical resurroction he boecarne a Christian. We have doal tha't can ho a problcm* in our kr ef Jesus Christ."~ Tim Porter, Tel- no right tii say that our losur- thinking as to, the "nature Of W egram reporter says, "You right rection body is going to be identi- conflicting in the reports about well ask what ail the tuss is a- cal with Jesus' Rsurreetian lis body." But thote is nothing bout. But, when you stampode a Body. His Resurreetion was sorne- what happened te the disciples. herd of sacred eows there are thing sppcial. First Peter says We Ought to have every f aith in bound to ho a few squashed, toes. ' bat sharing in the Eisen Life and what, the Scriptures proclaim a- ,Bofore we, can critieized Dr. Body of Christ, both in the pres- bout Christ bein 1g alive. Heowse we have to understand ont andi in the future is to ox- In the Scripture lesson, Paul what ho is talking about. 11e was porionce tiho resurrection. makes the statement that 'many passing a personal opinion as to The hoe o f the disciples of-those people who saw the Risen hits ewn bellot and dees not, woýro dasheti when Jesus was put1 Lord are stili alive and.i it was a speak for the thoological views of'to death. The Jews had the tomb spiritual body which was raiseti. ail or the Churdh. One critic who soalod with a guard over lt. Thoy There are many suggestions in belioeved so, dogmatically iu the ddntwn u iapaigthe Sripturo that the Spiritual physical resurrection or the body body or idea that Jesus wouîd ho body is being termeti now. We was asked. "At what time doos it raised £romn the doad. On Easter are being changeti trom mon of tak,>e place?' Ho answered, "It l5 morning those who went to the dust te mon otfi'aven; ehangedj sornething 1 nover thought a- tomb to embalm the body wore trom Adam to Christ and when bouÜt." Oneofo another s clt rnade disturbeti when is body was not the perioti ot this physical life the statemont, "Got is a man Of there. The women said to the ends thero is already a spiritual les'h and blooti" but the Bible one they thouglit was the gardon- bo'dy îith which we will ho celoth- very clearly says, "God is Spirirt." or, "If you have taken his body d "Flesh anti blood cannot enter away tell us so we can go to Paul and others in the New inte the Kingdot heaven.", Him." At that time the disciples Testament seem to suggest tihat Lot. us cousider the Resurrec- diti not think- in terms of the the resurreotiofi is in sharing the tien ani the resurreetion o the Itesurrection. Resurrectiýor i fe of Christ. This body. 1 believe that there is a lite Later the disciples becarne re- is important. The final proof to beyond this 1f e andi that it has nefweti because of wjiat they Paul was the persoual experielice anilenowc evothat te hih e ost cd was the reappoarance ef of Christ. Paul said lie tee saw Ëvenow 1 elive tat he ostJesus. If thîs was not true the Crist, but this was a vision, yet important t'hing lu thl5 lit Oe5 is Jews anti the Roman officiaIs it was s50 truc in the if eof Paul. seou od rAl is hot illho putas woufld have brought out the bodiy The living reality of Jesus Christ to Gdek l ls ontth htll eadtirf euPoe tedsilsbrought te climnax the struggle second place. wreng andi Put dOrwn the great iniPu' le hne it£o The resurrection is a blanket movement which began at that a fanatical Jew, a Phariscoe,.te a terni eovering three dittereut but Point.' On the other hauti, if the gontie devotod f ollower of Christ. bellot that the s on iial.soThordisciples fhad taken llim away, Ichngoýdhirn trom a persecutor belae ý t h eets a ibal.lfOrThen lie htli a ie of Christians to a toacher, leader seulofa niiuli wked what inspiration weuld this ho for and aero Christians. This is fron the sleep ef death shortly the change in hi ieTo very powerful proot oof the Living aîter tieath occurs; the bellot that Wouîd have known that Hf.wa. Christ. the bodies of the dead will evout- doad. But somet.hing seo traits- As far as I arn concerueti, the ually ho rosuscitateti at the cuti formeti theffi that they faeac i a;y final proot of the Resurrection of et the prosout werld; the bellot poril or, hardship. Just a shaiî Jesus dees not lie in the Scrip- that the rigiiteus among the time betore, theso people had ran trs rmryeris hliot deati. will ho raiseti collectively, awaY disorganizod, friglitoneti, I had ben asseciatoti with the alter a îast jutigeinont, either to cewardly. Now they woent ou ocuc anti had had a deep rever- a rarotieti eternal existence en face tho warld anti anything that on ce fer the things of God- I some ther plane or to a rebirth the worlti sjaoulti thrust at them belicved lu my mrnit that Jesus inawoliwhich will succeed This is a -pewerful argmoû m.o was alive but one day, iu the this eue. the Resurrection of Jesus.' course ot my every day business So e cn bcom vey dogmt- ut he uesionin he nes-attairs Ho laid is hand on my Se w ea beorn vey dgma- Bt te qeston u te nws-shoulder (I arn speakiug tigur- je; fight each other about Scrip- paper articles is the resurrection ture truths; quoto Seripturo andi "body" et Christ. Sorne say dotl- atively). Jesus lu sone way coee with differeut Opinions. initely that it was Jesus' pliysical toucheti me lu a ditterent way U}. and I knew front that muoment We rnay aliseluso doiug close bodiy that was resurrecteti, rn-tirat Jesus Christ is alivo. It ditin't that which is essential and con- plying that it shallho eOur phy- mattor what anyone else saiti or tral to the tact et Jesus' Resur- sical bodies which we see noW, what proot they tried to otter. rection and our own. Thc assur-ithat will ho resurrecteti. This. ls Something had been revealeti to auce et a general resurrection nlot the teachîng -of the Scripture. -me which made me uuderstanrl rests upon sornething independent 'Thero are sterios oft thoso who adko iheeycnito ____________that Josus is alve1 ditin't touch Ils hantis' or foot or phyTsical -~ . .body. It was real lu the realm or - ~ the Spirit anti resulteti in the _______________changing of my lite as a business- man te- that et a minister in a ACROS OWN 21. Spring Christian church. Christ may re- 1. cdtes of 1. *ievr 2nont PA veal Himselt to you but want wZte, 2.!' ving 22. Youtil j untio livo -for lim in the very 23, Aheaed th2H, g.that you are doing. 'In e manev 3. Lnd 24. De-iý 411eo qApi1Qr2.T .1- mFish 10. Bye of£oa 11. Poetry 12,Send nto banishment, 14. Single unit 15. Bora 17. Stir 18 Marry 19. Vehlicle 20. Bushl: abbr. 21. Encoun- tered 22. Clamoerou$ 24. Lucid 27. Italian poet 28. Viscous 29. Guided 30. Intieflnite article M3. A iiat 32. Ar-ovîng I35. Priter's Cz Oea: poet,ý .39. BuIis of faxe- 41. Qulck 413. Examina-. 44, Frozen desserts 46. Observo5i *4.Hardy philosopher 5. Applnud 6. Frendil 7. Thia 8. Fisil 1.Solemri promiî,e 13. Cive forth 16. Consume inand, due 25. Song- 26. yp -i aare 27, Fault 2P. T nn- aeers 32, Sleeve- less tain that had I flot-believod thé things 1 nad about Chirist, ,11e would nover have spaken toi me as H1e did. But in believiiig that, it made posible the fact that H1e could make Hirnself lin'own to me 33. Wneng 34. Spoiled, as meat. 36. Leg joint 40. Employ s 42. High card Ln P. Persona' and ;7.'., realI way. 11 know that we have the proise Ir you look at the accounts of Ithat there will be a spiritual body [e, appjearance of Jesus you wll which will give us personallty nd tha<t 11lewas reveaIeid to those and identification in this fuller who'had faith to beieve. We can if e, beyond. go on through 11f e belleving in a enrl a i hig Crsta, Dr. Howse's staternent, "I do iving thieyn to a certain extent noît believe in the physical resur- nd yet niot believing in such a rection of the body" was distort- way that H1e eau make this pow- ed' and rnisun*derstooýd. None of rful revelation« clear to us. 1 us, I arn sure, (believe that in the know nýot what my resiurrection life te corne we will look just as body will be hike, no:r do 1 care. (Continued page 6) Take notice that a permit mnust he obtained prior to the installation of water service connection from the Street line to any building ini Orono. Permits may ho obtained at the Orono Hydro Office and regulations rnust bc adhered to before water wi1l ho turned on. Orono Police Truste NOTICE Powe Ct-Off Affecting ail customers north on Mili Street and east of Mili Street from the V corner iat Mil Street and Main, on two successive Wednesday afternoons, May 12th and May l9th, weather permitting. Time 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m D.S.T. Please act accordingly. ORONO HYDRO E. Dent, Manager NOW AT VOUR DX SEVIC HWY. 35 and 115 - Just North of Newcastle FEATURING PREMIUM QUALITY PRODUCTS AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES May be picked1 up per in any quant ity ACgai SPECIAL D i CUTS N AOLINE ' AND D1ESI, FUE PLEASE IIELP US REACII OUR GOAL- SULIPPORT YOUR CRIPPLEDO Un-,ýLDREN OUR O BJECTIVE $65000 - To Date- $5,001 So That Ail Crippled Children WHI Be Looked After PUZZlE NO, 834

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