ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 I&v d%1- .-p r-- 4 V% -. New SpecieUt 1 ish Heing Introclucek In The Wilmot't Th-e Department of Lands and 1 ndUStrY tO the lake along withà orssare carrying4 out a new Providing further sport for thea roenG.w in its testing stage, fishermnan.. and even poss ibly wicl is desigcned l i the hope to some fish.h restore commrrercial and sport f isli- în uLakes Ontaro, Huron n Carruther Spealks ý>n Othe.r smaler inland water bodies. (otne fo ae1 Tihe Departmnent is introducing (otne mpg ) f to these waters -a strain of f isl sincep1921, the- proportion of ail ti known as Kokanee or land-lockýed mien over 65 in the labour force f( sockeye sahno-n. This proJeet ý ias dropped from 58-1%, to 31-6%, f pîhth ýant'ing and predictions are that by 1976 fi o undyerway wsith th shrethe proportion could be further of yedEgg inbot sh redue spawnring Ïan-d stream spawning rdcdto 25%.a In contrast, lie pointed out, the areas membrs ofthe D Par roportion of women in the labour men crrid uta r of the at force -65 years of age and older lias t Pirojcct uising the Wilmot Creek, încreased in the saine period fromk wesPýt of Oronmo. Last week'the crew to7% witapsibefr cor-nplctedc planting 16,000 eycld eggs M s'pecially pre-pared lieds in th re.Part of this portion cg4r thne overal pr-j ect was completed in Nvenier"f 1964 in tlie Wil- mot inseca survey baskets. These bask-ets were opened ast wePk andf the Department was quite satisfied witli the resuits pi -en 1thligli s'iting had taken a tohl of tlie fisli latclied. Tlie local îcrew w vere mnaking counts last dekc these previously planted ?ggs. ln a perio d from tliree to four motsthe eggs pplted last week will liateli and ti young fry will b e o their owivn to) grow and to copeetheir lite cyclec. The crew pi-pard secil ledsin tlie strancoerngtlim ovrxithi ,stones. It is in tliese beds tliat te eggs will liatcl. Tlie land-locked sockeye salmin will piÉoced to he lake whiere tliey will ive for four -yeýars lie- fore re-turninig to spawn, gener- -Il!-y'to the sanie area wliere lieir lit bean.Af erspawning tlie Liali dlies. Th,-is salmnon fish will panin beds iii streanis flowing înto the' lkes. Tlie fisli is a, plankton feeder and thus does not. prc oýn ther fisli. if tlice epermental project whicli is beàing carried out in many areas vs succcssful it would then lie likely that a massive egg or f ry p-lanits wouhd lie attempted. Comm rercial fishing in Lake Ontarlo) is now practically non- eitn.Sucli a project witli such a desirable fisli couhd restore this l icensed Plurnbing&. Mlechanical Contractot Iw ho seilsinstallsr and quarantces CARMAN PillJMi NG ost - 1HEATING1 Phone 148 Orono) . t ther inerease to 8% by 1971. Whiat perhaps wjas equaly or more significant, Mr. Carruthers suggested, was the changing pat- tern of eashincomes. The median Incoume in 1931 for men of al ages was $3,300, and for women cf ail ages it was approximately $100. As people move through life, Iiowever, lie said, there is a dist- inct drop in in-come among the men. For men over 70 years of age, the median is $1,169- while for women o-ver 70ryears of age, the median is $830. The increase for older women, lbe stated re- flects widows and pension bene- fits, if e insurance, and annuities. The median income for tho-se aged 65 years or more- is highest in 'Ontario, lie noted, amounting to $1,875 while that in, Newfound- land, the lowest was $976. The 1961 census, Mr. Carruthers senior citizens, It's Lamb Week at Red & White! SPECIALLY SELECTED i 21Lfor ibroiling choice - thîck eut loin Thrýee meals in onie- roast r -se Lamb-in-a- Basket Ib.23c For a tasty treat - lean - fresli made LAMB PATTIES lb. 49c Pare pork - tray pack Breakfast Sausage Ib,49c BEST B»UY! Save 13c! Green Giant reg. 15-oz. anvPeaSe 3R49c ~1 y LtI Il DINNER KNIFE We Seil observed, showed that ûide:' houiseholds are more likelCY to ovn their own homne, to live in less crowded conditions, not 'trhave lodgers, anid to be free of mort- gage debt, than younger house- holds. The position of the aged, he said, must be reviewed in the light of these factors. Certainly in large cities, for many persons, available -incomes do not' always go far in providing a comfortable way of life, but in smaller rural areas it is often the case that costs are sucli that older persons can and do manage. The Conimittee on aging, of which he is the chairman, are con- siderng ail aspects, of the aging probicm, lie said, and hopýe .thaýt as a resuit of the ýSelect Comt tee's efforts mueli will be accomn-L plishel te meet the, needs of our w imn Order FloridaJueLan Icv Freh lrid.a No. 1 2 large pkgs. Nw enerTex-as No. 1 20-oz. poly bag SHIROVE TUIESDAY COMING- UP! BEST BUY! Save 4c! 2l~ size' tin BEEHIVE GOLDEN ,SYRUPC Aunt Jemnima Pancake Flour _2-lb.'pkg. 39c BEST BUY! Save 13c! Monarch pouch pak CakAMIXA 3~G m - Wz m4by M f Wf 4W *F K- Â m w -tua - fLtw fwb - BEST BUY! Save 10c! Fancy Kernel 14-oz. Tins SAVE 8e! Red & White homogenized 24-oz. Jar York Corn 3:419c M'wUIUMORDPeanutBùutter49c BEST BUY! Save 10c! Ass't. Powders Best Buy!.Save 5c! Twmn Pack Rolis JELL- 5~49 A A Toilet Tissue Cash Your 10e Coupon Bove 24c! Aylmer 10-oz. Tins I'MOMACR Tomnato Soup '5 for 49c MiX 'EM1 1OR MTCH1% reoture! Choice 20-oz. Tins Fcy. Quoi. Golden 4 Sliced Pineapple 2- 49c Wax Beans FO Bmort's Cut 20-os. FO Fecituel Choice Qua ly 20 oz. Tins Choice Quality À Choice Tomatoes 2- 49c Grav e c!ibysPcrny 1-nf Bov Bl Hreord 12os nFruit Ccti 2 for 49c Corneci Beef 1..... 49c reoture! Bright's Fcy. Qual. 15-oz. APPLE SAUCE 3 -49c Bave lIc! Curtiss Baby Ruth or Butter Fnger Bv e Bnpn Plot Bricks Chocolate Bars 6 for 49C IERA fr9 Bave 5c! Liquid 32-oz. Plastic Bae ctWeto o Bnbcr 1lb-ys Javex Bleach 2 for 49c- ChocolateChip Cookies 49c -;rined or junior HEINZ BABY FOODS 3- 34c, Bave iBel Bonus Pack t/-lb. Free! 21,1-lb. Tin av d PiepleGueiut 48-oz. Tin Nesle' Quk......$109DEL MONTE DRINK .... 37c FROZEN JFOODS Scve c!- In Btter Hiqhliner 14-oz. HADDOCK pkg. 49c Su ieme Fancy 2-b> Beag KERNEL CORN 49c [Supreme Fancy 2-b. Bag FREINCH FRE 49c el eALE ý"ý" 'ý ý'2 ii Wi-fTE Mvia pie Grove coïîlslrITE " ' .-Orono PECK'S RED& WHITE . Newtonville CO>MPLET! AUTO S$ERVICE '244 H RN -A l.tOý-1r Y:SW 1NG I BEST BUY!, Save 4c! COLOURED 1l. ks Rose, Brand IF BEST BUY! Save 15c! 20-oz. Tins Deep Browned - Without Meat LIBBY'IS BEANS ~89 .. ............. RUBBER STAMPS Orono Weekly rimes 11 1-1b. pkgs. 1 1