Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Feb 1965, p. 1

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orono VOLUME 27, NUMBER 5 os1 elylnii os ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1965 $21,641.OO Budg,ïet Tic final gam fr tic Cham- pionsiip at fie L'itte NHL Af om The Orono Police Trustees on ono C!nainer of Commerce. in urono ' iaU'i Modyevening compiefed their Saturday wa hilrwith, fhe iugt for the earinwhich a litappae hefeig ftoeon"tc'Ie not d idd unil the toal of $21,641.00 is to be spent in present fiat conditions of park- Iast sýeconf1 of ïplay.Thefial oa _he Village during 1965. This a- ing on the street would be intol- was 'core,1 as the wisfle blew to in-oLunt includesý tw enty-fhree new erable with further business en- end the game and of course this street ligits along with repairs terprises locafing in this area. The brouglit a protest from fthe losers ý_1mOuLnting to $1,000. f0 the Muni- street itsol1f is only 44 feet in who hotly derided the decision ipal Building and a road program width' anýd the street could become Of the officials. The Little NI-L tý'f $7,000.00. even wCrsu than the Main streef, officiai, present for the tourna- said R. Forrester. ment, counted the scrore thus pla- A sum of $2,000.00 was set aside ,cing; the win for fillbrook by a for new street liglits along with rt was suggested that the Trus- score of 7-6 over Cannington. $210000 for street ligit operation tees endeavour to purchase the Tiese fwo teani held the- class, larsn thea ea. s etup o sd la- 'prries along the street wifh of the tournament and played in ýlas ws st u, fr sdewlksa-the vewof w-idening the streot the final champioinship game. The longï with $50000 for beautifica- and thon soul bacýk a, portion f0 score indicated tlie play 'for the tion in the water p)ump-hiouse area the Postal Departmienf. The re- win waWs a toss-up for either team. The road budget1 will include the Maindler wold e retained for The last second goal however de- comp letion of the1 storm sewer on future sale, for commercial use. cided the outcome in Millbrook's Churcli St. South with an exten- aor sion for Duess street. It also iii- In this the Trustees are f0 con- ATtournpaymn, thré aeono cludes oling of Church streef suit with Mr. K. Lycett as to the tomsay ininthre gam orn with chip stone process for Cob- feasibility and also as to fie itwofandtwnninore.Thre maj o bledick street. New guard rails procédure f0 be followed. ty o e scres i 1wr imilaOro are te b erectedatparkingd oninplayed, that of being lopsided.: street intersection along with oth- In conneetion with prigo Orono f irst playcd Miilbrook or minor projects througiout the the. Main street- R. Forresteriwitî the out-of-town team takingl Village. moved,, seconded by D. Simpson The budget als o included a sum that the secretary ýwrite fhe Prôv-1 a 14-0 win over the local boys. of $1750.00 f0 meet the final pay-> mcmal Police asking if they would Tic majority of this gamne was mient to the O.W.R.C. for the test enforce parking regulation on the played inside the Orono blue line. drilling carried out f ive years ago County road in the business sec- Larry Lunn, in the Orono goal was in the Village. tion of tie Village if the proper possibly the busiest player on, the The Village accumulated a sur- Jby-law was enacted. R. Forrester ice and.did, even thougi the score. plus of $353500 from 1964. said ho would support a two hour does not indicate it, played very Mr. Garnet Smith approached parking limit in this section if it weil, stopping soine hard shots. the Police Trustees in connection would be enforced, also, parraleli Incidently Orono got two siots wifi a' pece of property in 'frojit parkng for the west side of fie on the Orono. goal during fie of lsprpery o~th oBwen's street. (Continued on page 8) Garage. The piece of property was dleeded over f0 the To-wnsiip by tic Departmenf of IHighIways The Townsip holing ils land in HS h o o sd r trust for, the Poice Village. Theg Trustees could sec nýo reason iwhy:f~~ fils !and, could not be obtained by Mr. Smiith but fiat first they BUIK rurcncssea" en would want to view the map- of thîs parfiular area to determIne The Durham County District and sends ifto the person requir- the, portion tiey wotild maint ain. Higi School Board is experiment- îng it. 11e said wien sinaîl pur- Mr. Siti was desirous of build- ing wti4, and continuing f0 study, ciase righf s are taken away from. ing on this lot but would like f0 coirdinated purciasing for al] individual sciools the cost of cen- bc able to come furtier west tins five scoundary sciools, in its area, itrally purchnsing small ae1 icles necessitating, obtaining fie parcel and as a further step toward sav- would exceed fie value of fie of land between is and fie road. Ing rnoney fie systema of purchas- article itself. If was reported by G. M. Simp- ing insurance is f0 be studied. Mr. McCreery also proposed a son fiat an extended ciimney iad 'j.' T. McCreery, a Port Hgpe review of fie metiod Of ptirchas- been constructed at fie fire hall represenitative on fie board, aske d ing fhe insurances for fie sciooi and fiat this work had yet f0 be at a mieeting of fie board at Port area. inspected by fie engineers. Hlope Hiigh Sciool, if coordinafed 1 am nof advocating a change, H. M. Mlercer reported fiat fie buying is now ,vbeing pracficed. or suggesting hfiat fiere is any- new doors on fie -MýuicipalBid Walter Reynolds, secret ary of tiing wrong with fiepresent sy- ing were fo be instailed in the tic board, said fiat ho and is stem, but-I feel theresiould be a near future alon. wif i reîlacini,, staff af Bowmanville are studying periodic study of fie situation by the broken wnlvs t hstreail aspecfs of suci buying, and fie finance cominilftee," ho 'said, bc exp wnd owsavetetusrin some supplies are now being pur- pinting ouf fie facf thaf properfy ho xpefedf0 av fi flor n-cîased in bulk for ahl five sehools. and equipmenf is being steadily spected f0 see wiat colld be dorne Anytiing fiat is reqluired in ,dded te fie board-s holdings. R.C orefr nôme-i large quantifies is now being The finance commiftee was in- mneeting fihat fie engineers -had hougît tirougi my Office fori.,te sfructed f0 sfudy fie insurance te mad thir epot f fi O..R.c.whole area," Mr. Reynolds baid. see if if would be advisable f0 in respect to fie fenidering advis- ."I have made 'considerable sav- change f0 a systein of purciasing ing fie noceptance of fie tender ings in paper and janit ors' sup- 1 by tender, and te report fie' find- Of Gaffney for fie installation of~ plies." ings f0 a lafter board meeting. fie water distribution systein. Mr. Reynolds added fiat af fie The Board pays a total of Gement-asbesfos pipe is to be, us- sanine ime ho must guard againsf $8,()00 annually in insuranco pre- ed. Ho also said fithfe O.W.R.C. carrying fie central purciasîng miums. In building insurance a- had contaeted hlm M 3onday stating foo far, cifing fie example of one lone fiey have coverage of $4,230,- fiat fie Commission was, on fils area wiere even if somefiing as 000. This is total, insurance, fluc- day, miakng fie final submission small as one pencil is f0 ho pur-, tuafing wifi construction costs, f0 fie Municipal Board. Tie Coin- eiased, an application must be and will completely rebuild any mission wàs stili of fie Opinion sent te fie area purciaser wio structure desfroyed by fire or that fie Board would give their tien orders fie item, pays for if, I ofer accident. approval te go ahead with fie __I project- Following tuis approval fie: for- mal agreement wlihe signed be-Cre i U ioIeccae Tlownsiip affer wiici fie contracts can be lot to fie firoe contracting firns.%J Pôstal Department was ready te Tic Orono and District Credif $1794.29 of whici $15 01.76 was proeedwii fe onsrucio ofUnon held their annual meeting received from intcrest on borrow- a new Post Office in Orono and Monday evening in fie Oddfell-lJings. This was a decrease in in- were awaiting flic decision of fie ow's Hall wien a dividend of 31/ terest revenue of $36.00 in coin- Trustees on their locaton. The percent was declared by fie meef- parison f0 193a3. Mcmiberships dur- IDepartment cean, he said, purciase in.g.This dividend amounts to a ing fie year remained at fie saine land on the east side of Churci totalsmo'8 .2 e ia 93 Etreet Dbacîýof thc business section. Mlssrs.oE.$B3ew22.t, Joe Wal1er3 Tinc land is fie vacant lot just Tic Credif Union operated 1with Moesrs. .Alun weît e etunéd f norti of. Mrs. Walsi'shoe a nef profit of $122791 druing tic ofie frt alnoerte r wiile Mrs Present for fie discussion of yer fris14mmes oa Wm. Reid, Kirby and Willis B'ar- tic Post Office wcre Messr, asse3ts amount f0 $26,567.37. an in- rabaîl were eîected to fie Credif ?4i. Lunn, W. H. C'armain andChs creasc from $253446ý2 in 1963. Unor o hi îs emo f Armstýronig, reprcsenting fie Or- I Income during tic ycar fotallcd ice. Elnen ils on ine 0f peoi ots Miss Avelyne Lycett of fie Peter- borough Figure Skating Club, 13 year old daugiter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lyceft of R.-R. 2 Orono, was fie first place winner, Fer- guso-n Award, for Senior Ladies, Open Class, in tic, Peterborough Figure Skating Club. Avelyne was also first in fie Senior Similar pairs and fied for firsf place in fie Senior Ladies Dance competi- tion. Miss Lyceff has won a dozen awards in Baton Twirling also a provincial awar-d in Public Speak- ing, and was fie Junior Champion of fie Oshawa Skating Club in 1963 and fie Senior Champion in Peterborough in 1964. Miss Lycett will perforin athfe Orono Figure Skating Ice Show t hs Friday and Safurday. Misses Ellen Milison and Marie Yeo won first and second place i c Spek positions in the Public Speaking Capeansr Contest held in Orono, Tuesday pvening. The contest was the fin- ai County contest in which ten jlUfI filnalists from throughouf the County competedi. Ontario, whule endorsing the Miss Milison will now compete Canada Pension Plan, strongly rec- at the District Zone 3 contest to ommends that the present $75.00 be held in Havelock on Saturday, per monfli Old, Age Security be Miardi 27th at 1:30 p.m. raised to $100.00, Mr. Alex Car- This series, of contests which ruthers, M.P.P. Durham, stafed to begin at each p ublic school an Orono and District Credit Un- throughout the county is sponsor- ion meeting in Oro-no on Monday de by, the Durham County Trus- evening. tees' and Ratepayers' Association. Out of 1,481,000 people, over 65 The final contest, Tuesday, was in j!)65, hie said, only 131,000 will held in the basemet of the Oronýo evar re-ceive any benefits and United Church which was filled these will average no m'ore than to capýacity for the ýoccasion. I $33.00 over and above their pres- Miss Ellen Milîson won the ap ent Old Age Pension. praise of thle judges with hier de- Mr. Carruther's suggested that iivery and excellence of hier topic the changing economie climate of "Sir Winston Churchill." The our society h'as created acute daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. problims for our aging populatioîn. Milîson, Ellen, is a grade eight- Comipulsory retirement, the fact student at the Orono Public, thaýt fewer people are working for School. Miss Marie Yeo won sec- themselves, uftbanization, indust-, ond place having as hier topic ralization and- changing family "Quick Sand". Marie, a daugliter patterns, have brought increased of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yeo, is a financial worries to elderly people student at Anitioch Public School. It is significant, hie said, that The Durham Club Shield was (Çontinued page 2) presented to Miss Milîson by Mr._____ Stonehouse who stated that- the Lions Shieid to the second place evening had been an education in winner Miss Marie Yeo. itself having heard ten different Each of the ten contestants were contestants speak on ten differ- presented with a silver cup in rec- ont subi ects. The -Durham Club, ognition of their endeavours in a social Club, was formed in Tor- the, contest. These cups were pre- onto, hie said, by people from Dur-setdjitybth PotHp bain County in 1898. Since 1936 and Boýwmanville Lions Clubs. this Club has presented the ýhieId Mr. Merkley, president of the to the whînng speaker for Dur- Ratepayers' Association and chair- hm County. Ho e oncgratulated lman of the iètïn,poinited to- Mliss Mvillson along with the other 1the experience gained in such speakers and. hoped to have Miss contests. 11e also said that al] f0 'Milîson speakz to' the Durhail often we endeavour to' eliminate Clubin ard. Te Clb, o sidcompetition yet we must live with meets five tîmes a year. it throughout our l'ves. "The Mr. Hodgson of the Bowman- world is filled with comhpetition ville Lions Club presented the and wo shouid teach that if is so."

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