0ROgNO WjMLYTIMES, TffURqIDAýJANUARY 8bi lH Report Frotn Q cen 's Park LKennedy, Vice Grand, assisting.sh ad ntcd Alex Carruthers, MV.P.P. -Dihaim A meeting of the Clarke TownVl- Sent due to weather and road con- %wouldc be plIeased to accept mir Li lias been wt great inteïest, A iship Public School Teachers Was itin.cos andý iindeed concern, that 1 have S-wers i mi ast held' at ]iewcastle Puibli c Shoo Minutes were read by Sister Nole Grand Sister BpettyNe- fo,.iloWed the text of the various January l8th. Gladys Gamisby in the absence of man annouinced the banqure i a let-s ndedtitorials appear-ii., in y 1o recording secretary Sister Februgry lti of the 1001 i- ý-lc! aprs oiceiiii, rob 10iuing Scugog Re Mr. C. A. Hlolmnes, the Inspector Vae Allen. oge tiks bin av.ac>ü tre l o papers conen in rb-* discussed several topies with the ~emsof eforing amelawsiflf rom Sister Mildred Rainey. Duha Cuny.Althougli' Lindsay lias acquired teachers. A fine report was given by 0ine 1begins to w\onder how f ar ai waste stabilization pond for the, Do nald Roughley, 22, now. of Sister Lola. Kennedy visiting coin-1 Lodge closed according to ritual gov~nuetsmui o n roec- relmntof sewage fIows, it is Oshawa, andi formierly ofý Orono, Mite A social haif hour was enioyed at th îe rights of property holders obv>ýious that a considerable quant- was a passenger ià a car involved SisterJean Wood, reported thatIhclsoftemtig in ascit which prides iiself ity- of sewage, is discharged in a two'-car collision on Monday_________________________________ on île hi ghest standard of ecl hog municipal stormi sewer night in which two were killed. omc~am duatgnllife ire the otiets to the Scugog River, and, The accident tookl place souh of World. herefo're, does flot-receive treat- Manchester on Highway 12. , aehiae nmkn any ment. Also, there are.objection- GereE aNi, esltn and Robert Campbell of Brooklin,Ç p k pt ia sucLi uime as 1 lad ani op1ortunIity plants. died -as a resuito heacdnti eek s S e i to btan te vewsof he îniter This is the view expressed in ef Landis and 1 orests, and the a report of a water pollution sur- Donald Roughley is in fair con- officiais of lis departmne't. vey of the Victoria County iowfl dition in the Oshawa General Theprblm asben reatîy } caried ot by the Ontario Water Hospial witht severe facial cuts W h l h ey' Last agg;ravate(d b the vast increase inRsore Commnssission during and injuries to his larynx. i opltin o Mroo inthe summer of 1964- The report ______________ Tooio and( the sroudn lias just been reieased puiý).cly by upaeP OM H m ra;a oplaion t hals in-the OWRC. Heater HAIR SPRAY Permanent creaseýd !not onlyIý in nmrbers, but The report added "it is gratify-Lo g hias becom cosmnopoItýan in char-, ing, to report ihat the local of-,HahrRbkl og o 3 8 20 actr ficials.,are aware of Ithese condi- held their reguilar meeting Tues- -______________ Il las been particularly acute tions and are pursuing a programi day at 8 p.;at the I.O.0.F. Hall wiih r'espect to those wlo are new to rectify these problemns." wLhSse BtyNw aNol arriiv-aýin n Canada, and are flot It was reported that there was ihSstrBtyNwaobeInpîlpE BS* $ 1 9 yet f miliar with our laws and an intermittent 1dischaýge of sew- Grand, presiding; Sister Lo la eustomns. age fromn the "bigdtc"wch *I Regular $2.99 In' Italy. for exampie. the law requires that any landowner must perit huniers to enter lis prop- erty*, freelJy- Large numbers of re- cent arrivals from that country have nort become accustomned to île laws governing the rights of propierty lolders in Ontario- ToDepartment of Lanýids and Fore sts is in full agreemnent that we -need more conservatio)n offic- ers for adequate enforcement Of fish and game laws. The support af public opinion will do mudli te facilitate attempis 10 provide. more officers, and certainly the editorials and letters referred to, will ýassist greatly in strengthen- ing îhe Minisier's land, jn lis ef- forts to obtain sufficient funds from île treasury board for this purpose. Stops are binig taken, hoWever, to meet île problem, and'I list a number of these. i. The educational standards of conservation officers have been 2. New and extensive training programns have been introduced. 3. A significani salary increase for ail classes of conservation of- ficers was introduced lasi year. 4. New and more intensive methods of training among new huniers are to be instituted -in tle near fuiture. 5. Co-oper-ation witl the ethnic press is tb le continued and ex- ien*ded, in . order to advise New Canadians of île behavioutr that is exp--Iecied 'of huniers, in this province. t 6. The depariment las main- terminates at the river upstream from- the -municipal water purifi- cation plant intakes during per- lods of surface run off. Effective control of this lo-calized problem must le cxerted if the conscien- tious program pursued by thé Lindsay Board of Water Commis- sioners toý proiect tle quality of the miuic(ipal water supply was to le successful. The river received objectionabie flows from some industrial plants. Some had attempted to provide in- dustrial waste treatment but il was evident that additional effort would be necessary to control the quality of industrial waste dis- charges. The report recommended Lind- say should continue its compre-1 hensive program 10 directail san-1 tary wastes and -mosi industrial waste flows 10 the municipal waste stabilization pond. This would include the exclusion of un- treated or 'inadequately ireated wastes from storm sewers and surface drainage systems which tained and will continue to main- tain a valuable and productive contact with vaýrlous lunting as- sociations among the Elhnic, groups in Toronto and vicinity. As stated previously, the de- partmeîit's success in correcting a grýeat deal on public support. The MàinIIister of, Lands and For- esis is g-rateful for the views ex- pressed by property holders in this area, and for the positive sug- gestions submitted. Port Hope High Sehool' Dramnatic Society Presentsý THE CA N A 1IAN àPLAYERS1 Ail-About 'Us 8:15 pm CaaaSince Confederation, as NOT told by your Unistory Boaks. A Satire to make you Resrvel$:50at the door $ 1.0 discharge to watercourses. Where manufacturing fi-ms dis- charged industrial wasies directly to watercourses, adequale treal- ment of these wastes should be provided in order to mînimize the occurrence of. adverse effects in the reçeivfig w'aters. UNITED CHURCLi Oro rfaPastoral Charge Minister Rev\ B. E. Long SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 196e Orono - 11:00 a.m. Kirby - 9-45 a.m.' Leskard - 2p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono- 10:00 a.m.ý Kirby - 1l a.m. Leskard - 10 a.m. Uniiorenlsuvrns Infants Wh"ýite Overshoes "'2.19 Regular $2.79 $ý2.49 LadiesSnuggies__L size' 49c NOXEMA Hand NOXEMA Lotion With Hand Lotion Pump 9qc 39C ýOno 5c to0 $1 *eStore Where There's Somnething for Everybody -Ibex Flannelette Blankets size 80x100. Pink or blue bord- Sers. Price -$8:50 w'Ibex Flannelette Blankets size 70x9O. Pink, blue or yellow I borders. Price - $6 :50 lst Quality Chinook Flannelette Blankets,, size 70x9O. S Pink or blue horders. Regular $4,98 ON SALE FOR .... $3.98 N Ibex Blanket, sinagle bcd size, 60x9O. Priced at .....95 Velva-Soft Blankets, by Esmond, moth resistant, allergy urf ree, easy to . wgsh . Colours of light blue, deep r~ose, green, mauve, beige, turquoise and pinïi 72x84. Price $4.50 SALE$39 Stiiiped Everyday Towels, size 20x36. Ealch ......... 69e T Wabasso Cotton Sheets, good quality, size 81x100 Price per sheet ............... ................... at $3.95 Dress-.up your beds with Wabasso Flowered Sheets, size 81x10. In colour of blue. Priced now at ............... $6.75 Tex-Made combed Percale Pillow Cases, hemstitched $2,98 Ilomestead Tex-Made PiIIow Cases, size 42x33 Priée $2.00 Three Kitchen Mautj, size 21x_24. iPriced at ........ $2.25 ST'Sbe' Reservecl $1.50