Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jan 1965, p. 1

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VOLUME 26, NUMBEE 19 ORlONO WEEKLY TIES, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 7th, 1965 Local di I or o1d le ast annuîal meeting )f~ sc M kr hel iat Wdnedayatronoon ic witýh a scant sijx rate-payers p3res- ent, This is the poorest atten.-dance at t.he eeting i years and ws probablyv due to tîhe fact that this HI a board, was te, be dissolved on Dec.1 On Wed.iesday, December 3th, 3bt. 1W34, the Xorry M Usi akers met The tzrustees in, reporting to tle in the studio at !vrs. Staples' hoe meetîing pointed o)ut that two hum- for their Christmas Care! Party. dred feet of six, foot, steel f ence They enjoyed sing-ing carois had been purc1hased for th'e subwith Arlene Alliti at the piano. aie f hesbolguds 'jj Donald MeKenzie conductec an fence wben ercected iiî replace ele?ýction Of fficera for the comning tUS present bDard fence wbîhicsya~~ihrale n bn an undesirable cniin President - Ellen Milison Durîing thue year a ne-w duipli-! Vice President - Mlaine Schi.rd cator was purcbhased siaong wth a sevctary - Slliy staples film a trip porojector and a quant, Convenor of gamea and reore- ity cf film- ation - Suanne Buinting, Cherrylli evnroms a r n erto Coathai, Pautl Staples arid Fred at the school ith Mrs. Brown Buntn, g adMr. Gary Elli1s 1being the nw Toeatnigthe party wr tec Aes rs. Simpsonî is a supySannew and Cath1ierine Bunting, tahrfor Èthe prinJccipal, Mr. ax- BvryauRnaTennant, Carol 1o M woon-hiays awe Chatterton, Carol Ann and Jaice wbie Ma.G. Roibinson rliiealdweil, Vicky Ysebert, Joan Dul- Mis Aldedon dy er e t vID Ceryfli andKathyCoatham, alwher to teah us-ic th-rougýh- Saron an Seia airstow and eut tIàese acli. Setiier co-ouiCerryli Cornish, Jacque- tiusas ertr to thse prin- unedMaiy Snîelders,Yvn pal.ne an>d Janet Schcenmnaker, David It was a1so ev ale a tIse me-~mtog Donald McKenzie, ing tIa h rnoSIolScin Beerly andl Leslie Caswell, we'dbc providîng-, a sm c feerEan Schmid, Ellen Mlison, $28,OO te Ih new ahoolmaeaiPal dJane Staples, Arlene AI- huard.ç Dr. R. J, Týaggarýt in sek!!in, Margaret Moffat, Susan West sngp on this feit th1at if ail boards 1and Terry West. nainl with a siiar amouint oni aaaumbasis that no d st After mnore carol singingg andý ne ini~ ~a1 linredLin 'a Dr.Tagart alo sate tht te gniefor a bit of f un, followed by n ýe aea. board along with et her iref re ii~nts he.w re arsboards had imet with fthe Befrecongte ew rsi Publi,ýc ScISool Inspector, th1e latter d-ent was asked for a speech te patof D-cesnaber. At tbis mleet- wnici ane very kindly responded ~1gfeatures cf the new operation by givng us lier speech -Churchtili weeexplainedi, hoiever a lot of "Jeine an et the Century", with info±n~tou as yet te be obtain-i whicb se won in the recent cern- ed, 1 p)etitioni at school. "Weil dune, 1,Ise first regular meeting 'of Ellen, andi g'oodl luck in the fu- Uise new avea board la to be Iseld ture, Saîîy Staples. ïr, the OQto chIool on Monday, January Iltii. This meeting is OP--- aýn te the public as ail the regular Ioud be the last time that such ,metîgswill be. -'itbouuh n o def- an annua.l meetng would be held iil plans have yet been made it in Orono or in the entire district. Li mea intention te Isold thse mon- th1ýmeetings at alternate schools throu.ghout thEý area and t *,se Sets 'c uraeetlugs wlll e held on, the sec- \,-,ounc em~d Monday eteach monthIs. Di'. Taggaat said that it was his' lnttiuutkeep te standard of A I a e4ete~at a hig'ý1evei in Orono). ~.Jacks Mofiat spoke of tIse ii inaugaural meet ing cf thse 4aUnda.a-4 of the staff ani dU< ~Township et Clarke Ceuncil was 'ion aItIhe schtoo4i and was cf thse held on Tuesday witb twc new oplijn that it was 'Onecf the memibers taing erpaea hetter achoo1s in the district. "Welcounicillrs for the first time. The ,ave Isad a lot more progress îat twe were welcom-ed te council. A thLie school" he al(L - shift in the top seats cf council On tIse adJOY Ilnt cf t'Isellas aise in efféct with Reeve J.j breingit was Int4 hat this Stone, in the chair and 'a new T'~f~wIncesof snow which feCU l au<a aIse brou ghti WCrt un Sunay a geod numnber oaf Ski enîhusiasts te the Oshawa W!SkIN 1ieaIlc Kimby. Thre erc f even tows m'ru in operation le, Sondal bringing imb use tIse boucos haTvs mf sme cfîteheobis isnow was net 0o plentiful but - g as ein camiedeutby! noire changes ve been m ade aginIis year aitnte hii withl the o~~in f seue ibush and i,(lthe ex- tiinâ,ngof oee lun. A fiurîher Iow hsu ise eeected thuis increas- .in is Service for memb and guso f tIse Club, To date ever, 2300 miembers have joined the club and it is ex- pected that m-emi-bership will in- ocase 0 at least 2500.. Ail.! that is neede.l1 n0w is a good eoveing cf snow. eeeJohn Ston-e on Tuesday -wasý hlost at the annual Reeve's dinrwhich this year was held in KýirJby. Thse dinner followeed the, ,openînig ceremonîes of couincil tl whiichi Rev. aasil Lon., conducted a short prayer service and also lspoke to coulncil. tIThe turkey dinner, held in the irby United Churrhi was catea'ed to by a grosp of ladies froin th 'lby n ena. c îogW srlye ronf and the Orono Police Trustees were guests of Vhe 17ReCeve. Reeve Joh~n Stone. on behaif of those- present, preFented H. .Earl! Walkey, retliring reeve and mcmi- ber of council for eleven years, ,with a mantel cdock, eirn councillor F ester was aise pres- ented with a cigar humidor. Both men spoke briefiy thanking thosel present for their thoughtfulness. During the ceuncil meeting Eari Walkey,ý in a brief ceremony, presented the new Reeve, John Stone with, a key te the council charnbers. ,omittees agaural'Meeting deputy-reeve, Lorxie Perrault, Mr. Robert Chater continues as coun- cil member along with the two new councillors, Orme Falls and Lloyd, Lowery. Following the customary open- ing ceremonies the various cern- mittees were appointed, for the (Continued page 2- TIse Orono Hi'-C's held' a New Year's Eve Dane in the Lower Auditorium cf the churcfi. AI- though aitt endance was rathier smali the eveniîng was ne less en- At Iniaugaural Meeting 0f Clarke Town8'hip Counicil Shw bv r h ebrsifrtmeigo usdyi Ielf ihOrme Falls, Lloyd puity-reeve Lorne Perrault and oftse165 council wbo beld their Counceli Chambers in Orone. From Lowery, Reeve John Stone, De-1 Robert Chater. joyable A very big 'thank youi' shouldgo out to ail the girls wbo helped prepare the lunch and'pro. vidîe tIse evening With pienty cf, food. About sixty Youngsters frein the area danced their way ,-ight inte tIe New Year. Several novel- ty dlances were heldl withi prizes ra"nin froin IlI-Day Suýckers 3te ficent bores of candy, photo- graph albumiis and fanicy Tie Pins. Mr. Aslett actled as mraster of ceremenies and kept the proceed- ingas mfoving alcnig at a gzoodl pace. Mr'. and Mrs. Long w-,ere aise pres- L'nt and we trust they1 enjoyed their evening with us. At mid- night after the shouting and noiîise- mak-!ing had subsided, Ihe greup' proceeded up into the( church whý;ere we' heId a short service. ýDifferent parts were takeni by var- icus members cf the Hij-C Aýf 1er the service 'we returneci te the lower auditorium and had a ligIsI lunceh. A fitting way toendm the, oid year and begin tIse new. çe~b z~ ~ n Mr. Anid M fDetHo At we tyfithW edding evnn, Deceml'er in 1945 lIse couple môlved to Or. 301h, celebrated lertwenty-fifth oeue where AMr. Dent bas beenimav,- wedcing anii'versas-y. Te) mark the ager of. tIse 0rono H'ydrlio syster. occasion, the couple aleng witb j Mrs. Dent received her guesls their four chidren, Gordon, -David wearing a navy blue dress with Krista and Loren, were bosi te atf corsa-ge cf white and pink cama- least oe e uncired and twenty-five tiens. friends, former neighbours and BotIsMr and Mrs. Dent spoke pulcschool classmiates, at a cf thei r years in tIse ccmmiunity party field in thse Orono Town iand along witb their gue.s re- Hall, newed inany acquaintances of Mrs. Dent is the former Mildred former years. The group also en- Davey, daughter cf the late Mr. îjcyed dancing toe tisie ofceta and Mrs. EdWard Davey. Mr. Dent four-piece orchestra. is the son cf thse late Mr, aud Mrs. Thse bail was gayly decrated Lionel Dent. Botb families at eue for thse occasion with streamers, tinie lived lu the Leskard area. lbelis and a large beaut-iful floral MVr. and Mrs. Dent were marriedJ arrapment. Individual tables on December 3th, 1939. Mr. Dent were set with gay cen tre places was a member efthtIe Royal Can- and buffet lunch was served. Ooeno HIC Holds New yeor SE ve ÊPa àr-ty

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