Uriittd Cburch ICI (Cniuc ram Page 2) h- who does ithe wil of Mvy Fath- wbowho inu eve.On that day ýëfy ill say to Me, Lo)rd, Lordl dý,d wefot prophe.sy la your ae ý;u do nany miighty works îin you nae?'and then 1 will de- Io *aet hem, 'ï neyer knew 3you; ieatfrom Me. yn iz -l doers!" ?,ig disciple of Jesýus is not a1 ~tu iss type of thing - it calis :5-r "lhe very best that is in a man a wornan. Wheni we learn thatý a d practice it ln Our lives, we wlîlIIsee a g; ra rnsformatnIýon in ½eworld. eu&iitation to ithe nobodyt burand ar-e heavv ladcen and S wil ev ou rest." Everv bur- diinecs,, lwho has taken Hlm at isw'dhaýs f0udtht isprm ~e ws tue.But Ble did 110t Say Xý go on resting for lhe rest_ of orlives. qH eiwet on to sa,j aeMy0yke uipon you andi ?anof ýMe, fori,1arn gentie and vv 1ly vli heart and you shall find i - st for your souls, for MNy yoke ~easy and My burden is light."ý Ri1s invitation was to cor-ne to lm ,:, bc, restored and to join the :'elowship which made him some- boy;mae lm one wthal w7 hadaenowededthe ,samie caimý uptheir ilves, whether- rich or poor, educeated or ignorant, ail ane ..i the spirit of Jesus Christ. P3ut having corne to Bim an oudrestliBe says, "Take ixny oke upoyou-"joui are calied to ýserve; you are called ta a life thlat is; going to draw you into sacri- fiee - a ife that wiil leati you ot cfyourself, f111 youi with desire ta9 ,erve the needs of other men." Jesu' ivitaionto iscipleship mreaus ,we becomie'fîshers,,;of imen' tecigouito tahe 'n9bodys' - thtgreat numrber of people who-, ,are missed in every generation be- ~'uethey are cniee of lit- tcaccount. It is necessary f oi us ta corne ,tagether week býy week, ta have a Iceof worship and a centre ,rom. which Christian education> ,,an be given. We don't have these ,ljings foýr otir own comfort and .joyrnent alone, but to fit us to mqinister ta fthe needs of society. 'The real test of discipleship ~zmsta every ane of us,' tego0 Swhen the going gets hecýrl. Com-' m,,itmcnt leads us beyorcd the ex- 1 ient and glarnour of behng asoitdwith the church, into _ie slugging day by day with the eaI pi-obiems of 11e, not ofIy ilu Lur own lives, but in our comnra- lity. it calis uis juto a deeper aaeesof 11e, a deýeper un- llestndngof love and of God's lii our new Testarnient lesson sud means of dealingc out the din- nshiug diaily bread. They decided Ihe Clergy should take aver and each cbiirch would look after it's ,-wuï. So the Anglican Rector eall- edé oijt, "Al Who belon", ta my Comniron follow mne." The Mth- .,fdist said, "AIl Methodists follow me"After each chureh had caI1-ý Ad Wts faithful, the Salvation A-x- -i-y captain said, "Alil youi chat>s ,vho belong te nobody foflow me." ai.ow true this is o! the coring fJesus Christ. Jesus' invitation ,as te the nobodys, t1he common people, fishermen, tax colector5,1 lhe humble, and Blis invitation wvas ",Follow Mie." Jesuts said, "I carenfot to call the righteous but ,4nners to repentance"- the tpea- pi1e who had a need and recag- iz7ed their need. There seexu ta heniany In ail ages who do net se2lize their ueed; they neyer do ,rnazlly hear the invitation of Last Wdn af ternon Curv-, ply Wod Products of Orono wvere host to their ernployees and their wives and husbands at a banquet Iand Christmas party in the Odd- f ellow's Hall. A turkey dinner was served to th e one hundred and fifty prese-nt. 'Fle din.ner was catered to by Otto's Restaurant. Following the dinner, a film on. the v-arious operations of the plant was shown. Curvply then present- ed each employee with a gift wiha trench coat for the ladies which incliuded a suit case along andl a sweater for the men. Mr. and Mlrs. Samnuel and Mr, and MVrs. l,,asner7 were presented with gifts on be,,haîf of the empl)oyTees of the plant. 1he ollo imorning, Thurs- diay, a Christmas party was also held by Curvply in the Odd(.fellows, Hall for the children of the em- CA RMAN ilLU-MBING - HEATIN G Phone 148 Orono ployees with sîxty chiidrcn pres- ent. A iunch iwas served foflowed by the arrivai of Sauta who had individual gifts for every hid Rutherford. Mr. anid Mms. ae WS Rutherford and l idrren, Xing,,tami Local N~e v aried on Tuesday to spend M M ss uzanne Major and San- N e av holiday with bhis paýr- dr'a Merïcer, nurses in training at enIts. ornoSick Chiren's Hospitalil set.rtas holidays at their M vLall Lo-wery, Mss.Wm respeAtve bomes. !Cochrane, - Messrs. 0. Y. Cooper, Oh'Ias, Coopýer, Jolhn Stone and Reid Miss Heather RutherdHotlel Cochrane atendied the fanerai of ieu Hopital, Kingston. spent c, uu 4L, t{ Lp;ýp, j uea__'-N Chrismas iMr. and Mrs. S. B. Thrda ast. Were gtu eshdn hishlia e as n.among ail r friend's and nieiglbours.. as a measure of aur gratitude, iimay we exteiid our very best wîslies to youi for a happy and hiealthy Neiy Vear. BANQUET CATE1RING Enjoy dhiinig i aur Restaurant ini it's new sïurroning, HIGIIWAY 115, JUST NORTH 0F ORONO NEW DU'ICII O)VE"N REST"AURANT AND WHITE ROSE $ER VICE STATION Minimum Wage levels wiII rise on Dec. 28,19 64 A Reinder-A Minimum wage of $1 .00 an hour is being introduced by stages foir both m en and. womrer' workers thr,.oug.houtF Ontario. The next stage ýir this progression occurs on December 28, '1 964, wAhen the foilcw,ý- ing Minimumn Wage rates milI be effective. ZOINE 1-Southern Ontario and Majior Northern Ontarjo Cities: Men-,-$l .00 per hour, Women-.95 per hour, Construction contiues at $1 .25 per hour. ZýONE 2-Northern Ontario(, except Major Cities: Men-.910 per houlr, WAomen--.90 per hour, Construction SoF-nies at $1 Ï.1 5 per hour. 'ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F LABOUR HON. H1. L ROWJNTREE, Ministecr of Labour For frhrinformn ation Wvrite to: Labour Standards Branch, 74 Victoria StreetTorontIc Em-ployees And Childreni