GENERAL INSURANCE PHONE 12516 ORONO> ONT. LLOYD TAYLOR SAND AND GRAVEL PHONE 200 ORO NO, ONT. -1 Miss Diane Gilbart of Vancouv- er, B.C. is spending Christmas hjol-, idays with her. parents Mr, and ýMrs. jRoss Gilbart, Susan and John Christmas visitors with Mi. and Mrs. Jack Moffat and family were Mr. Fred Andrews, Mlr. and Mts. A. Jakemnan, Mr. and Mrs. Meiýrill and Mr. Lawrence Squair of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Moffat and family, Oakville spent Christmas wilth Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. -Moffat. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore De Haas have moved into the Fraser Home On Chuirch Street south. Mr. andI Mrs. Carl Billings, Miss Audrey Billings and Mr. Bill Mc- NauI of Oshawa 4ad Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Inch and family, Weston. Mrs. Harry Bailey, Wayne and Lynni spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and family, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Drummond, Toronto, spent Christmnas with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Druinond. Mr. and _Mrs. Arebie Watson, Betty Ann and Larry, Waterdown, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson. Mr. Robert Edward Den, Tor- onito, died op Sunday Decemaber 27th, The funeral service was held on Wednesday with interpment in the Orono cemetery. He , s sur-, vved by his. wif e 1oui&0e. and -ýthre hildreïn; Ray of Toronto, Professor R4aph E. Dent, Guelp UINIT Ei NDC Oromo Pastoral Chiarge Minister Rev a. E. Long SUNDAY, .IANUARY 3rd, 1965 Kirby - aIm pan, Orono 1:00 am Leskard - 2 p.m.à SUTNDAY SCHOOL Ono-10:00 a.m. Kirby - 2:00 p.m. Leskard - 10 a.m, Report From Ottawa 18 December 1964 diicers iri thse Pr-airie Russell C. -Hontey, M.P. - Durham of Canada and thse pri( This week Parliarnent approvedl a distinctive natonal flag andý àuthorized Caniadians to continue to fly the UJnion Jackç on appropri- ate occaslons as a syribl of alleg- iance to the Crowii 'and mnerber- ship in. the Comnmonwealth. Prior- to 1948, befor~e India be- camne a republic, al members of of the Commonwealth were fsnked by the allegiance to one Monarch, wealth are ne longed moniarchies and it seems fiting-, therefore, to have somne symbol which dlenotes eur memnbership) in the partner, slip. The Commonwealth is the finest examiple in history of mu- til friendship between nations and one of the strongest means of maintaining peace in these try, ing days. Wl-en the occasion ar- ises Canadians can fly the Unionj Jack proudly to denote our part- nership in the Çoinminwealtlh. A A less emotiQnýI duty, but in- i0 soar as I1 aM pexp914lly puncrn- ed a very nW m ile ston, was the final meeting this' weelk of the Standing Committee- on Ag- riculture dealing withi eastern feed grains. I have the honour to Chair this Cemmittee which, to- gether with other duties, lias now been hearing evidence for wel over a year on the "matters arts- ing~ out of and relating to the, difference between the prices re- ceived for feed grain by the pro- SProvinc-e, ice paid be~ hlvestock teeders t in astern Cao- ada and British Columbia. During the course of the eu.- qilry the.4,ýÔmmittee has heard j- pirocession of witnesses - tncluding, the Canadian Wheat Board, ts Canadian Federatiot i ofAgrieiý- ture, the National Farmner'sUn ion, the WýVinnipeg Grain Exchangeý of Transport Commissioners, & Minister of Agriculture, the Boa^," the Ontario Retail Feed Dealers-, Association, the Monitreàl Coruý Exchange, and so on.. During the parliamentary re- cess one oi my responsibilities aaz. the Chairm-an will be to draft thte Report of the Commnittee foi; con- sideration of thse memnberesip when Pariment reconvenles in 9 February. The evidence is volutuý- mnous and thse preparation of thse report wiIl requýire a great deal of time. Sonie.of thse things w must Coi&sîder in the Report is the matter ft com~l changes, if any,, lu th-c presùnt feed grain assistance progrin wmhich pro vides ireight and Stof- age subsidies for Western fe grains used in Eaistern Canada. Thle Report will have ta o- tain a irêcommendation' on tise imatter of an ast&n ii ed Gràýi A.gency. If w'e decide to ik~é ý uha iecomiedain to the gaV-. Âteato rt,,andI pgwers ,bI givn t.stèhan'agency. and Warren of California. il aet nkafrdîc A former resident of thse Orono WOR t l;eia etaofÎ ê a fd twn2' district, Victor Warner, and ont i ro e4be ýof Scarborougfi, was thé winner of tise rc s ecnip 1$'te à 1 cads ndahldyt p prodGEr pmàeq to t!-% imerhanise nd Poidaytri topaid by thse eastern livestock fee4ý a value of1 $14,000.00 on Monaay er. Is it too mwch? if sa, 'why? evening. Mr. Warner won thse Storage facilities for fe ,4 priie on thse show 'Take a chance' ýgraiins in Ea.ýerxs Ciaa zada wits -Roy Ward Dickson. Mr. War- Britislih Columnbia is another' nldt- ner at one tinie lived with Mr. iter %,hieis will have 'to bce d4alt John Stone. wvith in thse Report. Are they ade- i Mr. and Mrs. Baxter and son of quate? Are they being iir(dptelY 14arn-ilton are visitipg durnig thse1 utiifld- hoidays withi Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parianent recessed to(aa' 1until Arxnstrong and relatives. Febr-aary i6t.h, 1965. This will'ne Mr. and Mrs. Alan Shields of th isit Reprt u4til Parliam,1ent Toronto spept byi Dsa. 4hreconenes. lMay I use thse ast Mr. and Mvrs. J. Rickaby and Nor- few lines of my Beport te EX,- man. TEND TO ALL I~NDURHAM O Miss Vioki Cotter spent the BEIIA QF MYANN Christmas holiday with her par- A ,XND]1 OUR WAREST 4FÈ.ý, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Çotter. FOR AHAPPY NEW YEA'R- E- Orville Chatterton vr iIeg-e and a pleasure. We extend lb- t wIlheb foi,à appy and prosperous year. a RMSTRONG'Sb Wft04eSOAXý, DÉ(' Èý«BE]f 36à. lffl ORONO, 6,NT. PHONE