Re'por tFromr.,.Qiee, ,Park Alex ü-ar-rt1heI'# MP..- Dtrhani sion cheques to the Hom~e, a rosi- 11OiWI FOR THE AGED !Ident Ls supplled with the folIiIw- ýingi ntcesstiAe: Clothing, Gases, For mx'y men and women 60~ ,years ar 141r, iii health and ad- vancing..age, as well as other fac- tors, make normai famiiy living diicult. To those who require1 speial sheter and care, ail the: physical corkiorts of a famiiy homre as well as recreationiai and ccupationai faciiities are. avail-1 able in Ontario's Homes for the Aged. Most of these homes pro vide separate~ accomnmodationfo toumr types of lderly people: ,a) Those, who require every- da~y residenta care an~d attention. (lb) Married couples requlring iniiliary care. (c) ThQse who mnust remiain ini bcd, but do not require active bjosital treatment. (d) Those who suffer from the efetof seniity,. The Ontario Departrnent cf Wel- lare exercises general supervision cf these Homes and shares equallW with the municipalities in the toqts of constritction and exPan1- ,ýion. The Ontnric Go ernm8nt al- ,ýoi contributes 701/c/ f the continiu- ifflance. irýg. costs of operation and main- The numnber of Homres in the proüvJiince has increased frini 35 ten ycars ago, to 60 toay.en ~iost of the Homes< inexsene pir to 1954-have beei eniarged anid competely rcnovated. 1 11954 there were oniy 3500 Hnomes for the Aged. Ho.ver ,n the 'past ten years. tlhis mitUi her ias Ïncreasei to 10,950 and tody Qutario is considerd... to have the. fnest Homes for the Aged any- where in the woxrld, and very few ila the Uuited States even ap- proaéch the facilities provided for fgced persons in Ontario. Those wh6 tend to link the mnod- ern Hone for the Agofii with the former Hotise of Refuge sheuld 1 Change ther thinklng,. and shiould ~take the opportunity of visiting Golden Piough Lodge, or any 0th- er. firlme for thxe Aged. Aniyone ,yhoolhas vitxwed the comfortabie zocümmodation, the facilities for r-ecreation and occupation, the beautiful chaPels, the modern, kitlixens and dining rooms, as we.1 as the dedicated service provided by the superintenderits and their ,taffs, cannot hieip but bc impresa;- î,d anid shouid be proud of the care being provided in these H(lomes for the eider citizens Of their nxuniciPalities. The Hornes take three types of residents, () Normai Care-Resîdenits %Yo ,a)ar r themselvýes generally nind are able to get around and carry out the personal duties Of e-veryday life. There are sPecial acoqaioil l'or nmarYied coup- ls rcquîriflg normai (-are- C2-) Bed Care.ý-j-eeidefltS Parti- ily confined to bed, but whio need oniy a niu of mledîical care or nlursing Supervision. These arc peçpi)e who ,voul(j not be eligibie fo5r admission to n hospitaL. (3) Special Care-These areý res- idents who are mentaily conifused and senile-, Land reýquire somne sip- eriso,itut d uii il,: read- mnisýsion, to ani Ontario IHospital as a mental patient- neof the great advantages of H-omes for the Aged is the- fart that if a resident requires special or bedt care, it isnot neCess- aýry for thcm to leave the entviron-" metof the Homne. Te r ,simply mloved to the bed care section or the speciai care part of the buiildiing. on recovery they re- turu to their former quarters Ir'n Irneich fixe meway as thcy woui efter iiiness in the1-ir own thomie. To qualifY for residence m inflie Hma esoihms to be a resi- dent of the muLnicipaiitYý for one year, and they nxust aise be 601 years cf age or over. It is ml-ost importntto Inote, that in an Ontario Home for the 4g, fieveryoue pays Ibis owvn may. Dentures, Hearing Aids, We Chairs, Medical Care (Fromi the Ùoctor, he chooses), Prescribed Drugs, Tobacý,co etc. We are thieir chiidren al] the d11ys of our parent's lives. As we grow up, go Io work, marry and have chiildren of our own, the re- j1ationsh4p to our parents alferS, and one day scarcelY before we know it, we inay find ou~rselves planxning for mother and father in much the sane way as they plan- ned for. us. Before we asyeep Our parents irnto Our 'hoeswhich often are neit des.igned for t4regeneration familles, wve should perhaps thin1k twice. then thhjik again. Often, be- cause of a sense of being consid- ered unigratefnl and selfîsh. we îaymake 4ecisions which i~a prove enflj'eiy unsatisfactory fori lour paren.1 .Certainly through a deep sense of respousibiiity every, practicai coinsideratiofl ahould be taken into acocunt inI order to preserve îndepenclece on 1th e part of elderly parents, the feel- ing of being wante--d, andi the op- poltulnty of living useful lives. Too ojten, perhaps, parents arei b)eing forcej4yIo live in with thei familles, and be dependent oný 'y A distictive flag for Ontario was ~poposed recentIy b', Premier Ro- barts, H-ls choice:. The Red Eps;îgn, but containingC Onta4io's coat of armas. The jçlea was imm-ediately ac- cepted by Liberal Opposition Lead- er Andrew Thompson. as a background it inaes a nosat appropriate design for an naj flag," he said. But DonnictG. MecDoiald, the' ]Nw Demiocratic Party leader, 'Was q uick to Critici'ze thxe proposai. It woul be . interpreted as nieanipg, "weii, the Torie loat ouý in Ottawa, but they're jolly wefl going to have their own way here" he said. An expert on heraidry suggest- ed the legilature wiii probably inake somie changes in Mr. Ro- bar-t's reconxended fiage. I 1. R, WILSON APPOINTED DIRECTOR 0F PARTKS AND R ECHE2EXIN 1Mr. 1). R. "Don" Wiison, wýho J theii whcn actually niany f acili- ties are availibe to thein in 'the forin rif housing, hoine care., day care, homes for the aged etc. y wieh they caxi live happy, norrn- ai and useful lives. ~arived in Li4Ayin,196,i the capacity of District Forester and who in 19M1 beîmme Regional Foruester of th~eSout~h Eastern Re- gion) wilr be 1eaving shor-tiv t t assume a new poitinin~ Head Office with, the Departm'ent of Lanxds, and Fore ts,îlt o Drc twc of Paksand, Recreation for the Province. i on the occasion of die 1 Party, Don was feted and - cd with a parfting ~gift. Durinc his 8ý year eu hr Don became a friend cf 'ev' 1Ëý inçmber of thee District Staff, afe4' wvhij,l we ail wish him w in&ïh* new appoiitmient, we -i b g 9u uinely sorry to sec lm lf"eaý 0SAVE-",=ýcz>Oc--DC=-=>C=O=C7>)C:>D=> iBLACK OIAMQWJ STAMPS Free with every piurchase of Gasobsne at PauI'sService I Pick up our Frec Gift Catalogue and oee the wonderful Free Gifts aviilable HighWay 115 South of Oo~ 'HONE 1623J1 e1-T Production of General Motors cars anid trucks has rcsumied. Daily output will rise. speedily and our plants will soon reacli maximum capacity. We wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone, who has waited so patiently for this good news. Our appreciation embraces many people across Canada .. our customers ... our suppliers . and our dealers. To the customers who have cars or trucks on order and are awaiting deivery, -we arepatlay grateful for yvour fith in our products, for your Iorbearanace antd for your uniderstanding. Now that our pr-oducetion lias started a ain etas sured we will fi your orders as quickly as po'ssible. To our suppliers, we extend our sincere appreciation and offer the encouragement that soon ail our operations will be back to normal level. Already,,you are providing the many quality produets and services the at i enable uas to reacli peak production w * minimuum delay. We thank o'ui dealers and their employ. ees-the men whose important job it lis to seil and service General Motors cars and trucks. We know they will welcome this renewed opportunity to fulfil the trans- portation needs of every customer. Those of you who have not yet ordered* your new vehicle can now buy y our choice, confident that delivery will be made with- in a reasonahie time. Every effort will ie t fo-rth hyouir dealers, our suppliers and ourselves to meet your requirements. It is our belief that our 1965 cars and trucks are the finest ever produced. This is confirmed by the enthusiastic reports.of the thousands of customers already driving them. Try the~m out 800f at youir General Motors dealer's. Again we tliank you, and, along with ail our emiployees, we extend warmest seasonal greetings and good wishes 1965. GENERAL MOTORSPOýDU-CTS 0F CNDUIE Q8HAWVA - ONTARIO CHEVROLET« PONTIAC ODSOBLE.BU-iiCK - CÂDILLAC ~ÂALÂ NO -VAUX ;ti l -CIEVROLET &GCTUK Nmoom"p m w