ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUýRSDAY,- FEBRTJA-Y '27th, 1964 tinig out ithe fact that thielocal fire Hih eholRees departiment equipment hd'be H igh Sch Ol Rece*increased withsLi., n additional fire I-~N.I ruck an'd that tie departmental Trophy For Sehool Spririt- so had twenty-one firemen onth force. The letter was also to ask foa rrndn ion i the zrninictfor A budget of $2000.00 was approv- ed for the fire department. This Soget will be shared between the Village and the Township. In the Hydro, meeting which fýol- lowed the mnanager presented a budget of $11,000 for capital im- provenments to the System, in 1964. ~SS~lUBLYVILLAGE STRLEET LIGHTS Trhe students gathe red1 in the! auditorium Wednesday morning (Contlnued from Page 2) .for "another very înteresting as- consýýtruction o! a water sysitem in smbly.Orono. A letter is alsc> te be Sent Mr. Curtis, who introiduced te us tO the Township askîing if they etemagainecam.paign in the Iwould'Waiver their riglit to this ng a v e e veryon1e a very pqea- joani. sent sirprse. For in selling the la the matter of the proposed iugttnzwe we-re 'competingvater system in Orono it was sta- witux Co)urtice and Bwavll ted that the Municipal Board have Th*i eholsin a schkool splrit con- ,-et to set a date for a public hear- tst. Tesehool w)f p liuiathigli. ing i 0 rono. No fuirther action (;an est pecentag eo! patcton, be taken iuntil this meeting has sipilt, won a trepy. r. Curtis been held. presertaed Lynn Brown, 'the --am- Trustee impeon presented the paiga manager of Clarke, with the budget for the1 year which saw a trophy. Following this we were reduction of 3 mille in the Trustee shioun a film, "The Rectiess Sca" rate which thie; year will be ap- by the Bell Telephone Company, proximately Il milîs. In 1963 it wnciwas espec±ally beneficial crac 14 mils, The portion, horever te gade l gegrapy cae. be pad through the Township SPORTS ROUND-UP ïate will1 increase thie year to those in the Village wilh the re- Clarke Hi sent two basketball s!ît that the Township andl Village .teamns of grade aine girls to a rate will total about the came as tournameii tainOshawa tact, Fn- last, year. day. Tfe A teram of better players clefeated Dunharton 22,5 but were Mr. Ro3s Mercer, Pire Chief, ove thrown by Ce'-ral Collegiate, was present iat the. meeting and 8-6.' Carolîne Jefleries was high preeented nineteen names wh scoer i 24.pointe.,The B team, were appointed prQbntionary fine- d-efeated Oshawa Central 7-5 and men for a three mohth period, * also overthnew Dùnbarton l0ý2 Follo0wing this training period they We are-- very proud o!f te-e grade wll be appointed, if entisfactory, niegilMs who veryý skillfully re- as permanetL. firemen wvith the preSen'ted Clanke School. Orono departmieat. The Intermural- hockey w-as The Secretary wae intructed te, býroughLt to a close ligt Monday write thee Fire lJnderwriters poin- wi-en Mr. Coe's teani played-eff wihMr. uerod teamr. Mr. Ruhefod'L eainfogltotethe enMd for a 4-3 victory over Mn. C.oles teani. Clarke, Hgh School ý.tied Ml-VL brook High Seol~hcey, 2-2, Ony Thr Cy-3ax H Hock- Last Thurzdaî,y theîr'cbasket- HÂEgjlShool ci hh DBoý t- m crere d ad bt n Mna when AdýNnHt 0 *Whttby cm oC~e hJn lons cm otvryt g n t 1alft mnhad chu, d 13-0. 11nthe lad s £A ero ,scored 19 Pont ?cte gamne -iM , ended a 29-19 viet- rClre TiOe high scorer of e-ga>ne was Linda Gneenwoocl - pointe. The Sen-wvs -wer ie ae y Anderson by a s ore -1.jathy -Sott was 1î,gfi ccc for Cl2arke with 8 poýats. These teams p-n,:, j rlad k 'game Monay nîght agaîinst Ajax and the Junors deter cd Ajax 2112 Linda Qreenwood w~agate high .sconer for Clarke x8lpoints. Ajax deleadCi . e'Senior teani 3218. Nancy -Tn was high scoren with 5 p.ms c A RMA PLUMBING - IIEATING Phone 143 Orono- Callyour licensed Plumbing & Mechanica? Contractor who seils, insta Ils arnd 8uarantees Club 62 To Make Quili Past Noble Grard,ý Club 62 was recently entertamIed at te blome of Sister Mae Allen, Paot Nebel Grand. Past Noble Grand, j in atiten- dance were :- Sister M Pdrd ai- ey, Sister, Hattie W-ilson, SLster 7rene Murray, Sister Fetty Major, 8ister Olive Millson, S&er, fla M(artin, Sister Maude Cooper, Sis- ter Alice Hooey, and &ster Gladys Gmb. The meeting was ca i-'d to order with an appropriate verse read )by President ýSister Ir eMurray, SecetaryTreasurer ,ntr Btty Major rend the minuta, tl.the met ineeting and gave a fii inancial report. It was decided to m ke another ~qui t and seli tîýcket m- came as -a means oF building !he tunds in the treasury. -iierMvyte be in charge of the poet Sister Olve Mil - mv trte Club to hold the n ïe t* ,ier home. Them t LIbe on ,Tuesday,Mac1t The me djtrd after~ v~.~c~ ui hotes 9f-da.veryj Aeliclous ILunch,. DISEASES SHOW HIGH RATE (Contlntred from Page 2>' hêalth of children in class. A pro- gram on smoking and health was arrlanged by high school teachers and a public bealth nurse in Campbellford. Durmng the vear the unit has i- When a businessman wins an order or contract, he knows he can turn to his local bank for financial assistance. A loan may be needed for one or more rensons-to lay in a supply of raw materials, to buy new equipment, to meet a payroll, or to cover other costs until the firm receives payment for its products or servces. With bank credit, companies large and small can take on projects they couldn't handie if they had to depend on their own financial resources. More- veetigated 186 reportz 01 rUbil Zt- imals, finding 63 positIve eaem Three oui of 747 eatiing place2 b spected were losed for failUre t, coniply with regulations 0f ý, Public He'alth Act. Twelve nurse-- ing homes, were inspected 'i Je-- uarv.1 Animais inspected amounied ta 1,118, cf which 26 were condemweï. These improve'ments will include Another 33 portions were1 condemu- new lines on south Main Street, ned.' three phases power to theenorth o! MIi street, $2800 for water heatene In January the Mlllbxook offize and other improvements in t rans.- was moved to King Street to =aýe formers etc. it-more accessible te tee pulie., Co mbination Olffer Ce pa cal vouthwash -Gargie and Lozenges, only STUTT'S PHARMACY 0P ')N 0, ONT. PHONIB168J over, the chartered banks have steadily widened the scope of their commercial lending to serve new or expanded short-term needs. Every day, local bank managers are lending to producers, manufac- turers, farmers, retailers and others, to help them develop opportunities, meet competition, keep men and machines busy. Commercial loans are one cf many essential services your local bank provides, to the benefit of everyone in the conmmunity. Clarke "Got the'order, got a bank loan -we're ail set"ý THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY through full-range banking responsive to grcrwing, changîng nzeeda, pou ogimii qw 1 omme Offl* îw lwêqw mi $Iwo@ 01*11*Wiw$W il oeup !WW"Mlqll ffl lwolme woo olomm 1 mm Ile