Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Feb 1964, p. 5

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may ther tiings, can't wait and flie oennn mut provêde for týie, iIn 194-4 per cent of the prvne5net revenue will le re- ureitllfe muàiicipalities, with1 oJver aif of t1Vs going te cioi The resolutions co:umittee takes! "in view 6if inorrai'on reeeivpid concerning the complete up-dating 0f ah XLquor lawsby fie Hon. Mr. e Saî'd. '"The increase over îasr - -ar alone Willttal more than sin0 0 ost electricity Ontario lhe -total graOts paid ony,12 years would be a mere sbadow 0 f ifs fl~0.present stature," lie declareci. "AItlil4g Onaro i a ighy "i- n recent years we have seen -,ut-jlz- province, the tact re- Otro!s-nidsra rvne ntais tiatfiesouinci econom'icOnaoasanndtrapovne f(io 1 epeandS 0on a Sound producing 40 per cent of the gros aý.rcutur'al coniiunitY,' lhe said. national product," lie said. "Tf is "ýThe importance of tlie smjall stili tfie forem-ost provinre in agri,- farmler to ne province is of prime cutu1re. I1,ed in ligliwayis anci concx'ii t t-ic ovenmef.He educafional syste'ms and in social musf hj, o able f0 oernie ani ecriy and wefare prograns. pr1oduce effîciently to renif in , '4We ýmust aiways be planniing to goforwýard, andi'face many chal-1 Asavice.chaÂimanoff Ontarilo Hlydro, Mr. Boyler -com-menfed on file expansion of lipdro service to nuvi lares, bmcrining10W COsf ýýirm t ta ,leages in trýainin,-g and edujcationiLl fielisF," Mvr. Boyler said as lie de- claredth fe governmuiPtý policies to! b)e suif edto tlie developmneft of1 the mid-6O's, p er fr nl(er eume'rs"L - tie folma. 'r A Major responsýtbilif Y 0f any cecti0tYIsno aaiabe ogovernmeluf is fie wefare 0f ifs 97 pr cn 0f Onfa0 arms at, iiznand tie recent speech fujis 'would nof have been possible frofe hlronre ouflined areas in wifouffieproiC.ide hydr. Which fie goveromert is f0 ac-t in aysIetjm. T heextenincefrualhy-ctus respect," lie saiti. "Ths if a ysrom seerviees aionaOpronualei riciprovince, in a new ager 0f ffect on Ontario agriculture," lie "scienltific and techinological deveil- jopmenit, )lutin tfeie idsf 0f Pros- perify we Éfin -eessar-Y Vo spenti Bepoint et ouf that the cosf off More to safiSffy fie legifimnafe hydre is on the average lower, neetis 0f our citiens. We are noiw but mnany persons claim their in anl ec6noniic boom whicli starf- riis are higlier. Be saici fl-is was, ed in '1961 and is still continuig. because people have beuen using This is the longeesf ptriod 0f ex- m-jore electrical equipmaent if i2e- pansion in Ontario since Worhi cen -t years. W'ar I" "Mre poer f0U ous " ie jokhe ai In tianking the speaker Garnet aslie i iae is witl thelact ickard, a candidate in fie has fiat fwiefas ich lecfriCity was domrinion electioii, said thc speech suple1 ofana n 92 as = was acï-i, letP)i,( suplied in 1952,wle the nuinber jwsacag rmms oiia 0f ustme~ mdnofdoulet jSpeeches of promises anidrea s ________giving acfalrepor'ts offlie Sufu- Lthigfe ieem i toics ()fiation in Ontario foday. j.is seech education1, "id 'y ' angladtihfe speaker nofeti anticlecriciy M. Boler ait ,,~~ Drn,-enerif v starfeti they were basic f0 fite dvip proseriy, ati nthof fe provi- a * in 16, Mr. Rcadsii at ie adissin by fdemiise presilidomiiongovertimen t ifis Mtciel SiÂpfat fe cuentL -ýontiniues, u f nWonde r if if will, witil somje of Mr. Sharp's ss itsn Ottawa." MNaintenat"e Service C,,mplete Mamtelanceon Windows, Floors and Wall service Rug and UpholsterY shamnpooinlg Commercial, Industrial ing f0 Toronto. The Flower Committee of the Orono Unit edCi urch wisli f0 thank fliose who sent beautiful baskets of fliowers on the occasýion off the Dedicatiofi of the Christian Education Building on Sunday, PFebrmtary 16, 1964.. Baskets f romi UNITED CHURCH orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev B. E. Long CHUUCH SERVIGES Orono - .11 a.in.. Dedfiation eve-2:. Participatîng Ministers. SU-NDAY SUHOOLI orono - 10 a.m. Kixiby- 1.,30 p.mi. Leskiard - wýitidra-ýwn. Sunaworthy WALLPAPER: These papers have been created for you,' their subtie f resh colouring cornbined with the Newest in fashion accents wilt provide back grounis for the gracýous yet relaxed living so favoured by you today, Whatever-- your mood you'll find just the right pattern to enhancec your room iteriors, Plain and Semni-plain papiers lkyof %whiebare des¶gn and colour,,co-ordinate, havebeenin îcIudfed Vo make your colour and your total decoration of adjoq«ing areas a joy wonderfuý, ldifference SunworthyWalppe will make in your W,,,e have i nstock papers priced f rom 49ce $1,30 a sinîge, rol Also a book tiýf -tpatd pmpers yuc~ re o A real buy in room los bn ies tf 4 8 double rolîis, pt terns suitable for kiltchen, bedroom, livingrooms, These ppr are marked less than 1/2 price, Corne in and sce for yourself, I WAN'-T TO BSUY A GOOD PIAN;CEP Clothes Pins, Spring Type, 36 for ...... 25e Laundry Basi:ets. Bushel Size Oval, Poly- thene Your choice of colour ............. 69c Manufacturers Special Vas eline Hair Ton- ic Regular 65e for ....................... 49e Ladies and Misses Novelty Wool Caps & ý Toques, assorted style & color Clearing 2 price- Eýnos Fruit Salts regular 80e for....... 59e Feature! Kettie S cale Remover for ail style Kectes Bottie .......................... 49c Clearance Boys Lined Pants, Sizes 8 to 12 in the lot Ends of Lines, regular price less $1,00 Our regular $3,98 for $2,98; reg $2,98 for $1,98 Our/,regular, $2,6q for $1,69 This Week Candy Treat, Willards WilIow Pack Chocolates, assor-ted , Miniature Sweet. Maie, Willow Crisp, Cool Mints etc, regular 43e This Week Special .................. 3e ORONO WEE1LY TIMSRIURSDAY, FEBRYAPRY 27th, 1961 C)rono Fuel and Lumber IJtcL, Ly- M.adMs i asy Mel- pro in ia "ax s ý. epLO ALcett Insuraice Co_, Orno Elec ýriaie and Stvn0shawa, and on, Pro in ialTa es ee LO AL NEWm. P. Ir'win and P. C. Lunnire Sudayr. atnd Mrs. oganc IMr, and Mrs. Harold Deanlo, mi, ireceived. We aIso wish to t 1akb,Oagcf L,7 c l T xe AtLo erandl -,Mrs. Kennelli Dean, Ml-s. AI- Ml 'irrte or, the artistîc, Lo alTa e A L w r ev et Wet attended the funeral i 'Iil arrangements whihgrat-ceci VALENTINE TEA, 'Asthe governmrent in(rae ----ls rdIo ls ljr e-vstW sýe"l-tlis e1 its rýev"-nüe, it iicreases refurns t0 I AXES SUGGESTED FOR of Islingtoni, sister o-f Mrs. Edcward Mr.Gro Cotter who lias beenl whchisa e l'P a0f or Quta tue imiipalfie to ' MOUT, GUIDE PROPERTY Dean. vorking ouf oyf the B-1elleville offi Maypepe ee erdt te ll lellte o keep loalu c:n n Q1at, ýa1 e'lft mx ats owrR.J.noer j (C ýonitliuid from p 1age >4)c Ilofoff i De'prt.men.t of Veteran Af- Cmc VLZof flus ~ecrdvic-cairanof Ontarjo OOunti'y owned by Boy Scout asso- _radM~H~Vs 'a cntaserdt hLpol H~-dro MLAý, for Muiýok, dCabions. The land is flot being OalWille and Mr. and Mrs. R. P. 1,vnnleofie o a~ f w an amie esp)eoill orthl cca.O saîti~~~ ata.cln f A un. ae.Riikaby, Bowimanville vs pý 1- C(YJny P~3re35~'e neivaV6 Th Assesmen Act rovies ex Su'day with Mrs. Heber Souch. Wedi isswt îs e rr oot,0hwBwmn :em½y wcee; Mr.anti Mrs.eIl. alle, NewcactleMjîorook, Ke-1. ~ssc tIoî o N ~ la~Z~ emption for landis held by such or- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, Mrs, L),Dnn n oby oot, n ururdgdsrîct. mesday night. ganlzations or churches onliy if, if e;1Porter, Ms Harry Baîley:________________________________ tarcn __ ii is being usecl, the association de- were Sundaày dinner gue8ts of Miss_______________________________ Conao ivingon rcenttax In- dt. Audrey Billings, Osha-.wa. ire toI the gaf hing 1i >, u,1980 Church landsa andi buildings of lihaf ust cluding Sna Sho andi parklng with regard to prizes being award, andh~ cer2Jons asif lot al'e exempt frona geneî ai tax- ed tie Junior Gardieners. Thesei keep ation. ~~Bt homes of ministers were awaddb i omnîl prvic. n lns enehfrno-olgou"s KiWats Club not the Kinsmen, as THISWEKS PCAL &FATLE "s:nandilancspai etpendir reouse aregnot.previousiy stateci. on, ro-s hve ri l'O -said, 1The ass;,ociatio-n adopteld a res- Mr. andi Mrs. Paul-, nodgrassPudeJm rswtrfofso rpas indicaatdg fie neeti fomreacfromn fhe a.griculfural comn- and son Davd of Rochester, NXI (ew) 'Sizes 2 to 6x Pair............ $1,29 ete rdsflon inrease n'ittee whrch iheld that agriculture iwere wee-kend guests >f Mr . and 0f 0,09moorvehcls n ntrio~V5 e~g enaiztibyh~l'taxes, Mrs. W. B. Hoar. Tîey also visited Tea TowelsLaundry Fresh Pure Linen Lqasf year. 1 tirougi tne îincreasing use off faim ýwftb. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey of Sz 7 x9 2iOrjwpic 7 o 7 l'anis by indusîîy and hoising pro- Sunderland and Mr. and Mrs. Er- Sz 7/x9/ n u opie.7 o 7 demnands 0f any provincre in the jcs van Rainey, Orono. doin-*io," Mr. Boyler sald; The association Will seek in- tediw s ovlyKicenQensz 1ee tog sm.ewoe wr ormation to lay a plan f action. Mrs. Ronald Black bas ac'epteds eecerrfby addsed, on e perept h soito unddw a position in the Canadian Imperial 18 x 30 in Assorted ptterns & colors each.. 79e pecnlyade, na ercpia h asoitin une dw aBakofComrc i 0--- Pair .. $1,50 ass the ax level is lower here recommendationi that fie local op- Bn fCmec nOoo v~~it at than ini any other province. on under p ,resent liquor laws be Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Eagle, Skirt or Pant Racks, 6 tiera holdsUp to 12 zý!lmntaed anti applieci at the pro- Who have resided in tihsu( 'ýNriw schools andi roads, and &cllvl roofrsvrlyeîs iem'kit or pit, saves space in cuphoard . 65e

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