Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jan 1964, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1964 rD iD r ii'T pirit, conmiec ovith a. ted REPORTj ORMTTi.AWXsI sep by- step approachi to the solu- tLion of our, problemns, will mi.ke 20 December 1963 an appropriate time, howýever, to 11964f a lia1pier iind more prosper- Russell C. ýHoney, M.P., Durham essess our nation's position inl a!0ous y ear for eancli of uis, and for, Thtis Report is written as the general sort of fashion. 1Caniada. 26th sessi!on of Canada's Parlia- Caniada lias many unisolved pDrol3- M'Y wiffe Anne and dau1gliters ment Inoves int ils, last hOUrs. lems,' bu't by -and large me 'are would want to join with mne in To conclude the work before us. in ~apiiee ain ecn10 osnding bo ail res Clentsi uf Durham order to, prorogue before Christ- the future with ia spirit of hope and; our warmes'1wt wishies for a Merry7 maslia neesstatd Prlifflntoptimism and 'Wibh faiti i our'Ciiîmas andf a happy and pros- sitting for long hours each day in potential. for greatness. Such alperous ýewv Yeýar. the past two weeik5. Coxmmii<tee work has been very arduous as each Commibtee lia's C atmtdto finalize its proceed-196,4 Banner 'Year For ing in oxder to report te Rouse before proroguation. When Parlia- met pne ti mrnn IhS tandard r R cn bhc privileige of prescnting the Re- d r d R c n port of the Standing Commitbee onl Harie:ss racing unider Jockey the first exclusive home for stand- Agriculture which I have the lion- Club guidance gained a new brack, ardbrcds .built by The -jockey our to chair. in 1963 and thtr ere 132 nighbs Club, managcd an average atten- It is difficuit for an amateur of racing as the silkly sport con- dlance of 2,882 adan aiverage .correspondent sucit as myiself tO tinued ils ciimb in popularity in handie of in,51 Tu ine Fail, descrWbe tlie feeling of satisfaction Ont ario. With meimories of tHie frigid1 spring and acconLplisiâment expcrienced With the number- of ig,,hts umder îtill iIn'ge-rinig, abtLenidance feul 1 by a Cliairman upon the finýaliza- the ligits more thian doubled, at-lja 2,067 aiverage. Bctting camle lion of a Comittee Report. Coni- tendance and wagering figures in- close u0 the Spin aerage of mittees are coinposed of menibers creased too. Prccisely 592,617 ad- $121,658, per l't of ail parties and to condense tlie missions were recorded a.t Green- Nex yer thie Jockey Club11i) Report into a final formi witchit voood Raceway in Toronto and at I 'ýjaiLir _,uîeyfi accepable to ail partieis is nOt Mvohawk Raceway,, Canjadits new- 1-uS1aýiTh :y the easiest of tasks. est harness racing track i Campj)- Raera aIS.Ctrns Conmittee Reports are setCtled bellv]llc, 35 miles wesýt of Toronlto. ya t by in camiera meetings of tlie WageÉing for tlie scason Ltalled W'ibh the addition 0f Garden City Committec. Not only are the press $27,477,180. Racewvay, along wtit tio meeitig cxcluded but the administatiNe Early in the summier meueing -aticarscdle for Mohawk staff of bte Commlibtee are absent Greenwood, a cri:si~s aro0se M-1ich] and Grýeenwod Raceways, this f rom lte meeting. The Çom=iîttee couid have scriously crppedte will afford the pacers and trotters inwbers then hatminer out the growlth of the sport, wheii horlse- 210 nihtof racing, under thte be presýeXtteýd t0 tlie House of ing higlier purses. After several Wîthi this tyipe of continued racîng meetings between maliagemeint being offered 10 Ontarlo hiorsemn Comos.and horsemen andI three "dark' mrany of the stables that raced out Many Committees "are bora witfl nights, an agreement was reached 0f h province ta ear'n tlieýir onat partisan political consideaions as and racing resumed. ,money wll now sport th1eir wares i&epresenitativeds from each party During titis saine ,meeting a croseL 10 ome. atbempt te, have te report re- single nýiglis betting record of Ye,16 los ieabnr faect te opinions or polîes of $387,081 was establî-shed for a Yer for4 tooe standabd i bte parties whioit they represent. nine-race program. Occasion for Ontai te.sanadrdsi1l TheAgicutue Cmmtte las the record-sebting niglit was the been unusually freefrom. political Canadian Cup Pace, on Aug. 23, ATTEND OHHA MNE-ETING pressures in this session. The ab- wlien some of tlie best pacers in sence of pollical manoeveËing 18 Not America heltpeid diaw 7,952 A number froîn Oronýo aïended largoly the result of tlie respons- fans. the previous single night's As2 Onaio aule meling seiTor- ible position taken by bte Cons.er- wagefling itigit was~ $3',32 Aonotn wenesaay Setanle DanTo- vativ(.-emnibers lead by Alvin Crusty Clint Eloug.i, d&.ving 01t 1 edecýy 'alyDn Hamilton, former Minister of Agri- witit ail te experience ite has cýer, eune of Nortli Amnericia's most culture, and tlie Liberal menibers gaineýd on the best tracks in the faormus drivers was the feuture lead by Bruce, Beer, Parliament- United States, had little trouble >peaker at the meeting. Tlie for- ary, Secretary 10 the Miniisler of winning with tlie pacer ýCold Fr'oi mrfamby ro Ne- Jersey Agriculture. Ministers of Agricul- in te mile and one-eighth s'ks hda most sucsflscason lu ture neyer sit on the Coxnmibbee Harey cracking a smule, HodIginis '963 and toppedi bis earnin;lgs t but are represented' by btedr Par- accepted thie trophy from, Mi., E. lover one million djollar.s. îiamcntary Secretary. P. Taylor and a cheýque for lie As Cliairman of te CoumIltee winner's sitare 0f the $12,000 ad- "ALING ARIIE .1 prepared a draft Report for the ded purse money..tisisntro-ebgbu 0k Houe f ommns I sesin neweck later, Aug-. 30, bite i11g at facts. Thie lost shleep in yesterdaýy the Commibbee, in a premier brotting ev o f blie year-, Jesu1s' parable was wrl okn short -meeting, approved the Re- teé Maple Leaf Trot, for ai puirse for. andI findoinlg, blcauise uiiiil tl port wth oniy minor axmend- of $10,'000 added, drew six hiorses, was found tlie harmony (if bbc ments,, none of wh-lich reflected and in Spite of a siight foot injury,eliewabrknToswoae any ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I yoiiacoseainsTle Tic Siik, a formùer itraonl isngar-e vaiuablc to Chri>st,_ to Reprt as hen asI hve553(1,Winer t Nw ork's Roosevedit Our Chiristian fellowshtp 3,lnd 10 the prcsented 10 Vite House titis mnorn- Ira1ewavLy, trotb[ed wa froi oimnt and bte life of bte ing thu cumintin ninySprite Kid and( Flaýsh Song and woIJ()e is consecrated by tlie care long wccks 0f Commnrittce wVork fo eo o otelonrs Gerard and love of the Shephord. tits sssin o Pjrlîmcit land Adrien Mqiron. So says Paul, 'Wlien we presýent It is stili too close 'Lu lie end of Glistening witit fresit pa_-int, and 'our bodies as a-, living sacrifice 10 bteé Session te give youi an1~with a backdr-op of pleasantL forest'God, titen we, being many, are. ject 'ive and comrelitensive reotandroliing1 his, Mïohawk Rýace- anci b)ody' in Chrlist and everyone o)ý 'leAC.opstnb of tiýs ses-: way wýas hurtI cal in, bbc, spugmebr ne 0f aohr'Wa s.oil of Parliamient. 1I hope 1Wd o a WeatliranIaepdmçwoe iitbculat tres s,) in debail at a later date. As w fuhin whic kl p mosb of te joy, in bbc presenice of Ilie angels finlish tIis se.ssion, and as wcý niear horises out of a.ctionj. L0f God over, onle liurta e- fite cnd( 0f bilte ycar, lb does seen( J-oWever , b'ite $3,t)t1,o00 traci, pentlet.

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