Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jan 1964, p. 3

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WEEHLY TIML8, THURSDAIY, JANUARY 2nd 1L961 000MEDICAL CENTRE Dr. R.&. Heston Cook DENTAL SURGEON For Appoianiments Phone 189 OFFICE 1HOURS Mon. to Fr1. 9-12 1 :30-5 :00 Sat. Morming: 9-12 DR. R. J. TAGGART VETEEINARY SURGEON phono 10616 .Orono, Ont.1 IW. KMYLYCETTe BA R. R. wad4.ll Q.C. MAIN ST., 'Oi0NO Tefrphone 138 Oromo Id<ERRILL D. BROWN O)ntarl<> LandSuvyr 1 Queen St, Box 100813 Boiwnianvmle, onktarloD t'Telephone 628-95 LJ . SJÇIFE ghartere'ü Accoudtant By Appointmnt OnlY main 9t, Oirono Teiephlle 1388 P.O. Box m0. WXB Phone 008-8197 Monteith, Monteith Riehi & Co. CIIARTERED ACCOUNTANTS le5 sl$»Coe St. North, çO,,hiwa Telepoe: 728-75" - Wl'dtbr 00-1ui A" 1 942>-0800 General IN SURANCE FRED LYCýjT O)F"ICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 --es. 20Z16 JACK IRID Orono's Lcne Auctioneer and Valu atui Specialize in-Farr and Fuiriture Sales Cons-dît nme for ternas and dates JPhome G r 18 Orn TED JACKSONG7i A.Lctieerand Valuntey ~g~ni1ut5tewitli hhù ai Fr0?T W. FRANK îIEAL ESTATEg LIMITIED Ô177 Chureh St., 1 g Bowmanville «62-3393 g IOrville Chatterton j Electric Hfeating and Service j i PHONE 245 Orono, Ontario Grono Electric PHOP4NE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM andi HOUSE WIRING API4ANCE,'SA,-LES Prompt and Gutaranteed Bepairs 1» ail kinds o1 Electrical Eýquipment and Appilances Suoch at Metors - Water Hleaters T.V. - Radios Stoves - Ironls i Q Q Hani ilions OLnsuranco lu ail lis Branches13 ~Auto, Package and Compst QPolceie«, Pire, Farm, Llfe,(U ~Bug1ay, ability, IMariie MAccidl ffland Siekeess, Wind.Q Boler PdeltyBod, Etc. Sadie KamîiltunQ. y o I Q Phono Oreno IBlO I ~ ti FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS 9k Q ~ ~ocz~o~o~/ BOX 13 Mo, 8-8081 IStalffrd Brotbers 318 Dundas St. E. Wit by, ont. Manufacturers 1or Cernetery Memorials Dealers in Do"mesïtie &Freg Granites band "MarbIes - IscriptIKons Cul Monuentsand noQtbIng te be deslred Asl< the persen vho beujnght from us, a eiht u ren r relative! ~The RUTTER GRANITE SDispiay ini Sonthem- Ontaâ-io" COIN VETNOTICEJ The Uurha-n Coun'y Libieral As- eSno itzn iimeetRB d eAp o td sociation annual m-.eeting wîi]l be('Thursdlay, January 96th, 19a64 at ]ield ln the' Oddfellow's Hall <" o'cokl h ddclw al ToID a m b Thursday, January, :kth, 164 at a-c 8 p.m. c-c Rend Biidge ,,as Qne of six dc- ______________________egates appointed to a special re&- FOR SALE olutions ns-d policy cormfttee ap- NOIE1 Reftigerator, four burner El- pointed at a recent board of dÏx- To th, members of the Girls and ectnic .Stove with dlock;5piceto'metn 0fheLkO- Womcn's Hockey Team - Mem- Dinette suite; .3/ continental bed tario Devclolment Association. bership Fees to be paid on or be- (new) Box Spring and mattress; üthers appointed were George 011 fore January 7th eitber to' Mrs. one antique walnut cupboarci; tw,îng, Brighton; Alderman Ed Cur- Hlazelden or Patty Partner. antique walnut centre tables;' 1tin, Peterborough; Doug Maybee, a white dresser; 2 trunks; 2 ecombin- CampbeIgford; Harold Cleave,. a-c aion sorm dors.Bloomfiîeld; and D. W. Kingdon, Phpne Orono 1,3H17. Igeneral manager o! L.O.D.A. GEORE YOK GRENHOSE IThe board 0f directors approved GEORE YRK GEENOUSEthejoint, sponsorship 0f ftic L.O. Phono 17316), Oreno, Ont. ONE KILLED, THEEE HURT jD.A. With thc Departmcut of c Mixd Pts ! Pans, zala, N CLLSIO ATDAL pnomies and Devecioýpnento! the Mixe Pos OfPiat's,'Azlia n" OLLSIONAT ALEProvince ef Ontarjo Vto conduct au Cyclamen, Hydrang-eas,. Primulas A Toronto man was killcd and export forum and a manufacturing and Cuit Fk1,wers. POinsett1tas and tlnree others, iniclucing -a wdll- opitnte o!r~et ehL Chrysanthrcmm. known Por4t IHoPe businessrnan, in Pete&rborougli .January 15. wcre injiured iu a two c-ar cOl'ijloxI The purpostof o,,the reetingj, is to at ]Dalec C-orners a week ago Saýt- itein ancues CHEISTMAS TREEE ra'atron thc, region representcd by L.O.JD. COLLECTION 'in Gray Lackey, .19, St. A. t expand tbhicr expos-tbusiness.- Chritnia Tres wll e pikedClaire Ave. West, TOr-on¶t, diedlad to investigate the poqssbilîbies Chr-ýWist ay ro will be pickcd folowing a colisibu Just before for ýthe maiiaeturig under li- 4th. Please haire tiuiin at theceuûrb. 2:00p.mi., with -a car driven byr J* ceuse of prodiiots 110w iiflportced. H.Mrray, 163 Hope Stre&t.N4.rlh. Iinito Canlada from-Xi othler ecuntries. ac Mr, Murray, alone il b car, Thereotis and poheiy ca- ___________________ Wa. orth holind 01n Highway 2g te miltteo will rreet o&n.lanuary S qu mtake a Clistn,£ turkcy to one of and somne o!f the topics under dis- ,'ils enxployees, George Awsin, Nwiho cussion Wvill be uiia aaln liquor ]aws, agricuttural devclcip- ment, Tre.-it wate-w-ayremen Bnilding a louse? - Nursing dations, dkrlfsi3gade- Home basslicen scdnaccommoda- or remodelbing yeur presjent Hm islieshaeonndýiigliways androacls. tion for bed or up-patients. Regis- George Colling, president of L, one, thon contact tercd nur-se in attelidance at ai] o.D.A.' sald thalt a meeting wt tnes. Reasona-ble rates. Phono tie Hon. Jamnes Auld, Minister of Orono1308.47-pTr' vol and PublicJty would ho Floyd Nichlsonheld next wec'k to discuss co-eper- 1, RADIO - T.V. REPAIRS ation iand promotion of thc tourlst Will do Fart time Radie sand T.V. business in Ontario and. in Uic PHONE ?191 ORONO repairs. Ail work guarantced. Lake Ontario Region. HARRY WIERSA, 1The board 0f directors set up a P'hone Orone 1619. speakers committee to assist coin- _______________________ ______________________ uunitics requiring speakers or chairmren to oeutilne the actiVities i1Io f L.O.D.A. This comimittee wl REAL ESTATE' A. J. McG-ILL. RLEAL ESTATE BEROKER Phonos: »reno 1407 Oshawa 728-4285 DUG SIMPSON 13 g SON 0 g Phenle Orono 208 1 fPAINTING - INTERIOR& EXTERIOR PAPER HANGING 0 BUILDING CUPBOARDS & 13 REMODELLING FURNITURE REPAIE & OFINISH0 13 AND ALL ODD JOBS g OPLUMBING and HEATINGU g Sales -and Service 21 HOUE BURNER SERVICE 13 B-A FINANCING oLow Interest Rates JU gPhones: 13Hampton-CO. 3-2288 Tyrone C,,O. 3-2650) PUMPING OUT WH1PTE WfASHINWG STAIBLES Dert Tmkn Phoîno Ntwton-vile 4721 JACKETS PEIMIIOSE FURRIERS 2589 Yenige 8t., Toronto Remodeliing, Repairlng, ,Cýleanig, Storage Visiting 01-ono0regularly Agent - BiIL Armustreng Armstrong's Dry Goods WAYNE'S Maintenance Service PHONE 255 Orono, Ont. Rugs, Cliesýterfields and Chairs Shatiinooed Interior Paintint Wiiidow Washing H2prdwood & 111e Floors Refinished Venetian Blind Service Wall Washing, Etc. 'i - _____________________________ n tU- become adtive at thc !irst of Jan- uary. The board 0f (irectojrs sre thtL.O.)D.A. should inquire wa agencies aeavailable to sit resort operators in obtainîuiýg fin- ancing at reasonabie interest rates D. W. Klngdon reprted on his- re- cent trip te Chicago invlvigl-- dustrial promotion. John Lawson, assis4tant manag- er of the L.O.D.A. on, the agricul- ture committee uoted that Jamies Coonlbes, Bo0wm'anville, represent- mng Durham Couuty and Gaye Hoskin, Cobourg, reprcsenting North'umbejand County wcrc a- mong those sponsoreci by L.O.D.A. wbo attcnded the 1963 Junior Far- mer Soils and Crop Study Tour., lives about one mile north west of Dale. His injuries wcre -rcportcd aIs minor. He was wearing a seat boit at thc tinie of the crash. Mr. LacI<ey, the son of Uic Wark- worth Unitedi Church mInister, Il H. Lnckey, was driving wcstwarcL on the Dale Road with bis wife, Anna, 19,, andi h:s, brother, Davii,. 16. Mrs. Lackcy was transfcrredî fr'om Port Hope Hospital to Peter- borough Civic Hospital late sýui- day afternoon with broke nis and incitermined pelvic injuries 1keoping ber on Uhc serious lhst. DURHAM COUNTY SOIL AND CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION ANqNUAL MEtE"TING Oddfllows Hall, Orono, THU RSDAY, JANUARý.Y 9 10 a.rn. to 3:30 p.m. MORNING SPEAKER Harvey W'-,right, Sdi1 Specialisi onitario ]Department of Agriculture, ELindsayýi AFTERNOON SPEAKER Dr. Stanley Young CropScinceDepaimet O.CGuelph 'special Door Prizes to thoso minfium e FREE LUNCH EVEEIYONE WELOOME e'. ià!w M,-! S 11 lep 1 1

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