Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jan 1964, p. 1

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Shown above are a f ew of the Chiamber of Comme,,rce Santa, Maxiodtieswho entertained the part,'y held iin Orono on tLhe SaLut'- children andf aduits ali-kýe at die dfay before Christmas. Toronto Men Fined -linder Hop~e By-Law TIre fr2st case udrHirpei ilwnsip's nw mitLed hunting by- 3iw carne before Magistrate R. B. Bwtttei' in Port Ho-peý Decemiber 23, ~uda Toronto hunter f ound il waS1 -xpen$ýive to break it. Michael 5 antomieri, 27, was fta- i7 d$3OQ and $9 codes, 0.on eemnl ~ jail, for sirooting on tlie pnop- ey of E. Rutiven, R.R. 3, Pnrt lýpe n Decenaben 11. -.e was ý..,s ied $15 and $3 costs, 0on un ý,,.dtkral five days for trespass- -,i q~r.Mn.uthve' lan'd. Tire towanship iy-iaw providesi -tit unters must have thé vitten 1 ýjem1son oftire farmen o hunt- ~eir Jil land, and munt use onily lMzrCantoýmieni wac charged uf- ýer Mr. Rtehvena caught t hlm and I~compaaions on ýtae Rutirven 1~m without prmsin n TtUthlW0n dico ,ald ire hea rd Santo- 4beirqhc>otbi,-in iis woods. "I-,rgEd witha trespasing, and tLUeî 1 and $3 costs, or seven0 ïaseacci, were Pat Sutntomiert 42, and Nck Intertîw?, 55, botir of MrV~ tji. Magistrate .0a or that afler seeiatg tire- thi'éc ýnnenter hic propety on the ie oring of Decemben 11, ire came *t (>l ina irouse and 4drove down ýc) tirir ear. H~e said ire pproacir- SM.Interlino nean the fonce ý in%3 bld hlm 'ire wus urresting mmir1 end asked him tb irand over lisC 'Thaere aiiways seem o ire corneC ýteCvle f nom the ciýty Whro feel that iey can go out in tire country %n lenter any pnoperty -and hot étrd fish 9a11 they pieuse," said ma-gicVr-ate Baxter. -rperhapc if ûje fancmers could go in andI shoott ,,roïlni4 4air eity houses it %would1c Dven thre peonul score a bit » He told the three thut tiroir finmes Sa VOLUME '25, NUMBER 18 ORONO WIEEKLY IMEVS,.THURSDAV.>l)ýýi, JAN UARY - 2nd 1964 Christmas Ev1Fre'rono School'BoarclT Study Guts BwlySoeFecsbility For Local Kinédergorte 'ire caused an estimated $29,OO t ____________i__i___e n_ damnage to- Benson'sShSip and( The annual mieeting of Seool gin the facits andi reýport back to Shore store and restaurarnrfl e] T Section No. 12, Orono, wvas helmin a further mieeting. Bew.,dley on Tuesday, Decemiber tenu elllS the school on Thurs'cay feno M.W1amn ttd ta 24t1h. The Port Hope Fire Deparit-g with ,orne tý,entiy-fwe presentf. Theý three years ago it was passed that ment wasc alied fo help the Bewvd- *1 l meetiing- was conducted by Mr. H. ;lie school provide ail books. Pres- ley firemneni. C ucu1mm o Duvail with the secre-tary c f theýý entiy, be caid, that sotTie pu]Yis Mr. and Mrs. Beinson and their 1Bo)arci, H. Best, acting as secre- were wib.hout books, others had three. chlidren were ina their apart- The Great Pine Ridge Touristary for the meeting. !books with pages n4ssirig. Whky je ment above the store when they Council has icst. received a letter TTie meeting suppoxted a fiotioi tis allbwed and what action je to ~otcedsmoe sepig trouh te ~comendtiol from Vueo~*by Mils. Jim 13ruton and Mr. El.%b --en to correct it, lie ashed? flo>or. They turned in the aiarm adian Tourist Ascoriation for thir gin Heaird tat "a Kinçergarten i _eTrutee Taggart stated tIhS4 the and niuehed ailry e turnitureiihehe 1963 C.T.A. dKrb~a hs ie"A<iuh reson sore booksc were no- a~vail- cçuld down the stairs to the street.enr the mo~tion cid iiot give any dÀrpect ilabie was becausse they could net areaprootjn cuniptiton. action to be followed it was inter- tbe ébta;ined as tbey l'ad not be The fire al-ppIarently started in JtidgOs agreed tiat the proeno- preted to mean thfat the Board Ip3lsi4a Tt ~ a4t~ h a storeroýom on thie grournd fk>or in tional progranme of The Great wudmkeajl tUyc .stb oin hýd etonHes in idhi teh the .9euth end of thle building. Most F ine Ridge 'lourist Concil liad liiî a kindergarten at the Ori- bo n htcuela ok cf the grocery store stock and oti-. great menit and was worthy ~oo Se,_hool and wolfld in, thel futur e that were not iicw on the approývedý er Éteins in the rocin Were iot1 com'mendiation. Mr, AI&n ield, hIold a special Meeting to prj't. ist and he wac of the opinion that Bewdqey firemnen quïekly chop- dreo f the eaInadlan CGovera- efecte both fronaf~ac~ ocby lee~o1 o jje-d two .ioles in th_ 10e ec'Rice mnent Travel x'aureeW , 'tatoa bpin. 1eeiig±v >uL 1- je -Jso aid n~ Laike, right beside the building awards ut the C.T.A. convention ;n j oai'd was niot wr-uil on fire, and had ex.ýtinguished aUl Montreial, coinmenting: Ms Brutontin presentid, ig1er a.nlythtth waehappnilng. - the fire ta tlthe open with watený motion stated that a petition had 1Mnls. Bruton pointed ouIthat purmped from the lake by Vwo port-1 "The entry 0f 'The Grea1t Pine b isdb on wnyonlur eegnvlyVoo he able pumpe Tol hotcmnedtintor C ocildsre cswowrews1gan a gor more books approved for cadi-b Tuesda's fgood spromo)-,a kindengarten.Ii laprsntn this 1 dace and subjeci. Mns. Tamblyn Tuedays irewa onY shrttion effort by an organization witfl to the Board in the spring she was distance down the street anid a' a lmite -dgt. Mr. E * >î tohvet "Ilî ,questioie how a book could be crossthe hgbiwa fromthe ite reutzw11eiser, C.A. executive 1nua1 meeting whicli actioa Mns, aprvdpirtbegpuibe of th Dewley estauant hat as 1and wanted to kniow wvho chose theý cf~~~~~~~~~ tieBwlyrstuatta Vs aitant, cent enigratulations on Bruton took onTusaybokfrtiernocho.otls awmnd -whipped blaze that spread i. iprssing Vire judges. bcsfrteOooT bý, comnpletejlylyevelled in the fait by neruSoiin ee a-_f.Glrtsaedhti a b,,, to cabine and the Bewdley Hotel the nm f rmtinluc NmrOsoinos ere ar. ilartstte1tiao l1ad ee PortedHover tire Kindpagarten p-- -e, -in tireanea 0f tire teacliers and befo,.re Bewdiey, otHp, Jb ,nine ae2 psi~ihMrs. J. C. Tamblyn te rincipal. ourg and M.illbrook firemnen x- que,'àtioning whietir or not it Mrs. B. Guet-en asked the need tiaguýi shed it. Mrs. Benson was one operated as Sidey's Store, onacodie decided al.tithe -1niia., for, advanced clacces wich ir e 'f Vie first to notice that fine, and siiial point of land protruding tatO nioeeting since it would cont'ute said eh-e did flot -agree with as ît turuned iii tue alanmn. 'Rice Lake on the east side of a capital outiay and a mjJ was frustrating cone clu-dents Benson's was -for many yeanc HLigbiWaY 28 change in policy. Mn. L. LuVti'y w-hio were being pusheci to keepup __________________________________________________ r co avucecl -ho hohttl ' fwth othens in a gradp ahead. The, did iiot seemilit thut 25 or £BoürcI ctated, that they wene -net ra ".yescoud pues a mrot io-, aware of tris non were they wr in a Is~Tfwir oud aefec ntg but!0f the -factthat simfilangrades in acapital outlay of $6000ÀM0. Hel diffenent noome were being gnaded p)oîintedr oui tliai there were corne individually. Tlie Board agneed to otirer four hundred natepayrsiolook int this. bce constclered. Mn. R. -Taggàrt, chairman of the Mlrs. Wm.. Hooey stated that Board for tire pasi year gave the stntngingrade one with a full annual report of the Board git the dlay session Was too much for sorne meeting and poinrLed out that it A ~pupils to cope, with and tia l a anticipated ihat tire Board %viwas co a hardship on the teacir Would have to open a funtirer roona presenily usecl as a music room R. Fornesten asked tire Bourd in Septeniben of 1964. The room what tiirey toiet about a Kindergar- would have to be t'urnnd into a ten aid- what benefits tirre were classroom and rausic taught in to a child'ýs educaton each- individual classroomn. BoVirTTrustees H. Cobbledick anid He aiso pointed oui tirat the Li- R. Gilbart stated tir i smce no brary was Vo be brought togethien real iieresi haci been slhown by in one room ad for tris purpose a the raitepayers t1rat thiey had noV librany Was5bein-g ,,tasbl,hed in seeiously constdered the acte of a the top soui-west corner room, IkindergangLtten. Mr. Gilbari said Sirelves have ireen installed and it, 'È « ~they ýwou1d appreciate corne direc- was. hoped thuat tirey coYuld get ,. tion in bringing iA to a head. Thre some books f nom te Central Li- BoaLir d,lhe said, coud obtain the brary. fucis and present them ai a spec Ilefull report 0f tire Trustees ba eting called for tris purpose. along witl tireir fnnilrpr Tire motion, il was undersod is printed elsewhene in ibis issue Jwas passed giving authonity tolof the pupen. Hi1 Cs Hold Successful To Ooo i-sirldaNew Year's Party Th(, Oi -L New Orono United Churdli Educationial Year'S E ýe Panty and Ca,,ndiec-blulding Witir lunch in tire base- ilitSevc with some igirlty meinnt ofihe cirurcir and tire ser- cýhildnren nmtire comui t in vice in tire churcir pnopor. ~of tire Oroio ,atenpdance. Thre evening, ireld on Tiheirall and baseetwr e ci gnéatly by de- 'uesdiay, featuredd ancing, thre coried for tire occasio>n. Tirree land lending a GandilJight Service and a buff et gayly deconated Càistmas trees 1the purty. , Uunh. Thre danrce was ireld in Vthe (Ceirtinued on' page 4) "r'p eru

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