Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Dec 1963, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, REPORT FROM OTTAWA' 13S Decemaber, 1963 ]Lussell C. Honey, MI.P. - Dourham Parliaumerit hus beenwokn cvertime te ns the buiniess be- fore dt in order to 01r1u o Decimber 211ih to conclule the zse.-sion wich started on May 16[11 thJis year. Hours 0ýf sitting ,n '1hursdays and Fr"dray~s were ex- tenxled aboýut six weeks ago, and tls week it was agreed that Pa-r- liament Wjll st on Saturday, Dec- emlber 14th in order to provide a fcw extra hours before the barget, date of DecemiLber 20tlh. Onl Flda iy of la-s! week bthe Pr.ime Mnrz set (otte or ll ust be ftlnshed if àem- be3whte leave on D-cemberl 201h four irsms ody.l, eftMr. ParnslA., "You maylcvefor lia y on Dec- U.C.W.Hld ChrisiniasMetn Trhe OronoUCW.led l& Jhrilatm-rasmein on Deceilfber, 12 in the pprChisia duca- ion auditori.um. Tiemeigcmnne hythe singing of seveSal Christmas car- Mr. Russell Major was re-eleot- c>ls with Mrs. M. H. Staples at the edtobithrtemapesdn piano.Of thle Motor City Car Club. Also The devotionailbad on thle for thte thl 'rd consIecutive year Mr. ui1-sýîmas tiime apom wa 1 LD:ýi voted the most popu- read by NMeS. O. CatiofJï follow' ' "i- 'lir eïn o f tne clib by ine eci by iniigof a hy*mn \Vil le CUOmcnaes Sheperd Waobe the Fliksby rs.RclaaWacIdell is a patienIt {igh." i .urnerl Hspta, lowmnanville ernber 20th but if yo)u go you wil Mrs. B. Weod read tilesrite haete leave 2a cean desk." sielectdfo .Lue chpe ,Mi. Pearson said, "The most tverse o11tetwety.A christ- urgent business is to complete thema" story entitled "TheOlrs cinsdeat>nof the esimates" Qhaild Cre Once Moret," waýs In addition, the Pr'ime Minisiter r'end by Mjrs. J. 1ShetIer. Tuie de- stated ParLiament woyuld haveý to votijonal clo-sed wÀlh prayer by deaI wth amendments te the Old Mr-S. .Chteon Age Assistance Act,, the D!sabil- Tnie President, Mes. Long, con- lily AllowIýance Act and the Bincidtdcted the business, m'nutes wuee Persèons Acft. Secondlly, hie said, read andiaprvd The nemninat- tiere were amendments f0 the ing report f ue ofriî,ce.is for 1964 Mmergency Goid Mlning Assist- was read by Mes. C. Armstrong- a.nce Act, the Snialil Buginessesand by moicUOn cptdas Iread. Lý,ans Act, tlee Ourrency Int, andi Excl3kange Fwi-d AGt, the NaIýtionafl 1ighlighits of aIe ýytearS activities Centènnial -ct, the Aeroauir-s were giVen 1by vaxiouUni t menm- At and certain other miýs-eflan-lbers- and preve!td Veî*Y gatfig CI>s egîLsIatbon. Fdna31y, sa:d'Mr.1n nouaig Perothere must be pas'sed -ian cclaig BiW tf>5t p the ofice oef R pe A compleie cOncis-,e repoKl of sentation Commissioner so that the ye'aqrS finamu.ce ,s 5gývep by the Cmm;siOner can get esatai Ms A eliiina fficient at Once on his dixies respectingman. redistr'libution of electoral districts Mrs. M. J. Tamiblyn reperted which the -governiment is anlis for the progrnml commltàtee and re- to have conplelteti efrethe n twiwdthe erletetra electon. en risented during the yeuxr. The 1legi sîi Lion amiendina g the 01d Age Assistance Ai-d, the Disa- býýiity Allowance Act ant i te Blindi Persons Act folows on the legis 1--lin passeti .twe months %go Wihincreased olti age pensions te $75. per month. Olt iage peu. sgiens is a direct payrnmnt)y the federa geven 1(nt ,Old ge As- kJsstance, Di;sability Alloýwnees anjd Blindi Pensions are shareti equaliy with the Provinces and the Î1increase in the(se allowances h'ad te1 awIait the recent Federal1-Pro- vi~ilConferetice at whtcb Urne! tihe basis for the incr-ease of these ,5a'ciewaces andi pensions te $75. per mionthi was agrTeed upon. A- metieintls to these Acts providte that thiey shaîl be effectiv-e on Dcnbrjset, 1963. This proision miakes it possible, pr'ovidea the Prov,ýinces are aigreeaie, to pay thie incrýieased pensions and allow- acsfoir the nmonth of D'eýem-ber, N963. At ,lie conclusion of the Prime Miisersstatemient Opposititk1 Loead1er Diefenhbaier expresseti somre doubus as te w,,hether 'or flt theleiain coulti ail be coin- pl!eted beiors Ciiitstmias whTlen he, raiîd, '! than'k the Prime Minister for, setting eut tee menu. A.il T cani ïay on thlis, thle lShdyo sesin, is that his contm, to thtso niany nmafters can be deaýit witlu a f ew days, whiile ex- priessive (if a hpfldsrin tee ligbt of the exprience urn thie yeai-s 1 have been in the bouise woculd be difficuit 0f attamnt beoeChrsimas." Mr. Pearson shiowýet ihe 15 a hard-c tasklimaser wben he rapiied, toMr. De~ile aig."The ight honOurabl)e gentieman 'Satdý it was hisviw in thee ight of pas, exeieuces, that the itms 1Ihave1 m-,entioneti coulti not be passed -thin a f ew days. That nig'h teicb the case, but thiere is ne resnwfy . - . and lt would be teintention of the geoverniment te e gst this course î f hey annt be passeti withmLu few d1ays we sheul'd not corne back af- ter1-Chrimsiine and sec thrat hey do 'pass, ai-i net/alo any desire fer. a holiday to interfere with ouir Iu the 1ght of this exchiange heeare net im-any members 1ak- îng deitite plans for an extensiv~e CrlsmshoLiday. It seems likely, hoèethat the "menu" wi]i be coniý11p1eted by Deceniber 20th. andi ParMiaent will proxr>ge ieaV'date toconnec a new session about Febrary lUt, 186. MsC. Wood eeported for Sup- ply and - S1ocial Assistancue, articles were sent te Uited Church Mis- sien in Cross Iake, Maàntdba W.arm cloý(ting sent te FredVictor Mission in Toron te antd 28 cartons were taken te Toronto free eA chi, ge by iennîtnt Transpor>t. p retary rpre nshnrdantiý svtencard,,s sent tehut-ins. Wýýoeds of appreecation were ex- tended te Mrs. Iri forsale. of cards andi proceeds weee usedti t purchase i coffee POecuaor for the cuhkthn A bm wa pesntd nttiet "'The Test" ep c Ian irterest- ingstr wiýt'h amoral. The meeting closed Y s&9g4n a cýarol ",,,;l(ent Ng ,i t"-and ce- peaLting eBneitin Deliieus eelrshrnntS were served bly Uniit thiee bninging the e uig e a loe SERVIC 8~o RER SA7 fîling f il uwna Set et StaýOLrs MLs W J. Rd ell eu andbroke be iltwrist recently and Is a t 1%'l", Gordon Cotter is a patient patient in Menor,,l Hospital. in Bowmnanville Hosp:ikalI. 011 rda e 1n g )eceprlber l-, CurvII uo &jouutsen- telrtain*ll th-1eireghty xemployeeS a, ,Lu'istrîîa banquetand pres. eILtion i the Oddiellows iHall. A-erthe IUdelp-.euS dîu r, M.E. Samiuel, Pr-esideut eL ur Lvply, wel- cnnled e veryune anlda anounceci tlt utvply w6.s lpreseiitiig euchi enlIpb4ýyee wvith anil i~ua - insurance poliicy, ýthe pr-ejngwnms 0< whtich are paid for by tue company. These policies ure portable, and are a g.ft f rom un py MUr. J. Klasner tien announlced tlîat an additional -ifLt w>uld be one more holiday withi pay, to be- gin Jan. 1, 1964. Mrlj. Samnuel and Mr.' Klasner thanke2d their emi- ployees for their loyalty and co- operation drigthe lpa:st year, and promised another year of job Followingthe announcements, Mr. Kiasiier, asssied by Misses Lisa, and Katherine Samnuel, Est- elleà Klasner and Master. Terry Kiasner distributed Curv-ply's Crsmsgifts. Each emrployee [ce eived a car coat, or ski jacket orinakr f rom) the comipany in adito epersonual gfswhici The festive evenjnýg ended iha sing song- and informaidance. Greetings.... As Christmas gladdens December so your f riendship ,>-,addens'-our hearts. We find real joy in wishning you a happy Yuletide'and a glor- jous New Year. From Everyone At ARn fbýKhMSTp rrRONGulS LOCAL Nkw Mrs. nWm. Synercele.bies lier 89th bjrthday t dy.We wv'shl lier many happy returis of the day AilS. C. A.Cumns Toronto,I visited her sister, AIrs. Heber, Souch for a few d (ays thýis week. *Mr. Roý's Mercer wvas the luc1ky Willier of a checst of tools at a re- oent auto parts showing. Mr. and Mrs. lfjsTaylor anat fa irly recently Visited with his parentLs in Orono. , ORONO SC to $1 STORE, TUE XMAS STORE WITHI MORE English Porcellain Cups & Saucers, assorted patterns, Regular 39e- Special thiýs week 4 for................$1.50 T.V. Tables, Oak colored Î tops Special......$1.98 Lounging Pyjamas, Ladies ( quilteýd tops with embroider-y front, Rayon Jersey bottoms, r' colors pink or 4ue. Sizes small medium or large Reg. $3.98 This week Specialj .... $2-98 Terry Towels in Jacquard, good quality ,size 20" x 40" Face Cloths to match towels. Two Towels and face eloth cello wrapped $2-20 Give Nylons for Christmas, Dress Sheer, 400 needies, 15 Denier, latest shades. 3 pair in Gift Box for.......... ...... $169 t Mens tie, lighter & hdkf. Boxed....$È98 Men's Kroy Wool & Nylon Fancy Socks Pssorted colors sizes 10!2 to h/iXmas boxed. Each for................ .$1i00 Childrýen's Cozy Corner StoryBooks, Simple', wh-olesome stories, beautifully colored pictures Cistmas Value... ............. 2 for 37c- Kraft Master Oil Painting Sets, large variety to choose from. Each for ...........$1-49 Per-fumIIed Bath Crystals, Lavender, Cologne, Rose, Jasine- Large 15 oz bottle for .... 89c. This WAeek'çs Candy Trea, Williard Pure M),illi Chocolate Wafer, 2lb 0e L. .. 59e

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