Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Dec 1963, p. 1

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Santa Cornes To Orono Sac--turday PF TSHWA F TUE1HSAU RAFolowr*ng this show Santa will jý1. Ohristmas. E eryhohld is toien-make bis appearance and wîlli corae t rigthirltcr t reet the young f rom his throne.1 So-tc-oAne r at Sabu'idaiy adaflIIli temH e WI lliso have a sm'al.iftof in the l., etter box xhich will be set for each and every cJald. etUp :.inte Orono MuTcpa he event is belng sponsod W[ Achitveweot Tîoph Buidin. te Orono Chamber of Commerce;s Prio to he rrivi o Sana awith decorabions of the centre be- ta msto Orono this Sa - i be inlefrmoa1terbxpo'i rail those ini attend- Os rdfy ernoon -andl biing*s iithlin itii týi he cîl n my os ace Teshow, aiso being held in Al l cdren are invited to attend Pm nevv innQvatiofl which shoul'd thirlete s antaL. Santa wUill! heOon unipal- m Building, wIi bhe shiow on Saturday and the ~n. e~gstt teyoung dfd el to ail ite'spos lo hstr ttotit hr.Te act young are asked to bring tiheirý (- -,earea This xew feature day, sdwunetand veprior to 15 fi.n thec7ty of Peterborough. ietters to mail. i-'- Oonoe VO/LUME 'ý5, NU31BER 46 Township Appoints' Rocsd Superintenda, The Town-s!htp of Clarke Cint.cesdto 50 pounds per si ,ie on Mondiay of thts iweek whien mi uigthe dsuso they aî-c-epted an application foi' a also statLed that other projieciý ne pdSuperintendenlt, Mr. M. alSO beenrei Prbo-r tüo o Foý Boss-e Broo-kin received the ing permits ihoe1 ntn aýcpoinmfltn,- after the conihad iing' the addtio to the Oronco e~ndrdfive appilciants. Others all where:1a periit had yet recevigintrvies wre ecsr. otaiod een bouh te xvor U. Liunn a:nid Wm. Werry of Orono. wvell on its ay Other ins t litr. Ross's dulties are toý comi- .erý, also sited. The reque5 taene te first of the year'. Mr. Sme was turned >v, thle Planning B3oard wflicfl- ni GocrdonV.Wright, co-ordinator olwg evening. é4 lt'e Couties Emiergency M-\en's- Ini corre.spondence from th ures Orgarisation spoke to c014n- partment of Hiways Ut was slconcerning EMý,O inVthe Couii$tat te roinalrodS he ,dasked thelr supporlt 0n1o- tor 1963 hld beîîin ease gaiigmeetings in the Townsip. 50 per Cent to 60 Per cent. Concilt are to gve their support inApproval was given to ha) Ii2 matter whicli Deputy-reeve Ontarlo Hyd stali an Md eygne poined out th1-ey should take 1street light inKenl toi1 alvantsige 0ýf seeing thnt ithey ý,re uieipin g to pay the costS 0f eig up ti ransto.Thei', p ~<noshould at least Zet theOP- Ilairli l m in Urnes ORONO WEEIRLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1963 nàt square t was ýe le- 0Fire to he ýst byl ver to he De-!' notedl umbsidy.1 df romc ive the ditional po~bm4t toparttel-pathin ts, < ' J- -. Onmdio Son ad laerTops Spea'i3C ne asreconimended that oa TeOon ul"0eoo ed .n lie taken aütilîs time !to opentsnuaPblcSe gCm 11 oda11lowance btwenlospe-tonatte Oroo ýSchoollon ml ani 2 concess-in8. FidyD2cember 1"3.i Re.B,Long of the -Ono Uni- ' ~lerk wfere aubrze 0obt onyHeali Nurse, were on1 peson aqCD cotmchn.hadV act as adjudîcalors foi Mr. E i.Samuel tpie oi the contest. noni or a bilding pc-~ o oii MKni, Gae7 'ihe eredtion c f a new fctryeast Donna i PLank, Graide 6, Gilenda of Hglvway 115. This brouglt forth cinn, rd , Sally Stapies, ,onsiderable debate as the buiid-Grd 5, Evcline Brown, Grade 5, inig bad been started -prîor to ob- ai Marilyn Tamblyn, Grade 8, andgthie permit, The( builicng wîe h 5xf clci etnswbot inspéèotOr' stated tha the engineer- gaeavr fine display cf ora-c îng plans hait not beL g d1nitr ~t hrul neaain ih-at the so ais houlit lyý in- l'e get dea athouglit Busioess For Year Presented With Watcb The ron ~oce Tus~es eld Warden H. E. Walkey was on ther Ini eetng f te yar flFriday even.ng c f last week p e- Monday, even1ngý, with little busi- serted witb a 4 ,ch lîy, elîiyW nless toeodut After payrng b ls im-emýbers,0f Counties Council. The, in t'he amiount of $970A44 it .7 ypresentation andi Bnquet was beid, nioted thait abaac for 1963 0f in the Cobour:ý Paviibon at which Bill Caldw eii, son of Mr. and $233500O exIsteli. It is feit hiowever 340 were in attendance. Mrs. W. J. Caldwell,, Orono, was that other receipts shoulid be in for The waitch wa-, ,pre-ented to) presented last Frlday with the K- tihe year and these rcpfesented, Wai den Wai,ý,keY oy Deputy-reeve 1wanIs1 Achievement Trophy- for suhitems a: w'niers woks. John Stonie 0f Clarke Townlship, n aving the most' points -during the Thie secretar-y was instrùcted to on bebaIf of thje members of the year 'of, anylJunor Gardener. He write the eng-neei-s, Marshall, Counties Councàl. ;was,48 points ahead of bIs ciosest MaÀcklin and Mnga to bhing Warden Wal'key in, speaking tolrival. themn up to date witb the latest de- the gatherng statedý that the time ________ veiopments in tie watere project. 'hfad passed quickly and that be osEtmeda$29,0 It is noW ex'pected that the Ontario had been proud of the, position Ls sine t$0,O eaul the engineers to drafts the, fered. He also referred to the sup- fina pla.i jýr1y inJanuary f-Explosion Rc CKS fina plns arly in anury.port that lie had received and fur- Rates bave ag-ain been adjuisted ther stated, tbat lie had enjoyed to mueet with thie request of the the work to tihe fuliest. Tbe War- WA7flfl MncplBoar-d by lowering the den aiso stated thut it was bis op- Tolvn O Port Hope iiil rate and incr-easiig the con- in on thiat the Co)un-ty level ,0f ' ýjrtclrfrvsbea sumier> rate. plie oonsumptîin rate GvrnethadL a place in the Asetclrf.rvsbea lias now been set at $28.00 with a Eieîd 0f Government. fraa sObwcmltl miiratce ai. approxýimately 1 4tilcite iuiru fndestdroyed ýCosm-los Chýemical tCom- 1 bonst Aijch ltie lidnum eus func- ys j-lý,itarc" In conneetion with the AMunicipal tos twic iehdtae pr ian lntad sorg ra Loan ,ýFuncl for ttie Orone WaLer and spoke ef the many ,pouplie ay Fia jri 1- ked li Ie ayexlsos ho tetw Lrje he PIolice Trustuees haive had miet and 'oe with d -iiýngad wokýe people ýUp at le-ast a,-, gvven up any hoýpe of applyig 1 hia year as Warden. far away as Toronto Roýat. -Muf- er the scheme as ýthe projecý was As spea-king at the banquet fle'd rumbles were heard four or Land bas been on sohedtule for com- bringdng congratulations, to the five miles from town as dozens of peinin 1964. There is hope o Warden were Miîss Paulàne Joulett 45 gallon drums blew' up in, rapid that0 the work may bc startdi MP for Northumîberland, Russell succession. Machof 1964.C.îoey VfiDlajR.zl D. F. S. Carew, presdent of the The Trustees are to advertise the Rowe, MPP for Northumberland firm, estinmates damage at well exist.anice of the snow removal by- Alex Carrufthers, MPP for Durhbam over $300,000. law that is in force in the Police and Mr. H. Secott,-Warden of On- One eio),(yee, Rick Neýwman- VTillage 0f Orono. Ail persons are tario County.f Jones, was alone in the plant about to remove snow from their side- Following -the banquet ad 4:30 a.m. rihen an explosion, be- waiks. speeches entertainment- was pro- Lieved to have originated in a lac- The secretary was again instruc- vided for, the large gathering. (Continued page 6) ted to ask Council of tbe Township 0)f Clarke "for confirmation of the hiolding of land south of the Cern- ,ct'ry for the Police Trustees. Thie fprustees are seeking tbis confirmn- a,,on as It is intended that the well for Municipal Water wtll be estab- i n ed on tbis site and tbey wish to have ownership confirmed be- 20 Turkeys, Prizes At Oddfellow's Dance w.ýre any work is unciertaken. The Orono Oddfellow's Service RR 11, Neweastle; Jim Morrish, Club held their annuai da.nce andti iR2, Oshawa; Ed. Nesbitt, RR 4 and discussion the judges chose draw on rtdny niglit in the Oroilo Oshawa; Bob Bryans, RH 2, Nes- tarAyn Tamrblyn as- the winner of Town Hall. Musie for the Decasion, tieton;' E. J. Henderson, Oshawa; .o euîietitiun. She wiil repre- was proVided. by .im Fisher antiW.WnaRHN.Ooodo !nt the Orono Public Sehool at his orchestra for the some 125 who Ran berry, RH 2, Orono; Shirley -e Township Contest at, Garden were in atýendance. Andrews, Orono; Jean Bright, J À t ~pin onFebuar 4.Ber Total recelpts from the dance Seagrave; Barold Dean, RR 1, topie - 'What Electricity. Has and draw totaileçl $52500 whicb Newcastle; Glenn Stockiess, Tor- Done For Farming" was dealth; total fis about the same as other onto; Mrs. Baribara Carman, Or- w ith very weîî., years. ono; Jack Fee, Omemee; Bruce, EveineBron, ho'poke o a, Foliowi ng is a Eist of the twenty Brighit, Oshiawa; Francis Cowan, EveineBrwnwio sole o alucky winners of the turkey draw: Oronio; Colin Haines, Caesareaý Famons-- Scientist was chosen ns James Buckley, Leskard; C. R. Greer, RR 3, Oshawa; Ted the sceoti place speaker of the Sherwtin, Cobourg; Paul Staples, Rospond, Oshawa. clay. OronQ Public Lbrary Tentatively Sets TkIursday, January 6th For Official Open'ing tTtýc Orono Publc Library lteld ing wMilbe open once a week on Mill le two weeks ýalter wbîichif tie-ir regular monthly meceting 0onFraysfromn 2 to 5 and from 6:30 a booki is net renewed à f:ne of 5c, Tu ay evenng when i hiey lent- to 7:30 in thle evenng. The once ai a week mi le'ievied. This wîlî av ly;se the .Offcliai openlng week openinlg -wîli contUinue untll i-be ni eff eCt for botb aduiýt andt date Thui-sday eening anu- suchà time as le Board feels Vt h,Idren bosLs rdmgi 1 -v Jli Ilis tle 'intenonn 0f the further opening-s are warranted lxkswîllblea rcharge agginst the ,>r ooficoially open Lhe Ilibrary- The Treasurer, ýMr-s. J.Nro en n Ceveiàng of the ïabove date reported hi to'date tlie lL:brarly Ilwa dc edonTustiay that wm. iloperation and t11w loaning Board lied spent a sum il 11 o l OooL îr oliretaiin o nokaVocomencthe foilow- and that abalance of $50.0 noexîýs- hi aain olsat set up ~n lenon, Janiuary 17th. ed.apciseto frtem Thie las-I of Vie ctigun s (Xx ~ atiJuleScm i Jule' Ait te OFficiaiopealing citizen iocmult nTeday wuee und,,-erw, a ad the mnajoity 0 f e thee i-jth paeii rIw tlDale wi e aille tVo view thelitbiLry a iist of rgliion der wibbosordered lhave been receèived, Mani Ar Calce eon nil Donna tlhird. ai obtain their memiibership thtle BoYard WÎii operate. E"'very vThle Board is 10 Uteet againon li eet The sbilai. Vi Orono Chuirdli oads. Bo-okis Will not be ceit on miember wil l e niiowed two fic- ITuesday, Janiuary 7[h when finail [turall Svw as a niost noteworthy event with b9an at Ibis opening. tion books andt one non-fiction plans for the, opening wililibe com- ýi<e, Donna fmany finie decorations on !iiýpiny. The Libriry,, followjng the Open- book at any one timie. boan period pleted. 1340 ATTEND BANQUET

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