Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Dec 1963, p. 7

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ORO-NO WEL IIS IUSADCM R1,16 SEE FRED LYCE iT OoeFICE - -MAIN SORONO Phono me1951G Res, 2021W JACK REID Orono's Liceused Auctioneer and Valuaturi Specialize in Farmn and Furniture Sales Consuit me for termns and dates Phon.e 5 r 18 Oron( TED JACKSON Aue-tionfeer and Valuatoi 4~dcsAuction BalDs eofail sizeSý and at reasojiable rates 00urdeiate wltih hm at peýrt . erry, OIItal Dr. RA etnCo DEN,7 TIS T For Appioinments Phone 189 OFFUICE HOURZS Mon. f'o Fri. 9-~L12 1:-50 Sft. Morniung: 9-12 DR'%. R. J. TA.GGART vETEriýRIINARiy SURGEON Phonie 10616 Orono, Ont. rrister.- S.ni1torc in the Offices of R. R. Waddeii Q.C. g MAIN STr., oRONO TeIephione 138 Oromo il ËERRILL D. BROWNg (Civil) Onjtarle land surver Q 121 ueen St Bcbx 6S f BowmnuiikOntario j Teleplione 02-725 L. J. SKA1FE C03UNG EVENT The Orono Oddfellow's Service Club are holding their dance and draw on Decemnber l3th in the Orono Town Hall. Jimmy Fisher's Orchestra wiii supply the,,music. 20 Turkeys wili be given away ta lucky winners. COMING EVENT Plea3e reserve December 20th for the Clarke 111gh Formal. COMING EVENT Mrs. Les Asiett is, this year, in harge of an interesting Oronu United Church Sunda4y Scheol pro, .r-im to ho bcid th cm oInhall on, Saturday evening, Decemiber 21si a' 7:30 o'eiock. E veryone welcome. Siver col- lection will be taken at the door. Sunday, December 22nd wîll ho White Gif t Sunday at the Sunday Sohool. a-c Box 133Mo. 8-3552 Stafforsid Brothers Limitedl 318 Dunldas St. E- Whitby, Out. Cemetery Memorials Deaiers la Domestic & Fereign Qranlitts and Marbies - InycriPtions Ouf moninnenuS and Family Memorials Our quxality and service )eavesi niothing te ho desired &Ak the person who bought froým lia lneighbo)ur, friead or relative The RU¶'TER GRANI!TE COMPANY è9 Ontarde Streket PORT HOPE IlLargest Display iii Southern ontalc" DBames and Byam n PLUMBING and HEATINOg Sales and Service 1 g24 HOUE BURNER SERVICEr 0 B-A FINANGI-NO oLowV Initerest Rates gHampton CO. 3-2288 Tyrene CO. 3-2650 PUMPINO OU? SEPTIC TANKS WIHTe WASHING STABLES Bert Toumpklns Phone Newtonvillo 4721 lu DOU"G SIMPSON Ô ~ &SON Ô Phone Orono 208 PAINTING - INTIERIOR & 0j P APLiý HANGING jBUILDGCUBORDS&Ô ÔFURNITUPlE REPAIR& 0FINISHÔ ÔAND ALL ODD JOBSÔ NEW WINTER TERNI AT ME uSIIAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Commencing MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1964 YOUNG PEOPLE! Speialized Business Training is the fast- est way to get te the point whare yo)u ean earn your own living!1 But! Get ail the High Sc'hooi Eclucationyoýu can get first - then take a Business Course. If you have decided to stop school at the New Year- give serious considération to a Career in Businessl. You'Il be glad, you did! THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLIEGE oYffer*s 26 years of experience in training young, people, and hias hi.mdeds of graduates employed in loc al business offices demonstrating -- in the mnost practicai way - the va lue of Business Training! -MAY WE PREPARE YOU FOR A BUSINESS CAREER? A-c Now! FREE Literature - Placement Sýervice for grad- 10 Siincoe Street, Nortli, Qshawa Dial 725-3375 M1alcoim C. Barniett, Superv,-isiîg Principal For SALE 195 Ddge.Lice nce NumberX A 18-958. Ser ia Nmber 98902290, W. FRAN g obesdfr trae g G~1aham's sso Service. PhoneI ~E T T RELbIILg-c, rn IJ LIMITED CRETBN o SRepairs, alterattions, additions, F * el o 17 ChUreh S kitchen cupboards, fioor tls For ail types 0ýf cretr As the Scouts and Guides are flot O Bowvmanville 623-3393 o work contact: cretrn handling trees this year. ~ J. rn0THqPSON Pruned Scotch Pine will be ~ ~-Newcastle Phone 987-4866 available at: g J b-p Orville Chatterton CxlGEORG(E YRRGJEENIIOUSE Barrabails Plile]ý6 Orolno, Ont. Flectical Contacti i'Eixed POts 0f Plants, Azalia, Electrie IIeating Cve1anief, Hyclianges, Prmu s arage and Cuit FlOwMers. Pojflsebtias andfrmFrdyn and Service Chrysanthermumi. fo ryo P NEI'FOR SALE *2 Oroo, ntajoCoal and wood stoýve for Sale. Phone Orono 7R1. acprTe FURNITURE SALE HEL WANTED ____________________Part-tLme general office heip The property of Mr. Am.bronse wanted, typing required. Phone C rono E 'IeCtriC Po"-rd, lCot 10, Concesson 2 in the Orono 230 for interview, a-c PHONE 129 NO. 35, PbntYPocl seiEing without CRSMSCNET reserve On StraDeceiber CRSMSCNET CONTRACTORS FOR 14th cOrlnIencing at 1:30 pm. Fur- .&S. NO. 14 Kirby Christmnas FARMX and HOUSE mtur, eandd oon~e macdihiner-y to be Corice'ltA'ill be held in the Eirby WIRLNG O'd. Jac4k Reid, Auctioneer. school at 8:00 ýp.m. qon Thursc1ay, Frec EsimatesS.S . 0 18 Oaik Ohristrns Con- Fre Etirat. CHRISTMAS TREES IF'OR SALE cerd wýifl be held in the Oak Schxol APPLIANCE SALES Scotch~ Pine Oh1r'ttinas Trees, at 8:00 p-nm. on Tue-;day, Decem- Prompt and (iuaranteed RepairS 5 to 6 feet, $1.5c>. Will deliver. - ber 17thi, 1963. to all khids o le-ria Reid Harnless, Phone 5R16, Or- Equipment and Appliasices n a-p NTC sueh at Metors- Water Hieaters NTC T.V.- Rdio Stves rmsWAITEDMeMibers of Orono HI-O are T.V.- Raios- Stve.- WATEDagain selinig United Church Cal- Volunteer firenme4n for DOono endars. They xii cai at ail homes c= o oFire Dept. Must be Physically fit in the Village on monday, Diec. 0 and 18 years or over. j îth from 7 p.m. until 8 p.m. if 9 Compensation Lis. Apply in You 1lIve Outsîde the village but 1writing to Chief Ross Mercer, Or- 1ullike a caiendar please tel- onofl. a-c Iephione Ross Gil'bart at 196J. hast __________________ year the Ht-C sOffd 235 calenýdars j ~and gaive the pxloceeds to the gNURSINGý HOME M. & M. fund of the United church SInsurance Service HM hslcne comd-cmeaah i year tO contintte tio fo- ed r U-ptiets.Reis.thi wort-whleproject. a-c tz ireu ,î lî,1uuoltamii 0 tereci nurse in attelÀdance at -ai] ~4IdI 1lnsu n lil 1W BrancheoU1 times - Reasonabie rates. Phono By Appontmue-t Only 0131 Oron o 1308. 47-p Malin 9t., Oronlo Telepixone 138 UAuto, Package and Comlposite, P.,Bo 08%9IB RADIO - T.V. REPAES PoneOX .8-81BY1oMces irFam Ie Will do rart time Radio aud T.V. Phon 66-819 13repairs. Ail work guaraaiteed. MNTonteith, Monteith Avdp vdSjiemssWind gPooOrn 6 Riehi & Co. Acdn u CIIARTERED ~Boiler, Fideiity Bond, Etegô EetrcM tr 135 shxaeoe Sit. North, Oshaw'a ~ Sdeîtn 0W~til5 wths erns T~epone 72752 f []sudBrnshe, Fij'ectriJeTol g4Po8.Oro52,11 ani Smaall Appliane Mofors Whlth' ISX Wok Gu-aranteed 668-4131 C- tz,ýq LOOromo b ave been sild 'for years., Big pro)- fits. Produ(ets ýfurn!ihed oncr- it. -WriteRwLihDetL-016 45 RîchilioEn,Morel EF-LLIOTT-Nil suid Joan- (neeý Allun) happily anrxouncýe the b3il Jof their.son Dav Id Reg.,inaldc (6 Iba. 13oZ.) Thursdiay, Dcmr5, 1963 tat Humber Memorti Hospital, Weýston. A brother foi Karen. a-p BIRTH COIWAN--M'r. and NIrs. Francis Oowlan are happy to announce the bâiith of their d-augthter, Medanie Gaïl, in Memor!aj Hospital, Bowv- mnanville. on Sundiay, Deceinber Sth. a-p CAIRD 0F THAINKS I wish to thank my niany frïendâ and relatives for their kindness during my stay ln the hospital, aud for their visits, cards, and gifis and speolal#m"aoe e Rv. 1Mr. Long, Dr. MêKenzie and to. the nurses and Staff of Bowmanville HOgpitai. a-p colin Br-own. CARD 0F TI1ANK8 My sincere thwaiks te Uthe votera af Clarke Township for again el- ecting mie Vo Council. 1 will e4n- deaVOur to serve i ethe best et my albility. COMP1liments of the season te everyone. a-p R. G. Chater. Advertise in the Times

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