Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Dec 1963, p. 5

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OIONO WEEKLY TIME S, THltURSDAY, DECI REIR ROM QTTAWA LOCALtEvý 4 ~ùe ~6 iteKaren i1liot, Weston hasýr Rinsell C. Haiey, M..P, >nai>;- Dischspawinga ni LUss, dvjhlher Vwitm mo:nta1ýis the one bit- tIL grandparen!ts, MI'. ad M-, Xor ioný doWIlars pov w e.ing xceved by UT i - rnan AUkn ~rari ~fI~cfutr sal 0f heC t Unt1o7.1-U1CW. etaLi-,the AMr. and AMrs. M. J. Taiiblyn ' to X0e0' laUswOntr; wlYl be in Caee iL 1an Pea; rs oreir vyotd Mcu s. Forea.ej y Easten i ia, hav.ng oe 5dD~me ncig I ý iviwL nein Wh y on te punoase ke automobils, washI Kay Chapmlan our undt leaderc Mond'ayof i swefindjng hber' arz miachinies,television set.s and epened Our meing VWItrMte sing lavery gooud healtb andisbe o O clottuing wf -'vwe' autaHue igof the hymn 'Venle Mary be rmmbereotehefiend frere in the EasL to supl u r W5 ad ber ChIUd" Kay tPen read a IeilIew canadtails in the West.CýmsFryr r En No1lo n r Floýyd Nichoslsonitravelled to Wn- Th~e rminutes were reaci and the nipeg by adr on Muday, Den. 9 to TheCanchn ntio a[aHilCamouls.wed 13I uet re- lindte 601h wed'dinganivr .ise feeInatiacceeaae whole ent. Marjortie Best our trea,,surer, sar 0fr 1. and Mrs, eo. 1Tuley, iEfeln heaceuaeco Cnomî.-c gave afuli repor't. Th1e (Ieneral rýiradbotiri-a f Eriiie Ni1e largeat wheat eroap ever ( . 58, "Il came uonhe Mabniit a yi c910yt irs 0fA c nul in 1 - peot. IL Mlght Iein iestinz 1clear" was Suing. Ioha!e hn good jheLth.ý no e cn x~e'csimilanr-grain IKy pmnrend an bineret- MrUs. Lucy Pemnwarden i s ed sals t comunstcountres in1lng article on (unistas waid he wiui CVdy f~ r. fl~we vars ~rd t reJewbrieý-Lidlilnch idle. Kythe- n oed el. ly anadn trde olcy tbref- sîdes tHtie Hcuiy aWic enme te thmeesales. I er ery beauxilfu and apr Màiss Judyl byn, T eachers' aie for tis season Y Mte year'. OdieePeer4bough1, spent the: Umenas read the Wsto ff ùe wcedw tb hil ' arenî, lr. of p.0 Y.cIfusen Tnnblyn and The centrespurhalng Tbirh Uniesssi adianmwheat tais yea i cld Tre Crsma cros ee AlatBulgaria, Chiina, Cuba, sung. Themeig closed with thei Visitors wiin 1r uen ThmsyqI - -.5,17,-,',1-,a~npiehin mift r mb f,!rth xlee mdweuMrs Ri- gary, North Gerea, N etaaseialhaf if heur as nee MonJola, Ru'uan'n l te U. and1lunch served iby the bses &51t Thee contris roeroee- M ILEm la nuednavte 0 MUi f ette Wlanrea ef the wo 1 iiilst en o pnn e aiud aboton trd of fthe, world hm o u îrsmsmeig bas Ilee uieigigrp nut'UI ,UC riali~atin aiL a fndameinir'e- i i mc'71l"lîldo o)rganiza.tion 0of agriultur. Fe' poýi ticÛa LIl e asor'ls, eon'If)'11 Self- 1 cm e 3datteho eetMs suffqiecy bs ben te gnerl ummeinb)YdonM .TyrreI oened aim f these countLries. The flithemeigwihav alt o~i sietpuirchases from taisw e sanga numbe year ind(icate clearly the diýfècu1Ltye aos ymaicutsung tuts poliry a' f romslui- 2,ornres 15-19 ann t4m~is. I article called etor to Bethie- Eeca-use the value 0f Jimpeýrits fro tese coutries in the Smno- ~oîtbloc remiainis low Caýnans ~s now running a mierchandise 'ti-ade surpls with the ,irea ap- proximately e-qual to the value oi iaur grain sbi;pments. ?aymp-nts i eo]'.orconvertible eurreen5 , hjem," oosig tb prayer. MIrs. Tyrrell intre,.ducediMs 'ee who t Ucth abie study from-f c'hapter 5F', r and tbie W 'God and Evil.' Mrs. Fc g ave us illch lte Ihink of, andff we are te vead tlhe rest of the chapter for the next meeting and bring s;ome id0ýas fordscsio.Mr.Drum- mond th anked Mrs. Fec for lier oru-Ling firom lte surplus currentlyIvery interesttng study. alffcrd a major- element of support In Une absence Y fiMe. Woec- te Cnad's alaceof paymenIts !yard, Mivs. Tyrreil gave the fli- pestie. Howe'er Caadat apnolal report and the inutes were unnga substantial deüit on read foric heNoivemiber mi-eetinig. odsandi servicý,es witýh the worIci Rol caîl showed 10 maembers and %I large. The receits forer icmae su iniOdW preson. 17 cals were -" Wheutde nrot only thiee 1e repor'ted. Thne business of arrang- mtain on Canadas position, they ling lunch for thne general meeting atoadd to initernational liquijdlty was next". emerally. Mrs. Drummnid served a de- IîcieuS lunca il we enjoyeci 'n sociaIltimie afte2r. Mrs. Tyrreli _,aAerMs. Dumn ud ,oth- The lare gr ain saesIis year ersmwho hcadype d eting 'aea direct result et pex.or croPý axa ar net attribufable to iriter- UI ,UCW ni~xealpeltialor othev consd-ý duiaIpeasaurt'enrm Land remaul Bety Coattertonopened tue ai îdeed have increaed la re- meeing itb a Che-popes pený Wmopua- ustîie uni esilusugg"est ____ gIý l.-- \wi UXetsm pctrad1- 1"!.chags in agriculturalpra &0etmikt ergnetm't bue a serius ecompetitr finlol A salesiet heat 1ute ensuin,ý. -1r aune r preSeti1 arrange- Wteady mai-koýts oer vwh cn1 and ota rc fmortez th oie Smo-ý soviet111cr n de ev 111,1,Icd boy assielyfrom the West. LJt- eoei:ldifferences were mvý aýside i f,,vceui tof sstywhicb abihdthiisyear. Cndnsi-cadi; na, ss. te dealinlua talcrndstraiglht triwaiýïrcl mieur \t1h lite goveri- inents c UicCominunisi ouire who n) eed oi- foecstuffs couRt ce ztu'It n11 vlpent oit greater imutual uarsdd ndm a 1edui',n ef intctnwitliQaal 1c mioxr. Ou, traade polioy la based on 11e philosopity tilat interluatonal commercee contains the possibilIity 0f romtlig freater understani- Itng, Our re cent grain sales have h1elped to meet the ftood needs ot ýb e buying coipiýVies and, cgi c-oursc, have been oi great econ- Onic 0 aail itCanada., WIV 1WEKE THNFPL H EAT CISE 51àvIËC0E oldi snel1, B eya Danny, Tol.- E, a vr.a Ms J . e, Br anand Tîry, ei anMe. and Sevn, ,baaMr. and Ms hue. eo G, cm ani, Rexdale. Thie thoiee eing 'To and v ncdy, the good and th-e evil ta ciefrem ttis etyopenied the' worsbip W,111 toChIristmas -a rols "S 1e-nt Nih"and "h is el Jovce Cowvan rndtbe scr 'peim buke 2, SI-4foowed by theredg of a story >"Kýeeping Orsms by tre unit leader. We then sang two more camos, "Hai-k tbe Herald Angels Sing" ànd "O"0Littie Town 0i f Bethle'hemr. Bletty, closedi the worship perico -wth prayer. TI-e collection wa-ýs then receivuci. upe'treist bihwe 1ail Mers. 4agg thonj' led us, in a% enj.eed very muc.. Then a very tat1unich was served by Ms Vaýgg. B'eveelrey VWcst o.ý-ffereci ber homne for thI-e next meeting. FORWO N SWEATERS Glenar 'itn Cadgnsa3 Pullr npr wol r anLn, 195 3Ib 2 PrCetiat..... $7 2,to$1695 SLI- smSetchydSL-m ndW Pricti.......$Sý-95t 1,98 HSLIBS - Bu tlae and brown -witands i lher ancs32to plsti le d aher ..ri ..d .. $5,00 to $11,95 PYiJAMAkeS, CaShot, Capi a nellet, 8izes, CM and L-rve ette, Hsiz ehes S, M and L O ONO5c tor$ STORE1 THE XMAS STORE -WITH MORE Xmas Paper 'Tablecloths 54"ý x 88". New Wet Strength Priced at ............. .39e XmsPaper Table Nap- kinis 20 to pkg........ . 20e Special! Dish ed des,,ign 13" x Priced at. . Cloths, check- 13" pkg- of 6 ... .. . 63e Xýmas Party Plates, Pkg. of 6f or ............... . 25e Aqua Velv fe Shave, Lotion, Xmas wraýpped& Botile...................... ý75e Littie-Miss Pixie Toilet Set - Dusting Pow- der, C ologn, Hand Lotion and, Toilet Soap . 98c Bys it Set, Soap, Crea milair'Tonice, SoapShapoo Box..............98 Spcil!Men's Dress Hose 90,'Y Kr oy Wool Nýylon reinforced heel & toe- Compare at $1.25 (Jur Low Price..... ................$1 :00 New Teen Age Jax, a new Fit Sensation- rfhere lis no other pantie lik--e It- Size 8 to 14 Priced at pair ....................... 49e New, Shipmnent Craft-Master Oul Painting Sets. Large selection to choose from .... $1 :49I New Stamiped Ail Lirien Tea Toweils each 59c uigges tions FOR MEN SHIRTS -Too)ke, Van ileusen, whtM Sit anld Balfour Sport Shitspried ..$5-00 o $7,95ý TROUERS- Dessor Casual stle i sze20 Io41. 1PricedJ',........ $4,95 to $19 SWEATERS - "huntle1gh" CGar-, digans and Pullovers ini sizes S, , L andrïJXL ..$8-95 to$1,9 Pýi fro-m . 39 to $50,00 HRAlTS- - "Biltmore" 1-ats in greyv, ihrolxnd drkgreen-. Prieed fron-i ....$7,50 to $9-95 and Tie Bars, Ties, Socks, Býeits and Handkerehiefs- Goloshes, Slippers, Cuff Linksl A GOOD SELECTION 0F GIFTS ,FOR CIILDREN-, DURNEJR SERVICE ARMSTRONGS

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