Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1963, p. 7

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JACK RE-",ID Otrno's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatouz Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Plhoite 5 r 18 Or onù TED9J ACKsON ,Auetioneer and Valuatoi CuLoduc s Atietion Sale" 01 ail szes nnd at re-,iso)nabIo rates eommnui-Tcate with hlim ut Port P erry, Ontarlo uis, a neighbouir, fr!eon or rltv The RIJTTER G-wLANITLe COMP-ANY PORT RHOPIE "Largoest Dispilu p Southeru Ontario", FOR gPAINTING iDEGORAT1NGQ SRE PAIR AND FINASH v o FURNITURE Phn 0,orono s, - Prof et.siouul i~et OBONO MEDICAIZ CENTRE D~r. R.A. Heston Cook DENTIST For Appolntmients Phone 189 OFFICE HOURS ot Fr1. 9-12 1:30-5:00 sat. -M*riing:. 9-12 IYIR. . .TAGGART VETERINAiZY SURGjEON I'hoiie 10610 0Orono, ont.1 S.KAY LYCETT, B.A. in the 0f fices of R. R. Waddell QC- MAIN ST., ORONO fiTelephwne 1388Orbes M ~ERRILL D. BROWN (Civil) 0 - i Ontario Land Su rvey0r 1 llI oucon St Box 6-ý 0 N Bowaflville. Ontario j TelephonRe 623-721 L. J. SKAWFE chartered Accountant By Appointulent OuIJ EEubi St., Orono Teiephone 138 P.O. BOX 20m WHTRY phone NS-slr? Montaith,Moth Riehi & Co. CIIARTERED ACCOUNTANTS via lsJimcoC ,st. orhO&w . Telephono:72-72 14'liitbv Ajax 042.080 Orvilfle Chatterton Electric Heating and Serviceé Orono, Ontario PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM andl HOISE WIRING Fret Estimnatte APPLIANCE,'SALES Prompt anid Guariuteed Re4palrs tu, ailkinds of Electrical Equlpment and Appilances Sucb at XMetors -Water Heaters T.V. -Radio-, tevo -Irons i Insuirance Service, 4 nO a c l a a l 145 B r ah o5eý 0 Auto, Package and Cmoie cPolicie6, Pire, Fatm, BJurgiary, Llabillty, Mfarine.o Acceldmt and Sc Moas Wnd. Bolier,Pidelity tBond, Etc. PSdie HifiItoon- FIfTMORTO'AGE LAI c~cZro~,Cc O Box 133 O -5 Stafford Bro tiers Iimite4 518 Dundas St. E. Witlby. Ont. Marniacturrsof ENAGEMENT MrUs. Chai-les B. Tyrreil wlshes to arntiunée the engagement o! lier daugliter, Constance Ann, te ___________CornlisPeter Maartense, son cf FORSAE ADIS OCEYMr. and Mrs John Maarene FOR ALE ~0rono, the marriage to take place Turnips for sale, si'table for.(,,iris wvisliing to play hockey this con S1aturday, Doconiber 28th in table use. $1.00 a bushel. wvLnter are asked to contact Mfrs. Or0oj Uitedi Churcli. a-p Ap-plv Kenneth Hill,' phone 5R3, Hazelden, not later thrin December aOrno 7th. Must have at least fifteen ÏT agrlisorvomen or tIis ventureBIT will be dropped for thi s Ooil. RUITHRPORD-T;oan and Paul Fou par f wlteFiureSkaes Fee will be the same as for thie are haOPPY to announce the birth sizes 10, 11, 12 and 2. Ap ýMr-s.Iby*a-c fterdultrMyAlsx Dor-een Loweriýy, 'phono A2p56bi3r pounds, six ouncois at Kinfgston 25633Gerieral Hosptal, Tuesday, NK>- WANTED emnber 26thi. A littie sister for FOR SALE Volunteer firenien for Oronio s""dY.ac We av'e s-veral used coal and Fire Dept. Must be physica.lly fit wooifumaesoiq burriers, 'a floor .and 18 years or over.BITJ furnaice. presure pulnps, a U electries.Apl i Flot Water tank, spaxce heater, ýjtCmnsain. pl t Mr. and Mrs. Ron TaIsma wishi electric mlotors at bargain prices.wrtg to Chief Boss Mercer, Or- Vo tannounr-e the azrrivai 0of their ono.lrv a-c sonRtýbrt Clarence (Robbie_ ,e avy 9 Ibs. 5os, born November 24, Pari er Plumbing aud BHeating fCalMINGx EVENT 1963. A brother for Nita anci Phonet 1782 , Orono,'The Orono Oddfello's Service Ronnie. - Club are holding their dance and FOR SALE Idraw n Dcember 13th lu the 1954 Dodge. L'cenice Number ýOrono Tow'n Hall. Jimimy Fisher's 1S6-M&8 Seral Nuimber 9 ln9,fOrchestra wilU -supply the Music., te be sold for soae 20 Turkeys will bo given away ta - - _____lucky winners. 10R7d, Oronob- CRSE)(, CIENS Rea,ýdy foron or freezer. Pack- ed in pIasý.ic bag-s. Better than 1 pouind averag*e. $1.00 each auny quanitity. Il .stapfretonl, Newtonville .3030 COMING EVENT Pleaereserve Decertber 20th Oro-Do Fish & FOR SALE 2 new Be-,atty !D yers;, reue I. Pa ,4.rSecHarvey Plumimingud Htiug 1ýReogaRzàifi Meeting CARPENTERING an Repairs, alterations, additions, For ail types of carpentering work contact: J. M. THOMI1SON Newcastle- Phone 987-4366 b-p WVNE,'S MAINTENA-NCE SER VICE Chese rfields and Chairs shamr- pooed. Ail types of Broadloom and carpets c]eaned. Phone Orono, 255. RADIO - T.V. REPAMR Will do rart time Radio and T.V, repairs. Ail wýrk guaranteed. MARILY IEP.SIU, ]Phone Oroiio 183.t t) Repaired a Wlndaings, Switches, Bearigso adBrnshes, Electric T0olspJ o aad Small Applanoe. Motorrsr WokGU'aranteied f o g g '-i --j ~S~O n g ICEn B-A FINANCING n o Low Interest BRateis Qphones: CCO PUMPINO OUT JSEPTIC TANKS WlHITE WASHING STABLEIS Sert Toinpkins Pio.ne Newtonvil le 4721 Election of Ullicers ~Orono Arw.uries Thurs. Dec. .5 1963 - 7:30 pa. Ail Members Ploaso Attend ýNURSIlNCXHOME Lyntonhurst Manior Nursing Hlome has licensedt accommonda- tioni for bod or up-patients. Rogis-1 terod riurse in attendanco at al tjimies. Reasonaible rates. Phone Orono 1308. 47-p l[EATHER SCIAL CLUB B4*ZAA4R AND TEA Sauturday, Decemb.er 7th, 1963 ChritmasCaken .,y be o)rde.r- ed iii iadvýance from Mr\l]s. Jim ýMajor, 'phonme 15210 Or from ns G'ordo n Watson, phone 116. aý-c Advrertise" ithe Times _________________J emetery ivemoriats _________ iAILileard G enerai and Marbies Cl(J riu-w IN URA CE Moumets nd Banesand BarIN OFFE - MAN S. RN Orqaiyand sevie bve noth-g ýJ b dJred HQURi- BURNER .SERV] -NiýEW INTER TEllýRM MNAJAMNUARY 6;,i1964 YUIIPEOPLE! Specialized, Business Training is the fas~- est. way vto- get to the point whiere you can ear'n your 0own lvng! Etut! Get ail the ligh School -Educati on you. can get first -týhen take a Business Course. lf you have decided to stLop school at theý Ne~w Year--- give serjouis coynsidleration to aý Career in Business. You'll be Fg]ad you didl! THE OHW BUSINESS COLLEGîE offers 26 years of e-xperience in training younig people, and has ltutideds of gradluates emiployed in local business offices demonstrating in the- most practical way the valuie of Buiniess Training! MAY WEPREPARZE VOU ORA !BU S!INESS AREj Act Nrowà! FREE LiteratVire -- Placeenft Service for grLadý- 10 Sitie-oe Slreet, Noith, Oshlawa 1Mai 725337I5 MaîcitiC. BretSapervisingIPriincip)al

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