Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 Nov 1963, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKJ4YTIME9, TgIUffDAY, NOVEMef3R 218t, 1963 Rabies (Continued frorn page 1) as~tth e public health nursesby giignursing care. Audiomnetry Aud'iometer testing was done in al] the secondary sclhools in the Unted Counties with the exception of Millbrook du-ng October. This was a total off seven school, lui which a total off310 students were tested. Several off the teachers re- questmng a test were also done. ,Most off the remaining testing was done in Murray Township. An overail total of 774-tests were tompleted for the month. Seven new dfects were discovered and 20 previous defecis were stili pres- ent on retest. Enw inonnýenta1 Sanitation House construction contractors, in planning for enclosed quarters for wrnter work, usually reqilest itat the private sewage disp osa] Systems be in and approved prior to ffreeze-up. This appears to be true for this Fall, since 206 in- spections of such systemis were mnade and 50 building lots were approved for house construction, Where municipal sewers were not available. Twenty-four investigations in re- sicýet to rabies were made, and Il Postive cases were reported. A court action, initiatod in Sep- tcmber, was coxnpleted and lost on a -techniciality. However, furth- er action is bing taken, so that the nuisance andi hazard wll be 'corrected. IM4eat Inspection Of 1107 aniials inspécted by a voterinanian, 12 wene condemned, 7 swîne, 3 caives and 2- cattie. Inaddition 32 portionsa were con- -denned. In the ton xfontlis off this :>ear, 10,162 animals have beon in- 'spected andi 10,005 ýiprovedi This pz-grammie off mcet inspection is c trried oni at only, one off doyen sagtrbouses in the Heal'th E, RUTHNeN APPEABS by Dr. John F. Brown, Secretary- about jooowhîch have been processors finding baank crediM BEFORE OTTAWA COMM[¶TEZ treasurer of theOntarlo Fruit and sustained by growers. At the saine more difficuit -t'o obtain. Unit area and is donc by a local Vegetable Gowers' Association turne the brief recognized that the Russell C. Honey, Veterinarian at the request of the outllned the history Of lOsses Off bill would pýrobably resulit in ,small M.P. -Durham Ed, Ruthven, R.R. No. 3, ,Port *Hope, a former Chaîrman off the ______ _______________________ Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Grow-. ers' Association appeared with eýo:o o=co=cc= =<=><O-DCO=:O><=c: representatives off five Ontario fl marketing, boards 'before the r r [J 3Standing Committee on Banking i ligaaine70 0 day to support the terms off a billO sponsored, by Eugene Whelan (L Esse forstud aftr re or remodelling your present u Mr. Whelan's bihlle snow before0 Notice is hereby given to theMunicipal Electors of the the Çommi tteefo td ater- ono, then contact0 ceiving second reading, in the0 Police V fa e of r n House of Commons. The bil pro- vîagO o o vdes that when a processo r or in1 1 l l the Township o f Clarke that in compliance wlth the Statufies carnier of -farm piroducts goes intoi FiOvu iIchiJ SoIn inl that behaif I require the presence of the said Electors at the C) bankruptcy, the unpaïd daims ofn freswohave delivered theïr PHONE 2191 OBONO UIorÂoM u i pa Building0 produce to the processor or can- vu i pa ner will have priority over ak_______________ in the said POLICE VILLAGE 0F ORONO dlaims. gu[ The brief which was presentèd7 at the hour off SEVEN O'CLOCK P.M. on C 31. ughter. house operator.g Fridav, November 22nd'[ Mrs. Jean Groome, Health Unito Nurse, Port Hope,, attended a I C, for the purpose off nomîinating fit and propeir persons for the office [ workshop on Interpersonal Rela-. tions October 28th to 3lst arrang-O fg ted by the Public Health Nursing Branch of the Ontario Department 3 POLICE riTRUSTEESd *off Health and held'in Toronto. At thenurses staffmeetin heldfor the POLICE VILLAGE off ORONO ; of whlch ail Eletr r in Cobourg office, Octçber 17th,Unoietmsls the topic was health counseling - o hereby required to, takenie and, govern hmsle accord-a ~ in he seondar schols. D. Cor j) igiyand if a greater number off candidates than reqfeto t i th seondry chols.Dr.Cor ............. fil the saidoffices, are nominated and make the i'equlred declar- f mack, director of the Day Care j ations, polils will bc opened in the foilowing placesI Centre, Ontario Hospital, Cobourg, Clvour and M.G oatpronl- THE ORONO MUNICIPAL BUILDIN~G counsellor, Cobourg, participated. licensed Plumbing & int the sald POLICE VILLAGE of ORONO I Members off the Health Unit Mechanical Contractor g i Lstaff attended the Annual Conter-i 1ence off the Ontario Public Healthi h'AS ieaIi on a ,D e e be n Association in Toronto from Sep-i 1hansequarant«sl l n a ,L> c r e n ternber 30 to Octoben 2, 1963. j) and wilI ho open froi 10 o'elock a.m. until 7 o'clock pm n Mr. F. Denyes, chairman ana no longer Mrs. G. Edwards, member off the A D M Amyhndti 8hdy fNoèbr,1Q Boards off Hoalth were delegates CA US N Y to a meeting of the Ontao Heath Hj N. E. NnllSONI iUnits associationi on- Octoben e, APLUIIING IREATING lioturning Officer. ' 1963. '130r HARSYLING 65 King St. W.- Bowmanvlle gShampoo 'and Set ........... Oil Shampoo and Set ................ $2.00O Hair Cuts......................... $1.00 5 Week Rinse ...................... $3.75 0 ~ Tinting ........................... $5.00 o, Bleaching .......................... 0g e $8.001 $10.001 PERMANENTS $1501 îýJ $12.500 ALL PERMANENTS GIJÂRANTEED j ýJVISIT OUR MODERiN SALON TO-DAY [ For Appolntmoent Opéùn Tues. & Thurs. Phone F Evenag untfi 9 Bowmanvýille 623-2932 0-=- <:: Oc= <= DC=O =O< Oc= c=oc >Oc oc= <:u P'j n The Bowmanville Branch, No. 178, Royal Canladfian LegiOn, iseto thank the citlzéns Ooff Orono and district for the splendid respoxiso gnven te Uic 'Poppy Appeal. The ilesults were Gmost gratifying and will enable the Poppy Commlittee to continue its wonk on behaif of the sick [ an needy eras Orspecial thanks are oxtended to the following who purchased Sprays, Crosses, Wneaths g and Window Poppies: 0 Glny's Txc tto Orono Eleetnic Winffeld's Sheli evc [jGraham's Esse Station * W. K. Lycett, Barnister Doug. Simpson, Decorator 0 Mr. & Mrs. D. L. Freschman Stutt's Pharmacy Cedar Dale Dairyg flJunior West Service Station E. R. Raintey, Store Durham Farmers', Co-op 0 UDiana Motel> Fred Lycett, Insurance E. B. Duvall, Store, Leskard j 0j New Dutch Oves liest'mant C. Cornish, lied & White Armstrong's Store Ltd. Alec Kalmuk, Mospont lies, Orono Woekiy Tmes Police Village off Orono [0 W ul us e is Lloyd Taylor, Trucer, Township off Clarke lion Bullo, By ereod. OooRsauatOooPulcSho F. D. Cox. Ont. Trading Post Froste's Store Clarkçe Hgh School Ro Oetn rnwo o rn esarn rn uleSho SWallace Loger H. Van der Brink, Bakeshop Onono Arn. Ath. Association j 0 Chas. & Ans Hutton, Ser. Sn. Dr. R. J. Taggart, Vet. Sur. lst Troop Orono Boy Scouts 6 j)W. A. liei, Klnby Gos. Store Orono Fuel & Luniber & Cubs 0 Jean Wannan Beauty Salon Curvply Wood lroducets Onono Oddfellowsg [JDouglas Allen, Transport Dr. A. F. McKenzie Orono liebekah Lodge [ o Dr. R. A. Heston-Cook, D.S. Ann's Beauty Salon Impenlal Bank off Commre j)Otto's Rlestaurant Harry Mercor, Garage Floyd Nicholson Qec 0 Paul's Texaco Service Mn. Jack Keon, Motel Central Coin. Telephone Co. g E. L. Bowen, Garage Mrs. S. Hamilton, Insurance James Ard, Carpýenter fl 0 Orvilie Chatterton, El. Cont. liobt. Glanville, Foed Store Charles Miller, Restaurant U j) Matt SIneders, Barber D. & G. Tonnant, Transport Kinby U.C.W. PeeLnHrwaeHre amr, Plumibing j) lolph Hardware Bruce C. Wye' a Aneu, car for your family? Newo Commerce. Loto interest rates. Life-. appliancesfortipurlahme?Get wMteve insureci for your protection. Conven. \ yt~ eec noo-tW&a Pereonal Loan,& ie*nt repayments. Seo tour heipfl jomtU .Canadian Imperial Bank of ome3 rad angreoa. Overl1260 branches to serve ipz'

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