Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 Nov 1963, p. 3

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SAVE ON VOUR FUJEL B ILL NEW DUOH4EET COMBINATION FURNACE BURNS . .........O IL WOOD and COAL Automatically front Burner CAR!4AN PLUIUBING & IIEATINC Orono, Ontario Telephone 143 ROYAL B0Wmanville 623-5589, TIIURS., FRI., SAT - NOVEMBER 21 to 23 Faye Weeks lu A Ralloon Jules Verne Adventui4e (in eolour) Starring Red Buttons, Fabian and Barbara Eden IRMALA DOUCE STARTS THIS SUNDAY NOV. 24th TO NOV. 3th SHOW TIME: Sunday. Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thuits- day. - ONE COMPLETE SHOW at 7:30. Saturday, November Soth- TWOCOMPLETE SHOWS 7 -9 :3( ADMISSION: 75e SPECIAL FAMILY PROGRAM FRIDAY EVENING-SATURDAY MATINEE .Tue Mighty Ursus. AND ]Revoit os the laîves oo~~ocDoc~oc0~@ Ve gg-Graham Nuptials Orono United Church was decor- ion over taffeta, with bro'wn ac- ated with white and yellow potted cessories. The groom's mother as- 'murns for the marriage on Satur- sisted and she chose a royal blue day afternoon, Novemfber 9, 1963. erepe dress with cut velvet top, of Carol Anne Vagg, daughter of !lowered velvet bat and black ac- M.'r. and Mrs. Fred Vagg, Orono, cessonies. Both mothers wore cor- te Merriit Little Graham, son of sages of pink carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham, North For the honeymoon to Niagara Oronc.. Falls,, the bride was wearin'g a Rev. Basil Long was theofficiat- turquoise wool sheath, white bat ixig clergyman at the double ring and black accessories and a cor- cereanony. Mrs. Richard. Morton sage of pink and Wýhite carnations. played the wedding mugie and ne- They are resid!ing in their new companied; the, soloist, Mrs. Geo. homne neai- iry Carson. T4e bride Is on the staff of the 'Given in marriage by ber father, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bowman- the bride woAI a floor length ville and the groom is employed gco»m o! white silk organza ovei' as a mechamie, working with bis f net and taffeta, designed with father at Graharn's Esso Cervice xeeline inset of lace with se- ttation. bouffant- skîrt, shajwfl colar and The br'de wx, hon oured -vvtha q slong lily pointed sleeves. Isiower at the homne of Bonneë an- Bi ý shoulder length ve'1 f SI5'[- G .nna Couvier, cc'-iostesses bpo ng, vihsion was he1d by a hab of 'Ml'a.EE Convier, Bonnie and il)n- pe,;u_1s and 'sequ ns, and he car- Ina and Mary Jane ilrough. Caroî r~1a bouque, G, pnk carnatIons. \3 also guest of honour at the 0 tatron cf honour for her sister tO ineof Miss Cathy Wlson whenlf wsMrs. ShIrley Rose of Madoc. she was presentecl with a steam o0 -Jlergth sheath was of and dry iron, by'the staff of Mcs- f ~ik. She Vvore a smail -port Restaurant, where sbe was0 white feather headdress and car. employed for the summer monilis. repd a bouquet cý pl nk carnations. i_______________ The- fl4cver girl, Elaine Vagg, wrasg di _ssed in white nylon and lace 'U wîith a halo cf tiny white flowers ar she carried a basket of pink W. ~~JFRANK'à icarnations and white 'Mumns. ,-Mr Estia Seeeso! New- ~f A ,castle was best man. The ushersa0 Or- REI ESTATE g ono and Mr. Ronald Taylor, Or- LI IEDgg one. 0 A' reception was held in the 177 h rc St. ~Sunday Sehool' Auditorium weeU the'ges motere*hooe ed beighe nRWmmVille 623-833 brhe' guet ere o r e aedbteigei t nahea.th fashioned of lace and ny- __ __àf BACON lb 65c Maple Leaf - FRESH SLICED, 16 oz. Saran BOLOGNiA ]b 39c' Tender Tasty - Lean- Weil Trimmed RIB STEAK$.-'l"b'"77c Maple IJeaf - MiId Seasoned SKINLES Wieners 2 41 lb 89c Save 10c. Fancy quality cream style 15 oz. CORNGree» waal3 for 49e Save 2e, Raspberry wlth pectin 24 oz. Wagstaff Jam53 Monarch Flour 67c Save 6c. 25 teet by Foi Wfap 12 nctes-Reynolds rol29c BONUS BUY! gave 6e.! Sweet Mixed 16 oz. jar Rose Pick-les 31cl BONUS BUY! Save 8e! Tea Bisk - Monareh 37o2 BONUS BUY! Save 8e!- Red Rose Tea Bags ~45c Pkg. of 60 FLORIDA MARS11 Sf'EDLESS, GRAPEfRUITýf fl1h w Save 6e, Cheese Sprea4l 16' oz. jar C.heeze Plelez -53c Save 17c, New- 3-ply TISSUES Man size Kleenex 2 pkgs 49c Sai'e 8c, ]Instant Nesties Quick Save 8c, 2e OFF PAUK Ajax Cleanser lb. tin lb 57c Uarge tins Save 4c Quiek 36 oz. Instant 32 oz Oats Robin Hood pk. 29c Red and White Homogen ized 16 oz. jar Peanut Butter. 29 c BONUS BUY! Save 9e. Kelloggs 12 oz. pkg. CornFivlakes 2-53'Jc BARER'S DOZEN 13for $ FRESH A"DTENDER BR'VU8BEL SPROUTS quart box 25c Nutritions Bradford 3 lb. polty bag Garden Fresh U.S. Large Bunehes NO. 1 MARS11 CABROTS 2 ................ 29c GREEN ONIONS, 2 for .................... 19e Raieh CreamyFes Mushrooms lb 49c HERE ARE EXAMPLES 0F PRICES ON' CUTTING AND WRAPPINGj We at Cornish's are prepared te cut and wrap your rabat requfremn pertly, and at a minimum of cost,i it be your own ment or our High Value-Checked Meats. We feel it will pay you f0 Car when buyiug again. WINNER o! Last Week's Turkey- WINNER of the Luck-y Meat Draw CLornish' ORONO Scustomn ients ex- whether Qualify Fresh Ocean Spray Cranherèïes lb 29c BEEF TIS WEEK WHICII INlCLUDES' ]RED BRAND GOVEfflM"Nj INSPECTED Hind Quarter lb bIc Front- Quarte,-'- lb 4 3c us SIUi uslb 51c~ -MES. AMY VAN DEN HEUVEL, ORONO, ONTARIO -NORA CURSON, R.R. 2, NEWCASTLE, Amiount $8.13. s, Red, and White f - ONTARIO ci v U%4 U'i lu Pd. QBONO WEEKLY MAPLE LEAF ILD CURED SMOKED icj nic s 39cý MAPLF, LEAF - LEAN - WELL STREAKED OBOIO WEKLYTIME, TUfl~AYNOVEMBER 2lst, 1963 -

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