rono VOLUME, 25, NU1WBEU 40 ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, :THURSDAY, NOVE1MIBER 2lst, 1963 R abies Suspected la Orono Village 1 'M W' . . -Cases of riltý)es in tUe area are Ms*Marilyn Falls, an outstand gms thUeta. appaircntly becoming more pre- nscholar of the graduating clasS -Man jyseI Cvie erhd valent. One case is now bcing in- atý the Clarkec Hïgb School, gave and 11eprtcptinspeemed 10, vestig-ated in thc Village o! Orono, tevalcdictory address in a mnost be alim, tone uondreild per cent. i Word is beidg awaited for, con- pîca,ýsing mianner last Friday cv- RecaýIl our ouse -tberings, ouýr Ifirmaltion on this case whîch ap- csn.The floigis hberx ai ýý ý-1t .nga ina",n.; ~ i.pears te ha"ve ah the, symptons drSS: _________ o!the dreaded disease. Former Citizen Don^ates To Orono Public Lihrary Thc 0rono Public Library ro- ccived iast week a donation of $50. DestrctîouAgain for te purchase of new boos ancl' Hits Cottages -Bowmanville' and iNewcastle, Pro- ivice 0f Ontario, Canada" by Mr. Destruction was again directed John Squair., The first Annual Commence- Secondary Wgnour Graduation Robert Parks, Lynda Pears, Nftr- ment o! Uhc Clarke EHig'h Sehool Diplomas wcre presented to Bertha ene Pelletier, Frances Rickard, beld hast Friday evening saw thc Clark, Marilyn Falls, Grant Green Herold Reinstra, Elva Robinson, presentation of certificates. and wood, Tom Henderson, George Dane Rogerson, 'Catherine Boott, awards for both scholastile and Hendry, SuZanne Major, Sandra Gordon Simpson, Bryan Tansbiyn, 'athletie achievements. CoimmenPce- Mercer, Rclbert Robinson, Judith Gunter, Ta3cblnkel, Judy Vagg, ment was held in the school audi- Tamblyn, Ross Tamblyn, Diane Ross Wannan, Linda Wright, Jame tori um with many parents and Turansky, Margery Tyrrchi. ZwIer. friends of Uic students in, attend- Secondary Sehool Graduation Di- ance. plomas, Gail AI-lin, Mary Lyna For bighest Scholastie Stand- Mr. E. G. Witherspoon, principal Baiiey, Carman Bail, Sandra 130w- standing The Durham County Dis- of Uic sebool, actcd, as chairman lans, Mary Jane Brough, Robert trict High Scbool Board Awards: for the cvening. He extended \vei- Brown, Donad Bucklcy, Brent brade 13 - Marilyn Falls pies- corne to these present and out- Coates, Paul Coates,' Bonnie cou- enitcd by Mr. L. A. Parker. lined the l! e o! the sehool duringvier, Donna Convier, Frances Cur- Grade 12 - Teresa De Jong pre- thé first year o! operation. Con-'van, Teresa De Jong, Leslie I-op- scnted by Mr. W. H. Cariman. gratuliations, were extcnded from per, Carole Kent, Wayne Millcr, Grade 11 - Jim Wilson present cd tUe principal te those graduating Richard Pearce, William SejtL, by Mr. M. Paterson. frein tUe scUeni and Uc commcnd- SU nly Sbarron, Donna ,Seucfi, Grade'10 - Douglas Hamm pie-. cd tiecin tomtUeir fine accomplisb- Keilla Swarb)rick, Carole Vagg, sented by Mr. C. Tamblyn.' men, ' dLs n tUeur. yeir ini Grade Linda WcVstheuser, Catherine Wil- Grade 9 - Robert BesI presented 13. son, Grant'Yeo. by Mr. J. Wrighrt. Mr. L. A. Parkter, chairman of Presentaton of Intermediate' Fer Proficiency in Grade 12 thc DurUam Board, also spýoke Certificates werc made le Bruce Science, TUe Lîdncaster Award, briefiy extending congratulations Allin,ýOlgà. Bezubiak, Lynda Cali, prcsented by Mr. S. Lancaster tai and best wishiîs. Jackt Chard, Jean Clark, Tcrry Carole Kent. TheHig ScoolGle Clb po-Cox, Marian Demark, Gien. Farew For Proficiency la Grade 12 vided four' musical selc'ctoùis t1 Catherine Ferren, Gloria rilýinitof!, English, The Newocasîlc Lions Cluix the- enjoyment o! the audience, Talcntcd Tina Kozub added great- ,y 10 ic ,musical prinof th e programn wità a piano accordian solo. TUe presentations and awards wcere as follows:- Joy Gaines, June Geacli, Russel Award, pres entcd by Mr. W. Han. Gibson, Robert Gilkes, Timotby old Gibson, 10 Leslie Hopper. amWayne. Hancock, Joan Hut For Proficiency ia Grade Il ton, Barabara Keast, Marie LiteUistorýy, The Newvcastlc- Lions Cluà Gray, Lida ÇGreenwood, Douglas Award, -presented by Mr. Harold, Christina Maartcnse, Rosemiarv Gibson 10 Terry Graham. Malkicwvicz, Peter MeCilog01(o1tnu npage 4 wý Marilyn Falls, Commen-1 cernent Valedic:torian, Photo by Ireland Studioj 0 MMM"". l li" a bdi*ng fairwll. Tnh In Speaking with the local vet-Iweek-end with damage being donc Miss Lena R. Renwick, a former a ~nmorblenigt inouri vs. s einariani, Dr. R. J. Taggart, -t 'to two cottages on the seven, n resident of the Orono area and yorspokýesman1, Imu1 bl heiwould seem thLlit cases are on the o f Clark Townships-. given as a memorial of ber great- xraifarewell, but t 3;re e 0inres in ihis particular are~a at grandfather, Herbert Renwyick, tboughits to ibe e:'resýsedth present timne. Throughout the Teto cottages affecited were (1774â-1869). He was a natve -If owned by Mr. Wilfred Haxvke and Dumfrieshire, Scotland and camue beor hehal a u imn Township of Clarke' catlle, dogs lha~s e b g en.andcat hae hd Ie dseae aSIare located on the seventh line, to Canada with his family in 1833. west of tlhe Leskard road. Miss Renwick formerly livedon Buleo;i lea\ g, let's glance It now appears 10 haveientered in- efl ovr (sate 0 or hppist the Village.. Although damage does not com- h amnw~we yM.Hr yeo -e.Fe -yeacýs go we, as pare with that of a number olodDaan saw ,reintf Redlands, California. yougsers eterd he oos 0 ~The' Durhamn Northum'berland weeks ago west Kendal il was a -iigh sehool that being either Or- FlE-ealth report for the month of however most deliberate and un- As nlddwt h oa o -o11g or BwavlCHighi, l~ coe hw îh ae nfu aldfr ion was a framed photograph of, by an ail~i~eR*~lier great grandfatber. Furshjortya iped foi-cesp5 n Duranter t- ~AIl the Windows were smaslhed The Library Board was thriUIed o± us jined foces ta nter th e ~" Durham of which Clarke Town. u ftetoctaeaogwlhwt h oainm hyitn ewClarke DsritHgh Soho,)! ot of iep iscoonees tthe very first Grade 13. in Junei lP oe the destrucion of a refrigerator, to use the monyfrteprhs we, as aduits, left these haills forl The Orono Police Trustees are pictures and 'antique lamp. Dshei of Ci aaîna, 'n vjhiýDh they wI flic last lime. We closed thýe door 'to ive their dog by-law enforced L)eSS n~id g ~ ~ lace .ýiinccrtpLon i hat the books behind us, a room full o! chem 1 tiy -istiognu e ece ini ad ~ ~ i L . 11; er a nmcmorial to Herbert Ren- ýstry exams, Parties, library Our sehldneswr l y in ,iuczions nave gone out -to the ledsi Cî ocur The -0hnSciLiýtar:on the bis- sjlares anid skits sponsored by ofir 9highgt of 1t,,e m-out. 1m br:Jgcacher .to talte the necesr j. bîeer~1a vn~ai tory of the aawad also most Tonithe, hrisamasrPtrryewiththe ar- a -tion t10 enloie the by-law. Iwelco>med gifts and no doublt wilI cîs. ~nih, ehe reured ~îdyeeugwe tW*. Cprove most initeresting to the area w!:11 peek through the keyh.ole once eVe1nng by the fXidal'XV'nder- ýParents shouild take steps * 10 readers. 1mtore, laugh a littUe over these land by Nght". That evenng protect their ehildren and ther JOïag summer reà.dences Miss Renwick is the first menm- memnories and then we will lock (Continued page 8) own Pets fronl thîs d:sease. Osbeîq.eeîn~eoe e ber o! the new, library, havmng thedoo foeve. e hve rouhtjas iioiLll a d-iu alny c>îage some montlis ago sent in a menm- ban end onle of the most duCîsive To ' wneri aie tuc01xhng ui)3eî over bership fee and having been given adperhaps one of the mnost r- C Niv ie seve.îty Oïiede a non-resident menblership. warding years of aur lives. O ïono T r'stees T Eaamrv piuopeirLe-. Work is progressing 'with' the For the next few miinutes Jet Il cataloguing of the books bdth for rminisce a littie and relive a 1V1 C tF A cottage on the seventhi Ine, adlults and children. More new -.-Ost vvorci l ..JL tJ1esiQ' n .ntrances west of Kendal, was enterçd ,3at. books have been ordered of some c,,st wonldectrfu yer Imsuppse urday evening with conbiderabie 0f the more modern writings. io Iis, cnd now I realize wby TUîe Orono) Pol ce Trustees hel prevalent agaîn. The Trustes ap- damage regulting., Windows were The Board have yet to set a Toigish lslmealothirguamntymeig-n provedl the c'îforcement of',ihe Rnocked oui along with other ef- date for the opening as yet there ~eswil ieitloethr.Moda eenng AtlU metngc~~ rnRol~yhwan tat IbIs 'ctis i le cottýage. TUe entry was is consîd.'rable work 10 becomple- Ree 'brback 10o tuver4j Ù -- Ç~ç~ e~e a~c 196ý2, when we comece -Gade ùfrm 'ItUe Depariet fHgh i M eie epre mtli i.hfdrîen ete rn 13 d and ere introduced 10thswy, otîot atgtUIt e ee a'itLng a cruiher se that OrKntlcrepnec e Public ýLrary has been made by beatifl e scool, new rotnshdlnao de1laiOf ee os ruci on Church streel p ir153rts that four windows weer Mrs. Rhodes of Centre Street, Or- netd tws sho et !th hm 0 M. Mcl}o.Mrs. Rhodes bas presented andnewtecbe-s TU reliatin ie eprtant eîrn g esii oild he im.eed. i wesas ugo, nwh nSaudy evening the Lhmary with two new books, ~inallyreache us Ths ~. fr new cmmance no Orî e antposeo e h&eseenpinweekingoen- oi Lnal year, se, graduall, tUaI hen they liea -d from -32 fie an, d. 'l'le road departmnent hadi e ehi hopn i en iig James version of the Hbiy be'ame a clc.cîy lnt rup ffc te wîA ý' ~ ~not as yet leaned ouI the culverîsda.Wiewyth damage wasIB bi and "Science and Health wlhyt fc the T us;ees. statcd1 Mr. Mercer. donc. wiîh a Kcy te tUe Seriptures" by exam inJuii- LokIn bali, î -ýq; s aýhorzedtri Chier reports of damage in other Mary Baker Eddy, wonder how we ee o bog seekfu- herinformationo U D. C. Simpson rciported that areas have 'been reported.- Ibat year. Hàwever, no amount o!IDveomn Loan Fund. The work haid started on the construc- teOoorat i lin o! the addition 10 ,ýhe OroneýteOon ik homework, ne fast aLppreachi-ng Trustees are hiop.eful t1at this !ufd Fire H-all and that tenders hads h vn a clotwti June couid daunt us. Seheol was may apply tolte water we)rks pro- be ale o' ewfr opea illThe veim t 0 wo hundelot iket a laugli from 9 tii 4,. jeet. An application fias been en-lbe cl o e îep:pr Q.j. ri i Winne te ri of old I apri ed$5tickcts *Amon'g our m-emiores live ourtered bo have tUie work donc undel and that these tenders were- to bigsl iapieoi50 ah sports activities. Rernembe r Ou, Ibis Act. close on Noven-iber Zîth. Last Wednesday evenîng the' Or- TUe Orono Skatng Club menabers track metts, o 1,Ui-ns uccessful R, C. Forrester Ei'ated that fie! R. C. Forrester reported that he ono Athletic Asociatàon ýheld Mecir catereci the banquet O! turkey witla ýootallgame, or v1,l(ý (, ýhad been, in contact with the 'On- anual benefit banquet. The benefit ail the trimmigs. foobal gme, or olly-allUa ben foredtha rbie wretario Water Resources and that is sponsored each year in an cf- The, $100,00 draw, which bas ai- the 1Orono submaission was now be- fort 10 raise funds for the sponsor- ways been a feature of 'the even- Mfl e; fore the Ontario Municipal Board. îng of wintersport in Orono and ing, was won tbis year by Mr. E _3(Contied page 4), 10 assist wîth thc cost o! rua-ing Quantrill of Orono. -. Awvards And Certifcatems Presented At Clarke Higfi ,Schuaol