OBONO WEEKLY TIES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Ith, 1963 G od's Ways Are Bâter, Than Man's1 Waysi Ta.ken from a sermon preached ~by Basil E. Long. f $Scripture Reference: Isafah 55 :c W hen one cornes to the begnn- lfl off a new day a rnost pertinenit e;-estion la, "How wifl the day be pnt"WIl tibe one'sow wa v~God'.q ay? Isaiali says God'a wais beSt. Miany will be caught in the fev-i erish rush of' present day living1 ,a Chey spend the kours of the dayt in pursuit off financial gain, recre- aut-on, household duties and ail the oz-~er things which make Up the ac".vty off the average man ort ~woman. Perhaps the day Wiil be bypent and littie or no Urne tikený to know God and bis ways. For z~o-une, the hours of the day may Q .aýg slowly by because of physical pan!, or weakness of body, but ev- ~en for these there needs to be a re- a .a~on vaGGd's way la better annan's way. -saiah, speakinl- to his fellow -i Babylon, holds ?before thein the contrast between money-get- ti ng and money-spending and that of the high calling to wich the pe ople off Israel had been called. From ail that sordid barren, hu- man strif e in th1e markets of Bab- y]on, that great centre of the world's trade, the prophet seeks tc lead bis people out to look az. the heavens so that they may be r#,Pýinded off the greatness off God's God's ýgreat promise t0 mankind üame through the Jewish people. But the pe0oiie of Isael, like the rations of the world today, were clined to forget their high cali- -,g and to sink into the narrow ,îconfines off living for y mate-rial igs andin .tiet.po*er, of tfheir, îewn streâgth. - ½~ % ýoks Orono Weekly Times PHN lcROYAL Man',s way la to seek ta supply'[ mself *with wbat he f eels are the écessi-ties of life - nameiy, food, lothing, homes, recreation re- ognition in society and peace and ealth. These things are not wrong et it lsarmans way that is wrong, or he, ordlinarily seeks these hings first and then sa often tuma U o.Gad as a. last reso-ct, wlth what s lf t over of hýls afrerilith, ure nd f elïowsip. He sp e nds so nuch off hia Urne in the pursult off aterial thngs that he can surely )e likened t0 the idolater who ia entloned in the 441h chapter o saiah, Who' went into the foresat, ,t down a troc, used part0 i ho um for warmnth part off it to )ake:bread and then took the rest! .make hýmself a ,god. Yes, says saiah, with the resldue, with that i Y.iich la left ovor, ho made hmr- clf a god; ho coeipiirented hlm- 3eif that he was warm and wefl 'd and didn't know or understand ,at his eyes and heart had been Iosed to the truth concorning h fe ind Gad. Is if s'o ffuch different when the people of today tmy I0 ýatisfy t'he spiritual side off thoir ves wifh wbat are actually tbe1 lft-overs? God's way la ta seek irst the kingdorn of Goad and its righteousness - the spiritual fmst nd then the maferial. 1 How different our country wouid be if the people off Canada cou.ld nly realizo that God's way is igher 'than man's way and there- fre God's way is best. If God's ways came first theme would be happier homes, iess divorces,' greater health and more assur- ance off peace. Success and com- fort shall pever. satisfy the soul. which God bas created fozr hiiùae,!f. Tf iýs, aid Ijiat'the npost.,àdffîcult. thing in the training of a seirg: ye clog is .Io teac~h it to lift its ye, level. The eye level 0 f the average 1dog Ila about eighteen iches, -but tf0 lie of assistanîceî to abllnd person the eye' level must be raàised to §Ôomewhere in the tc ý,ity of fivo- feet. An- obstructloua rossigfligtc ' path at the height' off fur or five f eet ta not, an obÉti'uc, on to'the dog as he could easily and safely pasa under it. The dog's ye level rfiast be liftcd and ias itentioni given unniatural eand un- aâbitual direcction if if la ta be off reater value f0 the blind. This -an o nly be achicved with diffi- uybut difficuit thou:gh it laifi ýhardly more difficUif flhan fO -eadi men and women tolift tholr ,ye level beyond the height of (Continued page 6) W. FRANK J REAL ESTATEH LIMITED 177 Church St. Bowmanville 623-3393 BowmanvilleI 623ý-5589I SEVE.N WEE'K S TO XMVAS 7.BIG TUR,.-KEY-,DRAWS at CO RNISH'Sà Red & .White J oin Red & White Xmas Turkey Club With every'$3.OO meat purchase you receive 1 fi form for prizd. 1201bV0 Our- Butcher GARY pi rg T ises Yu satisfaction lIII] thatcan e,.béat SppelàaI1y Selected, by Cc< ree entry wveekIy of ['urkey rom- ineat] mieetRe(à,(] and Wblte BuYers -Lookfo th VaeCbc'Lbl- or th vale-chekIdLà'e vour Guarantep of Finest Quallty. We urge you to corne in to-day and sec ,the, differ-. en(e for yourselt. '~?o S~~' ~c c I i li ~n'tbe Beat", ~8çcciLy~i ~'d rrcnd Beef"l. Round- Sirloin --T-Bone ",well Streaked", Rind ess TREN'u"D BACON "Mild Seasoned"l Pure Pork TREN- MD SAUSG "For Ment Loaves or Burgers" FA~esh Minced"p GROUND BEEFl2 R'a nd »MLut ou u is r * 1; lb 65c l55C lbs 85c Cieamery4 9 Limit 2 to a Custemer Corishs Red and Wh'ite ORONO- ONTARIO j * I * i t O I.. THURSDAY to SATtTRDAY - NOV. 7 - 9 The Nutty Professor (Clor) Jerry Lewis, Stela Stevens Also Goli VIsh Bowel (Coter -Aduit) SUNDAY TO WEDYNESDAY - NOV. 10- 13 GI AN T ((101er) Rock Hudson, ElizabUeth Taylor James Dean > ->C, - --: ., - = , C=Z>cb c=,:,