Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Oct 1963, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER Stst, 1963 ' Report From Ottawa 23 OetolYer, 1963 .~xviarini -in particular- con-ý Vetéran members co! Parýlinmenrt 'at for celivery of whoaut to ýk-escribed Monday's mar'ch on Ot- ren.cuirs. tamva by tise S.I.U. as tise most cii3-erl1y demonstraýtion ever seen Spreak:ng on tise mo<tion o! isoý on ParLamenit H*hil. 'wo thousansicnfdnc.Mtr. Pear-son siid, seaemen, drawn from ous aret- 'eo usi show ,vthiaiCanada, ansi ea8tern Canuada uthrana 4:15 Lice ansirsodli trade un on- on Monday aftternoon mwýtisamu rsniiniiCanilda, is big.ger than M.ýr. mita-y precision. At that poiýnt ak, nitia C'inadianTiov- tbey lea bee-n standing on tise --intsnegogtooini- front ]awn of the Centre Block for ile d by theise 1ega-i action ansi over four hours. pressureof one wb as destî-oy- Thse genera] good conduct t ftVi seainen llnderiined the. statement of S.I.U. President Hal Ban'ks that ti>e laet thing hée wanted at tisaiî poijnt was '4trotible with tise cops.l it also underlined the dsc pine exerci sed by Banks andci hs S.I.U. officers over members of the un- ion Which he' controls with an iron The men showed a total devotton to Banks as he -moved among1 tisera like a demi god, expecting and roceiving the tribute that might be accorded to tise divne ciie! of some romote tribe. Chsain smoking cigarettes which he grips between his- teeth "Prince Hal" spoke only tbrough clenched teeth. Speaking to membersof 'thse S.U. it was readily apparent that they had been convinced ai- iost beyond hope of redemption. ttat Hal Banks was the beginning and tise end'.,-WMie there wero a few meinbers, such as one soaman from Windsor wilh whom I spoke, wiso attended tirough fear of re- taliation f rom Banks, it was ob- vious that tise great majority oPl- the delogatilon were tisere iecauso ot a condittoned reflex of doing what Banks ordered tisem to do! Tise searnmen had nt read thse No6rrîs Report.. they had pot, looked at thse Trustee Act thiey wore flot interested in thse tacts. They were handed a mnimeo- graphed sheet tssued by S.I.U. Moadquarte rs descrîbing the S.I.U. version of the labour dinputeý-and coi.tainiing a distorted and com- pletely inaccurato version o! the Trustee lçgislation. These men wýere quite satisfied with the Banks version of the dispute. Why listen to the other sido? - Moanvhile in the House of Coin n-osMr. Pearýson, re-affîrmed! that thie govornitient would meet the challenge 0f Banks. In this niove he had the support of or- ganîzed labour wh'ch lias / ýen eïtri barrassed and dlamaged by the brand 0f trade unionism practlced by Hai Banks and tihe S.I U. it ,vas obvious tisai S.I.U. members wouid have ,te be re-educa ted. They would bave to ho shown the advantages cf dean andi domocrat- le trade unlenism. "They viill bave to0e ho swn tisai they cannot, with impsu-s y, amage the, cause of eïgan.zed iabour and the Yna- tional interest," tise Pr ime M a-_ ister said. Another challenge was throavn ai thse govei'nment as Mr. Diefeni- baker rnoved a no-confidence nie- tî'en, readlng tisat "tise govera- rii(--st, because ef its confusion, ln- c onsistency andi pusillanimeus danwdJing and delays in taking ef- fective action has encouraged caos approacli ng anarchy te de- velop on the great lakes, tise sea- wýtay, andi in several C5inad -an po,-ýs, thereby causing disrupLioný ini shippig and tise pla'hng in jopryof essenýtai trade lui H0d.. 1~ - :. c-c- CoU VOIS' ]CPfl sG~] I hiîî5î b 3] i I J; ~ GI toI VI su, t- own union." if Mr. Diefenbaker had expected support from tise smal-ler dpPo- sition parties( be was soon to be disapixxnted. Tise nex<t speaker, N.D.P. leaderý, T. C. Douglas, sa~d I do flot share the v.ew that the gvornmont bas dawdled in tise matter ef d-ealing witb the Norris Report. 1 thiflk thit UP Conference Qiscuss-es tUhdusýtrie's, Tax Share is iidustr-ys share of munkicpalI unsolvýed." taxatînionafaiir one, or is it cx-- Th (i d:fferences ia taxation cessive*? This question came up j freinpace10plaýe -Mr., DavI S for discussion aitithe fifthis nnual attrlbnitedWto ise id of experi- [adugtrial and Municipal Rela- enced, and edcucatesi a.ssessors., biens Conference, hels iniiieter- "A'W.I'tl ntwo V e,;I o xpoc~t borougis recenily. Somne 200 dole-i at assesseors w.:11 ai-I have '10 gales from industry, commerce pass an exazns 1 ebtalni a I censo, ansin mncipal gevemrments atten- lio said. desi tise conference, sponsore«' by, tise LUake Ontarlo Development As- Herbert A. Waltson, C. A., of sociation, and heard a sate of -jLic,5ay. / püke ef giving cottage speakers thiat ilncludessitise Hon. owners a far sisare of their tax C:narles M. Drury, federai min- dllar. ,At present un-represented ,er of industrly. on n ost town andi tuownshi~p coun- eils, these people, ho saisi, bave Michael D. Goldriick, dirocor of to suibsidize year-round dwellers._ tise Bureau o! Municipal Researcis,"Tisese people sisoulsi ho given loninto, tolsi the delegates tisai sasideration ansi their tax moey g overamenit grants tend W f&vOuf usesi for- watptr polluio n cntrol the residential taXpayer, l'eaving rallier tian e,ý(ucatioP," rWt industry to carry an ever beavi-er son saisi. unïtil now thyey have taken tise mise -Ien. Ho a"v'sed muncipalities S.unmmarising thse di"suSsion course of examining and exploringto provide a favourable tax at- olairman J M. Appleton o! Peter- every alternative-in the hope tisa nuospisere as the nuost effective boruhsi httetxto it may net be necess-ary to take way to attract industry. Indus- roulmi sai ona ie t\axaton this very radical andi far-reacis ng tries, ise saisi, 1ook for tbis at- problte csonery tthesgoit step." Continuing. Mr. Douglas, mosphere rather tisan any imn-&w h onrbtts on iwheretaxnavers are going to be urged tise goverrnment, "nlow, diate concessions Wben Iocaig when ail hope of a privato trus;ee- M. .Maorpednte sisip is gone, not to hesitate any WM.c.esior Wester Cna oim longer but tW act decisively and, linhsWedsteronuaganiad atiser1 above all, to act bunaanely in theisedoCbursi htrhe inteest oftheworkrs onorn.tian a reshuffling 0f already ex- iereî ftsewskr crer istinrg taxes, W1hat -Canada neess is to stDimulate groWtb. Giving an- example, ho s'aid tisai if Cana- Speaking for tise Social Crodit , could reduce taxes to 40 per Party (Tisomipson variety) H. A. cent of thse present level andi t<ius Oison said tisat bis, party would compote W grater advantlage on net support tise vote of no-con- tise worl markiet, -the increaisesi fidence. ",If thoro ever was a produciity wouid go a long way tirne whon there was neesi for ful to suppîy thse needed tax revenues. support.of tise government by Par- iasuent if is now." Replying 10 a statement mrnade by Mayor A. MeLean Haig of Tise newest group in tise House, BelleviJ1le, to thse effert tisat ho. just that day accordosi a soating id nover k twnile iii' rate Wo arrangement which identified tiseinIdecline after tiarrii of 'ti'a as a, separato group, aiso refused ne industry, Mr. Mal-lory ques- to support tise Conservative motion tioned wsetiner tine mi-il rate will of noiconfidence. Creditiste Leadi- be roduced, but said that tise or Real Çaouetto sediSthe motion new industry cex4inly b.1rolughit i-ovosi by Mr. Diefenbaker would.more money to tihe îown. do notisin-g tg assist a quick settle- Mayor Haig feared t-t any tax muent et the difficultios. roduction otis-er, than rosidential Tise formai division of Uic House would have grave e qecs Tu-edny venng sewed enî New industries, ho saidÀ, brouglis Coneserativs supponw e- i-m- -tieir sare o! probloms Withs the-n, confidence mnotion. N.D.P., Soc- one efthlie btgîgest of tbem ýbei!ng iai Credit and Cred tisteFDýYtai 0f education-supplying new joned witb tihe Liberals 10 da. ent scisools for tise werkers' chAdron. the mtion137 t 79.rzewindustries g',ve us a bei- tisesel motin 7 1e79 1er'community," ho saisi, "but do mRPsseil yr.net rsake il less expensîvo." When questioeesibout educatioufiS increasýin-g demand on taxes,, Mayor Haig saisi ho sirengly fav- REPRT F CNCE CA~ oured pu,ýting sciseols on 'double shifts. Tiss would at leas. reduc In giving a report of tise tr1 itise cesi et builddngs. canvas, tise Campaga Ciairnman, ' O. W. Larry, cierk comptroile.r Mr. Les Sinale, wished teOXec-ess tfite town of Trenton, s i his sincere thankls teo ail tise Cap- indu - 'ý:y tendesi te gat2hier arou.sd tains and canvassîers wise dd bc-eh sucil areas as tise ",dO'den hO,?,se a vonderiful job. shee", near Torenito, favoureci bv Tis fe'~yrtgarereslîset iecleseness te markets,ý resorîrces, eyngo11,,ias: sut o heansi finances. M uncipaite Capta in .' Mr. H. Gib1sen shouflsi net aui tl these attracetions by "staqcking" tayes a-,u!.nt ile iShaw's Scisool ..........875 dustrit's that settie in lois deve?- Newcastle................ 181 27 oped aroas, ho said. -Brown's Sciseel........... 29.68! J. Edward DJavis, assesieent Area 9 Scisool District.. 63.25 commîssioner for tise city of Captain - Mu. L. Sinalo Poteribereugh, laid mosi e! tise Newtonvile and -aine, for industry's largo sharo Crookosi Creok.......... 58.50 o! taxaien at tise door o! tise Port Granby andi Asse-ssme-+* Actof 1904, tise body Lake Shore............ 10.00 o! laws tsai stili reg'ulatos assess- Cowanv "1.e............... 11i.50 mont in spite of the vory diffoer Starkville ...... 26.50 ont conditions that exists today. Keda~............... 6750 To make rnat'terO worse, ho saud Capa . iV~. . ell 1tise twe recent assessmsent man- Anleh Ms.C. White 25.00 unis have added totise confusion, OC: Scisol Sections "It wo'ilclstakef ren five m-ontisý - £ P &iien ...... 41.50O te a year fer aîîy assessor te ah-' Les3kard- Mrs. R. sors tise contents cf the nv Thompson -........ Il 41.00 manuals," ho sagisi. "The olsi 1950 Mrs. hSneiders - Figure Skatingý manual provides a seuissibas- Cluisbtbay rb rs milremair, ....e .-......290.70 _____yprblm Kuv Mr. Rutiserford 43 011 'a- Uion i c-t t. r-'a'd- 65.25 11050 - 1t \- 5&V's tte 44,75 GO. 1 1.00 Mrin.L. ,Sn- M li - Phne 43 OonoT heoeverali total fer Ifowman- ville ýand district wa3 $5,588.50, SL tii-J Xrî t-i t tt~t '. r el-~'sc-' t i-i ~i i~~ti i - i v I-E. L-ng Lt - i p ni - J ins, - i d jng Lekard -15 pc-s. nirisu ---- 00 rpin Surý1ay t!ehol :Onune-- 10:00 ar. Les.kard - 1:45 p.m. irýby -2-00 po'-. unable to absorb ise intrease in taxcation is near. Hoe urged that dologates do wbat tlseY can 10 charge thse situation in a demio- oratic manner, espmcially by ex- orting inSisience on local mein- bers of Parliament. MrnDustry, adesdrtise d9eregar indstyaque in the een, a i3 expalanetnthe hroe e0f bds J, epanen thef ti overofmei sr p amn the vernTe prtne wp a,4 rJnd, e s 2 ,to rThe~ wtisfr-d esabiis t,~ owi theprovemesn etndu.s'àtyrd wmpod workfhandn-and thed or Depatn n fden e i s duction to do s0. 0 UNDERBODY 0i CORROSIONg STex;aco- e Under Spray Is Inexpe.nsive o A full year of security wiIl cost about a th-' ÈJ0f thse 0 ~~ost of a old-fashioned asphaltie treatment. Tlis,, 0 mlPes otil1i&y will repay YOU iflanyi times ove Pn grenier <safetI, peace of mind, longer x ehicle liie and fuller prîce protection when trade-in tinSO g pcormes around.g 0 ERNEI L OWE GARGE 0 " rno nt.*h'e 21 IT'S~ WHT -c-lrsi-f. ~ , , - -J - t l c Is lt Here's the ïînsîle story of the new WLFURNACE " An oi! flame that st2r's cean ansidty eean. " No seet (rm you clJrsney o nyu hom e. e Owners rpr i- save one g-51 -c 11 où,ot tthce. " Elimnsation of se and carbe.) n menus trouble-freceopera- lion. " provide- its osvn com'bstsion. air flow -ne chinicy dnîfi " ThIermios tat-coi - lrolled heua is even- and Msiady. i - "t Oroo Fel LuberLt&. PHONE 14816, ORONO, ONTARIO L.S.-owned firms bo gvenn i independeisce in !,'searceh and die- volopinent, the produc t-on et c -m- plete merchand se, a-i -omo" tion fkor expori markets,- s<-î tisai representatives of sucb fdi"Imo ondorse tis policy and pass Ît &,long to tise parent ornpanies. In a pýess confererice prior to* hiis speech, Mr. Drury saisi rie ftvours a'ttractng industry bl; moans of, incentives, rather t'i vu by gaverninent direction.Hesic biis dopartinent basi made asar Ln a task of building up Canac., fl mnanuf.aet-ring ln tise automOt've parts industry. Ho declinesi tc make any comment on recexit press criticisras of bis policy by U.S. iSecretary Luther Hosiges, but did say tisat 1his type Of arlg- uiment is not weiceme and mohe'ks thse resolution cdf prObloins nMare difficult. Chairman and, organizer .f Uho conference was Read Budgs e! Port Hope.

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